What should I do if I open the wrong plug-in?

Chapter 10 "Public Servants"

Chapter 10 "Public Servants"

After the police confirmed Dao Youcheng's first murder scene, the people from the forensic department finally arrived late. Under Wen Jianren's constant urging, the people in the forensic department had to improve their efficiency, and it only took two hours The cause of Dao Youcheng's death was determined, and Dao Youcheng was beaten to death by a gang.

Gang fight.

The people in the forensic department found multiple wounds on Dao Youcheng's chest, eight ribs were broken in total. These wounds were of different sizes and exerted different force. s damage.

Based on the location of the fist wound on Dao Youcheng's body and Dao Youcheng's height, the people in the forensic department roughly judged the height range of the five murderers who beat Dao Youcheng, which greatly narrowed the scope of the police investigation.

Li Er witnessed the forensic department's ability to restore the case with his own eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart. He is going to become the king of pirates, ahem, he is the man who is going to be the king of assassins. Isn't everyone in the district's forensic department a forensic pioneer?

If you hit the street, you will be killed by the bastard system sooner or later.

"Hi! Dude, what's your name?" Li Er spoke to a fat man in the forensics department with a smile.

"Gao Yanbo!" The little fat man said with a straight face.

"Oh! Sir Gao, can we find the murderer's fingerprints, DNA, etc.?" Li Er asked curiously.

Fatty Gao Yanbo looked at Li Er in surprise: "This sir seems to know a lot about forensic evidence?"

Li Er waved his hand and smiled, "Curiosity, pure curiosity, I've watched too many movies."

The little fat man nodded: "The deceased's body was washed by the sewage in the sewage drain, even if there were fingerprints of the murderer, it would have been destroyed long ago, and the fingerprint database of our police department is too small, only criminals with criminal records have it." Fingerprints are left behind, and if they are found, they will not be of much use to your investigation of the case."

In fact, there is one thing that the little fat man did not tell Li Er, whether it is fingerprint comparison or DNA testing, it will cost money.

In this era, the police department does not pay much attention to forensic evidence. The budget allocated to the forensic department is extremely low every year. The bosses of the forensic department also restrain their subordinates. Eagle is a sand sculpture that pays for itself.

At this time, a police officer from the CID department bought lunch and water for everyone according to Wen Jianren's instructions. It seemed that he planned to let the CID police officer start work immediately after eating.

Li Er opened the lunch box and took a look. It was a box lunch with char siu mixed with roasted duck. He had just seen the corpse of Dao Youcheng. Saliva forensics little fat man.

"Would you like it, I just saw a dead body with no appetite!"

The little fat man quickly took it, and smiled happily: "It's just right, I didn't have breakfast this morning, thank you!"

Although Wen Jianren is not as picky as Li Er, he will not spend the CID department's budget to buy lunch boxes from other departments, so only the CID police officers have this box lunch, and the police officers in the forensic department can only watch others eat.

"Li sir!" The little fat man in the forensics department looked at the police ID that Li Er held on his chest.

"Look at the shoe prints on the ground. These two pairs are the most common patterns on the soles of slippers, and these two pairs of shoe prints have been stepped on many times, so it is difficult to extract the patterns; but—!" the little fat man said here He paused on purpose: "I know the last pair of shoes."

Li Er: "."

The little fat man lifted up his overalls leather shoes while talking: "This is the same style of shoes as mine, and it is a size 12 shoe. There are not many people with such big feet. Usually they are people with a height of 1.8 meters or more. Help you rule out a lot of suspects."

The little fat man winked, with an expression that I didn't eat your lunch for free.

Li Er nodded, thinking to himself that he must never buy unconventional shoes in the future.

The little fat man seemed to be rarely listened to so earnestly, so he couldn't help but continued to whisper to Li Er: "Li sir, if you really arrest this group of murderers, be careful, they just Killing someone is the time when their anger is at its heaviest. At this time, they are fearless and have the mentality of smashing cans and smashing cans. They dare to do anything, and they will definitely fight you to the death if they hit you."

Li Er was stunned for a moment, looked down at the little fat man carefully, and asked, "How do you know this?"

"Reading and observing, our police force has a lot of old cases. Looking at all the homicide cases, the criminals were very panicked when they just killed someone. They usually find a just excuse to convince themselves that they are passive homicides. If you confront the police at this time, they will definitely resist to the death to prove that they are right." The little fat man said seriously while chopping the rice.

"Then what if they are arrested after a while?" Li Er asked incredulously.

The little fat man smiled affirmatively: "If it drags on for a long time, those criminals will take chances when they find that they have not received the punishment they deserve. , their first thought was not to fight for their lives, but to run for their lives, and it is safe for you to arrest people at this time."

The little fat man in the forensics department said the same thing, which made Li Er stunned for a while.

"Why don't you write your discovery about the shoe print pattern in the appraisal report?" Li Er asked.

The little fat man laughed lowly and said: "I'm not stupid. These are all speculations. Any speculation, no matter how rigorous, has a chance of making mistakes. This kind of murder case is solved thanks to your CID. What about our forensics department?" You can’t get it. If the case changes, don’t you want to shift the responsibility to us. The less you do, the fewer mistakes you will make. Our forensic department should not take the blame for you. You didn’t notice that our forensic department issued a Are all the forensic reports extremely concise? This is for the sake of wrangling you in the future."

Sure enough, ten fat people, nine cheap.

Li Er couldn't help giving the little fat man a middle finger.

Li Er suddenly remembered that the work efficiency of the identification department was extremely low. Now it seems that they may have deliberately delayed until that time, the case was solved, and they issued the identification certificate, which was naturally flawless. Sure enough, every department There are unspoken rules for the operation of each department, which is really a rush.

The little fat man smiled and pointed to the mineral water in Li Er's second hand, and Li Er silently handed over the undrinked mineral water. This little fat man is not only cheap, but also likes to take advantage of it.

"Thank you, sir!" The boxed lunch bought by CID was too salty, and the fat man hurriedly took a sip of mineral water.

On the other side, Wen Jianren has already begun to assign tasks.

Wen Jianren: "Li Er, you and Ah B are in charge of one to five housing estates in Shangcun. Is there any problem?"

"YES, SIR! No problem." Li Er replied decisively.

On such an occasion, even if Li Er really had a problem, he would not immediately refute Wen Jianren. At most, he would raise his opinion with Wen Jianren after the meeting. This is one of the reasons why Wen Jianren likes Li Er.

"Ah B, I just got some information. It might be useful. The murderer may be a small group of five people. One of them is tall and wears a size 12 shoe. Do you have any clue?" Everyone has dealt with each other and asked him in a low voice.

"A group of five people is a group of low-ranking gangsters." Li Xianying frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes sharpened: "Hei Ziwen, they often beat Dao Youcheng, but he only has three subordinates, and he can't help it." No big ones."

"Hi! Brother B, what are you guys doing around the banyan tree?" It was Hei Ziwen's voice, what a coincidence.

Hei Zaiwen held an ice cream in his mouth, pulled his shirt under his armpit, and walked towards Li Xianying with a grumpy face.

Wen Jianren saw that Li Xianying was acting intimately with Young and Dangerous, and his face immediately turned dark.

Li Xianying's eyes flashed, and he suddenly pointed at Hei Ziwen and shouted loudly: "Hei Ziwen, someone saw that you beat Dao Youcheng to death yesterday, you are dead."

Hei Ziwen's expression changed, then he turned around and started running wildly.

All the CID police officers present were stunned by Hei Ziwen's sudden escape.

"Xiao Jiasho, it's really you!" Li Xianying had already chased after him angrily.

Li Er quickly realized that Li Xianying was cheating Hei Ziwen just now, but he didn't expect that the murderer was really him, so he also chased after Li Xianying.

Wen Jianren was overjoyed. He saw Li Xianying and Li Er chasing Hei Ziwen, even a pig understood what was going on.

"Quick, chase them all, and catch that bastard!" Wen Jianren shouted excitedly.

Hei Ziwen was often chased by the police, and his speed was very fast. Fortunately, Li Xianying was not slow, and bit tightly behind Hei Ziwen.

Li Er started fast, but after chasing for three or four hundred meters, he lost his breath. This guy was jogging with sweat profusely, and at the same time his ribs were in pain.

"Wait, Li Xiuxian is chasing the prisoner Hei Zaiwen in the housing estate." Li Er looked at the backs of Li Xianying and Hei Zaiwen, and suddenly became agitated. He suddenly remembered which movie this happened. After a while, Li Xiuxian will miss and kill a little boy.

"Hei Ziwen, you can't escape, stop immediately." Li Xianying shouted angrily while chasing after him.

Hei Ziwen didn't dare to stop when he heard Li Xianying's words, and just ran wildly.

"Ah B, Ah B, you fucking stop!" Enduring the severe pain in his stomach, Li Er hurriedly chased after Li Xianying, holding his breath.

Li Xianying heard Li Er's call, but arresting people was the most important thing. Instead of stopping, he quickened his pace, and it was even more difficult for Li Er to catch up with him.

"Ah B, I'm fucking your mother, stop now, I'm almost out of breath." Li Er held his stomach and chased wildly, while yelling: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, you are on the street!"

As soon as Li Er finished speaking, Li Xianying had already drawn his gun.

Because Hei Ziwen pushed down several passers-by when he was escaping, and one of the elderly was pushed down the stairs by Hei Ziwen, and his head was broken in an instant.

Hei Ziwen turned around an alley, Li Xianying turned there without hesitation, and the two disappeared before Li Er's eyes.


A shot rang out.

Li Er's heart felt cold, he only hoped that his butterfly's wings would be big enough.

(End of this chapter)

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