The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2585 Skrull Fleet

Chapter 2585 Skrull Fleet

The Skrull Empire have not always been known for their military strength and dominance, they were also once pacifists, a peace-loving race in the universe.

With the birth of interstellar space travel, Emperor Doker began to take the lead in having leaders and expanding the Skrull Empire. He conquered various planets not by war, but by trade. Dokker and the others exchanged resources and loyalty by providing Skrull technology. , each planet he traveled peacefully became part of the Skrull Empire until his journey came to Harrah, where a group of Kree lived.

They were even more savage and cruel then than they are now, and they were ruled by a tyrant named Morag, but they were not the only race in Hala, the Ketati also thrived here, they were a kind of A race of plants that live in harmony with the environment, and they are as peaceful as the Skrulls.

In order to decide who is the dominant species and new trading partner of Hara Star, Emperor Dork launched a competition. He sent a group of people from each race to an isolated satellite, and everyone was equipped with the most advanced equipment. Advanced Skrull technology, after one year, whoever can create the most brilliant achievement with the gift in hand will be regarded as the ruler of Hala planet, and then join the Skrull Empire on behalf of this planet.

In an interstellar fleet sailing in deep space, a female Skrull is telling a few young children about the past.

Having women and children in the Starfleet in battle is definitely a taboo against military regulations in the Kree Empire, but in the fleet of the Skrull Empire, this is nothing more than a normal thing.

In fact, the fleet of the Skrull Empire is like the army of grassland nomads on the earth. Even on a large-scale battlefield, behind a powerful army, there are still countless women, old and weak, driving cattle and sheep as logistical supplies. A fleet is actually equivalent to a tribe.

Especially in recent years, the Skrull Empire has been severely suppressed by the Cree people. If it weren't for the Skrull Empire's founding method, it is very suitable for expanding its territory, and the entire country is constantly expanding away from the Kree Empire. If a large amount of manpower and material resources were mobilized to fight against the Cree, the Skrull Empire would have been completely destroyed by the tiger-wolf-like Cree, and it would persist there until today.

Therefore, for such a period of history, every Skrull person firmly remembers it in his heart, and continues to pass it on to future generations to know.

"You all know the rest." The female Skrull sneered, and then said to a few children: "The Ketati built a garden on that satellite, and the seventeen Cree Men built a city, a monument of their brute strength and Skrull technology."

"We know that the satellite is on Earth's moon." A child raised his hand excitedly.

"That's right, it's the earth we're going on this trip." The female Skrull gave the child an angry look, and then continued: "The Ketati people are a race of admiration and tranquility just like us. Ragg was afraid victory would slip through his fingers, and he didn't want to depend on the Ketati, so he rallied the Kree to do what they've always been good at, and they killed the Ketati..."

Speaking of this, the face of the female Skrull became extremely ferocious, and she said full of hatred: "For the Cree, killing the Ketati is not enough. They also slaughtered the Skrull who supervised them. The Skrull War was born that day, and our people went from a peaceful army to the greatest military force. Your father and I fought for our people, just as our parents did. as you are doing now."

Having said that, the female Skrull sighed deeply, and she couldn't help looking at the starry universe outside.

The war has spread to the entire galaxy, and today it has finally completely affected the earth. This female Skrull is very clear about the target of this operation. She knows that this time they go to the earth, they will definitely bring a devastating blow to the earth. Disaster, but they can't wait to do it, for the entire Skrull Empire, all sacrifices on Earth are worth it.

"But we are still fighting now!" A little girl asked timidly: "But why, why are we still fighting now?"

"For the Skrull Empire." The female Skrull frowned, looking at her little daughter with some doubts and dissatisfaction.

I saw the little girl shrank her head in fear, and then asked cautiously: "But you just said yourself that we also yearned for peace."

"Peace cannot be exchanged for peace." The female Skrull shook her head, and then continued firmly: "Ivy, you must be clear that once the samples we hold are obtained by the Kree, they will It is very likely to wipe us out once and for all, so we must protect the samples in our hands, take them to the earth, and then cooperate with the superheroes on the earth to protect the samples in our hands."

This is the purpose of the Skrulls' trip to the earth, their powerful and profound understanding of the earth.

For so many years, Captain Carroll has been in close contact with one of the defected Skrulls. However, this Skrull is still a Skrull after all. They and the Skrull Empire did not pay attention to Carol. In this place, contact has been re-established, and even in the process, there are spies between them lurking into each other, and some people have even sneaked into the earth and sneaked into the core area of ​​the Avengers.

It is precisely because of this that they have a full understanding of the Avengers and the superheroes of the earth. Although the Kree people are stronger than them, they are far inferior to them when it comes to their understanding of the earth.

At this moment, the youngest daughter's pouting voice woke her up: "Then what about the god Messiah, can he not save us?"

"That's just a legend, Ivy!" The female Skrulls also felt very troubled by the way the youngest daughter kept asking, she couldn't tell her daughter that the backup samples of the symbiote they had now, In fact, it came from the god Messiah.

In fact, in their entire interstellar formation, there is only one symbiote suit wearing a symbiote suit, and they only protect a symbiote backup sample, but what they have to do now is to put this The symbiosis fighters and the symbiosis samples were all sent to the earth, hoping to rely on the power of the earth to save them all from the symbiosis god Gnar and the symbiosis army.

In fact, with the power of the Skrulls, they can completely destroy all the symbiote fighters and symbiote samples in their hands, but they are reluctant, so they add some symbiote fighters and symbiote samples to the Cree Empire and the Shia Empire. In addition, the remaining most powerful symbiote fighter, and the gene backup sample of the most powerful symbiote fighter in history, the god Messiah, was sent to the earth.

I hope to rely on the power of the earth to preserve this power, hoping to use the power of symbiote fighters in the future.

"Let's go, everyone go back to your room." After dismissing the children, the female Skrull walked towards the command cabin.

In the command cabin, the husband of the female Skrull was staring closely at the light energy screen in front of him, and the light energy screen showed the position of their fleet from the earth. In the rear of the fleet, a line was often drawn, connecting a huge red dot.

"How about it, did the Cree still not do anything?" The eyes of the female Skrull also looked at the bright screen in front of them.

Her husband nodded, and said with a sneer: "Kerry's fleet is still at the same distance from us, without the slightest approach, and without the slightest distance away, it has always been hiding on the edge of our attack range, dead like a thorn It's dead stuck in there, but we can't pull it out."

This also means that the Cree can attack them at any time, and the female Skrull couldn't help asking: "Are we safe?"

"It's okay, don't worry." The male Skrull stretched his arms around his wife's shoulders, smiled, and said comfortingly: "The Kree will not easily attack us. La Xing, they also have a certain understanding, so in order to deal with the superheroes of the earth, they want to use us as pawns to explore the way. He really treats us as fools, thinking that we really have no ability to discover their existence, really ridiculous!"

The male Skrulls sneered and said: "It's a beautiful idea. When they are about to reach the earth, we will suddenly turn around and launch a surprise attack, and then tell the superheroes on the earth that we are the Skrull fleet attacked by the Kree. Then Ask for their assistance so we can gain easy access to Earth."

(End of this chapter)

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