I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1198 The Force of the Phoenix That Doesn't Exist

Chapter 1198 The Force of the Phoenix That Doesn't Exist
"Teacher, is there really another power in my body?" Phoenix Girl asked cautiously after seeing Charles fell silent, "That is to say, I can't control my own power because of the power in my body. Not just one force?"

"That's not the case, you haven't mastered your own power, it's just because you are not proficient in your own power..." Qin Gelei looked at Phoenix Girl and shook her head, and said softly, "If you can master the power you originally possessed, for Your mastery of the power of the phoenix is ​​also of great help, so you have to face up to your own power, don't be afraid of it, and try to accept it."

"That's right, Qin, because you once lost control of your power, you have been unable to face your own power. This is also a problem that many fellow mutants will encounter. Now, you from another universe have appeared. This is the best way for you to control your own power." Great opportunity..."

"Can I really do that?" Phoenix Girl subconsciously looked at Qin Gelei with a hint of hesitation on her face. For her other self, or more mature self, Phoenix Girl was subconsciously kind.

"Yes, you can, Logan, you are here to help, Charles, help me protect the law!" Qin Gelei nodded with a smile, her expression looked a little excited, but also a little apprehensive, and more, it was a deep yearning with expectations.

"Guardian?" Charles couldn't help being stunned for a moment after hearing Jean Grey's words, and then he realized what it meant to be a guardian, but Charles didn't quite understand why he didn't wait until he entered the Xavier Academy for Geniuses for such an important matter. Do it have to be in this courtyard?
However, before Charles reminded Qin Gelei, Qin Gelei had already released her thoughts and stroked Phoenix Girl's head.

"No!" Phoenix Girl seemed to feel a huge pressure at this time, she subconsciously wanted to resist another world herself, or in other words, another power in Phoenix Girl wanted to resist Qin Gelei's approach.

"Huh?" Qin Gelei felt joyful at the first moment when she felt Phoenix Girl's resistance, but soon, Qin Gelei froze in place, watching the other power of Phoenix Girl completely awaken.

"This is?" Logan's mouth on the side was also slightly open, and Logan and Jean Grey, who possessed strong perception abilities, were also a little stunned, and then subconsciously looked at Charles beside him and asked, "This is her negative force?"

"Yes, this is the negative power of Qin? Wait, what do you mean, this is not the power of the Phoenix?" Charles heard something wrong in Logan's words, and he looked at Qin Gree and Logan with some hesitation asked.

"Yeah, it's not the power of the phoenix..." Qin Gelei looked very lonely. She originally thought that there was another young self in this world with the power of the phoenix, so she could use the power of the phoenix. Zhili contacted his son Ronye to learn about his recent situation.

But Qin Gelei didn't expect that the phoenix girl in this world has the nickname of phoenix girl, but she doesn't have the power of the phoenix.

"Jin, first help control Qin's power back!" Just when Qin Gelei was lonely, Charles hurriedly shouted at Qin Gelei, at this time, the spiritual power of the blackened Phoenix girl was constantly raging If it cannot be stopped, it may cause huge damage to the surroundings.

Especially this spiritual force is much stronger than when Charles suppressed it. At this time, Charles felt that his spiritual power could no longer suppress this force!

"Pfft!", as soon as Charles' voice fell, his figure flew out of the wheelchair, and fell to the ground in some embarrassment.

"I in another world, have you succumbed? Have you lost the power that should belong to you?" Phoenix Girl's entire face was dark black, perfectly showing the external expression of blackening, and even directly directed at Qin Ge Rae scoffed.

"You don't know the power of the phoenix at all, because you are not the power of the phoenix at all..." Qin Gree came back to her senses when she heard the words of the Phoenix girl, and said with disdain as she glanced at the Phoenix girl.

"No!" As Qin Gelei's voice fell, the sub-tian father's powerful strength erupted from Qin Gelei's body, controlling all the spiritual power raging around, causing Phoenix Girl to shout in horror, "Impossible! Didn't you lose my power? How could you be so powerful?!"

However, Phoenix Girl didn't yell for too long, and soon, the darkness on Phoenix Girl's face quickly receded, and she sat slumped on the ground, looking a little flustered.

"What's going on here?" Charles who was on the side was carried back into the wheelchair by Logan, and he looked at Jean Grey in surprise and asked.

The power that the Phoenix Girl erupted just now was already strong enough, but when she faced Qin Gree, she was vulnerable to a single blow. Charles could no longer imagine how powerful Qin Gree was in front of him...

"She is different from me. What she possesses in her body is not the power of the phoenix..." Qin Gelei sighed softly, and explained, "If what she possesses is the real power of the phoenix, then you are in her body just now. When the power erupts, it will be directly shaken into the molecular structure and dissipated completely, because in our universe, you, the second life, died like this."

"You!" Charles shrank his pupils when he heard Qin Gelei's words. He naturally knew what Qin Gelei said about the second life, which was also the biggest secret in Charles' heart.

"The power in your body is not the power of the phoenix as I thought. It is far below the level of the power of the phoenix..." Qin Gelei did not look at Charles, but looked at the still-shocked Phoenix girl and said.

"However, it is precisely because this power is far inferior to the power of the phoenix, so you can grasp it better. In sum, it is indeed a negative power, which is condensed from the negative emotions in your heart when you awaken the power ..."

"I was wrong about your situation before. You can't control your own power. It is indeed related to this negative power, because your two powers are essentially one. It's just because of your own power. Disgust, eventually condensed into two kinds."

"So, when you truly accept that negative force, it is the time when you have fully mastered your own abilities, and you are no longer afraid of losing control!"

"Can I really master this kind of power?" Phoenix Girl asked anxiously with a flash of hesitation in her eyes.

"Why can't you? Although you don't have the power of the phoenix, we are still the same person in essence. What I can do, why can't you do it?" A trace of loneliness flashed in Qin Gelei's eyes, but Soon he looked at Phoenix Girl and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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