The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 58 Cooperation

Chapter 58 Cooperation

"Ling Xiao, I didn't come here to argue with you. I came to see you today because I hope you can do me a favor." Holly Robinson suddenly changed the subject, but although she was asking for help, she Her face was still so stiff.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested." Ling Xiao didn't want to hear what she had to say, so he rejected her cleanly.

"You!" Ling Xiao suffocated Holly Robinson's words before she could utter them, feeling uncomfortable.

Ling Xiao is really not interested in Holly Robinson's affairs. Ever since he met this woman, he has always had some stumbling blocks, especially in a few days, and almost lost control. This woman should be really lucky He didn't kill her on the spot.

Seeing the deep indifference on Ling Xiao's face, Holly Robinson gritted her teeth hard, glared at Ling Xiao, and then reluctantly took out a gray cloth bag from her body and threw it on the coffee table, and at the same time said very unhappy : "Okay, you want something for you, but you have to help me with this favor."

Ling Xiao glanced at the cloth bag on the coffee table. Just judging from the slight knocking sound of the cloth bag falling on the coffee table, he knew that the cloth bag inside should be the one that Holly Robinson took from her that night. A purple diamond ring named Argyle.

But Ling Xiao shook his head gently in the end, and said, "I'm sorry, Holly, I'm really not interested. You can take this thing back. If you came to me a few days ago, I might agree to help You, but now, this thing means little to me."

This is indeed the case. Ever since the Delhi purple sapphire was absorbed by the list of gods and demons, Ling Xiao knew that everything he did before was a little off.Precious metals and gems in this world may be able to repair gods and demons, but compared to those different special gems, the effect is not worse than 01:30 days.

But now, Holly Robinson, who regards gems as her life, is willing to give up this priceless jewel, and hopes that Ling Xiao can help her.From this, it can be imagined that Holly Robinson needs Ling Xiao's help is very difficult, otherwise she would not exchange such a jewel.

Staring at Ling Xiao straightly, seeing the calmness on his face, Holly Robinson's expression gradually began to become chaotic, and finally she even begged a little desperately: "Ling Xiao, tell me, after all How can you help me?"

Hearing what Holly Robinson said, Ling Xiao frowned. He originally hoped that what he said just now would make her retreat, but now it looks like she is obviously eyeing him. If she refuses again, she will have to turn from begging to hate.

Ling Xiao hates trouble, especially trouble caused by women. He can foresee that if he doesn't agree to help her, but allows her to leave casually, then what he will face is likely to be a lot of endless troubles. Trouble, it's scary when a woman becomes paranoid.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Xiao asked very cautiously: "Why do you think that I will be able to help you? My ability is also very limited. If your affairs are too troublesome, even I may be caught in it." ..."

"No." Hearing Ling Xiao's tone eased, Holly Robinson hurriedly said: "The main thing I need to rely on is your ability to use the wingsuit to move freely in the air. The other things are not very important. It won't put you in danger."

"It's so simple?" When Holly Robinson said this, Ling Xiao didn't believe it. He looked at the other party and said, "If it's just like this, you can learn the gliding technique by yourself, or you can find another gliding expert to help you , if you really can’t find them, I can recommend a few for you.”

"No, other skills are not as good as yours. Some difficult movements can only be done by you, a person with special abilities."

"Special ability?" Ling Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly, what special ability, how could he have any special ability, Ling Xiao was a little confused by Holly Robinson's words, he looked at the other party solemnly, and asked in a deep voice Said: "Tell me, what exactly needs me to do, if it is within my ability, I can consider helping you, but if it is beyond my ability, then I'm sorry, please ask someone else to be wise."

"This?" When it came to more specific matters, Holly Robinson began to hesitate instead. After a while, she looked up at Ling Xiao and said, "I just need you to send me to a designated place, and then think about it." All you have to do is take me away!"

"Where?" Ling Xiao asked immediately.

"It's a heavily guarded place. As for the rest, unless you agree to help me, I can't tell you more." Holly Robinson's face and tone were very firm, and it was certain that she was able to reveal most things.

To be honest, Ling Xiao can let Holly Robinson leave right now, because at this time the problem is not with Ling Xiao anymore, but with Holly Robinson herself.

Seeing the pitiful pleading face of the girl in front of him, Ling Xiao sighed slightly, his heart softened, he shook his head, and said, "It's not impossible for me to help you, but I need you to promise me to do it for me unconditionally in the future." Three things. If you promise, I will help you, if you don't agree, then I'm sorry!"

"Okay, I agree." Holly Robinson directly agreed to Ling Xiao's request for the three things. She looked straight at Ling Xiao and said, "So, we have reached an agreement?"

"Of course!" Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and held Holly Robinson tightly, then stared at her and said, "Now can you tell me what's going on?"

"This?" Holly Robinson looked around. There were only Ling Xiao and Gan Jing inside the pharmacy, and there was a crowd of people outside. Besides, this is not the place to talk right now."

"Alright." Ling Xiao nodded lightly, refilled a cup of hot water for the relieved Holly Robinson, and asked, "When are we leaving?"

"It's not urgent, I still need to ask my teacher for instructions." Holly Robinson looked at Ling Xiao seriously, and said: "We only have one chance, and this timing must be chosen just right. Alright , now you can tell me the three things you asked me to do for you."

"Hehe." Ling Xiao smiled and said, "I'm not in a hurry, because I haven't thought about the three things yet. But you have to think about it, it is to do three things for me unconditionally. It’s too late to regret.”

"No, I will never regret this." Holly Robinson gritted her teeth with a stubborn look on her face.Now that there is no burden on her heart, Holly Robinson's true temperament blooms in front of Ling Xiao without reservation.

Up to now, Ling Xiao looked at this girl seriously for the first time, and saw that she had blond hair with a shawl, sharp edges and corners on her face, and a pair of brown eyes full of stubbornness. When combined with each other, she has the beauty of others.

"Okay." Ling Xiao sighed lightly, and said, "You can do whatever you want. If you make a decision to contact me early, if it's too hasty, I may not be able to spare the time."

"I remember to come, so I'll say goodbye!" Holly understood the meaning of seeing off guests in Ling Xiao's words, put her business card on the coffee table, and stood up.

"Let me see you off!" Ling Xiao stood up and sent Holly to the door. Watching her back disappear into the street, he turned and went back to the pharmacy.

Holly Robinson walked lightly through the crowd and disappeared in the crowd in less than ten seconds. It was almost impossible to track someone like her.Half a day later, Holly Robinson appeared in an underground parking lot not far away.

Sitting in her red Porsche, Holly Robinson breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened her handbag with a relaxed expression, but her expression changed immediately, and the tape recorder that was originally placed inside had disappeared for some reason trace.




(End of this chapter)

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