Rebel Demon King

Chapter 942 see you again (1)

Chapter 942 see you again (1)

Cheng Mo ran quickly in the corridor with his gun in hand, followed by Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei.For a moment, the entire corridor was filled with the sound of the alloy feet of the exoskeleton hitting the marble floor.There are several rows of shallow metal nails on the alloy sole and heel, which can enhance the grip when walking on the field or on ice, but this design is very redundant indoors.

Not only is it redundant now, but it also creates a lot of trouble for Cheng Mo and the others.

"Ding, ding, ding" sounded like iron hammering, and Gu Feifei couldn't help but say, "Fuck, that's a bit too loud! You might be caught walking up the stairs. Are there other elevators besides the sightseeing elevator? "

Of course Cheng Mo also knew that the loud noise was a problem, he thought about the countermeasures while running, and said after a while: "Yes, there is, but we still have to solve the problem of loud noise first."

"If you can't take off the exoskeleton, what can you do?" Gu Feifei asked to himself, obviously he was also racking his brains to think of a solution.

Cheng Mo said lightly: "I thought about it, we can peel off a few coats from the corpse, cut off the sleeves, punch holes at both ends and put the shoelaces in to make it look like a shoe cover, this should solve this problem .”

Fu Yuanzhuo's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "It's easy and feasible, a good idea."

Gu Feifei didn't speak, but looked deeply at Cheng Mo's back, as if thinking.

At this time, the three of them had already run out of the long corridor with rooms on both sides, and came to the courtyard. Cheng Mo slowed down and glanced at the empty and quiet courtyard square. The lights on the Christmas tree were still in the yellow-green smoke. There was no trace of human activity around.Cheng Mo observed the sightseeing elevator again, and everything was normal, and the huge Ouyu headquarters was eerily quiet.

Then Cheng Mo glanced at the corridor, but when needed, there was not a single corpse in this corridor.Cheng Mo said in a low voice, "I can only go to the walking elevator."

Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei nodded slightly, and the three of them slowed down and walked cautiously towards the walking elevator.There are about a dozen corpses piled up on the opening of the corner of the walking elevator. The bright lights shine on the distorted corpses through the faint yellow-green poisonous mist, which makes people feel creepy.

Cheng Mo stopped first, took a glance and dragged a man in a cotton jacket and a knitted sweater out of several corpses, and at the same time whispered: "Don't use too smooth materials, such as down jackets, use friction coefficient Big material. Knit, denim will do.”

Fu Yuanzhuo said "Oh", hesitated for a moment, bent down and began to look for a jacket with suitable fabric, although he was a little apprehensive looking at these blue-faced corpses, but with the experience of carrying corpses with Cheng Mo just now, he was psychologically Already got used to it a bit.

But Gu Feifei didn't look at these corpses, it was fine, he lowered his head and took a closer look, and saw that all the corpses had their eyes wide open, their mouths slightly opened, and they looked like they were dying, which made him feel hairy.Gu Feifei tried his best not to think about it, but when he saw a pair of magnified black eyes inlaid on the face that was so stiff that it turned blue, it was almost exactly the same as the kid Toshio in "The Grudge".

At this moment, the great demons and ghosts of the Yamato nation flitted across Gu Feifei's mind one after another, from "Sadako" to "Gayako", superimposed on these people who died with regret.

Gu Feifei suddenly felt shuddering.

Some things are fine if you don’t think about them, but if you think about them, you will be scared out of your wits. Gu Feifei clenched his gun and shivered, rolled his throat and said tremblingly, "I will help you to be vigilant."

While helping the corpse to undress, Cheng Mo whispered, "No one will come up on the third floor, so hurry up and don't waste time."

"I'm not afraid of [-], just in case." Gu Feifei stammered.

This submissive tone is not at all like the domineering president Gu Feifan, Cheng Mo turned his head to look at Gu Feifan, and asked suspiciously: "Are you afraid?"

"Afraid? I... I don't have the word 'fear' in Gu Feifei's dictionary. I'm just worried that someone will appear suddenly and be caught off guard."

Gu Feihua's tone was quite tough, but it was a bit of a cover-up. Seeing that Cheng Mo was still looking at him, Gu Feihua pretended not to be afraid and snorted coldly, carried the submachine gun on his back, squatted down, and stared at him with lowered lids and eyes. The respirator under the mask, avoiding contact with the corpse, tremblingly stretched out his hand to tear the corpse of a fat man beside Cheng Mo.

However, after Gu Feihua pulled the corpse for a long time, it didn't move at all. This made Gu Feihua even more nervous, and his hands trembled. Will be afraid of corpses! I, Gu Feifan, are there any strong winds and waves?"

Cheng Mo had already cut off the sleeves of the linen padded jacket with a dagger, and put them on the shoes like socks. He was about to tie the removed shoelaces around his ankles, but found someone pulling at the corner of his clothes, and when he turned around, he saw Gu Feihua under the mask. His face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd, and his hands were still shaking.

Cheng Mo never thought that Gu Feihua, who was fearless and fearless, would be so frightened, so he patted the back of Gu Feihua's hand lightly, angrily and funny.

Gu Feifei uttered a scream of "Ah", retracted his hand as if being electrocuted, and threw himself on Cheng Mo's body, hugging him tightly.

Fu Yuanzhuo, who was removing the shoelaces from the dead body's shoes, was also taken aback by Gu Feihua's sudden scream, quickly threw the shoes away, picked up the gun at his feet, looked around vigilantly, and asked: "What happened?"

But Fu Yuanzhuo looked around, but found nothing, so he looked at Gu Feifei who was holding Cheng Mo tightly with some doubts.

Gu Feifei also looked around and found that the fat man's corpse hadn't moved at all, so he let go of Cheng Mo's hands in embarrassment, but he still kept close to Cheng Mo, and didn't distance himself from Cheng Mo.

Du Leng's inquiry sounded on the team channel: "What happened?"

Both Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo looked at Gu Feifei.

Gu Feifei coughed a few times, moved his footsteps a little, and looked at Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo pretending to be innocent.

Cheng Mo turned his head, passed the shoelaces through the holes he just made on the sleeves, then threw the sleeves transformed into shoe covers to Gu Feifan, and said flatly: "Yuanzhuo is timid, he was startled by the corpse. "

Fu Yuanzhuo pointed at himself, looking at Cheng Mo in disbelief.

Gu Feifei did not meet Cheng Mo's eyes, lowered his head and threw his sleeve back to Cheng Mo, pulled the fat man's body without saying a word, and began to undress the fat man.

Cheng Mo blinked at Fu Yuanzhuo, and continued: "It's okay, you keep an eye on the clown Sith, and other places, and tell me immediately if there is anything."

"The clown Sith seems to have entered the biochemical laboratory. There is no monitoring in it, so we can't see it. As for other places, the computer in the monitoring center has a password, so we can't enter. At present, we can only see some pictures displayed on the big screen. " After a pause, Du Leng continued, "But Nu Wa is trying to invade, and the progress is now 30.00%."

Cheng Mo said: "Okay, then you all stare at the big screen first, and let me know if there is any situation!"

"Okay." After a pause, Du Leng asked again, "Which floor are you on now?"

"Still on the third floor." Cheng Mo said.

"Why are you still on the third floor?" Du Leng asked in surprise.

"Get something to put on your overshoes, or the sound will be too loud." Cheng Mo replied.

"Ah? I read a review. It seems that the chest armor lining of the Hulk series has two non-slip rubber pads, which can be installed on the soles of shoes!" Guan Bojun interjected.

The terrified Gu Feihua quickly put down the fat man's stiff hand, and said angrily, "Fuck! Why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You didn't ask me either! Can this be my fault?" Guan Bojun said inexplicably.

"Don't tell me if you don't ask? We've been discussing for so long in the team channel just now. How can someone like you be a teammate? It will only drag you down."

"I was so scared at the beginning, I didn't think about it so much! I didn't say it on purpose." After a short pause, Guan Bojun raised his voice and said, "Why do you people have such high demands on me? Regardless of life and death, returning to Paris with you has already plucked up the courage. I am not strong in combat, and you are not clear, and you are still critical? It means that I don’t kill people, and that I have many problems. I am an otaku. The weekly dramas are updated, and I haven’t done a single crime in 20 years, not to mention crimes, and I haven’t even trampled an ant to death.”

Guan Bojun was dissatisfied and wronged by his defense, and felt that he could narrate his grievances until dawn with snot and tears.

Cheng Mo frowned, interrupted Guan Bojun, and said in a deep voice: "What's so noisy about this? It's my fault. I knew that Guan Bojun understood the equipment, but I didn't take the initiative to ask him. I apologize to you two."

In the impression of these few people, it seemed that Cheng Mo had never voluntarily said anything to apologize. Just now, he apologized for a trivial matter, which shocked everyone a little.

The team channel was quiet for a moment, Guan Bojun immediately said nervously: "No, Cheng Mo, you are right, I was too nervous, I should have remembered."

When Guan Bojun opened his mouth, Gu Feifei was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "I also have a problem, my mouth is too smelly."

"That's the end of this matter. Chatting and quarreling are not allowed on the team channel." Said Wanmo closed the team channel, looked at Gu Feifei, and said coldly, "Hurry up and replace the rubber mat."

Gu Feifei raised his head and looked at Cheng Mo for a while, as if he wanted to explain something, but finally said nothing, lowered his head, pulled out the rubber pad from the breastplate, and quickly stuck it on the sole of the shoe.

After changing the rubber insoles, the three of them did not choose to take the elevator, but went straight to the safety stairs and went down to the eighth floor, which should be the negative eighth floor to be precise.Cheng Mo asked Du Leng in the stairwell, but got bad news, because the computer defense of Ouyu's headquarters was very tight, and Nuwa still couldn't seize control, and couldn't provide Cheng Mo with comprehensive information.

Standing on the side of the safety door, Cheng Mo raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was already 22:38, and there were only [-] minutes left before the carrier could be activated, so he decided not to wait any longer, and said in a low voice, "I can't care about that much anymore, time It’s not on our side, you have to go, you change the armor-piercing bullets, and then follow me into the biochemical laboratory to kill him.”

Gu Feifan and Fu Yuanzhuo agreed in a low voice, "Yes", and the breathing of the three of them became rapid, even Cheng Mo was no exception.But for Yu Chengmo, this feeling is hard to describe, it's not all fear, it's more a kind of nervous excitement before the announcement of the grand prize.

Cheng Mo replaced the submachine gun with armor-piercing bullet clips. First, he put his ear on the safety door and listened carefully for a while. His body has been strengthened again. Although he is not as sharp as the carrier, his hearing is still far superior to ordinary people.After judging that there was no one outside, Cheng Mo carefully pushed open the rather heavy fire door, and took a look with his head. The elevator hall was silent, only a few corpses lying motionless on the ground.

Cheng Mo dodged out, looked up at the display above the elevator, saw that there was no abnormality, then glanced at the corridor, found no enemy, and then lowered his head to observe the corpse in the elevator hall.

Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei followed Cheng Mo in, and it was not surprising to see Cheng Mo studying the corpse again. For ordinary people, the corpse could not speak, but for Cheng Mo, it could reveal a lot of useful information.

Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei stood guard beside the raised pillars in the elevator hall.Cheng Mo squatted down to study carefully. Judging from the way of death, these corpses were shot, not poisoned.And none of them were wearing coats, some were even wearing underwear, not even shoes, obviously they had been wearing chemical protective suits.Cheng Mo studied the bullet casings that fell on the ground again, kept the types of bullet casings and the number of corpses in mind, and led Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei to tiptoe towards the biochemical laboratory.

I didn't meet a single living person along the way, but saw 28 corpses along the way. Some of these corpses were stripped of chemical protective clothing like the corpses in the elevator hall, and some were still wearing chemical protective clothing, but they were covered with bullet holes.

Cheng Mo checked the corpses still wearing chemical protective suits. The masks were intact, but the filter element was taken away.Cheng Mo made some calculations in his mind, and based on the number of bullet casings, corpses, and chemical protective suits that were stripped away, he roughly calculated that there were more than thirteen enemies who entered Ouyu's headquarters together with the clown Sith.

At this time, the three people had arrived at the corridor where the biochemical laboratory was located. The corridor was currently within their monitoring range. Cheng Mo leaned against the wall and asked softly about the situation in Du Leng's corridor. After confirming that there was no one there, he turned his head. He gestured to Gu Feifan and Fu Yuanzhuo, telling them to be on guard and to cross with him to cover and enter the corridor.

(BGM——"Arête" singer: Brambles)

The entrance of the corridor where the biochemical laboratory is located is by the patio, not far from the huge Christmas tree, and you can see Santa Claus in Little Red Riding Hood, his sleigh cart and reindeer just by turning your head.

Cheng Mo quietly took a deep breath, and was about to turn around and enter the corridor, but was pulled back by Gu Feifan, Cheng Mo turned his head, and Gu Feifei patted Cheng Mo's shoulder, motioning for him to go ahead.Cheng Mo was a little surprised that Gu Feihua actually asked to stand in front of him. After hesitating, Gu Feifei stepped past him and walked into the corridor with his waist raised and his gun raised.

Gu Feifei's movements were more standard than Cheng Mo's. He arched his upper body slightly, bent his knees, lowered his center of gravity, raised his gun and pointed it forward, bending forward. This is a typical tactical movement of a special police officer entering a city building.

Cheng Mo followed Gu Feifei closely, and walked towards the biochemical laboratory silently. There was a registration desk at the entrance of the corridor, which looked like the inpatient department of a hospital. In front of the registration desk lay a dead body with red blood From the fingertips, there was a round quartz clock hanging on the snow-white wall, ticking, and the sound of blood falling on the floor subtly overlapped, hitting Cheng Mo's heart.

The ceiling lights in the corridor are not all turned on, and it looks very dark, except for the ceiling lights at the entrance of each laboratory, only the laboratory numbers made of acrylic shimmer along the long corridor, and the end of the corridor is invisible , there were only two bloodstains running parallel to the corridor until the doorway with the word "4" turned around.

The door of laboratory No. [-] was not closed, and a diamond-shaped light was cast in the long corridor. The intermittent bloodstains were particularly vivid in the bright light.

Gu Feifei is in the front, Cheng Mo is in the back, walking along the corridor, there are two bloodstains that have not yet dried up at the feet, and 4A paper scattered on the ground, matching the hospital-like scene, it is a poster of a horror movie. .

Gu Feifei thought to himself that if the fluorescent lights above his head start flickering at this moment, it means that it is a ghost movie, and maybe there will be a scary thing jumping out at the climax of the background music.If the lights are dim, the background music is quiet, and there are only whistles or footsteps hitting the eardrums, it means that it is a thriller, and soon the murderer will appear beside the victim with a murder weapon.Gu Feifei didn't know what script he was getting, but he hoped it was a war movie, so that he would die more happily without too much mental torture. Everyone "sudden, sudden, sudden", "bang, bang, Bang", "Boom, boom, boom" and it's done, clean and neat.

But it seems that this kind of imagination is too good. He has already heard the screams coming from the doorway with the word "4" not far away. At this moment, he understood the feeling, the despair was so clear and straight to the bottom of his heart, it made his heart twitch.Such a stern voice reminded him of a horror movie called "Chain Saw". In his imagination, the clown Sith was like a jigsaw.

As the "4" laboratory was getting closer, Gu Feihua became more and more nervous, and his breathing became short of involuntary. He slowed down and approached the No. 4 laboratory more cautiously.

Cheng Mo, who was behind Gu Feifei, could clearly feel Gu Feifei's tension and anxiety. The panting sound of "hoo, hoo" was like a bellows, pulling his nerves and blood vessels to the edge of the limit.Cheng Mo knew that the clown Sith was not something ordinary people would have the courage to face, so he patted Gu Feifei on the shoulder, walked around lightly in front of him, and quickly moved to the door of the No. 4 laboratory with the sound of screams.

Cheng Mo held the gun and leaned against the wall, surrounded by a huge transparent acrylic "4".The yellowish light shone on his side, Cheng Mo turned his head and could already see the end of the corridor, there was no one there, it was a corner leading to another direction.A pot of green plants was placed in a dark corner, and yellow-green poisonous gas was continuously blowing out from the air-conditioning outlet above the green plants.Cheng Mo held his breath and concentrated. From the screaming screams in the laboratory, he could hear the faint sound of "heck, heck, heck", including the subtle sound of metal rubbing against hard objects.

At this time, Gu Feihua also leaned over, Cheng Mo made two gestures to remind Gu Feihua to be on the alert, and he took out the micro-probe lightly, Cheng Mo squatted down, and put the wide-angle probe from the edge of the bottom of the door frame. Stretching it over, a chunky corpse immediately appeared on the monitor the size of a mobile phone. The chunky corpse blocked the door, so the door of the biochemical laboratory could not be closed.

However, due to the angle problem, he couldn't see the situation in the biochemical laboratory, so Cheng Mo moved the probe a little to the right, and the situation in the laboratory was completely displayed on the screen.Because it is a miniature wide-angle lens, the picture on the screen is like Cheng Mo peeping in through a small hole.

The fluorescent lights illuminated the entire laboratory like daylight. Three huge culture tanks were erected in the middle of the laboratory. The culture tanks were filled with green liquid, and there were embryo-like things floating in each of them.In addition, there are various complex electronic equipment and several operating tables, as well as operating chairs for dentists.

At this moment, a blond man was fixed on the operating chair, and the green-haired man who looked like a clown Sith was facing them unsuspectingly, putting the silver metal forceps into the blond man's mouth and twisting it. As he said that, the blond man shook his limbs feebly and let out a painful moan of "ho ho", this hoarse cry made the bottom of his heart shudder.
Cheng Mo was wondering why the blond man didn't wear a gas mask and didn't die. Gu Feifei turned around and rushed into the laboratory, raised his submachine gun and aimed at the back of the green-haired man and fired. The sound was deafening, and the firelight made the whole laboratory brighter.

Cheng Mo thought "not good", but he had no choice but to drop the monitor and follow in with a gun in his hand. Cheng Mo calmly aimed at the slightly crooked figure in front of him, but he didn't shoot. Because he had already seen that the bullets fired by Gu Feifei seemed to hit an invisible wall, smashing some white spots in the middle of the laboratory, and then fell powerlessly to the terrazzo floor.

Gu Feifei also realized the problem, but he was still shooting unwillingly. Cheng Mo raised his hand and pushed Gu Feifan, and said coldly, "Don't waste bullets."

The gunshots stopped, and the man lying on the operating chair raised his head with all his strength, and let out a sound of "ho, ho". He raised his bloody hand, as if calling for help.

Cheng Mo didn't look at the poor man, but quietly watched the tall and small back of the green-haired man in a white coat.

That green hair is like a messy tangle of seaweed draped over the snow-white doctor's gown, more gorgeous and eye-catching than the poison gas in the glass jar.

Cheng Mo deeply remembered this color.

can not forget.

Can't forget either.

The green-haired man didn't look back, he chuckled lightly, and that laughter was like a wooden door closing in the abyss-like darkness.

"You're here!" he said, and the green-haired man turned around slowly, revealing a hideous clown face. He opened his hands, made a hug gesture, opened his scarlet mouth, and stared at Cheng. Smiling silently, "Welcome to my paradise! Silent!"

The clown Sith's smile was eerie and terrifying under the white light. The serrated jaws of the surgical forceps he was holding in his right hand were clotted with blood, and the blood fell one by one, hitting the terrazzo floor and splashing fine blood.

The clown Sith approached the bulletproof glass with white spots on it. He laid his hands on it, stared at Cheng Mo intently, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Thank you so much! If It's not that you're here to release the gas, and I still have a headache as to what to do with the guards here. Oh I gotta tell you, this is really the best present I've ever received this Christmas."

Cheng Mo looked at the clown Sith without giving in, and he said lightly: "That is not a gift from me, the real gift has not been handed over to you, would you like to come out and sign for it?"

"Ah~! There are gifts?" The clown Sith raised his hand to cover his mouth, he laughed wantonly, the laughter shook the whole laboratory, he waved the bloody surgical forceps, "What is that? Could it be that you Want to say, you gave me the lives of more than 3 innocent people?"

The clown Sith, who bent over laughing, straightened up, panting and said: "No, no, this gift is not suitable for me, you should give this gift to your virgin girlfriend, I think she will like it, believe me Me." The clown Sith raised his hand to support his chin, pretending to think, "What kind of nickname do you think she will give you? Chengmo the Ripper? Butcher of Paris? Or the Prince of Murder by the Top Student?"

Clown Sith raised his hand and snapped his fingers: "The last one looks good, it sounds gentle."

"CNM!" Gu Feifei shot at the clown Sith again, the flame exploded, and the bullets screamed sharply, pouring Gu Feihua's anger on the bulletproof glass placed in the middle, but Gu Feifei emptied a magazine, and the armor-piercing bullet It is only embedded with thick bulletproof glass like a wall, as if frozen in the air.

The clown Sith, who was still standing still in front of the bullet, turned his head and glanced at Gu Feifei, and said with a smile, "This kid is really irritable."

Cheng Mo raised his hand to stop Gu Feifan, who was changing magazines, from continuing to shoot. He looked at Sith the Clown expressionlessly and said, "As long as I can kill you, I don't care how many other people die."

"Aha! Actually," the clown Sith waved his hand in a circle, "I'm also very happy that you can kill so many people for me. Seriously, silent, I am very touched. So, I will definitely let you live, see to my incomparably brilliant performance."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sith, but I don't want you to live." Cheng Mo said coldly.

"I know, silent, it's okay, I don't mind this matter. I just hope you must pay attention to your own safety, and don't be killed by others. I will wait for you." The clown Sith faced Cheng Mo smiled. After laughing, he raised the watch on his wrist and showed it to Cheng Mo, "You don't have much time."

After finishing speaking, Sith the Clown put on his gas mask and picked up the shotgun on the desk, tore off the blond man from the operating chair, and dragged him to the other side of the biochemical laboratory. He replied: "Now the second chess game begins, let's see who gets the God gene first, if I get it first, you will have no chance at all."

Gu Feifei looked left and right, and immediately rushed towards the isolation door on the left side of the laboratory. It was obvious that it was the passage from No. 4 laboratory to the biochemical isolation area.Gu Feifei tried to open the metal door guarded by the electronic lock, but the door was locked tightly.He raised his gun and fired to no avail.

Cheng Mo watched the clown walk to the end of the right side of the isolation room, and leisurely used the blond man to open the door, and disappeared into the isolation room, he turned on the team channel and asked in a deep voice: "Du Leng, Nuwa hasn't mastered the monitoring center yet?" ?”

"Immediately!" Du Leng replied.

Holding a submachine gun, Cheng Mo turned around and rushed out of the "4" biochemical laboratory.Cheng Mo raised his gun and aimed at the door of the "5" laboratory next door. He whispered, "Report me the location of the clown Sith!"

"Okay!" Du Leng replied.

At this time, Gu Feihua also followed, and the two of them approached the No. 5 laboratory along the corridor. At this moment, there was an explosion sound from somewhere, and the whole underground bunker seemed to be shaking violently.

Immediately afterwards, the lights in the corridor went out, and the whole world fell into absolute darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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