The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2581 Man-made Meteorite Belt

Chapter 2581 Man-made Meteorite Belt

Just coming out of the space passage, what appeared in front of everyone was a small meteorite belt. If they hadn't known this in advance, they might have been completely destroyed by the meteorite by accident.

This small meteorite belt is vast, tens of miles wide, and the meteorites inside are large and small, the big ones are as big as a hill, hundreds of meters high, and the small ones are more than ten meters in size. It has long formed its own rules under tempering. Once it breaks in rashly, it is likely to trigger the entire meteorite array and suffer the common attack of all meteorites.

Such a space wormhole located in the meteorite belt is not known to be one or two places in the entire universe. After countless years, people have accumulated countless experiences. Large-scale bombing is absolutely not feasible. It is very special, but it will definitely not be able to withstand the bombing of large-scale and powerful offensive weapons, unless it is specially reinforced, which is obviously not the case here.

In fact, if you want to enter the earth, space cracks are everywhere, but few of these space cracks are truly stable, and almost none can support large-scale fleets. At present, their space channel is the only one that can supply the Kerry Empire. Passing with the fleet of the Skrull Empire.

Of course, there may also be other space cracks that are hardly known to the public. If someone in the Kerry Empire or the Scru Empire knows that such space cracks exist and sneaks into the earth without a sound, then their There will be big trouble.

We can only hope that Strange and Mr. Fantastic Reed can detect the fluctuation of someone opening the space channel in time.

The supreme mage uses magic means, and Kama Taj's magic defense network covers every corner of human existence, and any magic and dimensional fluctuations cannot be hidden from their eyes; while Mister Fantastic Reed uses technological means, For so many years, unless it has been deliberately covered up, space fluctuations in any corner of the earth can be detected.

However, it is so easy to deliberately cover up spatial fluctuations. Some magic means must be mixed in, and once magic fluctuations occur, it will immediately attract Kama Taj's attention, so this is basically a knot .

It is precisely because of such worries that Mister Fantastic Reed and Supreme Mage Strange must sit on the earth. Even if they want to leave, they must confirm the traces with the symbiote army and defeat Kerry or After the fleet of the Skrull Empire.

So if you want to enter here, you must either use the spacecraft to directly hit it, or use the gunfire of the spacecraft to destroy the meteorites blocking the way in a small way, and then open a way to move forward. Of course, the powerful fleet has enough to destroy all incoming meteorites. ability, which gives them opportunity.

According to the circuit diagram provided on the light energy screen in front of him, Stark carefully passed among the meteorites, but he didn't touch any meteorite, as if someone had already opened a path in it.

This is indeed the case. According to the route map, the Quinjet plane that Stark and others took gradually approached a large meteorite that was the size of a hill and directly above [-] meters. Behind the meteorite, a hidden door suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, the Quinjet plane entered the meteorite, and then the secret door was closed, and everything returned to normal again.

Rogers was the first to jump out of the Quinjet plane. Seeing that it was filled with dozens of Quinjet planes and hundreds of agents who were busy going back and forth, he took a deep breath, and then headed towards Stark and the others together. Walk towards the command room of the space carrier disguised as a meteorite.

Don’t think that only superheroes are involved in this incident against the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire. Now this time the plan needs to mobilize a lot of manpower and material resources. There are many aspects to be coordinated, and very professional people are required to do it.

And once the superhero's plan encounters difficulties, these agents need to fly the Quinjet plane to help. At the most critical moment, a straw may become an important weight to overwhelm the balance.

Entering the command cabin of the space carrier, I saw almost everyone sitting in front of a light-energy computer, operating quickly, and curves appeared on the light-energy screen, forming a continuous interlacing but inexhaustible Disjoint tracks.

"It seems that they haven't finished their work yet." Stark turned his head to look at Rogers and said something, then shook his head, stepped forward, opened a light energy screen, and began to quickly operate on it, and In the same action, there are Black Widow Natasha and Vision.

The Scarlet Witch Wanda, Quicksilver, and Thunderbolt Jonathan stood there a little at a loss. Rogers glanced at the three of them, and then said casually: "You can find a place to rest, or just take a walk. I don't have any use for you yet."

After finishing speaking, Rogers ignored them, turned around again and looked at a light energy screen in front of him, and it was Quasar that was operating on this light energy screen. He was seriously injured in the battle, almost to the point of death.

But after such a long time, she finally recovered slowly, and now she is concentrating on her work.

On the light energy screen, with the addition of the three of Stark and the others, the calculations began to become much smoother, and at this time the image on the light screen also began to change, followed by a picture of the outermost meteorite belt. , a bright band of light flew from extremely far away, and appeared on the light energy screen in the blink of an eye.

The person who appeared was of course Captain Marvel, Carol, and in Carol's hands was holding a huge meteorite with a diameter of tens of meters.

At this time, Dr. Spectrum reported some data to Carol, and then at a certain time, Dr. Spectrum suddenly opened his mouth. The next moment, the huge meteorite was thrown into the meteorite belt by Carol. The next moment, the huge meteorite It has been perfectly integrated into the meteorite array.

Looking at the situation in front of him with satisfaction, Carol, the captain of surprise, couldn't help but smile. Then, when Carol turned around, the person had once again turned into a bright band of light, and he was gone for countless light years in an instant. Disappeared in front of everyone.

The meteorite array in front of him turned out to be man-made. Rogers looked at this scene with no suitable expression. There is no doubt that he is also an insider.

The meteorite array in front of them is their biggest means of action this time. In addition to the giant meteorite in disguise, there are more than a dozen large meteorites that have also been tampered with, except for the huge meteorite at this moment. In addition, large-yield nuclear bombs were installed in other meteorites.

When Kerry or the Starfleet of the Skrull Empire sail into the meteorite belt, they will manipulate these meteorites to mix in and attack these starfleet. The power of the nuclear bomb is enough to destroy the entire fleet, and the superheroes also Can take advantage of the trend to clean up the mess.

But that's it, with such a big war happening near the space wormhole, it is impossible for another star fleet to not respond at all, even if it can't find anything in advance, after arriving here, unless Rogers and Carroll can clean up everything Otherwise, the traces of the battle would not be hidden from them at all.

And if everything goes well, the nuclear bomb explosion will be controlled in the outer layer of the meteorite belt, but if the situation is not smooth, then the nuclear bomb explosion is likely to affect the existence of space wormholes. The hole is destroyed directly.

From this perspective, it would be better for them if the other fleet arrived here not long after the previous fleet was destroyed.

It has been quite a while since Captain Marvel brought half of the Alpha team, the Supreme Team, and the Guardians of the Galaxy here. They have been calculating the existence of the entire meteorite, that is, they have Carlo Well, all kinds of very suitable meteorites can be transported from countless light-years away, otherwise, such a plan will not work at all.

You know, there is still a big difference between ordinary stones and meteorites. Meteorites in space and ordinary rocks on the ground are completely different things. Most people may ignore the difference in the middle, but for those who have fought in the universe for countless years As far as the Star Fleet is concerned, such a battle is enough to arouse their vigilance, so the space meteorites used must be real and unnecessary, and they must also undergo very strict calculations.

(End of this chapter)

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