The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 400 The Knights of the Round Table

Chapter 400 The Knights of the Round Table

"We may be able to infer some clues based on historical records. This kind of thing happened thousands of years ago, and the ancients have also witnessed it."

Eric found a world map from his data pile, and then opened it on his desk. It was densely packed with punctuation everywhere.

Just listen to him continue to say: "All the great buildings, whether they were built by the Mayans, Chinese, or Egyptians, all used the gravitational effect of celestial bodies, and they also left maps."

As Eric said, he connected more than a dozen buildings on the map in a certain way, and the centers of the final coordinates were surprisingly consistent: "Stonehenge, Snowdon, Great Omar, these coordinates will guide us to... And finally here it is, Greenwich."

Greenwich is located in the southeast of London, on the south bank of the Thames River, where the prime meridian is located, and it is the starting point for the calculation of time and geographic longitude in the world.And this prime meridian, in addition to being the basis for the establishment of Greenwich Mean Time, also divides the earth into east and west halves.

Everyone has no objection to the conclusion of this location, Jane nodded slightly, and said: "When the stars of the Nine Kingdoms converge, the obstacles between the Nine Realms will no longer exist, and there will be a huge physical effect , Gravity keeps increasing and decaying, the phenomenon of space squeeze will definitely appear, and space wormholes will also appear in the real world, and Malekith will use this phenomenon to urge ether particles to destroy the Nine Realms."

The last time when the Nine Great Worlds and Asgards converged, Asgard used the Rainbow Bridge to snatch Malekith's ether particles and destroyed his conspiracy. Difficult to work.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go now!" Thinking of this, Thor stretched out his hand and picked up Thor's Hammer that was put aside, with a look of anger on his face.

"You can go, but we have to prepare some things first." Eric smiled awkwardly and said, "At least I have to wear a pair of pants."

The small town of Greenwich is actually not far from the factory site, only less than ten kilometers away. However, when everyone arrived at the Greenwich Observatory, the sky was already getting brighter. There were many people who got up to exercise in the morning. In the nearby library, many people are also reading books.

Eric took out three sets of equipment from the carriage and handed them to Ling Xiao, Jane, and Daisy, and then said in a deep voice: "We must install them near the observatory. Finally, I and Jane will activate them directly on the tower to interfere with the space transfer."

"Then what about the rest?" Ling Xiao looked at the inside of the carriage. There were not only these three pieces of equipment that Eric had made, but a lot of them were placed in the carriage.

"I haven't calculated the other specific coordinates yet. We have to debug these three devices first." Then, Eric looked at Thor, and said in a deep voice: "Thor, I hope that when I After calculating the coordinates, you can install all the equipment accurately and quickly."

Eric had a vague feeling that the dark elves would inevitably appear during their debugging, so the final task could only be handed over to Thor.

Ling Xiao didn't refute, nor obstructed, because he knew that at the last moment, Thor would definitely have a life-and-death battle with Malekith, and Ling Xiao was the same, this time he couldn't help but retreat, once Malekith If all London is destroyed, then there will be no hindrance to the end of the world.

A team of Eric and Jane, and a team of Ling Xiao and Daisy went to install the equipment assigned to them. Ling Xiao was very fast and found the exact coordinates within a few minutes. Daisy kept urging Then, he picked up the small hammer in his hand and hit it lightly, and an instrument had been deeply embedded in the soil.

At this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly turned around and looked at the surface of the Thames River not far away. On the extremely clear river surface, a thick mist suddenly appeared, and the next moment huge waves splashed. The transparent ax-bladed warship appeared on the Thames River with twisted light, and approached the south bank.

As the ax-bladed battleship cut through the river, its appearance gradually became clearer. The black battleship with a height of hundreds of meters crashed directly into the grass in the center of Greenwich. The crowd who were walking here saw this After one scene, they immediately scattered and fled in fright, and the scene was in a panic.

Ling Xiao glanced back, the ax blade and sword almost towering into the sky, pulled Daisy beside him, and ran towards another resettlement site with the remaining equipment.

Ling Xiao didn't know much about the thing in his hand, or even the mechanism of its action, but he couldn't say that it was useless.

As a top researcher in astronomy and geography, Eric has also been in contact with space gems before in the space gem incident. He gained a lot of knowledge about space from it, and finally integrated it into his knowledge, and this instrument It is one of his achievements.

At the moment when this ax-bladed battleship appeared, it was located deep in the underground of Buckingham Palace in Westminster, London. A man in armor who had been standing in the center of the ground with a long sword all year round suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mask. Zhang Baixi's face appeared in the ground.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the face of this knight who has lived underground for a long time is similar to the current queen **** to some extent.

The next moment, this knight, whom few people knew, stepped outside. At this moment, bursts of tragic cries suddenly came from the depths of the ground, and the knight's footsteps could not help but pause. Seeing him holding the hilt in his hand, he stomped heavily on the ground with the long sword in its sheath.

"Quiet!" At the same time as the knight's cold voice came, an invisible fluctuation also fluctuated from the center of the knight's sword in the entire underground space. Besides, there is no other sound.

Not long after, the knight appeared in Buckingham Palace on the ground. The guard exited the tunnel, wearing the same armor as the knight. Seeing the appearance of the underground knight, the other knights were shocked and subconsciously half kneeling on the ground, as if welcoming the second coming of the king.

The underground knight didn't even look at the crowd, and went directly to the queen's private office. However, after he left, a majestic voice came: "Tell the queen, I will wait for him in her office."

Today is Wednesday, which is the day when the Prime Minister reports to the Queen about major domestic and foreign events of the week. When the Underground Knight appeared, the current British Prime Minister Brian was reporting the corresponding affairs to the Queen. Also according to the usual practice, the Queen did not respond. express opinion on any event.

At this moment, the Queen's chief private secretary came in from outside with a serious face and whispered something in her ear.

The queen was astonished. She stood up, glanced at the prime minister, and said solemnly: "This is the end of today's meeting. Come with me!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the prime minister to answer, the queen immediately turned around and left. Although the queen was already very old, she was walking like the wind at this time, so fast that she didn't look like an old man at all. There was a haze in my heart.

Just after walking out of the meeting room, at some point, the Queen's chief secretary was already waiting for him at the door. Before he could ask a question, he handed over a telephone and said solemnly, "Mr. Prime Minister, Downing Street I have a call for you on the 10th, it is urgent."

"Yeah!" The Prime Minister had anticipated this, he nodded slightly, took the phone, and talked to that side while walking.

Half a day later, the horrified prime minister had followed the queen into the queen's private office. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a man in classical knight armor standing there. Seeing the queen appear, the knight bowed slightly and called out: :"His Majesty."

"Yeah!" The queen first stopped, nodded slightly, and returned a salute, then pointed to the prime minister beside her and introduced: "This is the prime minister of this term, Mr. Cameron. Mr. Cameron has royal blood, and at the same time As Chancellor of the Reich, he is entitled to know some things."

"Hello, Prime Minister." The knight glanced at Cameron calmly, and Cameron nodded slightly, but a trace of doubt quickly flashed in his eyes, because he found that the face of the knight in front of him was similar to that of the queen. It looks very similar.

"This is Lancelot, the deputy head of the Knights of the Round Table." The queen introduced the identity of the knight to Cameron while sitting behind the table.

Upon hearing the words Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table, Prime Minister Cameron couldn't help being slightly shocked.Before he became Prime Minister, he had vaguely heard of the existence of the Knights of the Round Table, which was a super organization built around the queen to surround the security of the British mainland.In addition to the twelve knights, the Knights of the Round Table also have many retinue knights. These people are all over the UK, from all walks of life, and their influence can even overthrow the prime minister at any time.

Every leader of the Knights of the Round Table can only and will only be every king of England, and Lancelot is really responsible for commanding the Knights of the Round Table.

As the chief knight, Lancelot rarely shows up. Cameron has been prime minister for several years, but this is the first time he has seen him.

(End of this chapter)

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