Chapter 2586

The Cree are plotting against the Skrulls, and the Skrulls are not plotting against the Kree people. Naturally, there is no need to say more about the Cree people's thoughts, but the Skrulls are also not good people.

They knew that the symbiote fighters and the symbiote backup samples would attract the symbiote god Gnar and the symbiote army, but they still came to the earth without hesitation. The purpose was to use the power of the earth to resist Gnar and the symbiote army. , Regardless of whether the earth is willing or not, and regardless of the extremely serious consequences that doing so may bring to the earth, they only think about themselves.

"How is it? Is there any news from the Earth?" Gloria, a female Skrull, looked around cautiously.

Colonel Cole, Gloria's husband, put his arms around his wife's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "Got it, we received a subspace communication message before, but it was damaged, basically nothing can be seen, only a few Scattered words, symbiote, carol, carnage."

"The superheroes on Earth slaughtered all the symbiote fighters?" Gloria was taken aback.

"I thought that was the same meaning at first, but after checking with the intelligence library, I found out that massacre is not a verb, but a name. He here represents a person, a community fighter named massacre." Cole The colonel shook his head, sighed softly and said, "We can't guess anything based on these few words, but we can be sure that the Earth side has noticed the existence of the symbiote fighters, and there should be a lot of commotion."

This is a very reasonable guess. When the symbiote god Gnar was resurrected, the symbiote fighters in the entire universe had a dark connection with Gnar, and they sensed the existence of Gnar at that moment. Gnar also sensed their presence at the same time.

After that, the contact between the two parties was completely severed, and if you want to get in touch with Gnar again, you must collect a considerable number of symbiote backup samples. This is the only chance to remove Gnar's original lock.

And it was precisely because of the connection with Gnar, the god of symbiosis, that the symbiote fighters became crazy. They crazily got rid of the original control, started to destroy crazily, and finally suffered crazily suppression.

In the end, this incident caused considerable losses to themselves and those who conducted experiments on them. Of course, some of them completely got out of control.

This is the purpose of Gnar. After he regained consciousness, he felt that his descendants of the symbiote had been scattered in every corner of the universe, and they were constantly being subjected to cruel experiments. The fate was extremely miserable, and he was naturally very angry. Even in the universe that is infinitely far apart, Gnar can still arouse the emotions in those symbiote fighters, making them crazily start killing.

The current god of symbiotes, Gnar, is heading towards every planet that he originally sensed that has the imprint of symbiote fighters. He wants to destroy them all, avenge himself and his symbiotes, and start to set foot again. On the way he used to, he wants to use the symbiosis to clean the entire universe.

It's strange to say, whether it's Thanos or Gnar, they will always go on the road to destroy the universe in the end.

Don’t say that Thanos only wants to destroy half of the universe’s population. We all know that when Thanos knew that he snapped his fingers and destroyed half of the universe’s population, whether it was the Avengers or the remaining people of other planetary races, they were all thinking about it. When all methods were used to bring back the half of the destroyed population, and they were all implemented, Thanos said angrily that he should not have destroyed only half of the population of the universe, but should have destroyed all the population of the universe.

This is Thanos, this is the real Thanos, whether it is to destroy half of the population of the universe, or destroy the entire population, let him do whatever he wants.

In fact, it cannot be said that, whether it is Thanos, Gnar, the god of symbiosis, or other people who want to destroy the universe, their ultimate goal is to rule, to destroy everything in front of them, and then after the destruction Reinvent and rule over all.

Destruction and rebirth, if it is really said, this is the same as the meaning of the great flood in the myth.

Without discussing these philosophical things, looking back, when the symbiote itself Gnar escaped, the symbiote fighters of the Skrull Empire also lost their minds and went crazy for a while. Although they regained their sanity later, the damage they caused The damage is beyond repair, and in order to prevent them from having accidents in the future, it is natural to control them. The Skrull Empire is like this, and the Kree Empire believes that it is not much worse.

"So, the earth should also know the secret of the symbiosis." Gloria frowned, looked at her husband and said, "If they know that Gnar, the god of symbiosis, is coming towards the earth, they No action will be taken.”

"So it depends on whether we are fast or they are fast." Colonel Cole saw the situation in front of him very clearly. He patted his wife on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, the biggest advantage for us now is the earth. Little did we know that we were heading towards them now, that perhaps we would be able to unite and stand together against the Kree and symbiote armies."

For such a judgment, Colonel Cole thinks that there is no problem. Whether it is the Skrull Empire or the Kree Empire, they all know the power of the superheroes on the earth, but correspondingly, the technological level of the earth is infinitely backward.

Let’s take the Nova Corps as an analogy. The Nova Corps actually has not many Nova Warriors, only more than 500 people. Although there are some reserve and reserve legions, compared to the Kerry Empire and the Skrull Empire, in fact, Going is nothing at all.

But the problem is that each of these [-] new star fighters has the powerful strength to run rampant in the universe, plus those centurions, centurion directors, and high-level personnel of the Qaida federal government and various internal forces. , spread out, enough for them to supervise the entire galaxy.

In fact, they also did the same. The tyrannical Nova Corps maintained the order of the entire galaxy, and even when the Kree Empire invaded, they were the ones who stood up to resist. Although it was only the power of the Kree Empire, but that It is also enough to prove the strength of the Nova Corps.

The superheroes of the earth are indeed powerful, but they really have the powerful combat power in the deep space universe, but there are not many of them. Captain Marvel, Carol, Supreme Mage Strange, and at most one Asgard Thor, the deity of Germany, Stark in steel armor, nothing more.

It can’t be blamed that the Skoru people think this way. Space combat in deep space is completely different from ground combat. Movement speed is very important here. Traveling hundreds of thousands of kilometers in a blink of an eye is a very common thing. The critical moment is the shortest time. It can span 10 billion kilometers within a short period of time, and the fastest can even reach the speed of light. Such a fighting method cannot be supported by a planet that has not even stepped out of the solar system.

Of course, ground combat is another matter. Once the Skrulls and Kerrys arrive under the Earth City, relying on the Earth, the strength of the super fighters on the Earth will immediately double, and when the war spreads to the surface of the Earth Time, those superheroes will be even more difficult to deal with.

Even such powerful existences as Thanos and Malekith have been destroyed on the earth, so how dare they underestimate the combat power possessed by the earth.

However, the superheroes of the earth are strong, but their combat ability cannot go deep into the depths of the universe. It is precisely because of this that the Cree and the Skrulls have begun to take the idea of ​​​​the earth, perhaps on the superheroes of the earth. , even the god of symbiosis, Gnar, and his symbiotes probably can't get the slightest benefit, and the Crees and Skrulls can enjoy it.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Colonel Cole, the supreme commander of the Stru fleet, does not care whether the earth has discovered the fact that Gnar, the god of the community, is killing the earth. In his opinion, Even now that the earth has discovered that the symbiote army is coming towards the earth, the main energy of the superheroes on the earth is concentrated on the symbiote army, and they will not be placed on them at all, and they will not notice their actions. arrival.

Of course, when they enter the solar system, the earth will soon find out their arrival, but by then it may be too late.

(End of this chapter)

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