The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2769 Black Armor

Chapter 2769 Black Armor
It is not easy to lock Gnar, the god of symbiosis. Now he is still in the chaotic galaxy corridor. The terrain in the galaxy corridor is too special. Even if the gun of wisdom is shot into it, it may be subject to chaotic gravity. The influence of the field, and was eventually used by the god of symbiosis Gnar, and then calmly escaped the attack of the gun of wisdom, and the attack opportunity they had so hard to get would be wasted.

So the really effective attack point for Gnar is actually at the step where Gnar is about to step out of the galaxy corridor.

Because at this time, the fourth cantilever and the fifth cantilever on both sides of the entrance of the already narrow galaxy corridor also began to close, and the huge pressure had penetrated inward to an extremely deep position, so the passage for the god of symbiosis Gnar to enter and exit The behavior is narrow, so Gnar wants to easily enter and exit the galactic corridor, and there are not many options available to him.

Among the three guns of wisdom of the highest intelligence, the first gun of wisdom fired by the flagship of the highest intelligence has the fastest speed, and the speed of the remaining two guns of wisdom is relatively slower, and there is no sign of increasing speed , all this has been decided, they simply can't hit Gnar, the god of symbiosis at the same time.

As for this point, it is impossible for the supreme wisdom to fail to calculate, so it can only be said that he did it deliberately, so it is very likely that the real purpose of the three wisdom guns is to lock, as long as one of the three wisdom guns hits *Gnar, the god of symbiosis, then what Gnar will face next is likely to be a fierce attack.

Kerry's Supreme Intelligence has also deployed a dark hand, and Thor is already preparing for the war while deliberating on the purpose of the Supreme Intelligence.

Undoubtedly, although it has long been expected that Gnar, the god of symbiosis, is likely to be alive, when he actually appeared in front of everyone, everyone was still extremely shocked, and from a distance, although Knowing that he was seriously injured, but he was extremely fast and without any hesitation, everyone was still shocked, and there was no doubt that what they were about to face next was definitely a hard battle.

Once Gnar, the god of symbiotes, breaks through the galaxy corridor and enters the hinterland of the galaxy, there is no doubt that the entire symbiote will pose a fatal threat to the existence of the entire galaxy, although the first to face the threat of the symbiote is The Kree Empire, but once the Kree Empire falls, no matter whether it is Spartacus, the Nova Corps, or the Earth, they will inevitably not be spared in the end.

At this moment, at the critical moment when Gnar, the symbiote god, and the symbiote army are about to meet, Kerry's supreme intelligence has not allowed any of the lowest-level cruisers to retreat. There is no doubt that now has come to the final stage. At the critical moment of the war, they must stop Gnar here, otherwise, they will face the fate that the entire empire will be swallowed up, which is absolutely not allowed by the supreme wisdom.

And this is the same for Emperor Subaru and the Supreme Consul of Shi'ar. Once the Milky Way falls, their two major interstellar empires will not be spared.

The Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy and the Triangulum galaxy are the three main galaxies in the local group of galaxies. There are about fifty galaxies in the local group of galaxies, and the local group of galaxies is an important part of the local supercluster of galaxies. Even in the entire supercluster of galaxies, galaxies like the Milky Way are extremely rare, and there are only a few of them.

And once the Milky Way falls, there are countless living planets in the Milky Way, all of which will become the food for the army of symbiotes. Regardless of the heavy losses of the army of symbiotes in the battle of the galaxy corridor, once they engulf the entire galaxy, their strength will be reduced. It will recover in the shortest possible time, and even the overall number will be doubled several times.

At that time, unless all the countries of the entire supergalactic cluster join forces, the symbiote army will be unstoppable.

Once the entire local supercluster of galaxies falls, it will be difficult for the entire universe, the entire total galaxy, to stop the surging tide of the symbiote Daikin.

Of course, in the center of the entire galaxy, in the central galaxy of the entire universe, the five creation gods of the universe who exist there will inevitably be unable to sit still, and at that time they will be forced to force them, as well as their celestial group, must Make a move to stop the symbiote army.

And for the safety of the entire universe, they may take action even earlier. Before the entire supercluster of galaxies, or the entire local group of galaxies, or before the entire Milky Way falls completely, they may take action directly.

Of course, the possibility of them taking action at this time is not ruled out. Perhaps the Celestial Group already has enough people lurking in the dark outside the galaxy corridor, waiting for the symbiote god Gnar to be severely injured or reveal a fatal flaw. , shot suddenly, and then went all out to kill Gnar.

Among other things, at least Thor and Carol knew that Ling Xiao, a heavenly father-level master they were most familiar with, had been paying attention to this war. Xi will also directly intervene. After all, don't forget, he has several infinity stones in his hand. Once he makes a move, it may be difficult for Gnar, the god of symbiosis, to resist, especially if he himself is suffering a lot. after.

No matter what, everyone knows that at this moment, a head-on battle with the symbiote army and the symbiote god Gnar will be unavoidable, so no matter who it is, at this time, it is ready to treat death as home preparation.

Now, except for the star fleet of the Kree Empire, which is frantically attacking the symbiote army that is entangled with some fleets of the Galactic Alliance, the other spaceships are actively replenishing their own ammunition and energy, preparing for the most critical next World War I.

As for the direction of this final battle, the key still depends on the effect that the three guns of wisdom can produce.

Gnar, the god of symbionts, seems to be heading towards the entrance of the galaxy corridor in a straight line, but in fact he is jumping around inside the galaxy corridor. The gravitational field inside the galaxy corridor has long been chaotic, extremely chaotic At the same time, there are assassination intentions. In some places, even Gnar, the god of symbiosis, is unwilling to go hard, especially when he is about to face the two powerful opponents of Kerry Supreme Intelligence and Emperor Skrull.

The huge pressure and chaotic gravitational field of the galaxy corridor are not only a pressure, but also a protection for the god of symbiosis Gnar, avoiding being attacked by the Kree Empire in advance, and all the way to the galaxy. As the corridor entrance approached, Gnar was also quickly collecting the fragments of the symbiote fighters scattered in the galaxy corridor.

Although it is said that the number of symbionts who really escaped from the galaxy corridor is not many, and even though most of the symbiotes died in the galaxy corridor, there are actually not many who really completely annihilated nothingness, and more of them turned into the universe. Dust, or the fragments of scattered community fighters, and what Gnar is collecting now is the fragments left by these symbiotes, as well as the cosmic dust they turned into, and he collects them conveniently.

Even if the most basic genetic organization of these symbiote fighters is destroyed, Gnar can let them collect as long as there are a little bit of genetic fragments left, and it seems from a distance that Gnar has gained a lot by doing so.
The closer to the entrance of the galaxy corridor, the more symbiotes on Gnar's body, which can be seen from the increasing number of black armor on his body.

Originally rushing out from the red superstar Altina, he had only pieces of white bones on his body, but as he walked forward, little black silk threads wrapped around his body, and then kept condensing to form a body. Black armor.

The closer to the entrance of the Milky Way Corridor, the more complete the black armor is. In the end, the god of symbiosis Dar, who brought a colossal threat to the entire universe, seems to have returned to the universe, but this is somewhat ostentatious the taste of.

In the final analysis, the reason why Gnar, the god of symbiotes, can have such a prestige, on the one hand, is because of his own strength, and on the other hand, it is because of the strength of the symbiote army, even though Gnar seems to have returned to his original state. There are some appearances, but in fact it is not the case. The number of symbionts in his armor is far from enough, whether it is in terms of defense, endurance, or the blessing of attacks, it is far from enough .

(End of this chapter)

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