The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2768 Gnar Appears

Chapter 2768 Gnar Appears
In the chaotic universe, the changes in the galaxy corridor are hard to ignore. The huge movement caused by the tiny movement of the entire galaxy cantilever is enough to wake up those who have fallen into madness.

However, only a very small number of people can quickly get rid of greed, quickly withdraw from the entanglement with the symbiote, and then quickly withdraw to the Kree Empire and other starships that are already retreating rapidly. This is the last chance.

Most people choose not to evacuate actively at this time, but to speed up their hands and feet, and speed up their movements to capture the army of symbiotes that are still remaining outside the galaxy corridor. With the speed of movement, coupled with the still existing resistance of the red giant star Altina, it will take a long time for them to completely close together, so there is no need to be too anxious.

Even in this case, they intentionally or unintentionally ignored the other companions headed by the Kree Empire Starfleet who were already retreating.

In many cases, it is obvious that the knife is already clamped around the neck, but many people still turn a blind eye, and sometimes it is too sad.

These people are really hopeless, not at all.

Crisis, crisis, many people are talking about crisis, but in the eyes of those people, they can't see where the crisis is.

And in the vast star field beyond the Milky Way Corridor, the only person who knows everything in his heart, the only person who knows clearly when the crisis may come, is the supreme wisdom, whose calculation ability has reached the level of the gods. Level, for all the possibilities that will happen in the future, everything is clearly listed in front of his eyes, and his current actions are just preparations based on the worst possible situation.

However, according to Murphy's theorem, the more you don't want to see, the more things will happen, and when the supreme intelligence prepares for the worst possible outcome calculated by itself, and evacuates to the predetermined position, the least people Want to see things happen.

In an instant, the symbionts at the exit of the Galaxy Corridor seemed to have had a collective bloodbath. Whether it was those who had been captured by the Galactic Allied Forces or those who were still struggling, they all rioted in an instant up.

In an instant, their defense and endurance increased dozens of times, and their attack power also became extremely terrifying at this moment. In the blink of an eye, an unknown number of symbiotes forcibly carried the Milky Way The coalition forces attacked them, and then fought back violently.

In a very short period of time, thousands of Galactic Alliance fighters and dozens of Galactic Alliance warships were all submerged by the tide of symbiotes, and before the other star fleets could respond, those communities that had been captured, At this moment, they all broke through the shackles of the Galactic Allied Forces. They themselves were inside the spaceship of the Galactic Allied Forces. At this moment, it can be said that they directly launched an attack from the inside of the Galactic Allied Forces.

Under the internal and external attack, hundreds of Galactic Alliance fleets quickly fell, and at this time, countless symbiotes have reconnected together, forming a raging tide of symbiotes, although it is far from the most powerful symbiote army. When it was strong, it already possessed considerable power.

The main reason is that at the beginning, when Gnar led the symbiote army to rush over like a vast ocean, the feeling was too shocking.

But now, the army of symbionts is far from as large as it was at the beginning, and the power it can exert is far less than it was at the beginning, but even so, they have killed those Galactic coalition forces who tried to capture them in the shortest possible time. They were tightly entangled, and then rushed up violently, making it impossible for them to escape even if they wanted to. The speed of the spaceship could not be increased at all. Even if they struggled with all their strength, the final result was already doomed.

At this time, the Supreme Intelligence certainly knew what was going on, that is, at this time, he gave the order very decisively and coldly: "Start the attack, and attack directly at the ammunition depots of the spaceships in front."

At this time, the fleets of the Galactic Alliance Army are already entangled with the symbiote army. If at this time, the Kerry army directly rushes forward and directly fights with the symbiote army at close range, it may be possible to join the Galactic Alliance Army. Those fleets were rescued, but in this way, the star fleet of the Kree Empire may fill in itself.

And the most important thing is, for them now, the real threat is imminent, but it has not fully appeared yet, and what Kerry Supreme Intelligence is doing now is to force him to show up, forcing the god of symbiosis Gnar show up.

Under the current circumstances, only when Gnar, the god of symbiosis, reappears and begins to control the entire symbiosis army, will the power of the symbiosis burst out by leaps and bounds, and be able to counterattack the fleet of the Galactic Alliance attacking them .

But in this way, it will also bring opportunities for the Supreme Intelligence to counter them. When the destruction beams and energy artillery of the Kerry Empire Starfleet hit the ammunition depot of the Galactic Federation ships that are entangled with the symbiote army, in In an instant, the turbulent flames and flying shrapnel immediately caused great damage to the symbiont, even stronger than attacking the symbiont army with destruction beams and energy cannons alone.

These interstellar warships of the Galactic Fleet are equivalent to adding oil to the destruction beam and explosive power of the Kree Empire. In a very short period of time, the Kree Supreme Intelligence has caused extreme damage to the symbiote through this hand. Great damage, even if they are led by Gnar, the god of symbiotes, even their defense and endurance have improved a lot, but after all, they are not as powerful as the original tide of symbiotes. After this attack The casualties were heavy.

And it was at this moment that some people finally couldn't sit still.

The diffuse interstellar cloud at the exit of the Milky Way Corridor began to slowly disperse. Thor and the others, like everyone in the Starfleet of the Kree Empire, finally set off the explosion of the red giant star Altina at this moment. A veil of the situation inside the cloister.

After all, amidst the scarlet light emitted by the red superstar Yartina, a thin figure is running fast, because the dazzling light is behind him, so his whole body looks dark, and you can only see a general outline. Even so, people can be sure that it is Gnar, the god of symbiosis, who survived the huge explosion of the red giant star Altina.

Although they don't know exactly how Gnar survived, and they don't know whether he was traumatized or how traumatized he was in this red giant star explosion, they don't know these, so now they want to figure out For all of this, we must find a way from these symbionts outside.

And that's what the Supreme Intelligence is doing. He is using the greed of some commanders of the Galactic Alliance Army to make them a sharp weapon against the symbiote army. The symbiote army and the symbiote god Gnar complement each other. Without any one of them, it would be impossible to become a symbiote frenzy sweeping the entire universe, and this is also a trap for dealing with the symbiote god Gnar.

When Gnar is eager to join the symbiote army, there is no doubt that the Kree Empire's wisdom gun is ready. As long as Gnar shows a slight flaw, they will kill him completely. But now, Gnar's traces have been revealed, and he has not joined the symbiote assembly yet, and he is still within the influence range of the red giant star's explosion wave. At this time, it is the best time to attack him.

Of course, the Supreme Intelligence will not let go of such an opportunity. Three guns of wisdom have been fired from the two interstellar fortresses of the Kree Empire and the interstellar flagship of the Supreme Intelligence at the same time. Their targets are also the same. Gnar, the god of symbiotes.

It's just that the speeds of these three guns of wisdom are different, and there are obvious differences between them. The gun of wisdom fired from the interstellar flagship of the highest intelligence is relatively faster, while the speed of the other two guns of wisdom is relatively Slow down, but there is a difference in order. For the god of the symbiosis, it is easier for him to get rid of such a crisis. What kind of tricks is the supreme intelligence playing? Why doesn't he shoot the three wisdom houses at the symbiosis at the same time? God Gnar.

People who saw this scene, while a little angry, couldn't help but feel a little bit of doubt in their hearts. Could the Supreme Wisdom have some ulterior motives?
(End of this chapter)

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