Chapter 79 Tracking

Although Ling Xiao left the Disney Concert Hall, he himself did not leave this area. He had a feeling that everything would not be so peaceful tonight.

Scott West is not that simple, but Beckett didn't realize it. Originally, Ling Xiao planned to intervene directly, but when he saw Patrick Jane, Ling Xiao changed his mind. It's also not easy, maybe you can watch a good show.

I don't know when, Ling Xiao has changed his clothes, wearing black night clothes, black mask, standing on the top of a tall building, paying attention to everything that happened below.

Scott West was singing and dancing with the beauty around him on the dance floor with a normal face. This beauty was just the tender model who was displayed at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History wearing the gemstone necklace he brought some time ago. Not long after, this beautiful model He was already on the bed.

Taking advantage of the freshness period, Scott West brought beautiful models to many high-end occasions, and today's fund party to subsidize soldiers' families held in the name of Stark is no exception.

Although West looked calm as usual, his heart had long been vigilant.

It has been nearly a month since the robbery of the museum, and the development of the whole thing has long been out of his control, and it is completely different from the expected plan.

From the very beginning, the appearance of the old man from London made West feel something was wrong.Although he made a timely move to lure away the old man in the suit and let Philip Johnson escape smoothly, he never imagined that Philip Johnson would have been killed that night, and the three gems had all disappeared.

West did not know the specifics of the case. He asked the Los Angeles Police Department several times, but the other party refused to disclose any information to him on the grounds that they were handling the case.Sometimes when he asked too much, the other party started to ask about some of his situation instead, which made West vigilant.

Even the news of Philip Johnson's death, he did not receive definite news until after the police started a large-scale manhunt.

It was too late at this time. Most of the robbers who participated in the museum robbery that night had already been arrested. Except for some who were very vigilant and left the United States immediately after the incident, basically none of them escaped.

Even those who worked with Philip Johnson in other cases in the past were all arrested. If the police hadn't announced Philip Johnson's death, West, who suspected that Johnson had confessed everything, had fled Los Angeles long ago.

Although West was relieved to know that Philip Johnson was dead, it also meant that the three gems he lost would never be found again, although two of them were insured and there were no financial problems, and He alone had to pay for the gem of doom that had been loaned out from the Natural History Museum in London.

However, shortly after learning of Philip Johnson's death, West actually received another call claiming to be Johnson's assistant, asking to meet with him, hand over the gem to him, and at the same time demand another payment back.

You must know that they only received half of this task worth 500 million US dollars, and the other 250 million must be obtained.

After some confirmation, West finally believed that the man was really Philip Johnson's assistant, and that the gem was indeed in his hands.This is confirmed by some facts known only to Johnson himself and by passed photos of the three gems.

The time to meet was tonight, and the place was in this Disney Concert Hall. However, not long after arriving at the concert hall, West realized that he was being watched by someone, by the police.

Those stupid policemen didn't even know that they had been noticed by themselves.While twirling on the dance floor with the beautiful woman in his arms, West watched the movements around him, and of course he focused more on the two policemen.

He didn't know what went wrong, whether his cell phone was being monitored all the time, or that the one nicknamed You Lan had already fallen into the hands of the police, no matter what he said, he had to be careful.

For Philip Johnson, neither the Los Angeles Police Department nor the California State Bureau of Investigation is in his eyes. What he really fears is the man who has been standing in front of the bar drinking and now has disappeared. , the man from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tonight's banquet, in fact, after Obaday Stan and Tony Stark left successively, the whole banquet was already dull, even if Pepper kept circling among the crowd, all kinds of food and drink were also washed away like water. sent it up, but people quickly lost interest.

It didn't take long for those real big shots to leave one after another, and only some middle-class people were left in the banquet, still indulging in singing and dancing.

After a long time since Youlan didn't come to the meeting, West had already figured it out in his mind, calmly a wave of guests left, and he also left the hall with the young model beside him.

Just after leaving the hall, West suddenly felt his pocket move. Although it only took a moment, he still noticed it.

The man who walked past him just now, dressed in a suit of waiters, should be You Lan himself.

I have to admit that You Lan is really a smart person. At this time, he walked in from the outside, and You Lan walked in. Those stupid policemen who had been paying attention to him couldn't find anything at all.West is not a mortal either, he walked out of the concert hall with a normal expression, without looking back at all, making it impossible for people to notice that he has completed the meeting with You Lan.

Beckett and Kevin Ryan, who had been paying attention to him, carefully followed behind West. Although they knew that West had been spotted and followed, they still had to act like they didn't know anything.

Patrick Jane and Van Peel followed behind Beckett and Ryan without showing a trace. They were more careful, but when passing by the waiter, Jane looked back at the waiter At a glance, he always felt that there was something wrong.

After leaving the Disney Concert Hall, West drove away without the slightest hesitation. His speed was so fast that he almost brushed the edge of speeding, which made the teeth of the following police itch. A special ticket, but in order to relax his vigilance, he could only suppress his inner grievances and followed behind.

"Lisbon, look." Resby panicked and pointed to the red dot on the screen of the tracking device, and then looked at the limousine not far ahead. Aware that the situation has left the vehicle.

But how did he leave? Although it was said that West's bodyguard was driving the car, the speed of the limousine was very fast. It was impossible for West to leave without them noticing. panic.

Because the distance is too far, the monitor can no longer transmit any sound, it can only be used as a positioning device, and the red dot leaves very quickly.

Lisbon is relatively calm at this time, and the current situation is very troublesome. Either West left the high-speed car and left under almost impossible circumstances, or he had already discovered the monitor that Jane had attached and threw it away. In another car, the red dot was displayed to tell you to leave.

Although Lisbon's rationality tends to be the latter, West has discovered their monitoring, but his intuition tells Lisbon that the situation should belong to the former, West left the car under almost impossible circumstances, and went to meet You Lan .

"Listen, Beckett, you and Kevin continue to follow that car, Esposito, you and Zhou follow that red dot, don't get thrown off." Taking a deep breath, Lisbon asked: "Jane, which way are you going to go with Van Pael?"

(End of this chapter)

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