Rebel Demon King

Chapter 933 We are all clowns without masks (3)

Chapter 933 We are all clowns without masks (3)

December 2020, 12, at 26 am.

In Germany, near the city of Husum.

Gunpowder smoke permeated the night in the wilderness, and several battered Zhanlong personnel carriers formed a circle, and the sound of motors roared not far outside the circle, and the searchlights projected by the helicopter illuminated the snow clearly.

Xie Guangling knew that the blocking position they temporarily established would not last long.

In fact, if the enemy hadn't wanted to capture them alive and hadn't used powerful missiles and bombs, they would have turned into a pile of corpses long ago.Now the helicopter group and the armored group have surrounded them, as long as they approach slowly, even without firing a single shot, they can be crushed into slag.

Sure enough, the trumpets to persuade them to surrender sounded, and a mouthful of pure Chinese echoed over the battlefield.

"All Tai Chi dragon fighters, we have been close friends for many years in the past. The Ouroboros you use is also the quota given to you by our star gate. We have also fought side by side in South Vietnam and the Soviet Union."

Xie Guangling's left arm had been pierced by bullets, and the blood stained his dark blue military uniform. He was standing at the rear of the Zhanlong personnel carrier, holding the Type 90 heavy machine gun mounted on the trunk of the vehicle with one hand. To the outside of the position.In the rolling white snow fog, a rock-like shadow stopped several hundred meters away. More than a dozen helicopters hovered over the armored vehicles, and the beams of light swayed in the heavy snow as if blown by the cold wind.

Judging from the opponent's actions that the final attack will not be launched for the time being, Xie Guangling let go of his right hand holding the machine gun, and turned his head to look around the position.At this time, most of the members of the Tai Chi Dragon were injured, and those who lost their combat effectiveness leaned on the tires to rest, and those who were still able to fight all hid behind the car with their weapons and stared at the enemy.

Seeing a wounded man who was shot in the abdomen, laying down in the snow and coughing, he didn't even have the strength to press the wound, and let the blood flow from his abdomen, and the blood had already stained a large nearby snow.

Xie Guangling was furious, and roared, "Fucking shit, what are the medical officers doing?"

All members of the Tai Chi Dragon in the formation looked at Xie Guangling, but no one responded.

After a while, Chen Shaohua replied: "Team leader, Sheng Hao is dead. His head was chopped off by shrapnel while saving Lu Jun."

Xie Guangling was silent for a moment, hanging his left hand, and wanted to walk quickly to the wounded man lying in the snow, but found that his right leg was also injured at some point, and when he moved it, the leg muscles felt painful. He lowered his head and looked expressionlessly at the injured part of his right leg. The blood had been frozen into thin ice, and it looked brightly colored.Xie Guangling limped towards the wounded while dragging his right leg, and at the same time shouted: "What are you doing here, bring bandages and medicine."

The nearby members of Tai Chi Dragon immediately started to move. Some entered the car to look for a first-aid kit, and some ran towards a snow-covered dead body leaning on the tires. There was an open medicine box next to the dead body.
Enduring the severe pain, Xie Guangling squatted down and wiped the snowflakes covering the wounded man's face.

The wounded man who fell in the snow struggled to open his eyes, saw Xie Guangling, and murmured: "Team leader!"

Xie Guangling stared at the pale, bloodless young face, then looked at his left abdomen that had been smashed by shrapnel, and said softly, "Shut up, I'll bandage your wound."

"No, no need. Team leader, give me a grenade, and later take away one for no loss and two for blood."

Xie Guangling's usually serious face showed a smile. He took out a grenade from the ammunition box next to him, stuffed it in the hand of the young wounded man, and said in a low voice, "What's your name?"

"Guo Guo Qingyun"

"Smoking a cigarette?"

"Team leader. I. I won't."

Xie Guangling took out a pack of cheap big front doors from his pocket with awkward movements, then lowered his head and took out a cigarette barely. Pass it to the young wounded man's mouth and say, "Take a couple of bites, what if a man doesn't know how to smoke?"

The young wounded man forced a smile, raised his head slightly, and took two breaths.

Smoke billows in the snow.

"I will leave my last words and let them engrave your name in front of mine on the Martyrs' Monument." After speaking, Xie Guangling stood up, threw down the cigarette butt, and solemnly saluted the wounded.

The voice of persuading surrender is still floating in the wind and snow, like a sad war song.

Chen Shaohua on the side heard Xie Guangling's words, his head buzzed, as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. He opened his eyes wide and turned his head to look at Xie Guangling in disbelief. He didn't understand why Xie Guangling had to carry it to the end.Xie Guangling was walking towards the side, talking to each member with a serious expression, but Chen Shaohua couldn't hear anything, he could only see Xie Guangling's lips moving, and then saluted those members.

At this moment, Chen Shaohua seemed to see a tunnel full of light, which led to the sky.He was swallowed by an inexplicable fear, and his nerves entered a state of extreme excitement while trembling, and everything around him became sensitive, making his thinking inexplicably active.He was full of doubts about Xie Guangling in his heart. He didn't understand why he went to St. Peter-Ording even though he knew that there was no ship in St. Peter-Ording; he didn't understand why he didn't retreat to Hamburg earlier. With the help of the Qianlong team, the chances of survival will be much greater; I don’t understand why they didn’t order to surrender at this time, anyway, they don’t have Ouroboros on them.
Chen Shaohua felt that it was Xie Guangling who brought them into this situation, just like he killed his colleagues many years ago.

A kind of anger burned in Chen Shaohua's heart, he felt that he shouldn't die here because of Xie Guangling's mistake, he found a reason for himself to live.


Stern King arrived at the front line by helicopter and immediately took over the command. He observed Taijilong's position through the monitor in the air. Obviously, his words of persuading him to surrender did not have any effect. The besieged Taijilong warriors were still Yu Yu stubbornly resisted and struggled to the death, without any intention of surrendering.

When he saw Xie Guangling who had a broken hand and was shooting with a machine gun, he smiled and said to Christine beside him, "Hey! Christine, look who this is, you have a chance to take revenge."

Christine turned his head and glanced at the screen, and immediately said: "Then you still don't let the attacking troops cease fire? Don't let him be killed by stray bullets."

Stern King picked up the walkie-talkie hanging on the side of the fuselage and was about to give an order. Unexpectedly, he saw an unexpected scene. Xie Guangling's machine gun was out of bullets, and he pulled out the pistol from his waist. He turned to face him. The man said a few words, the man suddenly raised his gun and shot Xie Guangling in the head.

The burning cigarette drew a bright red trail in the thick darkness, and Xie Guangling, who was not wearing a helmet, fell sideways into the heavy snow before he had time to react.

This sudden scene made Stern King and Christine forget to speak. The two watched in silence as the white flag was raised in the field, and then the sound of gunfire went out, and the chain of light illuminating the sky also disappeared. not see.

Only the burning flames fluttered like banners in the heavy snow.

The pilot asked: "Sir, the battle is over, do you need to land?"

"Land down!" Stern King hung up the walkie-talkie.

Christine sighed: "What a pity."

Stern King overlooked the battlefield from the window, and he asked in the sound of the rumbling blades, "What do you think he said at the end?"

Christine shrugged his shoulders and replied with a pun: "Who cares what a dead general will say?"


The white cruise ship docked in the fluttering fine snow, and five people with backpacks and guns jumped onto the shore one by one. Gu Feifei raised his hand to wipe tears for Jin Jinhan whose eyes were red and swollen. Guan Bojun, who was standing on the shore, looked at Jin Jinhan obsessively and sighed, "If you ask me what love is in the world, I will tell people to torture single dogs to death."

Fu Yuanzhuo turned his head to look at Guan Bojun who looked envious, and said with a "hehe" smile, "Senior, is there something wrong with your voice?"

Zhu Lingqi sneered and said, "If you lick a dog, you lick the dog. There is a difference between licking a dog and us single dogs!"

Guan Bojun glanced at Zhu Lingqi resentfully and said, "Second Senior Brother, it's wrong for you to be sarcastic like this. There is no value of love in this world that is absolutely correct or absolutely wrong. There is nothing wrong with being a dog lick, at least you can Experience the taste on the tip of the tongue, it is better than a single dog who can only swallow dog food!"

"Bull B! Do you still have a sense of superiority from licking?" Zhu Lingqi stretched out his thumb and said angrily, "You don't even want your life, but you are still worthy of admiration. Please allow me to respectfully call you the king of dog licking!"

"By the way, I don't want to join because of Jin Jinhan. Anyway, I am also a comrade in arms who fought side by side with Zero. He helped me so much, how can I not stand up!" Guan Bojun said in a very low voice when talking about Jin Jinhan. The subsequent explanation became louder, until Jin Jinhan looked at him, he immediately changed the subject, and said to Cheng Mo who was listening to the radio on his mobile phone, "Zero, I didn't expect that you haven't changed in the past two years. You still have no emotional intelligence in doing things!"

Cheng Mo looked up at Guan Bojun, and said lightly: "Emotional intelligence? Guan Guan, probably what you understand by 'emotional intelligence' is how to figure out other people's thoughts and build a good relationship with them."

Guan Bojun was stunned for a moment and said, "Isn't it?"

"I think 'emotional intelligence' is the ability to correctly understand the emotions of others and oneself, and to be able to control and express one's emotions reasonably, so emotional intelligence is an emotional ability." Cheng Mo turned his head and looked at the edge Du Leng, "Some people need to use 'emotional intelligence' to build a relationship of trust. I am not saying that building a relationship of trust in this way is not good, but for me, this path is not only unworkable, but also a bit inefficient, so... I Use correct decisions to build a relationship of trust. Isn't this one of the reasons why you are willing to return to downtown Paris with me?"

Guan Bojun was silent for a while, nodded and said, "It makes sense."

However, Cheng Mo immediately stabbed again: "But this is the main reason why other people are willing to follow me back to downtown Paris. You took the initiative to stand up, maybe because of Jin Jinhan."

Several people laughed.

But their smiles are very different.

Zhu Lingqi laughed happily.

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled wryly.

Guan Bojun smiled shyly and embarrassedly.

Du Leng smiled awkwardly.

At this time, Gu Feifei finally said goodbye to Jin Jinhan, jumped off the boat, and asked as he walked, "What are you laughing at?"

Guan Bojun immediately spoke first and said, "I'm not laughing at anything!"

Shouts of "come on" and "come back victorious" came from the boat. The six people stopped talking and watched the students on the boat waving to them in silence.

Du Leng turned to look at Cheng Mo who was standing on the steps, and said, "Should we discuss a battle plan? We can't just blindly go to the street to find Sith the clown, right?"

Everyone also turned their attention to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo, who was holding on to the railing, said calmly: "Compared with the battle plan, I am more curious about the reason why you want to join this battle."

Du Leng hesitated and said: "I don't think this is important!".

Cheng Mo nodded and said: "In this case, you all follow me, just follow my instructions. As for the battle plan, it's not important."

Seeing that Cheng Mo had already walked up the stairs, Du Leng was a little speechless, turned his head to look at the people beside him, and said with a wry smile: "At least let us know, where are we going now?"

Cheng Mo said without turning his head: "I told you that you don't know."

"Of course we don't know if you don't tell me." Gu Feifei said unconvinced.

"Star Apartment on St. Antoine Road." Cheng Mo said lightly.

The people following behind looked at each other, and from the eyes of each other, the four could clearly judge that the other party didn't know where it was.

Du Leng winked at Yuanzhuo, then pushed Fu Yuanzhuo lightly, Fu Yuanzhuo knew what everyone was curious about, so he could only ask helplessly: "Shouldn't we go to the clown Sith or senior sister? What are you going to do in Star Apartment?"

"When we do a complicated question, it is absolutely impossible to go straight to the answer. The first thing to do is to find a solution to the problem, and us Uroboros owners often choose the fastest and most direct way - 'violence', To solve the problem. In fact, this is not advisable, because whether it is a gladiator or a chosen one, they are essentially ordinary people with weapons, and such weapons cannot be used anytime and anywhere, and we often regard ourselves as innocent The impossibility of 'Superman', everyone of us is aware of this weakness, but it is easy to overlook that the way of thinking caused by this weakness is the biggest problem." Cheng Mo led the crowd to walk quickly on the sightseeing belt on the river bank, and at the same time He preached to several people without hesitation. If they hadn't stepped forward to help him, Cheng Mo would not have bothered to tell them these truths.

Fu Yuanzhuo scratched his head, and asked a little puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Gu Feifei rolled his eyes and said, "Idiot, what Cheng Mo means is that we solve problems from the perspective of ordinary people, not from the perspective of 'superman'."

"But what does this have to do with solving the clown Sith? Ordinary people have nothing to do with the clown Sith, right?" Fu Yuanzhuo always asked questions when he didn't understand, and he didn't have any face to talk about in front of a genius like Cheng Mo.

"When encountering a bad person, from the perspective of an ordinary person, the first thing to do is not to think about how to deal with him, but to call the police." Cheng Mo said.

Just at this time, they had already walked from the sightseeing trail to New York Avenue. There were many cars parked in the middle of the road, and the Museum of Fine Arts of the City of Paris was not far diagonally opposite. There were not only sirens, but also gunfire from time to time.

"If calling the police was useful, we wouldn't be here!" Fu Yuanzhuo picked up the gun on his back and opened the safety at the same time.

Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at Fu Yuanzhuo, and said in a low voice: "The so-called 'problem-solving thinking' is the 'basis' for every step of the problem-solving process, because I saw a condition and remembered a theorem, but there is still one Conditions, so try to prove an equivalence relationship, etc., all of which come from 'information', without information, we can't solve the problem. No matter where, the police can always provide some information we want"

At this time, the other five people knew that Cheng Mo was teaching, but they didn't think Cheng Mo could really teach them anything.

Except Fu Yuanzhuo.

So Fu Yuanzhuo asked seriously: "Then shouldn't we go to the police station?"

"When the target is the chosen one, Ou Yu can provide more information than the police." After finishing speaking, he turned and jumped over the railing, and walked across the New York Avenue from the gap between the cars.

(End of this chapter)

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