The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 746 The Fuse (Thanks to the book friend Yinyue Monan for the reward)

Chapter 746 The Fuse (Thanks to the book friend Yinyue Monan for the reward)

At 8:17 a.m. on the same day, Malyshev, chairman of the Referendum Preparatory and Executive Committee of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine, announced on the 96th that the statistics of all votes in the referendum showed that more than [-]% of the voters in the Crimea peninsula were in favor of the referendum. Crimea joins the Russian Federation.

The fuse was completely ignited. From this moment, Crimea officially took the first step to join the Russian Federation, and there is no way out.

Then, the Crimean parliament will hold a meeting to decide whether to accept the referendum result. Once the parliament agrees to recognize the referendum result, then the president of Crimea will go to Russia in person to meet with the Russian leader and apply to join the Russian Federation.

And the time when the war is most likely to break out is when the Russian leader agrees to Crimea joining the Russian Federation. At this time, if European and American countries decide to break out of war with Russia, then the two fleets on the Black Sea will immediately become a war. first victim.

Although the possibility of a war breaking out is not high, European and American countries are likely to deal with Russia through economic sanctions and diplomatic independence, but it is inevitable that some people and some countries will be hot-headed and directly launch a war.

If the war broke out because of the reasons of European, American and Russian countries, then this kind of thing cannot be stopped by Ling Xiao if he wants to stop it. Even if they stop it this time, they will not be able to stop it next time, so if it is true The most important thing is that the countries of Europe, America and Russia decided to trigger the war independently, and Ling Xiao would immediately choose to leave.

But if some people want to do something secretly, then Ling Xiao will definitely let them know why the flowers are so popular.

The atmosphere on the Black Sea today is several times more dignified than yesterday. None of the commanders of the two fleets wanted a real war to break out. One of them participated in the Iran-Iraq War and the Iraq War, and the other participated in the Kosovo War and the Chechen War. Know the cruelty of war, let alone nuclear war.

Moreover, the power to decide the war is not in their hands, but in the White House and the Kremlin behind them. As long as any party decides to go to war, the other party will have no choice but to be forced to fight.

In fact, Ling Xiao knew that the possibility of a nuclear war breaking out was very slim. He had just talked with Stark on the phone. The White House had no intention of directly launching a war. However, the changes in the situation in Crimea left them with little choice. Both military coercion and military threats must be carried out.

In fact, the Russian side does not have many choices. Everyone knows that the Ukrainian side is absolutely unwilling to let Crimea join Russia. It is necessary to increase troops in the western border area, and the Black Sea is where the Black Sea Fleet is stationed. When the fleet entered, they had to react.

Although it is said that war is imminent, everyone knows that once the Russian leader announces that Crimea is welcome to join the Russian Federation, as long as the White House in the rear does not issue an order for them to launch an attack, then the crisis of a nuclear war will be considered a thing of the past up.

But if the White House chooses a drastic response, then nuclear war is the only option. Of course, this possibility is very small.

But no matter how small the possibility is, when the cloud of nuclear war hangs over your head, no one can take it easy, not to mention that there are some little bugs in the dark who are waiting for an opportunity to provoke a war, and this is Ling Xiao and the others What really needs to be vigilant.

It has to be said that Sebastian Xiao is very able to hold his breath. Even now, he has not made any movements, so that others cannot find his trace at all, but it is precisely because of this that the People are even more afraid of him, they either don't move, or if they move, they will be thunderous.

Ling Xiao looked at the surrounding sea very vigilantly. He had a faint feeling that Sebastian Xiao must be in this sea area now, but Ling Xiao couldn't find out where he was for a while. In this case, Ling Xiao's ability was compressed to the extreme.

No matter on the sea surface or below the sea surface, there are countless radars scanning rapidly, even Ling Xiao dare not act rashly.

It's not that he's afraid of being locked on by radar and being attacked by missiles. In fact, these things don't matter to Ling Xiao at all. It is really unforgivable.

"Are we just going to do this and watch as we don't do anything?" Wolverine didn't know when he came to Ling Xiao, and couldn't help complaining.

"We'll just wait." Ling Xiao looked back at Storm, Siren, and Shockwave who were sitting there seemingly casually, but were equally nervous, and said, "Actually, the professor asked us to come over, and he has actually done it." Be fully prepared, whether it is Ororo, Sean, or Alex and I, all have the ability to attack from a long distance, even if the missiles on these warships are fired by mistake, we have the ability to destroy it."

Storm Ororo's storm and lightning, Siren Sean Cassidy's sound wave, shock wave Alex's energy shock wave, and Ling Xiao's two flying swords, even if dozens of missiles are activated at the same time , They also have the ability to stop all missiles.

As for Beast Hank McCoy, he was sitting in the plane, working nervously on the two computers at the same time, and the voices of the two fleet commanders came from the two computers at the same time. It turned out that on this day In half the time, Hank McCoy has hacked into the communication systems of the two cruisers of the US-European Fleet and the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Once the missile is launched, whether it is an order from the rear headquarters, they can immediately Know.

If someone tried to use their special ability to launch missiles, they would know immediately and destroy the missiles that had already been launched.

At 4 p.m. local time in Crimea, the Ukrainian Parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea decided that Crimea should become an independent sovereign state named the Republic of Crimea.On the same day, 100 members of the 85-seat Crimean Parliament participated in the vote, and the decision was passed unanimously.

The Crimean Parliament also made a proposal to the Russian Federation to join the Russian Federation as a new federal subject.The parliament also decided that from now on, all government agencies on the Crimean Peninsula will transfer power and facilities to the Republic of Crimea.

After the Crimean Parliament made a decision, the President of Crimea immediately flew to Moscow with the application. At the same time, several fighter jets escorted him. Two hours later, the plane arrived at the Kremlin. The president of Crimea started a meeting with the Russian leader.

At this time, people on the entire planet couldn't help but hold their breath. Although everyone knew that a nuclear war was unlikely to break out, when the Russian leader recognized the results of the Crimea referendum and accepted Crimea into the Russian Federation, In reality, the entire earth will be shrouded in nuclear suspicion.

At the same time, Sebastian Xiao also slowly stood up in the hidden submarine under the Black Sea. His eyes fell on the Red Devil Gui, who nodded slightly. The next moment , he has teleported away from the submarine.

Because at this time, both the air and the sea are covered with various forms of radar fluctuations, so the spatial fluctuations caused by the teleportation of the Red Devils GUI are perfectly integrated into these fluctuations, not to mention that they are specially here to detect abnormal fluctuations. Cassidy, the sea monster, even Ling Xiao didn't notice the abnormality.

The Red Devil Gui teleported and appeared in the command room of a frigate. Two cold long knives flickered with his teleportation, waiting for the light of the knives to disappear, there was no one in the command room of the frigate. There were traces of living people, corpses lying on the ground, and endless blood.

The Red Devil Gui went directly to the podium, and began to operate it very skillfully. Under his constant fiddling, the red lights lit up one by one, and the last translucent box was bounced away, and the Red Devil Gui pressed his hand. On the red button inside the box, then stare at the communicator beside him, waiting for the order.

Half an hour later, the news came at the same time. The leader of the Russian Federation signed a presidential decree. Russia recognized the Republic of Crimea as an independent sovereign state; signed the treaty of Crimea's accession to Russia.

"The Republic of Crimea has been considered part of Russia since the signing of the treaty," the Kremlin said in a statement.

The meaning of the Kremlin is very straightforward. From this moment on, the Crimea Peninsula will become the territory of the Russian Federation. Any attack on Crimea will be regarded as a declaration of war on the Russian Federation. It refers directly to the Ukrainian army and European and American fleets located on the land and sea borders of the Crimea Peninsula.

Faced with the Kremlin's tyrannical statement, the Ukrainian authorities immediately declared the Crimea parliament's decision to hold a referendum illegal and regarded the area as a "temporary enemy-occupied area."The Group of Seven, composed of the United States, Germany, France and other Western countries, stated that it would not recognize the result of the referendum, and the cloud of nuclear suspicion has come to its strongest.

(End of this chapter)

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