The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 80 Calculation (Thanks to the book friend 20170602182524069 for the reward)

Chapter 80 Calculation (Thanks to the book friend 20170602182524069 for the reward)

Under the night, the traffic flow on the Los Angeles freeway is endless, and the lights are staggered, revealing an extraordinarily beautiful scene.

Suddenly, the four cars that were walking together suddenly separated, two of them suddenly turned into a fork, and the other two followed a limousine along the original route .

In fact, on the surface, Lisbon's handling is still very appropriate. She and Beckett each took Kevin and Lisbon to the car that West was originally in.Although the four are weaker in frontal combat, there are two commanders, and it is very convenient to communicate with the Los Angeles Police Department. If there is a real need, it is not a problem for them to mobilize the police force to round up West.

On the other hand, Esposito and Zhou Jinbao, two masters from the army, followed the red dot that was most likely West himself, and there was no problem.

Of course, it seems safe to do so, but once an accident occurs, it will be extremely dangerous for either party.

However, neither Lisbon nor Beckett paid much attention to this point. They both investigated it. Although West had many bodyguards from the military under his command, not many of them were brought to Los Angeles this time, even if they were all there. At the same time, they are also worried about each other's resistance.

After all, they were all policemen. Unless West was willing to give up all his properties in the United States, he would not confront the police head-on.Even if there is a real disturbance, Lisbon and the others still have the entire Los Angeles Police Department behind them.

After all, Lisbon and the others still treat West as an ordinary person, but in fact, West's strength far exceeds their imagination, and it can even be said that as long as he avoids the attention of surveillance, then even if he will Kill them all, and no one will find out that he did it.

Of course, this does not include Ling Xiao, no matter how slight West's movements are, it is impossible to hide them from Ling Xiao's eyes.

Standing on top of a tall building, Ling Xiao, who already had a good eye, held a high-powered telescope to see everything clearly.

After that, Ling Xiao kept paying attention to the crowds going in and out of the Disney Concert Hall, until half an hour later, a sullen figure rushed into the back alley from the back door of the Disney Concert Hall. Bright.

It's really smart, even Ling Xiao has to admit that You Lan's choice of meeting place is really clever.

In the alley over there, not only can she move freely, she can advance and retreat, but once West has other thoughts, as long as he makes too much noise, he will alarm the security of the concert hall and let the other side steal chickens and lose nothing. .

And more importantly, the police have now left the concert hall, and You Lan has used the principle of blackness under the lights very skillfully. It is hard for the police to imagine that the place where he and West met has returned to the concert hall.Moreover, You Lan could clearly see the arrangement of the police here before, even if they come back, they will habitually arrange it according to the previous method, which is conducive to You Lan's escape.

It is now waiting for West to get the money, and he will naturally be able to escape smoothly when he gets the money, and then disappear.

Of course, before that, he had to make all the preparations, after all, the West he was going to face this time was not a simple guy.

Seeing You Lan kept arranging something in the alley, Ling Xiao knew that he was plotting against West. After all, all three gems disappeared into this world in Ling Xiao's hands, and West was impossible. If he met You Lan who had nothing, then he would be fooled by You Lan if he wanted to show up.

Ling Xiao asked Beckett about some of the cases, because now most of the things have been exposed by the media, so Beckett didn't hide much from Ling Xiao.Although the news of Philip Johnson's death has been announced, the details of the case have not been disclosed to the public, let alone the fact that the gem was stolen, and West knew nothing about it.

Ling Xiao was very interested to see what would happen in the alley, but first he had to find a convenient place to shoot.

Youlan has been waiting in the alley for almost 20 minutes, but West has not shown up. If West has not appeared within half an hour, Youlan will immediately turn around and leave. As for the meeting, we will talk about it later.

You Lan regards her own safety as very important. If she didn't need this sum of money to spend the rest of her life, and if Johnson's fundamental account hadn't been frozen before, You Lan wouldn't take such a big risk to see Wes special.

Just when You Lan was waiting impatiently, West finally appeared.A man wearing a gray hooded jacket and a mask came jogging from a distance. If you don't pay attention, you will take him as an ordinary person who exercises at night.

Of course You Lan doesn't think so, this alley is remote, and most of the people nearby are already asleep at this time, who would come here for no reason, and still wear a hood and a mask to cover themselves all faces.

When the visitor ran not far from the back door of the concert hall, he had already slowed down, carefully observing the empty streets around him.

"Don't move." A female voice suddenly sounded from behind the visitor, and at the same time, before he could make any movement, a silencer gun was already pressed against his lower back.After all, he has been in the battlefield for many years, so naturally he would not regard things like fingers as guns, let alone he is not an ordinary person.

"Take off the mask, walk ten steps forward, and then turn around." The female voice was cold and could not be refused, and the person who came did not make the slightest movement, followed her instructions and walked ten steps forward, standing on the edge of the street lamp He took off his mask and turned around.

It was no surprise that the person who came was West himself. West looked at You Lan who was dressed in a neutral outfit, shook his head with an unimaginable expression, and said, "I really can't believe it, You Lan, a famous computer expert, It turned out to be a woman."

Youlan is of course a woman, and the relationship between her and Philip Johnson is very unusual. It is because of this that Johnson can hand over some of the most confidential matters to Youlan, such as the relationship with Scott West communication records.

If you want to survive in the dark world, you must be extra cautious in life, and it is also necessary to keep your hands in things. Johnson is very clear about this.

For him, he didn't want his family to be involved in his affairs. After all, it was not a glorious thing, and it was also very dangerous, so You Lan, who was his own woman, became the best candidate .

"Don't talk so much, did you bring the money?" You Lan wore a peaked cap to cover her face.

It was because of her attire that let West let go of his last worry. After all, he managed to get rid of the police's tracking, and he didn't want to fall into the police's trap again.

Who would have thought that those people would be able to install bugs on his body, which made West, who had always thought himself superior to others, feel a little embarrassed.If it wasn't for the sake of not revealing his identity, and there was such an incident tonight, I'm afraid West would have asked his lawyer to go to the Los Angeles Police Department to make trouble.

Taking a deep breath, West took off the backpack he was carrying behind him, unzipped the zipper a little, then threw it on the ground between the two of them, and said in a deep voice, "All the money is here, where are the things?"

"Is this not enough for 250 million?" The moment she saw the bag, You Lan roughly estimated the amount of cash in the bag, and instead of going to check the authenticity, she looked at West coldly.

"What can you ask me to do?" West said helplessly: "In such a short period of time, where do you ask me to get you 250 million US dollars, not to mention that I have been targeted by the police now , Withdrawing such a large amount of cash can’t be hidden from the police’s sight. I think you don’t want to be followed by the police as soon as you get the money.”

(End of this chapter)

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