The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2622 Unreliable Chapter Gallery Idea

Chapter 2622 Unreliable corridor idea

It is indeed a very good idea to fight the war with the symbiote army at the galaxy corridor, but the details need to be carefully considered.

If you want to prepare for the war against the symbiote army at the galaxy corridor, all you can do is ambush, first lure and then ambush, so there must be enough bait in it, and use the bait to lure the symbiote army. Go to the corridor of the galaxy, and then lead the strong men with outstanding strength to besiege and kill the army of symbiotes.

In this, the bait is very important. How to lure the symbiote army to the galaxy corridor, and ensure that Gnar keeps investing troops in it, instead of leading people to retreat halfway through the fight, or even earlier, Gnar is not a fool, it is impossible for him not to retreat when he sees being besieged.

What's more, Gnar is likely to know the special terrain of the Galaxy Corridor, and he has already noticed the purpose of the various forces when he was on the periphery. It is a good choice for him to turn around and leave. Maybe he will take advantage of this opportunity instead, In turn, they encircled and suppressed the armies of all forces.

Not only is the bait very important in all of this, but even when Gnar realizes that it is likely to be a trap, he still rushes in desperately, so that he will still fight to the death even when he knows he is at a disadvantage , The bait that can do this step is a qualified bait.

And this bait must be strong enough to be able to escape even when Gnar, the god of symbiosis, is chasing after him, and after entering the trap, it still has enough ability to get out, because after entering the trap, the effect of this bait is already infinite reduce.

In addition, there must be strong enough strong inside, who can firmly restrain the god of symbiote Gnar when the symbiote army enters the trap, and even seize this opportunity to besiege and kill him. Get rid of Gnar so the symbiote army won't be a threat.

If the earth side wants to make a difference in this, it must not be able to walk with the Cree Empire. If they are responsible, they may really be led into the ditch by the supreme wisdom. In the end, there is a good chance that the symbiote army will die together.

Both the Kree Empire and the Supreme Intelligence are untrustworthy, and they must defend themselves. As for the Skrull Empire, that is also the object that needs to be guarded against.

Don't forget, the Skrull Empire has the ability to transform into anyone. If people on the battlefield accidentally fall into the hands of the Skrulls, then it is very likely that their people will be killed by the Skrulls. Instead, they all know nothing.

As for the Shia people, the Shia people are also not a good thing. Judging from the contact between the mutants and the Shia Empire, those arrogant guys look down on any people of other races other than the Shia. If the earth rashly joins In this war, they are likely to be directly consumed by the Shi'ar as cannon fodder, while the Cree and Skrull people on the side will not only not stop them, but even contribute to the flames.

Therefore, even if the earth wants to participate in this war, it must ensure sufficient autonomy, and they must retain the right to voluntarily retreat... No, if everything really reaches the point where they have to retreat, those vicious guys will not be able to retreat at all. They will not be given a chance to retreat. The Kerry, Shia, and Skrulls will all become obstacles to their retreat, and they may even attack them in order to use them as a final shield.

Carol had already thought a lot about the ambushes and killing of the symbiote army by the three empires in the blink of an eye. In the end, she was not very optimistic about this plan. The Great Empire join forces, even if it is the best plan, it has to mess with you.

And even if they succeed in the end, in the end, in order to distribute the final benefits, they have to fight, and they might be able to fight a dog's brain. After all, the symbiosis can greatly improve a person's fighting ability. A symbiote legion, if it can be done well, can traverse the universe like Gnar, and finally completely defeat the other two empires, and completely dominate the universe.

If the earth was still involved at that time, maybe they would become the targets of the joint attack of the three empires, and even in order to prevent them from distributing the spoils, they would join hands at the first moment after the war to wipe out the superheroes on the earth. strangle.

Don't forget, these three empires are involved in all aspects of the earth, and the weakening of the earth's power is extremely beneficial to them.

Not to mention that the Cree Empire originally rose through the conspiracy on the moon, and even the Inhumans are involved between the Cree and the Earth, not to mention that Carol is in the middle. Vulnerable to a certain extent, at least Kerry is very willing to see it.

In addition, there are Skrulls, they are not a bunch of good people, so far I don’t know how many Skrull spies are lurking on the earth. Carol has been aware of this problem over the years. The Star Road to and from the earth of the Skrull who was in contact with her, and even the Skrull who are on the earth now, she tries to register and record everyone as much as possible to avoid any unexpected things from happening.

The relationship between Shea and the earth is also not shallow. Although many times people think that mutants are the direction of human evolution in the future, there are still many people who agree with this idea, but only a few people who really know the truth understand that mutants Mutant genes are inseparable from the Shia Empire, and it might even be the case that mutants are to the Shia what the Inhumans are to the Cree, and they are nothing more than special products of some kind of experiment they conducted.

If you add the various gods, the five founding gods of the universe and the attention of the gods teaming up with the earth, as well as the participation of the collectors of the universe elders, Gao Tianzun, and the god Gnar who is similar to the symbiosis, all kinds, The involvement of the earth is simply not too much.

Because of this, anything that can weaken the power of the earth is definitely a good thing for some people.

That is to say, in these years, the earth has achieved a sufficient balance among various forces. Otherwise, the earth would have been completely wiped out by others in tens of thousands of years, and there would be no today.

Returning to the symbiote warriors, if you want to win the Corridor War, it is best for someone who surpasses the three empires to come forward to unify the power of the three empires, and then jointly fight against Gnar and the symbiote army , which is the best practice.

But since someone can surpass the three empires, then he can deal with the symbiote army by himself, deal with Gnar by himself, and collect the symbiote battle suits by himself. Why should he join forces with the three empires? Will it turn around and deal with him?

Therefore, the method proposed by the Supreme Wisdom to fight against the army of symbionts in the galaxy corridor is not realistic at all, unless a certain empire does it by itself, and it must be secret, so that it can enjoy the benefits exclusively after bearing a huge price, but here If a little bit of wind leaks out, it may cause very serious consequences, and it may even be taken advantage of by the other two empires in the end.

However, the Supreme Wisdom dares to mention this matter in front of Carol, which means that he has thought enough about this matter. At least he can guarantee that the Kerry Empire can enjoy most of the benefits after the whole incident. Benefit.

After joining forces with the Skrull Empire, the Shia Empire, and the Earth, they can still guarantee their own interests, which means that the strength of the other parties is likely to be calculated by the supreme wisdom in the war, and they will suffer huge sacrifices and cannot obtain enough interest.

That being the case, why should the earth take huge risks to participate in such a war that is destined to fail to gain enough benefits!

Although it is said that the supreme intelligence here is likely to send symbiote fighters to lure Gnar and the symbiote army to the earth, but now that the space wormhole closest to the earth has been destroyed, they want to go to the earth from other paths, even through other paths. If you want to reach the earth, it will take twice the original time, and do you really think that the earth only has manpower in this space wormhole? Think about it, is there only so many superheroes on the earth?

Even on their side, in addition to Carol, Stark, Rogers, Hercules, Spider-Man, and the Alpha team and the Guardians of the Galaxy, on the other side of the space wormhole, there is Dr. Banner And Doctor Doom, two generals.

Even if Carol and the others miss, Dr. Banner and Dr. Doom are enough to kill any enemy that enters the solar system through the space wormhole.

Mr. Fantastic Mr. Reed is responsible for going to unknown places to destroy the backup samples of the symbiote in his hand. Otherwise, the Supreme Mage Strange will guard the area, so what about Thor, where did Thor, the god of thunder, he may not be in danger Regardless of the earth, and Mister Fantastic after destroying the backup samples.

(End of this chapter)

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