Rebel Demon King

Chapter 934 We are all clowns without masks (4)

Chapter 934 We are all clowns without masks (4)

Stern King and Christine led the stargate warriors wearing exoskeletons towards the formation surrounded by the Dragon personnel carrier.

The burning personnel carrier illuminated the snowy night, crackling explosions exploded like firecrackers, and the cold night wind blew a pungent smell of blood.

Stern King passed through his own armored vehicle unit, and walked between two battered Zhanlong personnel carriers. A large snowy field was already stained red with blood, and a Taijilong officer stood among several groaning In front of the wounded Tai Chi Dragon, the bonfire-like flames illuminated his blood-stained side face, and the scarlet blood and pale face formed a strong contrast.He held a grenade flat in his right hand, and at this moment, blood was dripping down from his elbow, falling into the pool of blood and disappearing instantly.

Of course, Stern King knew that what the other party was holding was the high-explosive grenade developed by Taijilong. It was small in size and powerful, and even the carrier could not withstand its powerful impact, let alone the main body.He stopped, stood about ten meters away from the Tai Chi Dragon officer holding the grenade, raised his hands, and said as if surrendering: "Hey! Captain Chen, there is no need to be so nervous, everyone is also an acquaintance Yes, in Athens, in Christianfield, although we have not had direct contact, but through an intermediary, I have learned something about you and your brother."

Hearing that Stern King directly exposed his private actions, Chen Shaohua changed his face, and said in English sternly: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Stern Jin waved his hand to the Stargate fighters behind him, signaling to put down his gun, then Stern Jin smiled at Chen Shaohua and said: "This shouldn't be the case, our Chosen Organization is a brotherly unit, You shouldn't be going through such life-and-death battles. I don't know what caused you Tai Chi dragons to lack trust in our star gate. If you don't leave from Christian Field, or even say that you don't use force to break through our defense line, at this moment you should all Waiting for Santa Claus to fill your socks with presents in the warm quilt." Stern King glanced down at the few wounded who were still moaning, and said with pity, "It's really unnecessary."

This remark made Chen Shaohua's expression relaxed again, and his right hand holding the grenade was slightly lowered, and he said in a low voice: "I didn't make these decisions, I just obeyed orders. Now I hope you can abide by the "Geneva Convention." , our wounded need help."

Stern King shrugged his shoulders and said: "Of course, we in the United States respect human rights the most, and you will receive the best treatment. And we will notify you Tai Chi Dragon as soon as possible to discuss the exchange of prisoners of war. "Stern King turned his head and shouted to the people behind, "Call the medical soldiers to bring a stretcher."

Chen Shaohua breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, tremblingly put down his right hand holding the grenade, and said softly: "Thank you."

Staring at Chen Shaohua's pupils, Stern King smiled and said in correct Chinese: "No, you're welcome, after all, we are our own people. I just saw you kill Xie Guangling on the helicopter." Stern King After a pause, "Does this count as the vote you paid to our star gate?"

The sudden words made Chen Shaohua's relaxation disappear immediately, his facial muscles twitched, and his breathing became short of breath, he didn't dare to look at the wounded lying on the ground, he said loudly with an excited face: "Wrong It's him! If he didn't keep making wrong decisions, we wouldn't have died so many people!" He didn't dare to bow his head, but pointed to the wounded on the ground, "Look, these are all the most outstanding people in China. They are only in their 20s, and their future prospects are limitless. It is because of his self-willed leader that he sacrificed here, and we cannot just watch him ruin the future of our Tai Chi Dragon!"

"Traitor! Coward!" A faint voice sounded in the snow, followed by the sound of opening the safety of the grenade.

This familiar sound made Chen Shaohua terrified. He turned his head and saw a bullet pass through the forehead of the young wounded wounded in the abdomen. The black grenade slowly rolled down from his hand, and the wounded beside him tremblingly touched it. The grenade that hadn't been pulled off the tab, Chen Shaohua fell to the ground subconsciously, but the explosion did not happen for a long time, only a few more gunshots were heard.

"Get up! It's okay, Captain Chen." A voice sounded close at hand.

Chen Shaohua, who held his head in his hands, raised his head, and saw Stern King's half-smile face. Chen Shaohua stood up from the snow tremblingly. His body was covered with red blood. He turned his head slightly. I saw Christine stepping on the hand of a Tai Chi Dragon wounded man, and the black grenade looked like a black stamen in the snow that had been smudged into crimson.

Stern King stretched out his hand to hold Chen Shaohua's arm, and said in a low voice: "It's such a pity, I originally wanted to lock up these people, at least to make you Tai Chi Dragons lose a few Uroboros, but I didn't expect them to To make such a dangerous move, you can only be killed."

Chen Shaohua shed tears inexplicably, and the tears drew two clear marks on his bloody face.All kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind, and he tried hard to find out when he started making mistakes, and then he got to where he is today.Maybe it was in Athens, maybe it was Christian Field, sometimes it's just a small mistake that gets bigger and bigger because it's not made up for.

Maybe death is the best choice.

But he had absolutely no courage.

Stern King patted Chen Shaohua on the shoulder and comforted him: "There is no way to do this. There will always be sacrifices in war. What we should do is to prevent the war from happening. We cannot let the lives of young people be wasted in the war. I can't fight like this anymore."

Chen Shaohua's expression was dull and he didn't speak.

"There can only be one superpower in this world, not two. And that one must be our great United States of America. You should be glad you joined the winning side." Stern King pulled out Pulled the pistol, "You will return to Tai Chi Dragon, not only that, but you will also become Tai Chi Dragon's hero."

Flames burst forth.

Chen Shaohua screamed and knelt down on one knee in the snow.

"One leg seems not enough, at least one more." Stern King said with a smile, and then shot Chen Shaohua's right knee again.

Chen Shaohua knelt down on his knees and fell into the snow. Then Stern waved his hands and summoned two medical soldiers to carry Chen Shaohua, who was howling in the snow, onto a stretcher.

Stern King turned to look at Xie Guangling's body lying beside the Zhanlong personnel carrier. At this time, the body was covered with thin snowflakes, like a cold sculpture.

Christine came over and followed Stern Jin's gaze: "I thought you would ask him what Xie Guangling said in the end."

Stern King shook his head, inserted the pistol back, and said in a low voice: " also a very beautiful thing."



The five people formed a circle, watching Cheng Mo unlock the lock while guarding. The underground parking lot was eerily quiet, only the sound of Cheng Mo poking the marbles. He pushed the door open, took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight and shone into the dark corridor, and the others quickly followed.

"Damn! Are you really the Cheng Mo I know?" Taking a breath, Fu Yuanzhuo continued, "If I didn't know you, I would definitely think you are a senior agent like 007."

"It's just a lock, if I just shoot it, why waste time?" Gu Feifei said.

"The underground parking lot is monitored. If I use a gun, I'm afraid it will arouse the alert of others." Cheng Mo replied lightly.

"You won't be alerted by opening the lock so blatantly?" Gu Feifei raised the bar.

Cheng Mo didn't bother to pay attention to Gu Feifan, and continued to climb the stairs.

"By the way, what are we doing here? Isn't it just an ordinary apartment? Could it be that someone important is here?" Guan Bojun asked.

Cheng Mo let out a "hmm" without further explanation, and speeded up to the first floor.Cheng Mo stopped in the stairwell with a flashlight, turned around and looked at Du Leng and said, "Du Leng, you and Zhu Lingqi go to the security room in the lobby on the first floor. There should be no one there. You keep an eye on the surveillance cameras, especially Around the building, I found someone who wanted to leave the building and immediately tried to stop or keep up."

Du Leng let out an "oh", passed Fu Yuanzhuo, walked to the stairwell and stretched out his hand to push the safety door, but it was still locked. This time, Cheng Mo didn't hesitate, and directly shot and broke the door lock, "Bang" A loud bang startled the people behind.

"Say a shot next time, I was almost scared to death." Guan Bojun said.

Cheng Mo ignored Guan Bojun, and said to Du Leng and Zhu Lingqi expressionlessly: "Hurry up, you need to run, if someone resists, don't hesitate, shoot directly, let the opponent lose their fighting power first. Contact us anytime. "

Du Leng didn't speak, just nodded and rushed out of the safety stairs with Zhu Lingqi and ran towards the hall. The silent corridor was full of heavy footsteps.

Cheng Mo led the other three people to continue climbing the stairs. The power supply of the elevator had been turned off, and they could only take the safe stairs.

"If we can really kill the clown Sith, won't we become the heroes who saved Paris? Do you think the institute will give us medals?" Fu Yuanzhuo said.

"It's more than a medal? Didn't you know that the clown Sith ranked third in the reward list on the dark web? Just the contribution points of the reward is enough to make a fortune!" Gu Feifei said.

"Ah! If I have enough contribution points, I can exchange for a Suzaku II electronic heart." Guan Bojun said happily.

"Isn't Crown III fragrant? Why did you change it to Suzaku II?" Fu Yuanzhuo said.

Guan Bojun sighed and said: "Wang Guan III is fragrant, but it needs a complete set to be more cost-effective. If it is a complete set, then I have to save until the year of the monkey."

"No, if you can really kill the clown Sith, the contribution points will be shared equally, enough to buy a set of Crown III for each of us." Gu Feifei sneered, "But the premise is that we can kill him."

Everyone in the stairs was silent for a while, only the sound of footsteps.

"I think it's better not to set the goal too high, as long as you can help the senior to evacuate safely, it is a victory." Fu Yuanzhuo said.

"Just think about it." Guan Bojun said.

Everyone fell silent again.

Fu Yuanzhuo asked: "How many floors do we go to?"

Cheng Mo didn't answer, but just took a picture of the red number painted on the stairwell, and whispered: "It's almost there."

On the 26th floor, Cheng Mo shot again and smashed the fire door, walked out of the corridor to the left and walked to the door of room 2602, and then he stopped.Cheng Mo looked down at the door lock, an explosion-proof electronic lock, presumably the door is also bulletproof and blast-proof, and it would be impossible to open it in less than ten, twenty, ten minutes.After such a long time, the people inside must have escaped through the secret passage after opening it.

It's just that in the current situation, unless it is absolutely necessary, the other party will definitely not choose to leave the room.Cheng Mo put the gun on his shoulder, looked up at the camera hanging above the door, and said in English: "Mr. Armadillo, I am from Tai Chi Dragon, and I want to see you."

Fu Yuanzhuo, Gu Feifan and Guan Bojun glanced at each other, and looked around vigilantly with their guns in their hands. The corridor was eerily quiet, without any sound.

No one answered either.

After waiting for 2 minutes, Cheng Mo looked up at the camera and said in Russian: "Maybe I should call you Prince Dmitry Shakhovskoi. I think you probably don't want anyone to know that you are famous Mr. Armadillo, right? Especially Ou Yu’s people”

Hearing the name "Dmitry Shakhovskoi", Gu Feifei gasped and turned to look at Cheng Mo, but Cheng Mo still stared at the camera with a blank expression, as if he was not Find a super strong player who ranks 73 on the Tianbang.

The access control display screen on the right side of the gate lit up, Cheng Mo's distorted face was displayed on the color display, and a hoarse voice came from the speaker: "Who are you?"

"We met once in the Devil's Cemetery. You were with Consul Stern at the time. But it's a pity that you left first, so I couldn't communicate with you more." Cheng Mo replied indifferently. At that time, Bai Xiuxiu followed Mr. Armadillo back At his apartment, it turns out that Mr. Armadillo is a multi-faceted spy.

"So it's you? Uriel?" Mr. Armadillo's tone was slightly surprised.

"It's me. My name is Cheng Mo. You can call me Zero." Cheng Mo didn't lie this time, but told his real name. If he needs to win the other party's trust, he had better not lie.

"Did you come to see me at this time?" Mr. Armadillo asked coldly.

Cheng Mo said lightly: "I hope you can help kill Sith the clown and save Paris."

"Huh? Are you kidding me? In this case, you can't find Sith the clown, let alone kill him to save Paris." Although Mr. Armadillo's face could not be seen, the mockery It was still very obvious, and then he said in a cold tone, "Don't think that you can threaten me if you find this place, as long as you dare to enter, I can kill you without a place to bury you."

"Are you not afraid that I will tell Stargate, Ouyu and Sunflower Banner that you are a multi-faceted spy? They have always been merciless towards traitors."

"This is not the reason for you to threaten me to do impossible things." After a pause, Mr. Armadillo sneered again, "And you can try it to see if they will believe you."

"If I said that as long as you are willing to help, I can kill the clown Sith! And I can help you save Ou Yu!?" Cheng Mo said in a low voice.

"Save Ouyu?" Mr. Armadillo asked suspiciously.

"God Philip will be killed by Napoleon VII, but he will never care about what happened in Paris. Instead, he will go to Christianfield as soon as possible to eliminate Ou Yu's vital forces."

Mr. Armadillo snorted coldly and said with some amusement: "Philip's general was originally neutral. Even if Napoleon VII can obtain the position of general, it doesn't mean that Ou Yu can be eliminated by eliminating Ou Yu. After all, Ou Yu is in Europa. been in business for so many years.”

"What if the clown Sith destroyed Ouyu's headquarters?"

"Impossible." Mr. Armadillo replied firmly, "Absolutely impossible. Ouyu Headquarters is the strongest fortress in the world. In terms of defense, it can't even compare to Area 51 of Stargate."

Cheng Mo sneered and said, "The first locations where the clown Sith released the poisonous gas were Haute-Seine, Issy-les-Mélineau, Val-de-Marne, Montreuil, and Bobigny. These are all areas outside Paris. The clown Sith did not release the poison gas at one time. He first released the poison gas outside of Paris to make Paris a playground, but you are looking at the locations where the second batch of poison gas was released. Saint Laurent Church in the district, the flagship store of Galeries Lafayette in the ninth district, and the Pantheon in the sixth district, did you find any interesting places?"

There was no answer from the speaker, as if Mr. Armadillo was thinking.

Cheng Mo didn't show off, but said directly: "You can turn on the radio and listen to it. If my guess is correct, the third batch of poison gas release locations are the Grévin Wax Museum, Montmartre Cemetery, Monceau Park, Marmot Dan Art Museum, Prince Park Stadium”

After finishing his judgment, Cheng Mo didn't say anything, just stood under the camera and waited quietly.

There was another subtle silence in the corridor.

Cheng Mo turned on the radio on the mobile phone, and the gentle piano music began to flow in the quiet air.After waiting for more than ten minutes, the piano music stopped, and the radio began to announce the locations of the third batch of gas releases in various languages. The first is the Parc des Princes Stadium, the second is the Montmartre Cemetery, and the third is the Greyhound Wan Wax Museum.
Fu Yuanzhuo, Gu Feifan and Guan Bojun looked at Cheng Mo in shock. They didn't know how Cheng Mo could guess where the clown Sith released the poisonous gas this round.

Only then did Mr. Armadillo's voice sound from the loudspeaker again: "You mean the purpose of the clown Sith is to force everyone to go to Ouyu's headquarters?"

Cheng Mo said in a low voice: "Of course, if Ouyu's headquarters is in Trocadero Garden."

After a while, Mr. Armadillo said seriously: "Tell me! What kind of help do you need?"

(End of this chapter)

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