The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 2580 tacit warning

Chapter 2580 tacit warning

From a distance, most of Pluto's land is light brown, and a small part of the darker area seems to have a touch of blood from a distance.

The destination of Rogers and others is not above Pluto, but in the inner position of a satellite of Pluto that is farthest from the sun.

Pluto has five satellites, named after Charon, the boatman on the Styx in Greek or Roman mythology, "Nix", the goddess of darkness, "Hydra", the hydra, "Styx" on the river Styx, and the three gods guarding the gate of the underworld. The head dog "Kerberus" was named.

The space wormhole at the exit of the solar system is on the back of Kerberus, because Kerberus is double-lobe-shaped, the diameter of the larger lobe is about 8 kilometers, and the diameter of the smaller lobe is only 5 kilometers. They may be Two small satellites merged, and the space wormhole is just above the location where the two small satellites connect.

This moon is smaller, it has a highly reflective surface, and it may be composed of a lot of water ice.

Compared to Kerberus, Pluto, like Triton, is composed of 70% rock and 30% ice water. The bright part of the surface may be covered with some solid nitrogen and a small amount of solid methane and carbon monoxide. Pluto The composition of the dark part of the surface is not known, but it may be some basic organic matter or photochemical reactions triggered by cosmic rays.

Moreover, Pluto’s atmosphere is extremely thin, and the ground pressure is only a few micropascals. The atmosphere may only be gas when Pluto is close to the perihelion, so its atmosphere is blue; in the rest of Pluto’s years, the gas in the atmosphere condenses into a solid.When approaching perihelion, part of the atmosphere may escape into the universe, and may even be attracted to Charon.

Charon, Charon, and all the way to Charon, there may have been a certain amount of atmosphere above them, but because of gravity and temperature, these atmospheres were either thrown into the cold universe or frozen It is solid and hidden in the depths of the satellite.

On the issue of temperature, the surface temperature of Pluto is about -238°C to -218°C, and the situation on Pluto and Pluto is similar.

After all, it is 73 billion kilometers away from the sun at the farthest point, and 44 billion kilometers at the closest point. The gravity here is not enough to be a tool for them to deal with Starfleet. Otherwise, if the space wormhole is in Neptune, Rogers can completely design to use gravity to strike the alien fleet.

"Your idea is very good, Steve!" After listening to Rogers' proposal, Stark first smiled, then shook his head, and said, "Think about it carefully, whether it's the Cree or the Sk Lu people, their research on space wormholes is superior to ours, once they have any means to deal with wormhole attacks, all our plans may directly fail."

Stark paused for a moment, seeing that everyone was imagining the cruel reality once the plan failed, and then continued: "To be honest, we have all considered whether it is possible to travel through the space between the fleets of the Kree and the Skrulls." When the wormhole is halfway through, we hit it halfway, but we dare not."

Speaking of this, Stark couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and then he continued: "Perhaps for those ordinary soldiers and fleets, such an attack is very effective, but for those symbiote fighters, they have a lot to do." The probability of surviving. The other end of the space wormhole does not matter, but if this side cannot be defended, then it is very likely that the symbiote fighters will directly seize the ship and then attack the earth."

To be honest, the reason why I am worried about such a backlash is that on the one hand, the earth is still not familiar with interstellar wars, and on the other hand, it is also because the earth can mobilize not many people at this time.

There is no doubt that they must accumulate a large number of manpower at the other end of the space wormhole. That is the front line of the war. Only when the plan there is carried out smoothly can other parts be able to easily check for gaps and make up for the gaps.

On the other hand, it is the Earth’s headquarters that needs to place a large number of people. Although it is said that this is the only space wormhole in the solar system, there are still other space wormholes in other interstellar spaces closest to the solar system. If the Cree and Skrull If people bypass this space wormhole and directly attack the earth, then they need to arrange enough manpower on the planetary defense barrier of the earth.

It's not that they can completely resist the attacks of the Cree or the Scruws, but at least they have to wait until they can return in time.

If, if they are superheroes at the other end of the space channel, they will not be wiped out in the interstellar battle, at least once the space wormhole is destroyed, they will not be able to return to the earth in a short time, and in At this time, the earth is under attack, and they can't help at all.

"You know, neither the Kree nor the Skrulls are our greatest enemies. Our greatest enemies are Gnar and his symbiote army." Stark looked at the space wormhole that was getting closer and closer, Then he sighed and said: "If all the things we are doing now are useless, if Gnar and his symbiote army completely ignore our confusion and directly kill the earth, we must ensure that the earth has enough resistance. "

"That's why Strange and Thor can't move." Rogers nodded in agreement. Strange sits on the earth, and he owns the time stone, which is the biggest hole card the earth has; in addition, there is Thor, the god of thunder, and only Thor Only then did he know where Ling Xiao was. If it was really necessary, only he could call Ling Xiao, and before that, the divine power in his body must not be consumed too much.

So even if they have Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, they must not use it easily until they are sure that the symbiote army will not kill the earth. The power consumed by interstellar teleportation across countless light years must not be justified. It is not a plan, especially since this is not a teleportation between the nine worlds of Asgard.

The Rainbow Bridge can only reduce energy consumption to the greatest extent by interstellar teleportation within the nine kingdoms of the Asgard world tree system. Once it leaves this range, the energy it needs to consume will increase.

So now the power reserved on the earth is the most, and the power placed at the other end of the space wormhole is also the largest, and near this space wormhole, the manpower they can place is probably only the Hulk who can be short. Only those who are not afraid of the extremely low temperature of the deep space universe can stay here. Of course, Dr. Banner will still hide in the invisible Quinjet before the problem of the space wormhole.

"Singing together." Hearing Stark and Rogers explaining the situation in front of them one by one, Natasha curled her lips in disdain. She knew in her heart that whether it was Stark or Rogers, they The two of them already knew everything that might happen, and the reason why they said so much before was mainly for Wanda, Vision, Jonathan and Pietro, lest they be too impulsive and confused big picture.

Natasha didn't pay much attention to these things. The main purpose of her trip to the other end of the space impulse was to do intelligence analysis.

Although it is said that the information obtained here will be transmitted to the earth in the shortest time, after all, there are billions of kilometers away in the middle, and the time consumption and energy consumption in the middle will not be mentioned for the time being, in case something goes wrong in the middle The problem, once it is delayed for a while, it is very likely to cause extremely serious consequences, let alone there are back and forth in the middle.

It is precisely this kind of person that Natasha needs to personally sit on the other side of the space wormhole, and immediately analyze and process the intelligence information sent back by Captain Marvel Carol's eyeliner in the deep space universe, and make the most accurate Judgment and response.

The war on Earth also pays attention to a fleeting opportunity, not to mention this kind of interstellar war in which the entire fleet, the entire fleet will die if you don't pay attention.

Now, what the earth needs to deal with are the two most powerful star fleets of the interstellar empire. The most important thing is two. If they have one, they still have enough confidence to deal with it. If they have two, they will be a little difficult to parry. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately distribute the power of each share.

When thinking about these things, the blue light in front of them has enveloped the entire spaceship. Now they have officially stepped into the space wormhole, and the magnificent interstellar war will soon unfold before their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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