The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2621 The Gallery

Chapter 2621 Corridor

"Carol Danvers, we haven't seen each other for a long time." What appeared in midair was a virtual projection of a gigantic head, and the projection of such a thing was the ray of consciousness of Kerry's supreme intelligence here. appear.

At this moment, Carroll and Hyperion are attacking the Kerry cruiser with all their strength. Even if the Supreme Intelligence is projected in front of Carol and Hyperion, their attacks will not have the slightest effect. stop.

Carol was well aware of the Supreme Intelligence's plan, and he suddenly appeared to speak at this time, and his only purpose was to delay time.

As for what the Supreme Intelligence is doing to delay time, do you still have to ask? There is no doubt that it is to distract Carol and give the cruiser time to strengthen its energy shield. The Supreme Intelligence is very clear. Here is a top spaceship like Yong Roger or Ronan, so they may still be able to resist the attack of Carroll and Hyperion, but now it is just an ordinary cruiser, which is very Dangerous.

"There is really nothing to say between us. Are you really not going to run away now?" The energy shock wave in Carol's hand has not weakened in the slightest. What the person in front of him should do at this time is to think There is a way to protect these symbiote fighters on the ship, only in this way can these symbiote fighters have value, and at present, the best strategy is of course to escape.

The Supreme Intelligence wants to achieve his goal by distracting Carol's attention, so of course Carol can't bring the topic back.

No matter what Carol was talking about, the Supreme Wisdom still said according to its own rhythm: "Remember the years on Hala, if you hadn't had an accident, then you are probably the most powerful person in the empire now." Warrior. I mean nothing by saying this, but to remind you that there is no irreconcilable conflict between Kerry and the earth. We can join hands to deal with this crisis and resist the symbiote together. Army."

"The alliance you mentioned, the common resistance you mentioned, is nothing more than shifting disaster to the east, pushing the earth to the front line of resisting the symbiote army, while the Kree Empire is hiding behind and reaping the benefits. Hehe, you really haven't changed all these years!" Although the Carroll was speaking, the movement of his hands didn't stop at all, and the powerful energy shock wave kept bombarding the Kerry cruiser's power engine. above the energy barrier.

Hyperion hadn't successfully blasted away the real hull of the Kree cruiser in front of him before. After he broke through the energy shield, he just left a crack on it, but don't underestimate this one. crack.

Although the cruiser of the Cree Empire is not a powerful presence in the warship system of the entire empire, it is the foundation of the entire military system of the entire Cree Empire. In addition to those small airships and fighter jets, the starships built by the empire every year The most is this kind of interstellar cruiser.

Even if you look at the entire universe among spaceships of the same level, the cruisers of the Kerry Empire are extremely outstanding.

Let's put it this way, if the Miranda, which was transformed from the Nova fighter jets obtained by the Guardians of the Galaxy from the Nova Corps, really confronts the cruisers of the Kerry Empire head-on, then they will only end up being destroyed.

However, small spaceships like this have always adopted a flexible and fluid approach when fighting from medium to large spaceships, especially the Miranda. In terms of performance, it is not inferior at all, and may even be slightly stronger.

Once the Miranda gets close by by surprise, and then he attacks first, even such a spaceship is likely to be destroyed.

What's more, the strongest member of the Guardians of the Galaxy has never been the Miranda ship, but the Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Nebula, and Drax on the ship. Which one of them is not the most powerful in the interstellar universe? Difficult characters, once they get close, the entire Kerry cruiser may fall.

Hyperion's ability to break through the energy shield of the Kree Empire cruiser and open a crack in the hard hull of the spaceship with one person's strength is enough to show his strength, and now Carroll is exactly Caught the Kerry cruiser at this point and went after it.

At this time, everyone on the Kerry cruiser did not dare to be careless in the slightest. Once Carol breaks through the energy shield, then with the help of this crack on the hull, Carol can very easily put the whole The spaceship was directly torn apart.

Carroll's attitude was firm and unshakable. The Supreme Wisdom saw this very clearly, but at this moment he just smiled lightly, and then he said, "If I say that I have given up on this ship now The symbionts on the spaceship are no longer allowed to go to Earth, so I wonder if we can reach a cooperation and work together to fight against the symbiont army?"

"What do you mean by that?" Even Carol couldn't help but be taken aback when the Supreme Wisdom said this.

It is a big deal for Carol and for the Earth that the Supreme Intelligence should give up the strategy of leading the symbiote army to the Earth.

Let's put it this way, don't look at Carol and his group who are doing a lot of fun here, destroying almost all the symbiote fighters flying towards the earth, but this is just the superficial victory they made, And that's actually a long way from Earth being truly out of crisis.

Among the three major empires in the universe, the Kree people are undoubtedly the ones with the most symbiote fighters. Now there is only one symbiote fighter from the Kree fleet. If at this time, the Supreme Intelligence desperately mobilizes More symbiote fighters will come to the earth. Although it will increase the risk of Gnar and the symbiote army hunting down during this period of time, if he succeeds, the earth will face even more danger.

If it is said that before the change, the earth was just one of the many targets that the symbiote army of the Kree Empire fled to, but now, once the supreme wisdom makes up its mind, then the earth will probably become the only target for the symbiote army to come. Where is he? It is talking about cooperation, which is obviously a threat.

Carol's face became more and more serious. At the same time, the power of the energy shock wave from her hands not only did not weaken at all, but increased greatly. At this moment, Carol was not threatened by the Supreme Intelligence at all. He also has no interest in the so-called cooperation he said.

But the supreme wisdom still said there: "As long as you send a considerable number of people from the earth, then we will unite with the Skrulls and the Shia Empire, and several parties will work together, and then we will strangle the symbiote army together at the galaxy corridor. "

The Milky Way Corridor is a very special place in the Milky Way. In that place, the advantages in the number of people and the number of warships can't be brought into play at all. It can only be like a refueling tactic that keeps adding manpower to it. It's like a hangman. Meat machine, a flesh and blood mill. For many years, the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire have played dog brains there. I don’t know how many soldiers died there.

It is precisely because of this that the Galaxy Corridor has become an excellent location for the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire to join forces to deal with Gnar and the symbiote army.

Now, the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire have not yet wanted to fight the symbiote army. What they are thinking now is to do everything possible to lure the symbiote army to other powerful forces, and then use their power to destroy the symbiote army. The army of living organisms; even if the best results cannot be achieved in this way, the strength of the army of symbiotes can be weakened to the limit. When the three empires swarm up, they can naturally completely solve the threat of the army of symbiotes.

"Then let the earth become your consumable?" Carol sees such a war very clearly. All that is needed by the supreme intelligence is the super power of the earth, and then use such super power to resist the symbiote army. There is no difference from the current situation.

But in this way, as long as they can hold the galaxy corridor, the earth will never have to worry that the symbiote army will hit the earth, and there will be no need to worry that the ordinary people on the earth will be harmed. It's just that this idea is very good, but It's a pity that the Cree are not trustworthy, and so is the Supreme Intelligence. If the earth really wants to participate, it has to figure out its own way.

(End of this chapter)

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