The monk of the way of beauty

Chapter 156 Serious Injury

Chapter 156 Serious Injury

The sudden increase of zhenqi in Ling Xiao's body made the little naughty's ability unable to adapt for a while, and his ability to absorb it weakened a little. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ling Xiao got rid of the little naughty's entanglement all at once.

Subconsciously taking two steps back, Ling Xiao looked at Little Naughty with a stern face, and cursed: "Are you crazy?"

However, Little Naughty didn't care about Ling Xiao's stern tone at all, looked at him and asked in a daze, "How did you do it?"

I know my own ability, very few people can take the initiative to break away from her contact, even Wolverine is impossible, there was such a time before, if it weren't for Wolverine's super self-healing ability, I am afraid that he would have been killed that time. She was sucked to death.

But Ling Xiao is different. This is the second time. The last time, because he was in the environment of being hunted down, Little Naughty didn't pay much attention to that contact with Ling Xiao, but when he was in contact with Iceman After a quarrel, Xiaonaughty recalled that incident, but unexpectedly felt Ling Xiao's specialness.

"Ling, what is your ability? Can I be like you?" Little Naughty opened her hand. Although she felt the surge of energy in her body, she couldn't use it as freely as Ling Xiao.

"Hmph!" Ling Xiao sneered, he wouldn't reveal his abilities. After taking a look at Little Naughty, Ling Xiao left the room directly.

Afterwards, Little Naughty appeared frequently around Ling Xiao and Jenny, and deliberately acted close to Ling Xiao, especially before Iceman and Phantom Cat.

Ling Xiao and Jenny could only look at each other with wry smiles about Xiaonaughty's willful approach. After a little discussion, Ling Xiao left the Mutant Academy.

Back in New York, Ling Xiao rushed to Stark Tower immediately. Pepper called him to come back. Although he didn't say what it was, Ling Xiao could feel the displeasure in her tone.

"Ling, anyway, regarding the matter of the super soldier serum, you have to have some snacks. You made the suggestion, but you disappeared after two visits. I can't explain this to the board of directors." Pepper Looking at Ling Xiao, he looked unhappy.

"What happened, Miss Potts?" Ling Xiao looked at Pepper with some surprise, Pepper should know about the super soldier serum.Stark doesn't want Ling Xiao to intervene more. He'd better care more about the research direction and not intervene in specific affairs. That's what Stark wants to see the most. Pepper shouldn't have any opinions.

"Hey!" Pepper sighed, waved his hands and said, "I'm sorry, Ling, I didn't mean to get angry with you, it was Tony, he insisted on going to Monaco to participate in the racing competition, I tried a lot Only then did I persuade him to let someone else take his place in the competition, and let him insist that he must go to the Monaco racing scene. I hope you can help me check his body before departure, so that no accidents will happen after going to Europe."

"There shouldn't be any problem, after all, it hasn't been a few days since the last treatment." Seeing Pepper's face darken, Ling Xiao quickly changed his words and said: "But it's okay, let's see if the growth rate of palladium in his body is needed. Do another emergency treatment."

"This is the best, Ling, you go up by yourself." Pepper waved his hand, signaling Ling Xiao to leave.

Except for Pepper's office, Ling Xiao took the elevator to Stark's private living area on the top floor. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Hogan standing at the stairs, and in the room, there was a burst of male and female laughter.

The man is naturally Tony Stark himself, and the woman is not an outsider, she is really a black widow, Natasha Romanov.

I don't know what kind of joke Tony said, which made Natasha smile happily, showing her beautiful body unintentionally in front of Tony, especially the third button above the neckline that has not been undone, which is even more tightly stretched, as if the next moment It is about to be broken, so that the wonderful scenery inside can be revealed.

"Bang bang bang." Unfortunately, the door was knocked at this time, Hogan poked his head in and said to Stark: "Hey, Tony, Ling is here!"

Seeing Ling Xiao standing at the elevator entrance, Tony coughed twice in embarrassment, suppressed the smile on his face, and said to Natasha, "Natalie, you can go down first."

After finishing speaking, Stark swiped to sign a few words on the document, handed it to Natasha, and then waved for Ling Xiao to come in.

Natasha was tactful and did not force her to stay. After receiving the documents, she turned around, twisted her waist and walked outside.

Ling Xiao nodded slightly to Natasha, walked to Stark's desk, saw the elevator door closed out of the corner of his eye, and asked Stark: "Mr. How is it, how much has the concentration of palladium in the body increased?"

"It's okay." Stark said with some hesitation. Seeing Ling Xiao raised his head and looked at him full of doubts, Stark smiled helplessly, took out the detector, and took out the tester on his body. A drop of blood was tested before handing over the tester, and at the same time pleadingly said: "Don't tell Pepper."

19%, seeing the number on the tester, Ling Xiao immediately frowned, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Stark..."

"Call me Tony." Stark also knew that what he did was wrong, and explained a little: "I have indeed used steel armor a bit too much these days, and I will pay attention to it in the future."

Seeing what Stark said, Ling Xiao could only swallow what he was going to say, but he still reminded in a deep voice: "Stark first... oh, Tony, I hope that after you come back from Europe, you can immediately Come to Los Angeles, and I will continue to help you clean up the toxins in your body, so as not to endanger your safety."

"Okay, don't worry, Mr. Ling, after returning to Los Angeles, I will definitely go to your pharmacy in person." Hearing what Ling Xiao said, Stark knew that Ling Xiao would help him hide it, so he nodded quickly.

"You don't need to go to my pharmacy. Not long ago, I bought a villa near Matador Beach, not far from Malibu. When you return to Los Angeles, just call me." Ling Xiao didn't want Stark Appearing in his pharmacy, now he is planning some things, and he doesn't want Stark to appear suddenly and attract too many people's attention, which will make him feel restrained.

"Oh! Did you also buy a villa over there? How much is it, how is the location, and how about the decoration?" Stark suddenly asked with great interest.

"The location is good, not far from Matador Beach, next to Pepperdine University. But other things can't compare with yours. Your villa is probably worth tens of millions of dollars, and mine , I'm afraid it's less than a quarter." Ling Xiao shook his head, he was richer than Stark, and he was looking for guilt, he wasn't interested in that.

Stark's trip to Monaco is just a stop of his trip to Europe.Some time ago, he and Pepper didn't have time to take a good rest because they were busy with the Stark Expo. This time, they just went to Europe to relax and avoid some troubles.

Knowing that Ling Xiao had returned to New York, Zhou Qian rushed over after get off work that night.After the two had a French dinner outside, they returned to the rented apartment, took a mandarin duck bath, and after another exhausting entanglement, the two fell asleep deeply.

At 11:[-] midnight, Ling Xiao got up alone, came to the living room, sat cross-legged under the moonlight, and began to practice slowly. His current cultivation base has reached the state of the eighth level of Qi training, and he is only one level away from breaking through the ninth level of Qi training window paper distance.

After returning to Los Angeles, Ling Xiao planned to retreat directly, and would never leave the customs until he broke through the ninth level of Qi training.

The night was getting darker and darker, and an hour seemed to be fleeting. Ling Xiao gently opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath. This night's practice was considered to be over.Just when he stood up and was about to go back to the bedroom, he frowned suddenly, opened the door, walked to the balcony, and looked into the distance, a figure staggered quickly approaching, relying on the induction, Ling Xiao Knowing that that person is Anko, the ninja Keiko Takahashi, who he buried next to Junze Sato.

 "Chapter 157 Breakthrough" has been updated, the next chapter, Chapter 158



(End of this chapter)

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