I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1112 The Nick Fury Story Ends

Chapter 1112 The Nick Fury Story Ends
"So, does this guy really not plan to come out? Is there a way to keep him alive in this metal coffin?" Dr. Hulk stepped forward to look at the perfectly fitted metal coffin, and then said with some surprise.

"This metal coffin seems to be made of vibrating gold. So much vibrating gold is used for this? This Nick Fury is really extravagant!"

"If it's not Zhenjin, what if Nick Fury can guarantee his own safety?" Iron Man shrugged, glanced at the Zhenjin coffin and said, "If you think about it, Nick Fury can not only maintain his body in this metal coffin Vitality, and even being able to see what's happening outside us from inside!"

"However, Zhenjin is not so easy to destroy. I remember that Thor's Hammer couldn't hurt even a little Zhenjin..."

Since Huang Wen and his avengers from the universe came across, even if there were variables such as the Thanos Legion, the vibrating gold shield of the US team was not smashed on the spot.

In addition, in the two images given by Huang Wen, there is no picture of Thanos' double-edged sword cutting off the vibrating gold shield, so in the eyes of the Avengers, the vibrating gold shield is still indestructible.

"It's just vibrating gold. In our universe, vibrating gold has been cut off countless times. Those students used only a small amount of vibrating gold weapons because they have better weapons." Choose..." Thor glanced at Iron Man lightly, and said with a sharp breath in the storm battle ax in his hand.

In terms of simple materials, the Storm Ax is not as unsolvable as the original Adamantium alloy, but the Storm Ax can perfectly display Thor's strength, the strength of the heavenly father, and it is not necessary to destroy Zhenjin. What a difficult task!

As Thor's voice fell, the pupils of all Nick Fury in the metal coffin shrank slightly, and then Heimdall shook his head slightly at Thor, indicating that he did not know which Nick Fury It's his real body.

"Then kill them all, it doesn't matter, even if this guy survives as a bionic human, I won't feel comfortable psychologically!" Thor snorted coldly, and the powerful thunder force erupted again, and the sky There was loud thunder, and dark clouds floated in the universe, as if a cosmic storm had formed.

But in the end, all the power was integrated into the Storm Axe, and the next moment, the Storm Ax slashed towards the metal coffin in front of him with an indomitable momentum.

With a sound of "Shua!", when the storm battle ax ended at the metal coffin, the powerful force of the law directly destroyed the molecular structure in the vibrating gold, and then the storm battle ax easily split the metal coffin, along with the Nick Fury was also chopped into two pieces, and was slowly turned into black coke by the power of Thunder.

At this time, the situation in the metal coffin was also revealed. There is indeed a device to maintain life, and there is also a screen inside. It should be that Nick Fury was peeping every move of the outside world.

Theoretically, there should be a button to open the metal coffin inside, but I didn't see it at this time, and I don't know if it was destroyed by the power of the storm battle axe.

"Nick Fury, this is just the beginning. I don't know which one is your true self, but this does not hinder me. I will kill you all and avenge the dead fellow Asgardians!" Thor said coldly Looking at the metal coffins one after another, he said in a cold voice.

"And me, I will let Nick Fury you die in despair!" Fat House Thor also stood up at this time, he understood another way to destroy Zhenjin by himself, with his sub-celestial father Strength can do the same.

Therefore, Fat House Thunder God feels that he can't let the other self do everything. He is the god king of Asgard in this universe. Even if he is not as powerful as the other self, he can't fall behind too much !

Soon, Fat House Thor made a decisive move. His speed and power were slower than Thor's, but the vibrating gold coffin did not stop his Storm Axe, nor did Nick Fury inside. Died under the storm battle ax of the fat house thunder god.

"Nick Fury's bionic technology is so superb that it is impossible to tell which one is his bionic and which is his real self..." Iron Man looked at Nick Fury who kept dying. , the mood gradually returned to calm, or in other words, watching Nick Fury die too many times, he has become numb and has no feeling.

It's just that Nick Fury's bionic technology did attract Iron Man's attention, and he even started to pay attention to this bionic technology.

Anyway, Nick Fury also stole Iron Man's Ark reactor, so what's the big deal if Iron Man stole a technology from him?

"You said, the person who was almost killed by Hydra back then, or has already been killed, could it be Nick Fury's bionic man?" Captain America watched Nick Fury die one after another in front of him, suddenly Suddenly thought of something, asked the black widow looking at the side.

"It's not impossible, or it's highly probable..." Black Widow was silent for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Based on our reflexes, Nick Fury wanted to fake death to deceive us, and It's not that easy, so it's just a bionic person who died, or we've never seen Nick Fury's real body, as long as it appears, it should be his bionic person!"

"This guy, it's already hard to tell the truth from the fake..." Captain America sighed softly, watching the metal coffins gradually decrease, and Nick Fury all slowly dying, suddenly Captain America's eyes moved slightly, as if Found something and walked towards the wreckage of one of the metal coffins.

"What's the matter?" Everyone looked over one after another, only Thor and Fat House Thor continued to fight, showing no intention of stopping.

"This thing, none of these coffins before, is it a device to open the metal coffin?" Captain America picked up a small device on the ground and asked.

"In other words, this guy is Nick Fury's true self? I really didn't expect that he didn't reveal it until he died, so he can be regarded as the king of secret agents..." Iron Man's eyes flickered slightly, Said with some emotion.

While talking, Thor and Fat House Thor still had no intention of stopping, and insisted on cutting open all the metal coffins. They didn't care whether Nick Fury's real body was dead or not, as long as there was someone who looked like Nick Fury alive , they will solve it!

"There is no one who looks like Nick Fury anymore in the world..." After Thor cut open the last metal coffin, along with Heimdall's words, everyone knew that the story of Nick Fury finally came to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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