Chapter 11
When Li Er arrived at the entrance of the alley, he saw Li Xianying slumped on the ground in a panic. He was holding a little boy tightly in both hands, and Hei Zaiwen had already disappeared. Obviously, the repair ability of the plot was better than that of Li Xianying. [-]. The wings of this chaotic little butterfly are stronger.

"Li Er, call an ambulance, I shot a child, call an ambulance!" Li Xianying saw Li Er running over, her confused eyes suddenly cleared, and she shouted loudly.

"It's too late for the ambulance!" Li Er answered loudly while reaching out to stop a blue car.

"Get in the car! Quick!" Li Er pulled down the female driver in the car, got into the driver's seat, and stepped on the clutch, ignition, and accelerator with one foot.

After Li Xianying rushed into the car with the little boy in his arms, Li Er only realized that he didn't seem to have driven a right-hand car before.

"Drive, drive! The nearest is Maria Hospital."

At this time, Li Xianying was already anxiously urging, and now every second of delay may kill the child's life.

Can't handle so much anymore.

While Li Er lifted the clutch with his left foot, he stepped on the accelerator with his right foot to the end, and the car instantly ejected and started, rushing out 'shuttle-'.

"My car, that's my car, bastard!" The female driver, who was forcibly pulled out of the car by Li Er, jumped and scolded with her face flushed.

"what happened?"

Wen Jianren waited for the aftermath of the police to arrive, just to see Li Er rushing out in a car.

"Officer, I'm going to call the police, but that person stole my car!" The female driver yelled angrily when she saw the police officer card on Wen Jianren's chest.

"Uh! That's our buddy just now, maybe it's a case-handling request!" Wen Jianren's face suddenly stiffened, and he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to call Li Er.

After Li Er drove the car out of the road, he realized that the driving skills of the right-hand car and the left-hand car were actually not much different. I don't know if it was because of his nervousness and high concentration. Li Er went straight all the way. Unobstructed, constantly overtaking, driving faster and faster.

"Li Er, what's going on?" Wen Jianren picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly.

While grabbing the steering wheel, Li Er pressed the walkie-talkie and shouted loudly: "Wen sir, when Ah B was chasing the criminal, he accidentally hit a child and is now on his way to the hospital."

Wen Jianren's face turned pale, and he rushed to the street. This operation was directed by him, and his promotion was in vain.

"Where's Ah B's shovel, let him talk to me!" Wen Jianren scolded angrily.

"Wen sir, now is not the time to be held accountable. I'm rushing to Maria Hospital, driving a blue BMW. Now I'm entering Weide Street. Help me to call the nearby traffic police to help clear the way!" Li Er While talking and driving, he accidentally ran into the ditch.

After Wen Jianren heard Li Er's words, he felt relieved. Yes, yes, there was still a remedy. Ah B's thrashing in the street only hit the child, not killing anyone. Maybe he could be saved. Wen Jianren hurriedly informed him. Traffic police near Vader Street helped.

"Dude! Here!" Li Er had already seen two patrol motorcycles, and hurriedly rolled the car window and reached out to signal.

"Wen sir, inform the hospital to prepare for emergency rescue. We are rushing to it with all our strength. You continue to chase Hei Zaiwen. If you let him run away, we will really lose this time." Li Er followed behind the patrol motorcycle. go.

Wen Jianren's heart tightened again just after he was relieved. He turned his head and found that the CID police officers around him were all staring at him in a daze, and scolded angrily: "You idiots, what are you doing here, hurry up and chase the black. Ziwen."

After Wen Jianren finished speaking, he took the lead and ran out. The other CID police officers also chased after him, leaving only the BMW female driver who was clamoring to complain about Li Er, who was messy in the wind. Are all the police like this now?There is no one to take care of the reporter?

"Save him, save him quickly, please, please save him!" Before Li Er's car stopped, Li Xianying kicked the door of the car and rushed into the hospital with the unconscious little boy in his arms. On the other hand, he had received the notice 10 minutes ago and sent the person to the emergency room soon.

Li Xianying was stopped by the nurse outside the rescue room. He curled up in the corner with a face of pain. Li Er didn't want to see the other party's vulnerable moment, and he couldn't help here, so he simply turned and left.

"Crack!" Wen Jianren slapped the table fiercely, he was about to scold Li Xianying, when he saw Li Xianying squatting in the corner with a decadent look, Wen Jianren stopped scolding. Li Er is right, now is not the time to be held accountable.

"Abiao, has the wanted order been issued? We must search Hei Zaiwen as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely run away." Wen Jianren shouted to a middle-aged police officer.

"The wanted order has been applied for, it should be released in the afternoon, and the photos of Hei Ziwen have been given to them." A Biao quickly stood up and replied.

"I don't want it, I want your exact information, run again right away!" Wen Jianren shouted angrily. He knew the efficiency of the police force. He said that it was in the afternoon. Order, they will definitely delay until tomorrow, and Hei Ziwen may run away tonight.

A Biao quickly ran out.

"Is there any news about the other young and dangerous boys who mixed with Hei Zaiwen?" Wen Jianren asked again.

More than a dozen people in the CID room bowed their heads, and now Wen Jianren is upright, and no one wants to be a punching bag.

"Li Er, what are your thoughts?" Wen Jianren turned to Li Wen and asked.

"Huh?" Li Er was stunned for a moment.

The other CID police officers also all looked at Li Er. They didn't understand that Wen Jianren would ask Li Er for his opinion. Li Er was a newcomer and was transferred to the CID room a few days ago.

Wen Jianren felt that Li Er was a talent. In the process of sending the little boy to the hospital, Li Er could still think of letting the traffic police department open the way, and at the same time notified the hospital in advance to prepare for the rescue work. He showed the kind of decisive coordination in emergency. The overall thinking is definitely not something that a small police officer can come up with. This guy is a general.

Li Er hadn't answered yet, but A Biao, who had just left, had already run back excitedly.

"Wen sir, the hospital called. The little boy who was shot has been rescued. He has passed the critical period. It is really dangerous. The hospital said that fortunately, it was sent early. If it was 10 minutes late, the child would not be saved. gone."

As soon as A Biao finished speaking, Li Xianying stood up from the chair with a 'rub'. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Li Er gratefully. Li Xianying's head was in such a situation at that time. It was blank, if it wasn't for Li Er's decisiveness, the child would really not be able to be saved.

Li Er's eyes flickered, and it seemed that the flapping wings of his own butterfly had already deviated from the original historical track. Li Er remembered that the original little boy could not be saved.

Wen Jianren breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the child was rescued. His subordinates shot and killed innocent citizens, but he was still a child. Even if Li Xianying was full of the blame, it would affect Wen Jianren, his boss.

"Okay, good, good!" Wen Jianren clapped his hands with joy, stretched out his hand and gave Li Er a thumbs up.

Er, Wen Jianren is now praising Li Er for his decisive decision. In two days, he wants to kill the bastard Li Er.

"Wen sir, if Hei Zaiwen and the others really want to run away, they will definitely find Snaketou Zhang. Li Er and I will find Snaketou Zhang!" After Li Xianying heard that the little boy was all right, his fighting spirit returned. .

Wen Jianren nodded: "Alright, you and Li Er are in charge of blocking Hei Ziwen's escape route, and I'll take the other guys to search overnight."

Li Er raised his hand awkwardly and said, "Wen sir, can you sign a note, I want to apply for a bulletproof vest."

Wen Jianren gave Li Er a stern look: "Hei Zaiwen is just a little gangster who doesn't make it to the top. Don't they still have guns, hurry up and don't waste time!"

Li Er was reluctant to move his footsteps. He watched "Public Servant" a long time ago. Most of the plot has been blurred, and he only vaguely remembers that there seems to be a shootout at the end.

A gun is a good thing in your own hands, but it is a bastard in the hands of the enemy, and a single bullet may make you have no chance to regret it.

"Wen sir, please help open a note! While the gun room isn't off work yet!" Li Er pointed to the fake watch on his hand and said.

Wen Jianren saw Li Er's posture, he might really slack off without a body armor, and helplessly asked someone to print out a form and sign it for Li Er.

"Wen sir, two pieces!" Li Er pointed to himself and Li Xianying and said.

"I don't need it!" Li Xianying said with a wave of his hand.

"I'm hitting your lungs, but there are five people on the other side, five to two, don't fuck your teammates!" Li Er scolded in a low voice: "Wearing a bulletproof vest won't kill you."

"OK, OK, two!" Wen Jianren didn't want to waste time, and quickly filled Li Er with two bulletproof vests.

After Li Er arrived at the gun room and put on the bulletproof vest, he realized why other CID police officers were reluctant to wear bulletproof vests. This thing is really bulky. The body armor Li Er was wearing was at least six or seven pounds. It is heavy, and because of improper storage, there is still a strange smell. The ghost knows how many years it has been stored and no one uses it, but for the sake of life, Li Er decided: be patient.

"A-B, put it on!" Li Er said to Li Xianying. He originally planned to wear two bulletproof vests by himself to be safe, but the bulletproof vests were too heavy and he couldn't squeeze in two of them by himself. Two can only give up.

"Li Er, thank you!" Li Xianying said gratefully in a low voice. If Li Er hadn't made a decisive decision today and killed an innocent child by mistake, he would never have been able to pass his own life.

In fact, in the original plot, Li Xianying did resign later.

"Don't play sensational, don't talk about it if it's a brother!" Li Er gave Li Xianying a white look.

"it is good!"

Li Xianying nodded and put on the bulletproof vest, and then put on the jacket like Li Er. The upper body of the two of them suddenly looked very bloated. The two of them were wearing such thick clothes on a hot day, like two fools.

On the other side, Hei Ziwen and two of his subordinates suddenly crashed into a wooden house and scuffled with the people inside.

"Dafan, I lost your old mother, why did you kill your fellow Taoist and put the blame on me?" Hei Ziwen scolded and kicked a guy with long hair.

The long-haired guy was unprepared. He was punched several times by Hei Zaiwen's sudden rush in at the beginning. After being kicked down by Hei Zaiwen, he quickly crawled under the bed. Hei Zaiwen grabbed his feet and dragged him out. Yes, he already had a pistol in his hand.

"Fight! Keep fighting! Damn it, I shot you." Dafan scolded angrily after spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Hei Zaiwen didn't dare to move any more, only scolded angrily: "Dafan, I have no grievances with you, why did you kill your fellow Daoist and put the blame on me?"

Da Fan's face stiffened, he reached out and patted the shoe print on his chest and cursed, "The Xian shovels under my command also missed, and I accidentally killed Dao Youcheng. I originally planned to throw him in the sewage canal. Those who rushed out of the sea inside, who the hell wanted to blame you."

Hei Ziwen was stunned.

He beat Daoyoucheng the day before yesterday, so when Li Xianying deceived him today, he thought he beat Daoyoucheng to death, so he ran away desperately. Fortunately, he was well-informed and his subordinates found out that it was Dafan. He also beat Daoyoucheng, and he came to cheat Dafan.

Dafan patted Hei Ziwen on the shoulder and said, "You can't run away, the police will definitely settle the account with you."

"Why can't I run away, I didn't kill anyone at all, I'll go and explain to Ah B now!" Hei Zaiwen shouted angrily, he was just a gangster, it's okay to charge some protection fees, he really didn't have the guts to kill.

"Is the explanation useful?" Dafan didn't mind that Hei Ziwen hit him, he spread his hands and said with a smile, "You killed a child today with Ah B. You think he will let you go, and you are also a murderer."

Hei Zaiwen had never read a book, so he was immediately intimidated by Dafan, but no, if it wasn't for him to chase after him, he wouldn't shoot, and he wouldn't kill anyone if he didn't shoot.

"Let's run away together! The note will definitely find me. If you run away, you will need money. I have already thought about it. I have six guns here. We two brothers will cooperate to grab a big tea and rice, and then escape to Taiwan to start again. , I used to have a big brother who did a good job there." Dafan said sincerely, reaching out to Hei Ziwen.

Hei Ziwen was still hesitating, but Dafan had already put the gun in his hand.

"Okay! I'll cooperate with you. After arriving in Taiwan, we've all gone our separate ways. I don't have any intersection with you, the Xian family shovel!" Hei Zaiwen said with a ruthless expression on his face.

"No problem!" Dafan smiled and hugged Hei Ziwen's shoulders.

With the addition of Hei Ziwen, his robbery plan is even more confident.

(End of this chapter)

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