The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2608 Human Clones

Chapter 2608 Human Clones

"Sir, that Carol is fake, she's just a clone!" The adjutant's panicked voice sounded through the communicator, accompanied by nervous footsteps. For this matter, the adjutant rushed directly to the In the medical room, he immediately notified Colonel Kerry as soon as the results came out.

In fact, at this time Colonel Kerry had already seen the test report sent from the medical room, his face was gloomy and terrifying, he knew too well how cruel such a result was for them.

Without Carroll as a threat, it means that the earth can press the button of the nuclear bomb at any time, and hundreds of nuclear bombs will explode at the same time. There are more focused space wormholes.

Although it is said that with such a layer of energy shield, the space wormhole is not so easy to be destroyed, but no one has seen the power of hundreds of nuclear bombs exploding at the same time. Although Colonel Kerry has taken precautions, he is not [-]% sure. Space wormholes will not be destroyed.

Compared with the protected space wormhole, their own spacecraft is more dangerous. After all, that thing was originally used to protect their own spaceship, and now that thing is used to protect the space wormhole, so their own protection will inevitably decrease.

This is also impossible, just like the first task of many superheroes on the earth is to destroy the space wormhole, but the Cree must ensure that the space wormhole must not be destroyed, this is their number one target.

Now they have lost the biggest threat to the earth, the earth will press the button of the nuclear bomb at any time, and the situation is very unfavorable for the Kree, especially now that they have penetrated into the range of the nuclear bomb, although they have tried their best Destroy all the nuclear bombs that can be destroyed, but this is only a fraction of the number of nuclear bombs deployed on the earth.

The situation has reached an extremely critical bottom for the Kree people. Even in the next second, the earth may directly press the nuclear bomb button. Colonel Kerry must come up with a countermeasure in the shortest possible time.

"Accelerate, accelerate and head towards the space wormhole." Colonel Kerry gritted his teeth and issued this cold order with great firmness.

The deeper they go into the meteorite array, the heavier the nuclear bomb they will endure, and the more likely they will be torn apart by the nuclear bomb.

But this is the inevitable choice for Colonel Kerry. They must rush to the earth as soon as possible, and then use the power of the earth to resist Gnar and his symbiote army. Although the people on the earth are not strong in space combat , but its combat strength on the ground is quite terrifying.

Colonel Kerry knew in his heart that even if he could pass the hurdle in front of him, it would not be so easy to reach the earth. Under the current circumstances, the earth would never want to see any symbiote fighter enter the solar system and enter the earth. Conflict between the two parties is inevitable.

Even if they really arrive on the earth, they will face the full siege of the earth. At that time, many superheroes on the earth who cannot fight in the starry space will fight without any scruples, let alone their hands. There are also nuclear missiles. When the earth is in danger, they will never be stingy in a desperate battle with the Kree. Now without the participation of the Skrulls, the situation will be more straightforward.

Hulk, Strange, Reed, even Thor, Carol, and Stark, who is also probably not dead, will all participate in this war. There are many symbiote fighters, but the earth also has the same number of superheroes, so they must rely on the three spaceships they have to fight on the earth.

The most likely thing is that they will not go to war with the earth. They have no direct relationship with the earth. The reason why they will fight against each other is mainly because of the threat of Gnar, the god of symbiosis, and the army of symbiotes. Harness the power of Earth to fight the symbiote army.

This is necessary, because they are all symbiote fighters themselves. Once the symbiote army arrives, they are likely to assimilate with the symbiote army and be controlled by the symbiote god Gnar. would like to see.

Therefore, in order to avoid a decisive battle with the earth, the timing of their arrival on the earth must be chosen very well. They cannot arrive on the earth too early, and they cannot arrive on the earth too late. Forget it, but once the superheroes of the earth are too damaged, it may be difficult for them to resist Gnar and his community army. At that time, their ending will be the same, and they can only be assimilated by Gnar.

But if they go too late, Gnar's symbiote army will devour them before they reach Earth.

Because of this, they must take various measures to avoid too much damage to the strength of the earth, but not put themselves in danger. This is relatively difficult, but it is not impossible at all. They only need to spend more time in space. It is enough to stay for a while and avoid entering the earth too early. After all, the earth's space combat capabilities are limited, which is a great advantage for them.

The best way is that they can force the earth to accept the inevitable fate of the symbiote army, and then reach a negotiation between the two parties. It is best that the people here can also strengthen the strength of the earth in some ways, so that they They can fight against the army of symbiotes, while they hide, or even lock themselves up, to avoid being assimilated and used by the army of symbiotes, and even stab the earth in the back.

To be honest, at this time, it is really hard to believe that a small country in the universe like the earth has the ability to resist the god of symbiosis, Gnar, and the army of symbiosis. This is both a myth and a miracle.

Of course, when the Supreme Intelligence allowed them to choose their own target, other fleet commanders chose to go to the star fields where other Celestial group powerhouses were located, and some even went directly to the edge of the universe, but Colonel Kerry chose to go to Earth.

Part of this is because he knows that Carol is on the earth. If all this is really difficult, then the grievances between him and Carol should be settled. Otherwise, if he is really dead, then There is no more chance.

On the other hand, Colonel Kerry also believes that the earth is really a place where miracles can be created. Not to mention the top powerhouses like Ling Xiao and Thor, even without them, the earth should not be humiliated. King Malekith is an obvious example. He led so many symbiont armies that he has not been able to take down the earth, which shows the strength of the earth.

The earth has created many miracles in recent years, and Colonel Kerry also hopes that they can create more miracles.

It is precisely because of this that the importance of Carol in this matter is actually much more important than it seems now. She can not only help them pass through the space smoothly, but Colonel Kerry can also use her as a threat , forcing the earth to compromise with them, and after that, Carol will play a bigger role in the process of fighting against the symbiote army. Even if Colonel Kerry wanted to torture her, he didn't want to I want her to die.

But now, Carroll is completely out of control. For Colonel Kerry, there are only two ways he can go. One is what he is doing now, rushing directly down the space wormhole and taking a gamble. The moment before the space wormhole was blown up, enter the solar system through the space wormhole; as for the other way, it is to exit the meteorite belt directly, so it does not matter whether he can succeed, but doing so will definitely make them lose control of the space wormhole.

Where did Carol go? In a very short period of time, Colonel Kerry guessed it accurately. After all, Carol went to the location of the space wormhole. Her purpose is to lift the cover on the space wormhole. That layer of energy shield; this is also the reason why the earth has not pressed the nuclear bomb button and destroyed their Kree spaceship, and they also do not want to see Carol die!

It is precisely because he has thought through all this in a very short period of time that Colonel Kerry decided to give it a go. Everything has come to this point, and going backwards will only make things worse. chance of success.

(End of this chapter)

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