The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2607 Stark is still alive

Chapter 2607 Stark is still alive

"Carol is dying!" Colonel Kerry's heart was shocked immediately by the adjutant's words, what's going on, how could Carol be dying.

Colonel Kerry immediately looked at the light energy screen on one side. On this light energy screen, the adjutant had already adjusted Carol's real-time physical condition one step ahead, and Colonel Kerry could clearly see Carroll's actual physical condition at a glance.

Everything is shown very clearly. At this time, Carol's blood, energy, and body temperature are all dropping. Although the wounds on her body are still healing, the speed of healing has become extremely fast. Slow, couldn't keep up with the speed of the deep scars scratched on her body by space meteorites. Not only that, but at this time in Carol's body, her internal organs also began to show signs of decay.

"Did something hurt Carol's five internal organs just now?" Although Colonel Kerry frowned tightly about the situation in front of him, he was not very nervous. This is not something impossible to happen, so many It is not impossible for one or two fragments of the meteorite to penetrate Carol's body and inadvertently injure a vital part of her body.

"A lot of meteorite fragments flew into Carroll's body, and more than one or two vital points of her body were injured." The adjutant pointed to the light energy screen in front of him, reached out and tapped all the internal organs of Carol's body, and then He continued: "There are injuries from meteorite fragments in these places, but these injuries should not cause the phenomenon in front of me. With Carol's own ability, she should be able to resist this kind of damage."

Carol's physical self-healing degree is very high. On the whole earth, there are few people who can compare with her. Even Wolverine Logan can't compare with her in this aspect, so the current situation is in the eyes of the adjutant It shouldn't happen.

In fact, in the eyes of Colonel Kerry, it should be the same. It is precisely because he knows that the meteorite fragments in front of him cannot threaten Carol's life, so Colonel Kerry will continue to put her there and let her bear the pain from the meteorite. Blows of meteorite fragments from all sides.

But now the situation obviously had an accident. I don't know what went wrong. Carol's physical function is constantly declining. If it continues like this, Carol might die because of it.

So Colonel Kerry ordered very decisively: "Rescue Carol immediately... Wait, carry out remote rescue for Carol, use healing light, don't need to bring her back to the spaceship, and do it a little more concealed." .”

Colonel Kerry did it because all of a sudden, all of a sudden, it occurred to him that if all this was Carroll's ruse, so what?

Threatening their own life and death, they forced them to put her into the spaceship, and once Carol was allowed to enter the spaceship, in the words of the earth, it would be to let Monkey King enter the belly of Princess Iron Fan, and the world would be turned upside down They are all light, maybe their entire spaceship, including everyone in the spaceship, may die because of it, so when thinking of this, Colonel Kerry immediately changed his original mind.

What people think, some people always like to judge others by themselves, and it is not common sense to judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart, not to mention that in this kind of war scene, no matter how careful you can't be too careful, it is when one person treats another When a person is full of prejudices.

For Colonel Kerry, as long as Carol does not die, he can do anything, and the most important thing is that the superheroes on the earth cannot be aware of Carol's body. Once they find Carol's body Now it is developing gradually, maybe they will press the button of the nuclear bomb immediately.

Seeing that the healing light was mixed with the attacking light and shot into Carol's body, and this time, Carol's condition did improve significantly.

However, this improvement only lasted for a very short time. After just a moment, Carol's physical condition deteriorated again. At this time, Colonel Kerry suddenly noticed something was wrong, and he asked people to continue using the healing light. While treating Carol, the other side also began to closely check Carol's physical condition. A flash of light had flashed in his mind, but he hadn't fully figured out what it was.

Because they have never brought Carol's body into the spacecraft, even now, they only use remote treatment equipment to see through and analyze various conditions in Carol's body, so in their Carol's blood sample was not on hand.

If it was at other times, it would be nothing, but now the situation is different, one mistake may lead to the failure of all their success, so thinking of this, Colonel Kerry didn't even have time to order his adjutant, and directly faced the medical department The order given by the person in charge, let them quickly collect Carol's blood body samples, and then get the analysis results in the shortest possible time.

Colonel Kerry had a very bad premonition in his heart. He basically guessed what happened, but he couldn't be sure, because it all happened so unbelievably, he didn't even notice any manipulation by others. signs.

While Colonel Kerry was anxiously waiting for the analysis results, Rogers also clearly saw a mechanical arm protruding from the inside of Kerry's spacecraft on the side of the space carrier on Earth, and then quickly stabbed Carol. Once, and then quickly retracted.

Seeing this scene, Rogers couldn't help but sighed softly, then picked up the communicator beside him, and said into the communicator: "Okay, Tony, come out, they have already noticed that there is a problem."

Hearing what Rogers said, most people in the command module of the aerospace carrier couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and at this moment, outside the door of the command module, a figure pressed the button of the command module, and then walked away Come in, and this man outright confirms the Iron Man Stark that everyone thought had been sacrificed.

Iron Man Stark is not dead. Many people have guessed this before, but even they can't believe it. It's true. Stark is really not dead. Then Carol Well, what is Carol's situation now, has he really been caught by the Cree?

Stark is not dead, which is not surprising. When he was on the earth, Stark could remotely control his steel armor from thousands of kilometers away. Now in the starry universe, There is very little interference and influence on various energy signals, and he is more able to command his steel armor from a long distance, but this brings a problem, their opponents can easily grasp this command signal to locate theirs Location.

The Scruis did not do this kind of thing, but the Cree did. Fortunately, the first moment the Cree appeared, they attacked the steel armor of Carol and Stark, which gave them a chance to deal with it. Otherwise, if the opponent attacks them immediately, then everything will be over.

But fortunately, things didn't go in the worst direction, and to some extent, they were already proceeding according to their set of plans.

But there are still many things that people can't figure out. It's okay for Stark to appear here because he commanded the Iron Armor by remote control. Then Carol, what is Carol's situation? Well, she was clearly hit by the Kree's energy beam, and now the Kree is still tightly controlling the bow of the Hisense spacecraft. It can't be said that these are all fake, right?

Stark knows that many people have doubts in their hearts, but now is not the time for him to explain to them. Their time is already very tight now, and they have no time to do these redundant things.

So as soon as Stark entered the command room, he immediately walked to Rogers' side. He stretched out his right hand without hesitation, and placed it flat on the control platform with Rogers' right hand. The next moment, a palm-sized slap The secret door slid down, and what appeared in front of Stark and Rogers were two input keyboards. The one just now had verified Stark's fingerprints, blood and physical condition, and now they needed to enter the final password.

Without any hesitation, Stark and Rogers entered their respective 24-digit nuclear control passwords. After doing all this, even the black button began to flash a red dot slowly, a red dot that determines the fate of everyone .

(End of this chapter)

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