Chapter 941

People always think that only darkness can cause blindness. In fact, if the light is too bright, the same will happen. ——Cheng Mo


When the chaos caused by the battle spread to this side of the Seine, Xie Minyun, who was surrounded by devout believers, noticed something strange. She looked at the Chayou Palace in the distance, and seemed to smell the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood.

There is also an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

Sure enough, the police confirmed through the live broadcast that it was Cheng Mo and the others who clashed with the guards at the gate of Xiayou Palace. Although Cheng Mo and the others were wearing masks, the exoskeleton made by Ou Yu was very recognizable, and the weapons they used It's not from the Europa system, but from the Mi Army system. With the comparison of body shape, the few people at the door can basically be hammered to death. They are the terrorists who detonated the poison gas device in the core area of ​​​​Paris just now.

This made the police in France a little outraged.

"Did you see it? Are you ashamed to claim that they are here to help us in Paris?" The tall and thin man sneered while holding his phone. If it wasn't for Xie Minyun's extraordinary beauty and noble aura, the phone would have hit Xie Minyun's face directly up.

Xie Minyun looked intently at the phone screen. Even though Cheng Mo was wearing a helmet and mask, she still easily recognized her husband from the slender and cold eyes in the plexiglass goggles.Xie Minyun saw him shoot without hesitation, the gunshots were in full bloom, bullet holes flowed like water, someone fell to the ground, blood flowed, and screamed harshly, just like a Shura field.Holding a sharp weapon to kill, Cheng Mo led a few students who were also wearing Ouyu exoskeletons, and mercilessly drove the people who wanted to take refuge out of Xiayou Palace. .

Seeing that Xie Minyun was just watching intently, with a calm expression like Pinghu, no shock, no regrets, and no regrets, the thin and tall policeman became more and more angry, took back his phone and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Devil! Even though you have the face of an angel, you are not The same is the devil! Don't deceive these poor people anymore!" He turned his head and shouted at those believers who believed in miracles and believed in Xie Minyun, "Even if she is an angel, she is also a fallen Beria, don't be deceived by her appearance "(Belia is also known as "Belial", also known as "Beliar", "Berial", "Blil". Alias ​​"Son of Darkness", is a beautiful but fallen angel, riding a chariot of fire, good at using sophistry words that provoke human relations.)
The scolding by the police and Xie Minyun's silence made the believers around a little at a loss.

"Stop talking nonsense, Anthony, go up and stop them from going up and closing the door!" Police officer Julian with mustaches waved at the tall and thin officer, then he turned and pointed at Xie Minyun and said, "Girl, I warn you that although you have superpowers, But don’t think that you can escape the pursuit of our French police! I hope you will wait here honestly, and when I catch your companion, I will allow you to call the embassy.”

Xie Minyun's thoughts changed. Although she had witnessed the fact that Cheng Mo was extremely unfavorable, she still trusted Cheng Mo. She knew him and believed that there must be a reason why he shot and killed the guard.She guessed that Cheng Mo's purpose was to prevent people who wanted to take refuge from entering Ouyu's headquarters, but such means were too extreme.It also makes it harder for her to persuade people to leave.

But no matter what, Cheng Mo took on such a big sin for her.Xie Minyun felt that she could not give up and had no reason to give up. She had to take this responsibility.

So Xie Minyun jumped into the crowd of policemen who were going to the entrance of Ouyu's headquarters. She stretched out her hands and stopped in front of Officer Julian. She turned up the volume and said seriously: "Officer Julian, as I said, Both the Ouyu headquarters and the Trocadéro gardens are a trap, my comrades are shooting to get people out of this place of right and wrong! Please trust me, I pledge my reputation, please help organize people now Leave or it will be too late."

Hearing Xie Minyun's words, Anthony, a thin and tall policeman, spat and said angrily, "Your reputation? Terrorists have a reputation? This is really ridiculous!"

Officer Julian stared at Xie Minyun for a moment, then turned his head and said to the other policeman beside him, "Puyol, how do you see people? Handcuff her, and if she dares to run or fly, you have to do it." gun!"

"Cuffed?" the curly-haired young policeman named Puyol asked in disbelief. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva. "I'm a devout believer. How could you let me handcuff an angel?"

"She's just a chosen one, not an angel." Officer Julian said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense, if it doesn't work, you can put more handcuffs on her."

"Is it useful?" Puyol complained in a low voice with some grievances.

"No, I won't run away." Xie Minyun said coldly, "But you can't leave either, you must help me evacuate these hundreds of thousands of people who have taken refuge."

"Aha! Have you shown your demon tail?" The thin tall man sneered, "We're not allowed to go? You just want to help your accomplice escape! Despicable demon!"

Julian took out his gun, pointed at Xie Minyun's forehead, and warned: "Girl, you are challenging the French police! Don't make any drastic moves. I don't care if you have diplomatic immunity or not, I will kill you."

Xie Minyun looked at the black SP2022 in Julian's hand, but frowned slightly, the black barrel instantly lit up, and then the orange-red barrel split apart, blooming an iron flower.

Julian seemed to be holding a hot potato, and quickly threw the pistol that was melting like a candle on the ground. He pulled out his baton nervously, took a big step back, and shouted in a self-comforting way: " Don't move, raise your hands!"

At the same time, all the police pointed their guns at Xie Minyun, and then waved to disperse the believers surrounding Xie Minyun.

Facing dozens of dark gunpoints, Xie Minyun was not afraid. She said lightly: "The weapons in your hands have no effect on me. In fact, I want to go. You can't stop me, but I want to stop you, but I want to stop you." easy."

"Don't try your best. Our large army is coming soon. Even if you can deal with our police, you have to think carefully about the firepower of the garrison near Paris. Their firepower is not at the same level as ours," Julian said pretending to be calm.

Xie Minyun had already heard the sound of a helicopter coming from the distant sky, and the rotation of countless blades caused subtle fluctuations in the air. She couldn't let others interrupt Cheng Mo's plan, so she waved her hand, and the whole body was rippling golden The ray of light, the pair of gauze-like feathers and wings bloomed like flowers behind her, the white fine snow rolled like dust, and the scepter of Sanxingdui, as dazzling as the sun, appeared in her hand.

She raised her scepter, motorcycles with flashing police lights, long or short guns, glowing mobile phones, and the tin house behind Xie Minyun, all rose into the sky, like countless metal balloons, Floating in the rippling snowy air, densely covered a large piece of sky under the Eiffel Tower.

Even the Eiffel Tower behind Xie Minyun began to shake slightly, and the more than 20 colored lights mounted on it also went on and off.

Xie Minyun once again attracted the attention of many people. At least at this moment, the people on the right bank of the Seine River were all looking at her. Anyway, they couldn't see what happened in the Chayou Palace in the distance.

The believers knelt down again and worshiped Xie Minyun, who was holding a scepter and whose long hair was swaying in the wind. People around him also focused on Xie Minyun in a panic.

A group of policemen lost their weapons and turned pale with fright. They stood there looking up at the spectacle in mid-air, their faces full of bewilderment.

Xie Minyun, who was floating in the air, lowered his head, stared condescendingly at Julian and said coldly: "Now everything that happens in Paris is being broadcast live to the whole world on TV and the Internet. I will ask you in front of audiences all over the world, if I say That's right, here is the clown Sith's trap, tens of thousands of people may lose their lives because of your decision, can you take this responsibility? If you say you can take it, I'll catch it immediately and let you My companions give up resistance."

This time Xie Minyun changed her method. Instead of using miracles to gain people's trust, she used miracles and public opinion to put pressure on the police.

Julian was speechless, he rolled his throat, raised his hand to wipe the fine sweat on his forehead, but couldn't say anything.

The other policemen also stared intently at Xie Minyun, who seemed to be in the eye of the storm, with their eyes wide open, and kept silent.Everything today is too common sense for the police, no one knows what they should do.

Seeing that Julian lowered her head, Xie Minyun lightly landed on the ground. She waved her scepter and stomped lightly on the ground. The ground trembled. All the metal objects floating in the air returned to their original places, and the guns also returned to their original places. Returning to the hands of the police, she raised her flawless face and looked around. The holy light flickered in the cold air, making it impossible for people to look directly. She said to the people around her without a doubt: "We want to Leave here, you must leave here now, notify everyone to get ready, and organize the evacuation immediately!"

"Why should we obey your orders? Look at what your companions have done?" The tall police officer once again held up the mobile phone he had just brought back, on which Cheng Mo kicked and begged The woman kicked to the ground and pushed the little girl down.

The originally quiet crowd erupted into arguments again.

Xie Minyun just glanced at the screen and looked away, she turned up the volume, her calm and clear voice was like a bell breaking through the fog: "According to your definition of him, shouldn't he kill this woman and her daughter? But he didn't, he did it only to keep her and her daughter from entering the land of death. What's more, now that the gate is closed, you have no choice. You can only trust me and follow me. Trust me, you will If you gain life, if you stay, you will die. There is no need to be afraid!" Xie Minyun held up the scepter, and the top of the scepter emitted a dazzling light like the sun, which was like a rising flare in the dark night. She chanted , "The Creator is with us!"

A group of believers knelt down again, shouting with tears streaming down their faces: "The Creator is with us!"

The sound waves spread like huge ripples in all directions.

At this time, several Tiger helicopter gunships equipped with GIAT30 cannons flew to the Eiffel Tower. The police intercom on Julian's chest first heard a noisy radio wave, and then someone asked: "Commander Julian, did I see the Eiffel Tower?" The gate of Chayou Palace is closing? Do I need to shoot to stop it?"

The character Hu Julian looked around, all believers were kneeling on the ground, then looked at the calm Xie Minyun, hesitated for a while, raised his hand and took out the walkie-talkie, and replied: "No, just send someone down to help evacuate .”

Xie Minyun breathed a sigh of relief, but she still didn't reveal the slightest emotion on her face, she just said softly: "Thank you for your trust."

Julian snorted coldly and said, "Thank you? Indeed, as you said, I can't bear the responsibility of 40 lives!" After a short pause, he said word by word, "You can't afford it either."

After Julian finished speaking, he turned around and slapped the policemen behind him, and shouted loudly: "All the staff are starting to organize the retreat now, and I will assign tasks." After Julian finished arranging the tasks, the tall policeman Antony held Zhu anxiously. Li An's arm, full of resentment and suspicion, said: "Boss, do you really want to trust this Huaxia. The Chosen One? You made such a decision without reporting to the higher-ups. What if something happens?"

Julian shook his head and said: "I don't want to do this either, but now I can't get in touch with the commander-in-chief, everything is messed up, and I don't know what to do. The director wants us to stabilize these people for the time being. They are not something we can handle. Come on, it’s not like you haven’t seen it, she has super powers, and I don’t know if some terrorists also have super powers! We can’t stop her”

"Then what should I do, just give up entering the underground bunker? What did she say?"

"The director has already called the army, and the army has sent special forces over, and she will be able to control her by then! As for the terrorists who entered the underground bunker, they are just a turtle in the urn. If the clown Sith did enter the underground A bunker would be the best, as long as the shielding device is turned on to prevent his signal from being sent out, the danger of poisonous gas in Paris will be temporarily lifted, and then we will wipe them all out!"

"What if the Clown Sith didn't go into the bunker?"

"There is no doubt that these people are right. The purpose of the clown Sith is to enter Ou Yu's underground bunker. If he did not enter, then he will find a way to enter. It is said that the only physical entrance to this underground bunker is Xia You Palace, then as long as the army guards here, the clown Sith will definitely come."

"Boss! It's amazing! If you can handle this incident well, the position of director general will definitely be yours if you change office next year!"

Julian twitched the mustache at the corner of his mouth and smiled.

The giant steel tower with lights on stands in the center of the western free city-state, and museums, rivers, palaces, bridges, shops, and buildings around it spread out lazily as city tentacles, bathed in fine snow and poisonous fog.

Looks old, arrogant and empty.


"What are you talking about?" Guan Bojun's expression filled with righteous indignation froze behind the mask. At this moment, his pupils dilated and his body trembled slightly. It was obvious that he couldn't accept such a terrible fact.

"What's wrong? Why are your own people still arguing?" Du Leng's puzzled voice came from the team channel.

Cheng Mo gently pushed Guan Bojun, lowered the submachine gun in his hand, and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you say it now. In fact, I didn't think that the clown Sith would take the initiative to come to me at the beginning, so I set the place of the decisive battle It was fixed in the underground bunker of the Ouyu headquarters. After I got the drawings, I was more sure of this. The Ouyu headquarters is a twin-tower structure with a long distance. The base is in the underground bunker of Xiayou Palace where the god general sits. Although this underground bunker is huge, it has only two entrances, one is the underground railway leading to the office building of the space agency, and the other is the Xiayou Palace where we are now The lobby on the first floor of Yu Palace. When you went to detonate the poison gas device, I had already blown up the underground railway leading to the office building of the space agency, and detonated several gas devices in the wind shaft. So now the entire underground bunker is only here an exit.

Cheng Mo paused for a while, and the team channel was full of heavy panting sounds. No one thought that Cheng Mo would design such a trick in such a short period of time. What is even more shocking is that Cheng Mo regards human life as such Grassroots coldness and strong execution.

Cheng Mo turned and put down his backpack, unzipped it and took out a glass jar filled with green liquid.Cheng Mo picked up the glass bottle, which was slightly larger than the fire extinguisher. Under the illumination of the fluorescent lamp, the green liquid produced a strange metallic feeling, glowing with a dazzling dim light, and the faint light reflected on the fragile glass. The bottle was rippling, which was a bit frightening.

"Currently, there are four security doors at the exit where we are. The two doors inside are controlled by the control center of the underground bunker, and the two doors outside are controlled by Ouyu's above-ground building. As long as we don't open the two doors of the above-ground building, no one can escape. Come out. The poisonous gas of the underground railway will permeate slowly and be easily isolated. What we need to do now is to put this can of poisonous poison into the pipeline of the fresh air unit to detonate it, and let it volatilize into poisonous gas and spread rapidly in the bunker. Killing the Clown Sith is only one step away"

After Cheng Mo's indifferent voice rang on the team channel, he didn't speak, only a long silence.

Guan Bojun in the hall stared at the venom tank in Cheng Mo's hand and collapsed to the ground in fright. He scrambled and hid by the heavy metal door. He touched the mask several times to make sure he had put it on before looking at Cheng Mo in horror. .

Even Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifan couldn't help taking a few steps back, looking at Cheng Mo with complicated and indescribable eyes.

This terrifying and unimaginable plan almost made them lose their ability to think.

But Cheng Mo's expression, holding the venom can, was as usual without much emotion, just full of loneliness.

This loneliness is like the bottom of a desolate raging sea, no matter how rough the torrent is on it, how it destroys everything it touches, it just watches calmly.

"I'm going to the computer room of the fresh air unit. You can think about whether you want to act with me next time." Cheng Mo turned and walked towards the side of the hall.

"Are you really planning to poison all the people who have entered the bunker? That's tens of thousands of people. Have you thought about what crimes we will bear in the future?" Du Leng's voice came from the team channel, and even Du Leng, who had always been calm, Leng's voice was trembling, Cheng Mo's plan seemed ordinary at first glance, but it was a plan that ordinary people would never dare to think about.

"I was the only one who showed my face, so I bear this responsibility alone." Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and said softly, "I saw hundreds of such poison bottles under the Eiffel Tower. There are more than 10 people in Paris, and no one in Paris can escape." After a short pause, Cheng Mo said calmly, "Speaking of it, there is an interesting discussion in philosophy, and that is the 'trolley problem'. This problem is assumed to be in your hands. There is a button, if you don't press the button and do nothing, the trolley will kill five people on the track ahead. If you press the button, the trolley will switch tracks and kill one person on the other track people, and you become a murderer because of it.”

Cheng Mo looked back at the few people standing there dumbfounded and said coldly: "Do you know what the just approach is?"

No one answered Cheng Mo, and everyone held their breath. Cheng Mo twitched his mouth and said with a sneer: "The so-called justice is to do nothing and let that train kill five people. Because you have no right to deprive others It sounds absurd, right? But whether it is rational thinking or ethical judgment, 'doing nothing' is both in the interest and in line with justice. Right now we are facing the 'trolley problem' The person with the button, but on one side of the track are millions of people in the Greater Paris area, and on the other side are tens of thousands of people in underground bunkers who do nothing, wait for the clown Sith to release the poisonous gas, or press the button to kill several people Thousands of people, save the whole of Paris? In fact, there is no need for rational thinking at all. It should be understood by intuition that saving the whole of Paris is the right thing to do. However, this approach will inevitably face severe moral condemnation, because it is indeed unjust. Judgment How should things be done, is there only one standard of 'justice'? Do you really think tens of thousands of people are more important than millions of people?"

"I don't think so." Cheng Mo turned his head and continued to walk towards the depths of the hall, "As for what you plan to do, think it over yourself, I won't force it."

Cheng Mo's cold answer hovered in the hall, like the first wind in the depths of winter.The metal soles of the exoskeleton jingled on the marble floor, like black and white keys playing a mournful dirge.His back was projected on the beige floor, as if a lone knight raised his spear and charged towards the enemy.

For some reason, Fu Yuanzhuo felt his eyes were a little red. He felt that he couldn't think so much, and he didn't care whether what Cheng Mo did was righteous or evil.He remembered the matter of competing for the chairman of the student union in his second year of high school. If it weren't for Cheng Mo, he would never have been able to complete a shocking counterattack when everyone was not optimistic about it.

So far, the days of the campaign are the most memorable times for Fu Yuanzhuo.Cheng Mo made all the plans, and he, Yan Yitong, Song Xizhe and a group of classmates completed them bit by bit.I made posters, negotiated cooperation with merchants, set up my own website, took care of the WeChat official account, and shot a lot of witty short videos, all of which are still vivid in my memory.Even if he occasionally looks back at those videos now, thinking of those small details, Fu Yuanzhuo will laugh from ear to ear.

Thinking about it now, the moment when he was elected, when all his hard work turned into the joy of success, and the moment when his classmates cheered for him and this incredible miracle will not often appear in his memories.

On the contrary, it is the bits and pieces in the process of struggle that last forever.

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhuo knew why he liked to play "League of Legends".

It's not to prove how talented you are in the game, nor is it for the pleasure of slaughtering others in the canyon, nor is it to become a master or king.
It's the process of fighting with your partners, bragging when you win, swearing at each other when you lose, and having a midnight snack after playing the game, the incomparable joy brought together by all kinds of small details.

"Summoner, when was your moment of glory? Is it WCG?..."

"No, my highlight is definitely not the moment when I was elected as the chairman of the student union, but now, when I was fighting with my companions, fighting side by side with him, so what if I did something bad?" Fu Yuanzhuo felt that his heart was Burning, he took the lead to catch up and shouted: "Cheng Mo wait for me! I will help you"

Gu Feifan stood there hesitating for a while, and quickly followed Fu Yuanzhuo's footsteps. Only Guan Bojun was left trembling by the door, at a loss as to what to do.

Gu Feifei caught up with Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo, pretending to be surprised and said: "MD, I didn't expect Cheng Mo to be so virtuous. It's simply great! I thought you were a selfish, sinister and cunning villain! I was really wrong."

Cheng Mo didn't look back, and said lightly: "You're right, I'm very selfish, because doing so will bring me huge benefits, maybe you don't know yet, participating in major historical events can be rewarded by the system Yes, the rewarded experience points and contribution points are calculated according to your influence on the historical process."

"Ah? There is such a thing?" The voices of Du Leng and Gu Feifei sounded in the team channel at the same time.

"There's no need to lie to you. This kind of historical event is rare. I upgraded so quickly because I participated in the theft of Ou Yu's 'God Gene'. There is no doubt that this time the 'singer' The Battle of Europa triggered by the Horn is definitely an epic historical event."

Cheng Mo knew that Gu Feifan and Fu Yuanzhuo seemed to have decided to help him now, but Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi hadn't made a statement yet. As for Guan Bojun, as long as Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi also decided to follow, they would definitely follow the crowd.Although Cheng Mo felt that it was only a matter of time before Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi figured it out, they were not firm now. When they saw the tragic situation in the underground bunker, they would definitely be shaken by the strong impact.

At this time, it is definitely not enough to use morality to make everyone do their best. Cheng Mo can't complete such a heavy and complicated work alone. He must provide undeniable benefits to strengthen their determination.

After a short pause, Cheng Mo continued: "You can look at your experience bar, maybe you don't know that there are experience points for killing ordinary people, but this experience point is very small, and you can ignore it when you reach a high level. It doesn’t count. But as long as we kill the clown Sith and save Paris, the rewards we can reap are absolutely beyond imagination. I’m sure that the experience points alone are enough for you to directly reach full level.”

Fu Yuanzhuo asked incredulously: "I can also reach full level directly?"

"I can't say absolutely, but it should be close."

The team channel became quiet, and everyone's breathing became choppy.

This temptation is too great for anyone. Although the full level does not mean becoming the Chosen One, it is only a short distance from becoming the Chosen One.

It is the pursuit of every Uroboros to become the chosen one as soon as possible.

No one spoke on the team channel, everyone seemed to be thinking.Cheng Mo didn't say any more, he knew what it meant for several people to be able to become the chosen one in college.

Infinitely bright future.

And if you want to get all this, you must hand in the "voting certificate" to him.

Of course, the others were all deceived by the huge temptation, completely unaware of what Cheng Mo had already calculated several years later.

Cheng Mo took Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei from the stairs leading to the basement floor to the entrance of the underground bunker. Now the door painted with blue metallic paint has fallen down, and the spacious entrance is empty, only some people fleeing. Things that people accidentally left behind, such as hats, scarves, mobile phones, and a few shoes that were trampled off, were scattered on the ground.

Under Nuwa's guidance, the three walked to the end along the corridor on the right side of the entrance. There was a closed gray iron door with an electronic lock on it. Cheng Mo asked Nuwa to open the electronic lock, and he pushed it open with one hand. The sound of the fan came out of the rather heavy metal door.

Cheng Mo put the gas tank on the ground, took out a filter element from his backpack and changed it, then turned to the two of them and said, "Wait outside, I'll release the gas."

After finishing speaking, Mo didn't wait for the two people to answer, he went straight into the computer room, and closed the door behind him.

Fu Yuanzhuo and Gu Feifei looked at each other, knowing that Cheng Mo didn't want to burden the two of them, so he didn't ask them to go in.

Fu Yuanzhuo was still too honest, he was a noble horse in his heart, so he looked at the iron gate and sighed quietly: "Well, he showed his face in the first place, not only to attract the attention of the clown Sith Strength, it is also for himself to bear all the pressure! To be honest, he has done too much alone."

Gu Feifei was silent for a while, and said: "In the past, we all thought that he was lucky enough to climb up to Xie Minyun, so we made fun of Xie Minyun and ridiculed him behind his back, and we were going to see the jokes of the two of them now Only then did I realize that Xie Minyun has eyes, but we are the ones who have eyes but no eyes."

"Haha. Let me tell you that there is more than one person who likes Cheng Mo."

Fu Yuanzhuo beamed with delight at the glorious deeds of Gu Feifei and Guan Bojun's panting voice came from the team channel: "Hey! Hey! Fu Yuanzhuo, where are you? Wait for me!"

Fu Yuanzhuo hesitated for a while and replied: "We are in the air-conditioning machine room, I can't say where it is, you can ask Nuwa."

Guan Bojun shouted: "I asked Nuwa, but Nuwa ignored me"

Gu Feifei sneered: "I said Guan Bojun, you are too realistic, aren't you? You chased after you heard it was good? What about the energy you used to question Cheng Mo just now?"

"Benefits? Am I the one who cares about benefits?" Guan Bojun exclaimed aggrievedly, "I started questioning Cheng Mo, it was really impulsive, mainly because Cheng Mo treated little loli too cruelly. As an otaku, how can Tolerate that someone can treat such a cute little loli so ruthlessly!"

Gu Feifei sneered and said, "Just act!"

"I swear! If it wasn't for this, all the figurines in my house would be dismembered by the brats," Guan Bojun said firmly.

Gu Feifei didn't understand the importance of figurines to nerds at all, and said in an unreasonable tone: "Huh? That's it?"

Fu Yuanzhuo gasped and said, "No, this oath is quite poisonous."

"Is it poisonous? Just a few plastic models?" Gu Feifei said noncommittally.

Guan Bojun said angrily: "A few plastic models? You are insulting my faith!"

Fu Yuanzhuo also said seriously: "Senior Gu, figures are not plastic models."

"Okay! I don't understand you two thorny apes!" Then Gu Feifei asked again: "Then why didn't you follow from the beginning?"

"I just thought that it doesn't take so many people to release the poisonous gas, so I just stood guard at the gate. I don't know why the hall is getting colder and colder. It's a little scary to be alone in the hall," Guan Bojun said eagerly.

At this time, Nuwa said softly, "Because I saw that you were sweating profusely and seemed a little hot, so I changed the warm wind to cold wind."

The team channel was silent for a while, and then there was exaggerated laughter. Even Du Leng couldn't help but say, "Guan Bojun, you have contracted my laughing point for a year."

Gu Feifei laughed and said intermittently: "Oh! How can there be two hundred and five teammates like you?"

Guan Bojun argued dissatisfiedly: "You guys are going too far! Anyway, I have also made great contributions. If it weren't for my driving skills just now, the two of you would not even be able to escape!"

"Sweat horse? The sweat pig's credit is almost the same!" Gu Feifei sneered, "Seriously, if you didn't delay the time, we would have completed the task a long time ago, and we wouldn't have arrived so late."

"Is it my fault for bad luck?" Guan Bojun said.

At this time, Cheng Mo pushed open the metal door of the computer room and said in a low voice, "Guan Bojun, you don't have to come here."

Guan Bojun said pitifully: "Don't! Cheng Mo, I promise I will never question you again! Everything is under your command, and whatever you say is what you say!"

Cheng Mo said lightly: "Our work here has been finished, you can just wait at the entrance of the small hall on the first floor. And Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi, you take Nuwa's external equipment and come to take care of it too." The small hall, the monitoring room on the first floor can be handed over to Nuwa. Let's go to the security room to find some ammunition and weapons, and then enter the second door."

"Okay! Okay!" Guan Bojun replied immediately, but after he breathed a sigh of relief, he immediately asked: "However, Cheng Mo, I have two last questions."

Before Cheng Mo could speak, Gu Feifei sneered and said, "I'm talking about Guan Bojun, why are you such a mother-in-law?"

"I'm mainly curious, not just questioning. If...if Cheng Mo minds, I won't ask." Guan Bojun whispered.

"You can ask, but I don't necessarily know how to answer it. However, no matter what question you can only ask once, if I don't answer, you don't need to ask." Cheng Mo said.

Guan Bojun hurriedly said: "How do you know that the clown Sith must have entered the underground bunker?"

There was silence in the team channel, and everyone else was waiting for Cheng Mo's answer.

"If my guess is correct, the main body of the clown Sith should be hiding on the Eiffel Tower. That is the best hiding place. Even if it is not in the Eiffel Tower, it must be near the Trocadero Garden, so that the first I arrived at the entrance of Ouyu headquarters in time. Not only do I have confidence in my own judgment, but I also have confidence in the clown Sith, he will definitely be able to enter Ouyu headquarters as soon as possible." After a pause, Cheng Mo asked directly, "No. Two questions?"

Everyone was silent. They didn't quite know how Cheng Mo deduced it, but they believed in Cheng Mo's deduction, which made them feel that there was a huge gap.

"The second question is there really no way to kill less people?" Guan Bojun asked cautiously.

"No way." Cheng Mo replied coldly.

"He has tried his best. If we don't waste time, we can detonate the poisonous gas devices around the Trocadéro Garden earlier, maybe we can prevent more people from gathering here, and we can also enter the Ouyu headquarters earlier, so maybe we will sacrifice a little less People." Fu Yuanzhuo said in a low voice.

Gu Feifei also sighed and said, "Blame us."

Cheng Mo shook his head and said in a low voice: "In such an extreme situation, don't fantasize about finding a perfect solution. Reality is not a movie. Once Superman in briefs arrives, all problems will be solved. Wars and disasters will inevitably lead to sacrifices." , If you want to get it, you will definitely lose it. This is such a simple truth. But people always expect to pay less and get more, so they hesitate. The more hesitant, the more they lose. You have to To understand that sacrifice is a pain that must be endured. Just like Qin Shihuang sacrificed 10,000+ people to build the Great Wall, in exchange for the long-term peace of the Central Plains; just like the rice army dropped atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, sacrificed tens of thousands of people in exchange for It is cruel to destroy world peace, but we have no choice."

Cheng Mo's cold words made the atmosphere a bit tragic, quite a bit like "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return when he is gone".

However, Guan Bojun hesitated for a moment and said, "Is the Huayuankou tragedy a negative example?" The Han Dynasty was shaken. In order to prevent the Japanese invaders from advancing westward, on June 1938, the government of the country X decided to "replace the army with water" and ordered to open the ferry on the south bank of the Yellow River, 5 kilometers away from the northern suburbs of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province - Huayuankou. Caused the man-made Yellow River embankment to divert, forming a large area of ​​yellow flooding, which indirectly led to the tragic 19 Holland famine, known as the Huayuankou embankment breach in history. One of the three major tragedies in the same name)

Unable to bear it any longer, Gu Feifei jumped up and knocked Guan Bojun's head hard, cursing: "I finally understand, Nong's brain is out of order, he's a badass!"

"Ouch!" Guan Bojun hugged his head and shouted, "Why did you hit someone? Didn't I just discuss history with Cheng Mo?"

"Well, it's a negative example." Cheng Mo nodded expressionlessly, "So it depends on the result. Jiang XX failed in the end, and no matter what he did, he was wrong. Therefore, the method used is not important, what is important It's the result, and it will end badly if we don't kill the Clown Sith."

Everyone was silent.

Cheng Mo lowered his eyes, tightened his lips, and thought: "Even if I kill the clown Sith and save Paris, I will also be crucified on the moral cross, and I can only hope that the harvest will be able to be whipped by the world." Hedge against losses."



The entrance to the underground bunker of Ouyu headquarters.

After taking some weapons and ammunition in the security room, Cheng Mo and his party stood in front of the blue steel gate painted with the words "E·S·A" in white. These two tall and heavy iron gates looked like It is a flood gate installed on the dam, which has a solid aesthetic feeling full of industry.

Cheng Mo raised his wrist and looked at Uroboros, and said, "Nuwa will open the door after one more minute."

"Be prepared at all times, student Cheng Mo." Nuwa said.

"The carrier can be activated in one hour. We must find the clown Sith within an hour." After a short pause, Cheng Mo calmly said a classic saying, "Live to see people, die to see corpses. "

A few people stood at the door and tightly clenched their guns. No one knew what was going on inside. In order to relieve the tension in his heart, Fu Yuanzhuo Tun forced a smile and said: "According to international practice, should we stand up for something?" FLAG? For example, after completing this mission, find a wife to marry and retire?"

Zhu Lingqi smiled and said, "You are too young to be elected to serve the country, and you want to get married and retire? This FLAG establishment is too worthless, right?"

Guan Bojun swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "I just want to ask if the organization has bought travel casualty insurance for us? If we buy it, we can still pay some money, right?"

Gu Feifei mocked: "You are legally illiterate! Only accidental death will pay you. You are a terrorist now. I have never heard of a terrorist who was killed by the police. The insurance company will lose money."

Guan Bojun thought for a while and said, "Yes! Then at least the organization will issue some pensions, right?"

Gu Feifei sneered and said, "Are you short of that money? How about I burn it to you right now?"

"If you really want to sacrifice, don't you want it for nothing?" Guan Bojun whispered.

Everyone scolded: "MD, Mr. Guan Bo doesn't want a crow's mouth!"

"Isn't Fu Yuanzhuo setting up FLAG too? Why don't you scold him!" Guan Bojun protested angrily.

"Senior Guan Guan, if you die, I will burn your figure to you. You can make a will first, so I can go to your house to get it." Fu Yuanzhuo said with a smile.

Guan Bojun shook his head like a rattle: "Then I don't want it anymore. For my wives, I must live on."

At this time, Nuwa's gentle voice sounded in the earphones: "All students, please get ready."

Afterwards, the slight sound of the amplifier began to ripple in the empty small hall, and the dark blue alloy door slowly slid towards the two sides of the wall, and a faint green smoke seeped out from the crack of the door, like the call of death.

Cheng Mo raised the gun and opened the safety, and said coldly: "Go to the monitoring room on the third floor first. Shoot if you see a living person, don't care who the opponent is."

Gu Feifei raised his gun and pointed it at the crack of the door, and said murderously: "What I want is not only to survive, but also to kill the clown Sith. I must gain a lot of experience points and reach the full level to become the chosen one!" To be honest, I am very excited now, but now that I think about my previous life, it was really tedious, and today I know what it means to be magnificent! This is how a man's life should be, overcoming obstacles and overcoming the impossible!"

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to be quite a man, Gu Feifei! I thought you were just pretending to be a criminal!" Zhu Lingqi snorted and said. direct conversation.

"Isn't the purpose of human life to be happy and enmity? What's the point of being timid?" Gu Feifei glanced at Du Leng and smirked, "What do you think? President Du?"

"I don't care what kind of life you want to live, I just want to be a great general. I will definitely become a great general!" Du Leng said without looking back.

"Hehe! Godly general! The ambition is really lofty." Gu Feifei smiled noncommittally, and then he asked, "Fu Yuanzhuo, what is your dream?"

"Me?" Fu Yuanzhuo was stunned for a moment, "I don't seem to have any particularly ambitious dreams, nor have I ever thought about things that are very far away. Right now, I just want to be the Chosen One and pursue what I like. Girls, I'm pretty easy going!"

Guan Bojun turned his head to look at Gu Feifan, looking at Gu Feifan expectantly, as if he was saying, "Should I ask you?"

However, Gu Feifei skipped Guan Bojun, turned his head to look at Cheng Mo, coughed, and asked seriously: "Cheng Mo, what are you working so hard for?"

Cheng Mo didn't answer, he stared at the entrance of the bunker solemnly, at this time the situation inside was gradually exposed to everyone's vision, the faint green poisonous gas shrouded the entire huge space like morning mist under the sunlight, as if This is a hidden and unknown swamp deep in the forest.

A swamp made of flesh and blood.

Several people stopped talking. They never dreamed that they would see such a scene when they opened the door. It seemed that the hall at the subway gate was covered with dead bodies. The distorted state is intertwined with each other layer by layer, like a pile of maggots crawling together.And the people who are entangled in various postures have weird smiles on their faces, as if they have found a longing place before death.

Although Cheng Mo and the others were mentally prepared, they were still terrified by the bloody scene that was as cruel as a concentration camp, and even forgot to breathe.

It wasn't until the alloy door opened a three-meter-wide gap and came to a complete stop that everyone came to their senses, but still no one moved or spoke, only panting in the team channel like a bellows.

Viscous blood flowed out from the other side of the alloy door along with the poisonous mist, as if a monster hiding in the shadows stretched out its tentacles.Guan Bojun jumped up in fright, and then vomited again, but because he was wearing a mask, the vomit could only be swallowed back with his head up.

All of a sudden, the team channel was filled with Guan Bojun's vague coughing.

Gu Feifei scolded: "Guan Bojun, are you disgusting? Turn off the sound quickly!"

Gu Feihua's yelling seemed to dilute some of the bloody smell.

Cheng Mo took a deep breath and entered the gate stepping on muddy blood. The sound of "Bada, Bata" echoed in the silent space, and he whispered: "Why are you working so hard? Life doesn't have so much meaning, I don't want to To become a god general, I don’t care about living an exciting life, and I don’t want to be a savior. I just want to protect the people who are important to me. Because only if they live happily, I will feel less lonely.”


The alloy door slowly closed.

Cheng Mo took the lead and led the crowd into the entrance of Ou Yu's underground bunker where there was no place to stay.They could only step on corpses that were as soft as mud, and pass through the thick fog of poisonous gas.

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't dare to look down at all, he held the gun tightly, held his breath and followed Cheng Mo forward, as if as long as he inhaled, he would smell rancid, disgusting, and bloody.

Cheng Mo was hardly affected too much. He looked around calmly for a while, and saw that the alloy gate and the surrounding walls were full of uncoagulated blood, torn pieces of cloth and bits of minced meat, and frowned. Said: "Someone tried to use explosives to blow open the gate and the wall, but failed. I guess many of Ou Yu's people survived. The underground bunkers will have protective clothing for research needs, and the exoskeleton also has its own gas mask. , it’s just not clear how many protective suits and exoskeletons are in the underground bunker.”

"That means the clown Sith is probably still alive?" Guan Bojun said in fear.

"It's a good thing. He's easier to find alive than dead." Cheng Mo said lightly.

"Cheng Mo, you are awesome, you are still so calm in this situation!" Guan Bojun sighed.

"Guan Bojun, you'd better not talk, as soon as you talk, I can smell vomit." Gu Feifei said dissatisfied.

Guan Bojun shuddered and said: "If I don't speak, I will suffocate to death. What's more, in this case, only speaking can relieve my inner tension."

At this time, Cheng Mo was the first to jump over the gate for swiping work permits, and the siren sounded "Di, Di, Di" suddenly, which made Guan Bojun squat down quickly in fright. As a result, a man's body was sitting beside the silver gate, Guan Bojun turned his head and saw a smiling face with a stiff face and a pair of black pupils like dead fish. He jumped up immediately, closed his eyes, hugged Zhu Lingqi's waist, and shouted: "Mom! Mom! "

Zhu Lingqi was taken aback by Guan Bojun again, and almost punched Guan Bojun on the head. When Guan Bojun called "Mom", he put down his fist and said angrily, "Get up quickly, don't waste time, just treat yourself as a In the copy of the land of the ruins, these are the corpses of monsters."

Guan Bojun was lifted up by Zhu Lingqi, he grasped the gun firmly, and followed Fu Yuanzhuo through the gate while swinging.He kept repeating "This is the place where Ouyu remains".

After passing through the gate and walking down a long staircase, they arrived at the fourth door of the underground bunker. At this time, the number of corpses on the ground began to decrease.Six people walked through the security gate. There is no need to step on the dead body here. As long as you are careful, you can find a place to step down.The entire nine-story Ouyu underground bunker was also presented in front of their eyes. The underground bunker looked like a huge shopping mall. There was a crystal lamp with Ouyu's logo hanging on the patio, emitting bright light. If it wasn't for the green mist , the whole building is like daytime.Pedestrian elevators and panorama elevators surround the high patio, and all floors are connected.Walking to the glass railing, you can still see a tall Christmas tree on the bottom of the patio, with colored lights flickering in the green poisonous mist, beautiful like a fairyland.

Holding the gun, Cheng Mo walked straight towards the walking elevator, and at the same time whispered: "We take the walking elevator, everyone should be vigilant, the most dangerous time is when the monitoring center has not been occupied."

All of them half-bowed and followed Cheng Mo carefully with their guns raised. They were considered well-trained at the moment, and they didn't pay attention to their heads or backs, but each looked in the direction of their respective guards.

The underground bunker was too quiet. Even though several people had tried their best to keep their footsteps as light as possible, the sound of alloy feet hitting the marble floor was still like the sound of crisp bells floating in the poisonous fog.It wasn't until they safely reached the walking elevator that several people squatted down one by one and leaned against the stainless steel guardrail. The sound of heartbeating footsteps disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The elevator went down slowly, Cheng Mo looked down and saw a small pile of corpses piled up at the stairs, obviously they all died on the walking elevator.There was also a child among them. Cheng Mo closed his eyes and said sorry in his heart. When he reached the stairs, Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, but he still did it, and quickly moved the little boy's body to the side.

Others thought that Cheng Mo felt guilty and didn't want to step on the dead little boy, and silently watched from the sidelines, but after Cheng Mo moved the little boy away, he turned over a man in Ouyu's overalls, He tore off the work card hanging on his chest, looked at the man's face against the work card, got up and left, and continued to the control room on the third floor with a group of people.

Along the way, whenever he saw someone wearing Ou Yu's uniform or a white study uniform, Cheng Mo would stop, look at the other person's work card, and then tear it off. Everyone didn't know what Cheng Mo wanted to do.When they reached the third floor, there were very few dead bodies. In the corridor leading to the control room, there were almost no dead bodies, let alone people.

The six people moved forward quickly against the wall, and fogged glass doors with signs appeared from time to time along the way. These glass doors were all tightly closed, but some were lit with lights inside, and some were completely dark.

After passing through an office with the sign of "Space and Astrophysical Research Laboratory", I finally arrived at the monitoring room. However, a row of glass doors turned into alloy doors when they reached the monitoring room.Everyone was a little dumbfounded, Cheng Mo stopped, and began to try to open the electronic lock at the door with the work card he picked up.

I quickly found a work permit with permission to enter the monitoring center, but I got stuck in the fingerprint and iris verification process.

Cheng Mo glanced at the work card and then whispered: "You guys wait here, Fu Yuanzhuo and I will move the corpse."

"Do you remember which corpse the work permit belongs to?" Du Leng asked in surprise.

Cheng Mo nodded: "I probably remembered it."

Cheng Mo got up.

Gu Feifei said again in a low voice: "Why do I feel that there is no one alive? Time is running out, why don't we blow it up."

"There must be some people alive, and there are still a lot of them. We can't scare the snakes. But they should go to the seventh floor. There is an underground railway leading to Ouyu's office building. They can't leave it. Naturally, they want to go there, but there It doesn’t work. Besides, the explosives may not necessarily explode.”

Gu Feifei nodded.

Guan Bojun asked tremblingly, "Will the clown Sith be there too?"

"It's hard to say." Cheng Mo replied noncommittally, he waved at Fu Yuanzhuo, and the two left quickly with their waists bent.

In just a few minutes, Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo brought over the body of a white man in Ou Yu's uniform. After swiping his work card and verifying his fingerprints and irises, the alloy door opened silently in front of everyone. The monitoring room of Bi Space Center appeared in front of their eyes in an instant.

At this moment, the large screen hanging on the wall in the monitoring center is scrolling and playing the monitoring images of various key locations.

Cheng Mo stepped in, stood at the door and looked up and saw a large screen divided into 27 grids, most of the grids were still images, only a few grids could see people, and there was one grid It is particularly eye-catching, and it is playing a scene like a thriller.

Green mist floats in the long corridor like a veil, white lights pass through the hazy mist, and sprinkle on a green-haired man wearing a gas mask, he holds a shotgun in one hand, and pulls a The hair of the man in the white study uniform, the man's hands hanging limply on the ground, his body left two eye-catching bloodstains on the smooth ground.

There's a good chance this green-haired man is a Sith the Clown.

Cheng Mo looked at the serial number in the lower right corner of the video, and was more certain of his point of view. He immediately turned and walked out the door, and said at the same time: "The clown Sith is in the biological research room on the eighth floor. Gu Feifan and Fu Yuanzhuo, you two Follow me to kill him, Du Leng, Zhu Lingqi, and Guan Bojun, you stay in the monitoring room, put Nuwa on, and wait for my order."

(End of this chapter)

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