The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 401 Astral Convergence (Thank you for your monthly ticket support, add 1 more chapters)

Chapter 401 Astral Convergence (Thank you for your monthly ticket support, add another chapter)

The appearance of Lancelot this time was naturally for the ax blade warship that suddenly appeared in Greenwich. According to the information preserved by the British royal family, Lancelot certainly knew that once such a thing happened, it would inevitably endanger the entire UK. exist.

Prime Minister Cameron had already received a call from his secretary, who knew about the sudden appearance of an alien warship.

Since the Kiritan invasion in New York, countries around the world have successively formulated plans in case of an alien invasion. Almost in a short period of time, the British cabinet, Ministry of Defense, military, MI[-], MI[-] , and so on, the relevant departments have urgently held a video conference.

At this time, the orders of the Prime Minister and the Queen came at the same time, and the huge British government machinery immediately began to operate.

First of all, two Typhoon fighter jets of the military have already taken off and flew towards the incident site. A large number of military police appeared and began to evacuate the people urgently. Several isolation lines have been established at the Greenwich Observatory at the incident site to assist the evacuation of the public. At the same time, resist the possible alien invasion.

At the same time, Gawain, the second knight of the Knights of the Round Table, has led half of the knights to the Greenwich Observatory, while the other half of the knights, led by Lancelot, escorted the Queen to evacuate London.

In the end, Prime Minister Cameron urgently contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. and asked for support from S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers Alliance. It is difficult for the UK alone to handle the matter independently.

There are still many arrangements on the surface, but in the dark, the Queen and the Prime Minister also authorized the military to prepare for a nuclear bomb attack. Once London cannot hold on, it will immediately use nuclear bombs to bomb aliens. It is necessary to hinder and delay the invasion of aliens on the earth.

On the earth, there are not many weapons that can produce absolute lethality to aliens. Nuclear bombs are rare weapons that have been tested in actual combat and can pose a threat to aliens. When it comes to a last resort, the UK is absolutely not stingy with the use of nuclear bombs.

Of course, only Prime Minister Cameron, not the Queen, declared to be responsible for a series of things afterwards.

In Greenwich, the ax blade warship with a height of several hundred meters stood on the square of the observatory. A cabin slipped from the top of the ax blade warship to the ground. Dark elves appear on Earth.

But at this time, the star aggregation has already begun. In the sky of Greenwich, the extremely weak space barrier disappeared instantly, and a circular space channel clearly appeared before the eyes of the world. On the other side of the space channel, this is Qingqing. A different world of grass.

The corner of Malekith's mouth twitched slightly when he saw the space passage appear, but before his pride appeared on his face, a figure in silver-black armor and a red cloak appeared in front of Malekith. In front of Si, inexplicably, his right cheek began to hurt.

"You don't need to go to the earth with all your troubles, Asgardian!" Looking at Thor who suddenly appeared, Malekith walked towards Thor and said with a sneer: "Anyway, you are going to die , your world has never existed, and your world and your family will be wiped out."

"Existence is the greatest meaning." A cold voice came from the left side of Malekith, and Malekith saw that it was Ling Xiao who stole nearly half of his ether particles in Wartheim before, Ling Xiao The stance and Thor are exactly at a 30-degree angle and aimed at Malekith.

At this time, Ling Xiao was wearing a silver-white heavenly soldier armor, holding a golden piercing sword, and his face was covered by a silver mask. Only a pair of deep black eyes could be seen, looking at Mahler coldly. Keith, as if looking at a dead person.

"Thief!" Malekith hated Ling Xiao far more than Thor. When he saw Ling Xiao appear again, Malekith yelled angrily, waved his left hand, and countless ether particles formed long, sharp lines. Stabbing, rushing towards Ling Xiao.

Regarding this, Ling Xiao just sneered, and the long sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and countless dazzling brilliance were revealed from the sword body in an instant, before it was even possible to see clearly, the long sword had already struck the ether particle, but the next moment, despite The long sword had shattered countless spikes, but the powerful Daoist pushed Ling Xiao back non-stop, and his feet even drew a deep ravine on the ground.

Seeing Malekith move his hand at Ling Xiao, Thor roared angrily, and swung Thor's hammer to rush towards Malekith.

But Malekith had obviously been guarding against Thor for a long time. As soon as Thor moved, his right hand immediately swung another shock wave of ether particles towards Thor. There was a throbbing thunder and lightning, and then Thor was still knocked down by this blow, and a deep gash was even drawn on his face by the ether particles, and blood flowed out slowly.

Obviously, Malekith's mastery of etheric particles has risen to a level since the battle at Wertheim yesterday.

Seeing the ether particles on the ground that briefly turned into a solid state after being struck by lightning, Ling Xiao's eyes kept flickering, but soon, he shook his head slightly. Hammer of Thor's subordinates, the power of thunder and lightning he issued can never surpass Thor.

Taking a breath, the innate zhenqi in Ling Xiao's body circulated extremely quickly, and then it was input into Ling Xiao's manual Guanxiao sword through one after another special channels. The next moment, a smear of purple suddenly appeared on the originally dazzling Guanxiao sword. Flames, in the blink of an eye, purple flames spread over the entire body of the sword.

"You know, even though you have such a strong power, you should work harder." Thor raised his head, looked at Malekith with a sneer, and the next moment, Thor's Hammer came out of his hand and struck heavily. It hit Malekith's chest, sending him flying dozens of meters away.

At the same time, Ling Xiao, who was holding a flaming long sword, had already rushed towards the numerous dark elves on the ground. While waving the long sword, several dark elves had already been cut by the Guan Xiao sword. The next moment, the violent purple flame They had already burned within their bodies, and within a short time, these dark elves had been burned to the point where only a cloud of fly ash remained, and finally they were blown by a light wind and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Seeing Ling Xiao's terrifying lethality, more dark elves backed away quickly, stood in the distance, and used the energy weapons in their hands to bombard Ling Xiao in a concentrated manner. However, Ling Xiao used all of these attacks to penetrate Xiao The sword blocked it.

No one noticed that on the ground, a pale yellow light flashed, and the fragments of dark particles scattered on the ground disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, an invisible wave flashed not far in front of Ling Xiao, and the next moment, a small piece of dark elf warriors disappeared, but it was Jane who pressed the button in his hand at a critical moment, and Eric was originally installed. In the place of the space device, all the dark elves within a few meters were transported to other places. The other places here refer to other major kingdoms. As for whether they can come back in the end, I don’t know.

On the control instrument in Jane's hand, the three pieces of space equipment arranged in an equilateral triangle kept flickering. Every time the button was pressed, a small number of dark elf fighters would be sent to another world. At this time, Ling Xiao understood , why did Jane warn them to stay away from these space devices.

Above the Greenwich Observatory, another clear circular space passage appeared. Through the space passage, you can clearly see the opposite world, which is a fiery red. It is a world of flames. If there is no accident, it should be Muspelheim is gone.

"After 7 minutes, the celestial body convergence effect will reach its maximum value." Although many dark elves disappeared in the hands of the two of them, Eric did not relax at all, and his face became more and more dignified.

Jane understood the meaning of Eric's words, nodded slightly, and said, "That means we have to keep Malekith busy for at least 8 minutes."

As long as the celestial body convergence effect passes in another 8 minutes, Malekith's attempt to use ether particles to destroy the Nine Kingdoms will surely come to naught.

"Jane, how did you do it just now, play with me?" Daisy ran behind Jane, trying to grab the controller in her hand.

"This is not something that can be messed around with, don't make trouble." Jane turned to Daisy who was trying to take the controller away, gave her an annoyed look, and then continued: "The weak distribution between the gravity field and the world Point interaction will produce a unique gravitational force, you can make one yourself based on this theory when you go back, don’t make trouble now, what if it affects Ling and Thor and hurts them?”

(End of this chapter)

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