The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 157 Breakthrough

Chapter 157 Breakthrough

Seeing Keiko Takahashi lying unconscious on the balcony, Ling Xiao couldn't help frowning.

Takahashi Keiko was seriously injured. There was a long gash in her lower abdomen, back, and chest.Ling Xiao didn't know how she had been treated, but the blood from the wound on her body didn't flow much, instead it was a white and deep wound that turned up, which made people look a little shocking.

Taking a deep breath, Ling Xiao began to help Takahashi Keiko with the wound.Holding her to the bathroom, Ling Xiao took off all the clothes on Keiko Takahashi's body, washed her body completely, and then took out the sterilized scalpel to cut off all the dead flesh on the wound.

After re-sewing, he bandaged her tightly, took her back to the guest room, and used acupuncture to help dredge the blood vessels. After injecting two doses of antidote injections, Ling Xiao let her continue to sleep and slowly repair herself.

It wasn't until the next morning, when the sun shone into the big bed in the guest room, that Keiko Takahashi, who had been sleeping for a long time, slowly opened her eyes, and she immediately saw Ling Xiao standing by the bed.

"Master..." Takahashi Keiko struggled to sit up, but for a while, she felt that she had no strength in her whole body.

Ling Xiao hurried over, pressed her shoulders, and said: "Don't get up, you are seriously injured now, and your energy and blood are weak, please tell me what happened to make you look like this. "

"We were attacked by someone." Takahashi Keiko sighed helplessly, and then explained to Ling Xiao in a low voice what happened during this period.

Because he got the stolen silver treasure box, Sato Junze immediately rushed to New York with Takahashi Keiko and a group of men, and joined his father, Koga-ryu Elder Sato Eishobu.

With the help of the Hand and New York underground gang leader Jin Bin, they found Wolverine, who had been displaced because of the attack on the Mutant Academy.

At that time, Wolverine Logan was surrounded by Storm, Qin, Blue Devil, Iceman, Fireman, Little Rascal and others.

Taking advantage of Logan's single opportunity, the Japanese, under the command of Sato Eishobu, decisively launched a roundup of Logan. Dozens of middle and high-level ninjas surrounded Logan without saying a word. Just kill it directly.

Decades have passed since Logan came back from Japan, during which many Japanese came to find him, and the purpose of both parties has long been known.

The Japanese are not clear about Logan's current strength. None of the ninjas sent out before had come into contact with Logan came back alive.

This time, they really saw it. With the sharp Edman claws, coupled with Logan's super self-healing ability and beast intuition, plus his fighting instinct rooted in his bone marrow for hundreds of years, dozens of Japanese ninjas fought against each other. In less than 10 minutes, he was killed and blood flowed like a river.

Only Sato Rongxin and several other elders fled the battlefield with a few cronies, and the rest were all buried there.

After returning to New York, Sato Rongxin got in touch with the mainland immediately and reported to them the current horror of Logan.

After several surviving elders swear and swear to depict the scene of the battle and show their wounds, the local elders in Japan realized how big a mistake they had made.However, this did not dissuade them from their plan to capture Logan alive. They even promised to send more people to New York, and allowed Sato Rongxin to mobilize the forces distributed by the Hand Association in New York to launch a siege on Logan.

Regarding this matter, no one in the Presbyterian Church thought about giving up, because it was related to the secret of immortality.

Before things could be coordinated in New York, just last night, a demon with blue skin, pointed ears, fangs and long pointed tail killed the door, with unlimited teleportation and a sharp dagger, Killed the Japanese by surprise.

In order to cover the departure of other elders, Takahashi Keiko was asked by Sato Junze to stay behind, and he himself mainly followed his father, got into the secret passage and escaped alone, and the entrance of the secret passage was firmly locked.

Although she tried her best, Takahashi Keiko did not delay the blue demon for much time, and was seriously injured. Finally, the blue demon chased into the secret path, and Takahashi Keiko, who woke up from a coma after being seriously injured, was alone. I escaped from the building where I lived, and found this place by virtue of my secret induction.

"In this case, there is no need for you to go back, and you can stay with me in the future." Ling Xiao patted Takahashi Keiko on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "No matter how much you and Sato Junze were involved before, , after he left you alone this time, he already planned to kill you."

"What about you, master?" Keiko Takahashi looked at Ling Xiao in surprise. You must know that the reason why she was lurking beside Junze Sato was to help Ling Xiao find out about the Japanese. If she didn't go back, this line Not all broken.

"No, today is different from the past. At that time, you were asked to go back and hide. On the one hand, it was to investigate information, and on the other hand, it also asked you to take the box back, so that the Japanese would not focus on me. In the final analysis, it is still that At that time, my strength was too weak, but the situation is different now, even if all those people find me, I am sure to kill them all like Logan."

There are some things that Ling Xiao didn't say. There was another more important reason why Takahashi Keiko went back to hide in the first place, that is, in her subconscious, she still had an instinctive resistance to Ling Xiao's mind control.

Only by letting her return to Sato Junze's side, the subconscious resistance will be minimized, and then it will slowly disappear.

Last night, Ling Xiao had already checked, and Takahashi Keiko no longer had any resistance to his consciousness control.Perhaps it was because she was chilled by Sato Junze's actions, she had completely given up on those people.

Of course, Ling Xiao's mental control over Takahashi Huizi has not been completely completed, and he can further strengthen his control over Takahashi Huizi until his cultivation level breaks through the ninth level of Qi training.Moreover, during his retreat, he also needed someone outside to help him guard the retreat, and at the same time help take care of Gan Jing and the pharmacy, so that Ling Xiao would not have any worries.

Although she didn't have a passport, with the help of Ling Xiao's teleportation ability, Takahashi Keiko avoided the ticket gate, boarded the plane smoothly, and returned to Los Angeles with Ling Xiao.

After returning to Los Angeles, Ling Xiao placed Takahashi Huizi at the pharmacy, asking her to protect Gan Jing's safety when she was not around.

Ling Xiao often travels back and forth between the city of Los Angeles and the villa by himself. In the morning, he repairs the secret roads in the villa, and in the afternoon, he handles his own affairs in the city.

Only three days later, Gan Jing started to improve the decoration of the villa. In half a month, she and Ling Xiao discussed a lot, communicated with the designer, and finally made a decoration plan.She has to replace the bed, furniture, and electrical appliances. She has to repaint the walls and change the wall color to off-white. The bathroom also needs to be repaired, and the garden, pool, and roof must also be remodeled.

There is still half a month before the Lunar New Year. If we hurry up, we can finish the renovation of the villa before the New Year.

At this time, Ling Xiao also started his own retreat. He did not choose to retreat on the side of the villa. On the one hand, the noisy decoration would have some impact. On the other hand, he was also deliberately increasing the aura density of the secret cave of the villa. .

From now on, he will prepare for breaking through the innate realm in the future, cultivate a suitable density of spirits in the secret cave, and lead the moonlight into the underground secret room of the villa through a certain building transformation, gather all the power, and hope to be able to do it in one fell swoop. Break through the innate realm.

Glancing at Gan Jing and Chang Xi standing outside the door, Ling Xiao smiled very easily. The two of them didn't know the risk of this breakthrough, and seeing Ling Xiao's smile, they couldn't help but feel relieved.Ling Xiao looked over the two of them, and Takahashi Keiko, who was in the shadow, nodded, turned and entered the quiet room.

 When I figured it out, I made a mistake, and the editor-in-chief is also celebrating the New Year, so I’m afraid I’ll have to wait until after work to revise it.



(End of this chapter)

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