Chapter 747 Attack

The Ukrainian Autonomous Republic of Crimea declared itself an independent sovereign state and renamed it the Republic of Crimea. At the same time, in yesterday's referendum, 95% of citizens agreed that Crimea would join Russia.

To celebrate this result, residents of Simferopol held a large-scale celebration. The celebration first took place on Lenina Square, the main square of the city, for several hours.Local residents chanted: "We will return to Russia!"

Especially when the leaders of the Russian Federation approved the draft treaty for Crimea's accession to the Russian Federation, the atmosphere of celebration came to the strongest.

However, when the people of Crimea were celebrating enthusiastically, the atmosphere on the Black Sea not far away had reached the most intense freezing point.

The commanders of the two fleets stared at the receivers behind them at the same time, because no matter whether it was the White House or the Kremlin, the orders issued by the rear would be transmitted to each cruiser by telegram, and the following telegram would determine the entire situation. The trend of the situation is war or peace.

Now it is entirely conceivable that in the rear, the seven governments of Britain, the United States, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy are closely discussing whether they will take the most intense attitude and directly launch a war with Russia, or take a step back , to impose military threats, economic sanctions and diplomatic independence on it.

Once European and American countries adopt the most intense attitude, then Russia will not back down in any way, and it will fight if it wants to.

"Dididi..." Almost at the same time, the telegram sounded in the command cabins of both sides at the same time. Ling Xiao and others, who had been paying attention to this scene, immediately moved to Hank McCoy's side, holding their breath , listening to the voices from the command cabins of both sides.

"The Ministry of National Defense ordered that the fleet continue to maintain a high-pressure posture, threatening the Black Sea Fleet, so that it must not act rashly." The fleet's code translator almost didn't need to translate the code, and directly read the order from the Pentagon.

Hearing this order, the commander of the fleet finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the order of the Ministry of Defense was very strict and did not mean to ease the situation, it was actually a second-class choice. If it was the worst As a result, after the order was delivered just now, the war has already broken out.

At the same time, in the command cabin of Russia's Black Sea Fleet, the Kremlin's order was also conveyed at the same time: "...don't easily initiate provocations and cause troubles, but if the other party has any offensive behavior, immediately punish it." Fight back, at any cost."

The Russian side has no intention of provoking a war, but once the European and American sides attempt to attack the Black Sea Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet does not need to hold back and directly counterattacks, even if it triggers a nuclear war. In some respects, Maozi’s The attitude is very tough.

The US and European fleets, which have the initiative in some aspects, immediately deployed according to the predetermined plan after receiving the order.

More than a dozen warships were arranged in a certain attack posture, and all their bomb tubes were aimed at the Black Sea Fleet. At the same time, more than a dozen armed helicopters took off at the same time, flying continuously above the fleet, with a strong attack intention.

Seeing this scene, the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet breathed a sigh of relief. He has dealt with European and American warships for so many years, and he knows who those guys are. If the White House really gave an order to attack, then it is not the current situation Vice attitude.

The aircraft carrier far away in the Mediterranean Sea will dispatch a large number of F-22 fighter jets to the Black Sea immediately, and the submarines under the Black Sea should also launch an attack on the Black Sea Fleet immediately. This is the combat policy of the U.S. Navy. Although they look aggressive now, they don't actually have any attack intentions.

This is just an exercise. The commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet immediately judged it. Since you want to exercise, then I will cooperate with you here.Soon, the Black Sea Fleet also responded, deployed according to the attack posture, and then started the exercise.

This is actually a retreat for both sides. Whether it is Russia, the United States or Europe, there will be no large-scale reports on this possible imminent war, but there are countless people watching when the army is dispatched, so they only Can use the excuse of exercises to deal with the outside media.

In fact, everyone also understands what is going on. The excuse for the exercise is just a fig leaf for each decent family, but no media will reveal this fig leaf. War is something that no one wants to see. It is enough to know.

Hearing the news from the command cabins of both sides, Ling Xiao and his party of six finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even if there was only a slight possibility of a nuclear war breaking out, people would be overwhelmed and breathless. Can't help but relax.

Hank McCoy put down the earphones in his hand, smiled at everyone, and said, "The matter is finally over, and we can enjoy it when we go back tonight..."

"No!" Ling Xiao suddenly said, interrupting Hank McCoy's words, and pointed to the high sky in the distance.

There, a missile was launched from nowhere and attacked the command ship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

"See gui." Alex couldn't help cursing, stretched out his right hand, and was about to send out an energy shock wave. At this moment, he discovered that a silver sword light had already shot out when Ling Xiao had just opened his mouth. He went out, and Storm's eyeballs turned white at some point, and the dark clouds above his head began to envelop, and lightning flashed everywhere. On the other side, his old friend Sean Cassidy also opened his mouth.

The dazzling electric light, the swift silver long sword, the red energy shock wave, and the invisible super-strong sound wave hit the missile that was launched suddenly in almost no order at the same time. has been completely destroyed.

At that moment just now, the one whose heart was beating the most was the commander of the United States-European Fleet. You must know that the governments of the United States, Britain, Germany and France have jointly made a decision not to start a war, but one of his frigates Make your own claim and directly attack the command ship of the Black Sea Fleet.

Regardless of whether it hits or misses, this situation is likely to cause a fierce reaction from the opponent, which will cause the outbreak of a nuclear war.

And as the commander of the entire United Fleet, he will inevitably bear part of the responsibility for causing the nuclear war, and because he caused the war without authorization, he may be directly dismissed without waiting for the war to end, and he may even be sent to the hospital. The military court was nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Seeing that the missile was blown up, the commander couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. The next moment, he immediately got up and contacted the frigate belonging to Italy, asking him what he wanted to do, but this time there was no message from the frigate. any sound.

Something was wrong. The commander immediately sensed something was wrong. He immediately ordered the armed helicopters in the air to go to the frigate immediately to find out what happened. However, before his order was released, the two missiles were launched again immediately. Going out, the target is still the command ship of the Black Sea Fleet.

In fact, at the moment when the missile was attacked just now, the command ship of the Black Sea Fleet was ready to deal with it. The various artillery on the cruiser were ready to launch a firepower network to intercept the missile. At the same time, the battleship also At the same time, evasive actions are launched to avoid being hit by missiles.

The alarm bell on the cruiser rang loudly, and at the same time as the hearts of countless people trembled, their movements also accelerated and ran back and forth non-stop.

Just seeing the missile being destroyed, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet finally let out a long sigh of relief. Of course he knew who destroyed the missile and what their purpose of existence was. As the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, he certainly knew At the top of the Ministry of National Defense, some people had contact with some super human beings of unknown origin, and until now, these people are still hiding in the dark, and they don't know what they want to do?perhaps?

As if thinking of something, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet immediately issued an order to all the warships under his command to retreat two nautical miles immediately.

Although I don't understand what the commander's purpose is, why he chose to retreat instead of a strong response after the US and European fleet launched an attack, but in the army, it is always the first to execute and then ask questions, and the order must not be violated.

However, just as they started to retreat, more missiles attacked the command ship.

(End of this chapter)

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