I opened a martial arts gym in Meiman

Chapter 1111 The Coffin I Prepared

Chapter 1111 The Coffin I Prepared
Nick Fury's experience as an agent for many years told him that an event that could endanger his life was happening. Nick Fury subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but found that this was his last hiding place.

"Could it be that I'm really going to be planted here today? No way?" Nick Fury couldn't help murmuring with an inexplicable look on his face.

Nick Fury has encountered life-and-death crises before, or in other words, after being an agent for so many years and experiencing so many extraordinary events, Nick Fury has long been used to life-and-death crises.

It is also so many years of experience that made Nick Fury what he is now, a king of secret agents who is in the late stage of persecution paranoia and wants to hold all supernatural powers in his hands.

However, even at this time, Nick Fury didn't feel that he had done anything wrong. If the Asgardians could really help humans evolve, then Nick Fury only hated that the power he controlled was too weak. Successfully captured the Asgardians and helped all mankind to improve.

"Let's try again at the end. If you are still found, then you can only blame my fate..." Nick Fury took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he quickly made a decision .

Soon Nick Fury activated all the bionics, and then pressed a red button, the metal coffins were opened one by one, Nick Fury and the bionics entered the metal coffins, and then the metal coffins were quickly closed, Then merged into the ground.

With a sound of "hum!", just as the metal coffin was just closed, a powerful force of space bombarded the base where Nick Fury was.

The space defense device on the outer layer of the base is fully fired, constantly colliding with that powerful space force, but unfortunately, the space defense technology researched by Nick Fury from the space gem is still not as good as Asgard's Rainbow Bridge .

In other words, the energy source that Nick Fury has here is really too little. A giant ark reactor is not enough to support the space defense device to collide with the Rainbow Bridge while disturbing the space.

That's right, the energy source of this secret base is a giant ark reactor.

This so-called exclusive research result of the original Stark family, not only the Vanke family has the same technology, but Nick Fury, the biggest moth in S.H.I.E.L.D., naturally also has a share.

If it weren't for the fear of Tony Stark's identity and his unwillingness to be exposed, Nick Fury would have been able to shrink the Ark reactor as early as Iron Man was born to create the same steel suit.

It's just that at that time, Nick Fury was still supporting the Avengers plan, so naturally he wouldn't let the Iron Armor fly all over the sky, making Iron Man lose the meaning of existence.

Moreover, Tony Stark's creativity is indeed beyond Nick Fury's reach. The continuous upgrade of the Iron Armor can only be done so well by Tony Stark, the authentic Iron Man...

At this time, with the continuous collision between the Rainbow Bridge and the space defense device, the energy of a giant ark reactor was finally exhausted, and the Rainbow Bridge broke into the secret base forcefully. Thor and everyone in Asgard still have revenge The writers are here.

"I really didn't expect that Nick Fury's secret base was hidden so deep..." Iron Man looked around the layout of the secret base, and said with some emotion, "I heard that he embezzled the funds of S.H.I.E.L.D. One-third of them built all kinds of secret bases for themselves, which seems to be true!"

"By the way, that seems to be your ark reactor?" Dr. Hulk asked while pointing to the huge ark reactor.

"I saw it, and I don't bother to talk about him. After all, we already know what kind of person Nick Fury is. It's normal for him to steal my Ark reactor technology, isn't it?" Iron Man shrugged Shrugging, he said nonchalantly.

From Iron Man's point of view, Nick Fury's previous behavior has already sentenced Nick Fury to death. Even though the United States does not support this, but anyway, the executioner is the God King of Asgard, who has absolute strength. Put Nick Fury on trial.

Moreover, no one on earth will stand up to speak for Nick Fury at this time, and no one will ask for bail to extradite Nick Fury and the like.

Even Black Widow and Hawkeye are no exception. After all, the two of them are not stupid, not to mention that Nick Fury was at fault first, even if there is no fault, whether Nick Fury is more important than the safety of the entire earth is more important to them. able to distinguish clearly.

"However, where's Nick Fury?" Captain America looked around at the secret base, but didn't see a figure, and said with some hesitation, "Do you think Nick Fury has other secret bases? Is this just a cover?"

"I don't think there is such a possibility. After all, this kind of guy who is in the late stage of persecution paranoia can't be too cautious..." Iron Man spread his hands and said in agreement.

"No, Nick Fury is in this secret base, or in other words, he is underground..." Thor looked at Heimdall, Heimdall shook his head, pointed to the ground and said, "Nick Fury put himself into a metal coffin, and put him together, and there are many others, it seems that he wants to confuse the public!"

"Metal coffin? He prepared it for himself early. He thought of it a long time ago. Will he have such a day?" Iron Man raised his brows and sneered.

"Silly girl, help me control this secret base!" Thor glanced at Iron Man who was standing still and taunting, but had no intention of making a move, then raised his watch and said.

"Under control..." Soon, the Sha Niu subroutine began to run. After the Sha Niu evolved, as a Sha Niu subroutine, it also evolved. The independent computing power and intelligence of a single Sha Niu subroutine, It is no lower than the silly girl who was just born.

That said, even if the Jarvis of this universe was still around, it wouldn't be able to compare to Silly Girl's subroutine in this respect, let alone Friday or something.

With a sound of "hum!", as the silly girl began to control the base, one metal coffin after another soon rose out of the ground, but these metal coffins had no intention of opening.

"The setting procedure for opening this metal coffin is one-time, that is to say, after it is opened once, this metal coffin can no longer be opened through control..." The explanation of the silly girl subroutine soon sounded, making people Everyone couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

It can only be said that Nick Fury is worthy of being Nick Fury, he is really a generation of ruthless people, who actually cut off his own way out, and wanted to use this to ensure his own way of life...

(End of this chapter)

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