Chapter 59 Clues

Beckett and Lisbon rushed to Philip Johnson's single-family apartment in East Los Angeles with a brigade of police officers. After showing the search warrant to Jenny Johnson, they immediately launched a search.

Fortunately, Philip Johnson's two sons were at school and not at home. Although Jenny Johnson was reluctant, she had nothing to do in front of the brigade of police.

The search continued for more than two hours, but the results were not satisfactory.

In Johnson's home, apart from finding Dabi cash and a few pistols in a hidden compartment in the garage, there was nothing else. Even those pistols had legal procedures. Johnson has called his lawyer and whispered aside.

"How is it?" Lisbon and Beckett touched their heads, discussing the situation in a low voice.

"Do you think there are clues hidden in the computer?" Beckett frowned, glanced at the several computers that were being removed from Johnson's house, and now he could only hope for it.

"It's possible, I hope Van Peer can gain something." Lisbon's face is also not good-looking, it is possible that today is really going to be a waste of time.

"He won't hide things at home." Jane didn't know when she stood behind the two of them. He also conducted a search just now, but he really didn't find many valuable clues in this home.

"Jane, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you have other ideas?" Lisbon turned around and looked at Patrick Jane. Although this guy was a headache, he did provide key clues in many cases.

"From the layout of this home, it can be seen that Philip Johnson is a very family-oriented person. It is impossible for him to let those dangerous things be kept at home, so that his wife and children may accidentally find out. If I don't guess Wrong, this guy must have hidden his stuff somewhere else."

As she said that, Jane suddenly laughed, looked at the two of them and said, "If I remember correctly, this guy is a real estate agent. If I were him, if I really wanted to hide something, why would I need to hide it at home?" !"

Hearing Jane's reminder, Lisbon and Beckett looked at each other, and a gleam of light flashed in their eyes at the same time. They had already realized the problem.

A few hours later, a triumphant shout suddenly came out from a detached villa under the trusteeship of Philip Johnson Company. It didn't take long for police cars to surround the place.

It was not until the next morning that Lisbon and Beckett, who had been busy all night, saw each other again in the office.

Philip Johnson is a very cunning man. He did not put all the money, arms, and private evidence in one place, but put a little in each place, and put them in three or four places. They are all hidden in the basement or garage of real estate that is difficult to sell for various reasons.

But after grasping the rules, it is much easier to find these things.

After meeting Lisbon and Beckett, the cash obtained by Philip Johnson from committing crimes over the years, except for distribution to his accomplices and his own expenses, was separated and hidden in several properties, and they found it , has accumulated more than [-] million.

In these places, there are also a large number of light and heavy weapons of different specifications, bullets, accessories, bombs, equipment, and everything.

In the end, it was the relevant information about Philip Johnson’s accomplices that they most hoped to obtain. They also found a lot of these things, but Philip Johnson used code words to record these things, and it would take a lot of time to sort them out. effort.

However, the things they have obtained now are enough for them to explain this case again, and the pressure that has been pressing on everyone's hearts has finally dissipated most of them.

A few days later, according to the information found, the Los Angeles Police Department and the State Bureau of Investigation began to arrest Philip Johnson's accomplices one by one. Seven people who participated in the robbery of the museum that night came to the case one after another. Arrested in other cases.

In the case of the museum, of the five gems in the world, all but three belonging to Scott West were recovered, and after the case was concluded, these things would be returned to their owners.

However, what is a little strange is that there is not much evidence that Philip Johnson and Sturt West are connected. All they have is two interrelated disposable mobile phone numbers. And a bank account using overseas tax havens for transfers, it is almost impossible to use these things to involve Scott West.

"These people are too careful in doing things, and it's too difficult for us to catch them!" Kevin said helplessly while sitting in the conference room.

"There is no way around this. What should be investigated is still to be investigated." Beckett comforted Kevin, then looked at Lisbon and asked, "Teresa, where do you think our next investigation should be directed?"

"As for the thief, whether you want to find the remaining three gems or figure out the murder case, you need to find the thief first, so that we can proceed." Lisbon pondered for a while , Said: "Also, Philip Johnson will continue to investigate this aspect. According to the close-up of the characters we asked the FBI to help, with Philip Johnson's cautious character, he will definitely contact Scott West. The evidence remains. This requires us to search carefully from the information we have harvested now."

"There is not much progress on the thief." Esposito stood up and introduced the case in a deep voice: "Because Philip Johnson used a new type of safe in the apartment, based on this, we visited the prison. Some prisoners who were serving their sentences also asked their informants to inquire around. There were not many people in the entire Xihai case who were able to open that kind of safe in a short time. However, according to the investigation, almost all of these people were not present on the night of the crime. evidence."

"What does this almost mean?" Zhou Jinbao frowned and couldn't help interrupting.

Esposito turned around and explained to Zhou Jinbao: "Although no one can prove their whereabouts on the night of the incident, according to some clues before and after the incident, they were not in Los Angeles when the incident occurred."

"It's also possible that they rushed to Los Angeles overnight and then left overnight. This is also very possible." Resby couldn't help but say something.

"That's right," Esposito said, nodding, "that's pretty much what I meant."

"You said it was the west coast just now. Are we only investigating some thieves on the west coast? What about the thieves in the central and eastern regions?" Jane suddenly said something, and his words made many people's eyes light up.

"In such a short period of time, we can only investigate people who can do this on the west coast." Esposito spread his hands and said helplessly: "The thieves on the west coast are not the same as the thieves in the central and eastern regions." Within the scope of the circle, there are not many connections between them, and there are very few cross-border crimes. Of course, this is not impossible, but we don’t have many clues.”

"Anyway, let's look it up." Lisbon glanced at Beckett, nodded, and said directly: "I'll go to the FBI to see if they have any information on there, and the bank can't do it either." Give up, and Philip Johnson has to dig deeper, as long as there is a breakthrough in one of these aspects, then our case will be really easy to handle!"




(End of this chapter)

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