Rebel Demon King

Chapter 917 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (24)

Chapter 917 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (24)

(The cold is a bit serious, which caused the recent update to be weak, I am very sorry)

Xie Minyun realized something was wrong when he heard the sound of the engine fading away, and immediately returned to the place where he and Cheng Mo were separated.However, the Brabus was nowhere to be seen.Xie Minyun called Nuwa first, but Nuwa didn't answer, she frowned slightly, and looked down at the ground, the snowflakes falling down had not had time to cover the deep ruts, and the two parallel lines were opposite when they came towards them The direction stretches, gradually disappearing into the dim skyline.

Although Xie Minyun's sense of direction is very poor, he also knew that they had just come from Lens, which meant that Nuwa drove Brabus and turned around in the direction of Cenna.Judging from the sound just now and the situation at the scene, Cheng Mo was definitely not attacked by the enemy, so Cheng Mo chose to leave by himself.

Called Nvwa Xie Minyun again and still didn't get an answer, so she didn't know what to do. At this moment, Xie Minyun couldn't figure out what Cheng Mo was going to do.She stood in the snow and stared at the far end of the sky, as if she saw Babos running alone in the heavy snow, "I didn't go with him, did I let him down?" Xie Minyun thought, and suddenly her chest rose. Unspeakably lost, she muttered to herself: "You said you wouldn't leave me alone in such a bad place!"

Xie Minyun clenched his fists sadly, and suddenly the dark blue velvet curtain was instantly lit up, making the whole evening as bright as day.She turned her head immediately, and saw that the overwhelming rain of fire in the direction of Lance had stopped, and a semicircle of white bubbles was slowly expanding beyond the coniferous forest, illuminating the entire snow field.The slowness is just a visual effect. In fact, the semicircular bubble expands extremely fast, and a mushroom cloud is hatched at the moment of rupture, and then countless tiny yellow lights burst under the mushroom cloud, like a whole box of lit fireworks.The continuous roar of explosions passed over like a sea tide, and the earth trembled accordingly.

Obviously that is the signature skill of "Light of Neutron" Bai Xiuxiu. According to the current situation, Xie Minyun guessed that Bai Xiuxiu should have used the "time rift" to infiltrate the rice army's position and explode the ammunition depot. Entered a white-hot situation.

Xie Minyun bit her lip, took a deep look at the direction Cheng Mo was leaving, turned around and ran towards Lance, and instructor Bai needed more help than Cheng Mo's side.


Soon Xie Minyun contacted a group of Tai Chi Dragon students hiding in the coniferous forest through badges. According to Zhang Hongjun's guidance, Xie Minyun moved towards the direction of four o'clock with the explosion site as the center of the circle.

After entering the coniferous forest, the light became even dimmer. Xie Minyun quickly searched towards the direction of four o'clock while being cautious and vigilant. Not long after, Xie Minyun heard the heartbeat hidden in the breeze, and she followed the direction of the sound. Going forward like a ghost, when the sound of the heartbeat became more and more obvious, he used the unlimited communication function of the Tai Chi Dragon badge as a reminder in advance.

A few students wearing Tai Chi dragon exoskeleton sprawled out of the snow and pointed their guns at Xie Minyun's direction.

"Xie Minyun?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Xie Minyun, who was hiding in the canopy of the tree, jumped down lightly. She fixed her eyes and saw that it was Du Leng who was speaking.In addition, several nervous students were pointing their guns at her.Although they were all wearing helmets, she could tell from their trembling bodies and accelerated heartbeats that they were a little flustered.

Xie Minyun raised his hands and slowly walked towards Du Leng. Du Leng turned on the light on his helmet to illuminate Xie Minyun to start identification. A red light scanned from Xie Minyun's face to his feet.

"Certification completed." Several students breathed a sigh of relief when the voice sounded, put down the guns in their hands, and began to spread their guard around.

"I'm sorry, Xie Minyun, this is a routine matter." Du Leng lifted up some shields of his helmet and said, his tone of voice was a bit cold and unnatural, anyone who is familiar with Du Leng knows that he is usually very warm to everyone Exuberant, but in the current situation, no one cares about Du Leng's state of mind.

"Should be." Xie Minyun nodded, and she glanced at Du Leng, who was wearing a fully enclosed exoskeleton. This exoskeleton, which resembled Iron Man's armor, was still in the experimental stage. She did not expect that this time it would be secretly transported to Europa. And the organization is prepared to face extremely bad situations.Xie Minyun felt a little more confident, and asked in a low voice, "How is the situation now?"

Xie Minyun is far higher than Du Leng in terms of Tai Chi Dragon level and position, so there is no problem in asking questions like this.

"Instructor Bai is carrying out the penetration plan with Instructor Gu and Instructor Zhang. Just now, Instructor Bai blew up the arsenal of the Mi Army, but he has not found the opponent's mechanized troops. When he finds the camp of the opponent's mechanized troops, he will completely disrupt the Mi Army. defenses we'll try to sneak in"

"Should we grab the car first?" Xie Minyun asked.

"Yeah!" Du Leng nodded, "After walking hundreds of kilometers from Flensburg, our exoskeleton battery is no longer enough. We definitely can't run barefoot against the Mi Army. We must grab transportation first."

"Ask Instructor Bai if he needs support, and I can also activate the carrier." Xie Minyun said that the Tai Chi Dragon Badge can only send messages over short distances without satellite signals, and cannot communicate in real time, and it is far inferior to the radio communication system. of stability.

Du Leng replied "OK", and called Zhang Hongjun to ask Zhang Hongjun to ask Bai Xiuxiu for Min Yun.While waiting, Du Leng and Xie Minyun stood face to face in the silent heavy snow, and the two of them had nothing to say.Du Leng cast his eyes on Xie Minyun's back, but he was actually watching the thin snowflakes falling on Xie Minyun's navy blue hair and shoulders. Although Xie Minyun's expression was colder than snow, he felt that Xie Minyun seemed to be a little different from before, there was a trace of gorgeous tenderness under the frozen face, like a blooming rose frozen in ice.

Du Leng's heart twitched for no reason, but thinking of Cheng Mo's performance in the "Land of Asgard Ruins", he felt overwhelmed again.Du Leng once thought that he could easily forget Xie Minyun, but Xie Minyun, this thorny rose, was like a noose. The more he struggled, the tighter his heart was bound. The bright thorns were bleeding.

But the more it hurts, the more irresistible this liking becomes, "Perhaps what you can't get is the best." Du Leng thought to himself.

Xie Minyun stood in the snow quietly looking at the flames in the sky, not intending to talk to Du Leng, the cold air was filled with a silence that broke Du Leng's heart.He subconsciously wanted to break the uncomfortable silence, so he asked, "By the way, where is Cheng Mo?"

Xie Minyun withdrew his gaze, and said lightly, "He has other tasks and he is not with me."

"Then he got it?" As soon as he asked, Du Leng remembered Nuwa's warning, and immediately stopped talking, "Just pretend I didn't ask."

Hearing Du Leng's question, several students who were on guard nearby immediately turned their heads and looked in the direction of Xie Minyun and Du Leng. Most of the students led by Bai Xiuxiu were students who had participated in the Asgard Raiders. "Doctor Bird's Beak", the question of whether he got the "Singer's Horn" is naturally very curious, but Du Leng immediately retracted the question, and several students turned around and continued to monitor the depths of the coniferous forest.

Xie Minyun naturally knew that Du Leng was asking Cheng Mo if he had obtained the "Singer's Horn". To be honest, she was very happy that Cheng Mo had such a miraculous performance, but she also felt headaches about the disaster caused by the "Singer's Horn". It was Stargate who got the "Singer's Horn", and they certainly would not encounter such a tight defense.Xie Minyun also knew that the "Singer's Horn" was in his hands and he couldn't say anything about it for the time being, so he didn't say anything, but asked instead: "Hasn't Instructor Bai answered yet?"

Du Leng blamed himself for being stupid when he met Xie Minyun, and replied in a low voice: "I'll ask."

After a while, Du Leng received a reply from Zhang Hongjun, saying that instructor Bai ordered Xie Minyun to lead the remaining students to prepare to sneak into the mechanized unit camp of the Mi Army at any time.


"Cheng Mo?"

"Cheng Mo?"

Xie Minyun's voice echoed in the carriage, Cheng Mo just looked at the screen and didn't answer, until Babos left the radio communication range, only radio noise remained in the stereo, Cheng Mo said: "Turn off the communication."

There was silence in the carriage.

"Where are we going?" Nuwa asked.

"Cenna." Cheng Mo replied in a low voice.

"Cenna? Cheng Mo student, are you sure?"

"Sure." Cheng Mo said lightly.

"I don't quite understand your behavior. Zenna has no one to cover us. It is almost impossible for us to break through. What's more, there are people from 'Odin's Wrath' blocking us on the road. Zenna is a dead end. We While waiting here for Chief Bai Xiuxiu and the others to break through, there is a great possibility of sneaking through the defense line of the rice army."

Cheng Mo didn't answer right away, and after a while he asked in confusion: "Nuwa, what do you think love is?"

"Love? According to my observation, love is dilated pupils, shortness of breath, and gradual rise in body temperature."

Cheng Mo was speechless, and interrupted Nuwa: "What you said is just sensory stimulation."

"You mean something deeper? Signals transmitted between neurons? Chemical elements such as dopamine, hormones?"

Cheng Mo's expression was a little confused, he looked at the snowflakes constantly flying on the screen, shook his head and said softly: "I don't know either. I only know that love can change people, making a rational person less rational, Make a brave man brave"

"It's really a bit miraculous, but it's not inexplicable. Maybe Chief Xie Minyun didn't turn me off just now, so I can observe the physical reactions of the two of you more clearly, so as to obtain more detailed data."

Cheng Mo didn't respond to Nuwa, and his heart fell into the short-lived tenderness not long ago. There is probably no couple like him and Xie Minyun, whose parting happened so unexpectedly.Cheng Mo's expression has never been so complicated. He recalled how charming and proud Xie Minyun's eyes were just now. He hugged her tightly and sighed in his heart that he was so lucky to have a perfect wife .

That throbbing is deeply engraved in the bottom of my heart.

"Am I worthy?" This was the biggest doubt in Cheng Mo's heart at the time. He had always believed in equal value exchange, but he really didn't know what he could offer in exchange for Xie Minyun's love, and he couldn't even have a complete love. give her.

Many times he felt deeply unworthy for Xie Minyun.

Especially at this moment, his heart was extremely struggling and tangled. For the first time, he wondered if his decision was impulsive. His heart was trembling slightly, trying to persuade himself to stop moving forward. Xie Minyun's warmth was like a thorn in his throat. It pierced into his skin fiercely, and the hug between the hedgehog and the cactus was really heart-wrenching.

The wind noise outside the car was getting louder, as if countless people were whispering to him: "You should choose a better method, your own safety is the most important thing."

"Are you crazy? You have nothing to live for! Risking to save others is worthless to you."

"In the face of survival, all morality can be ignored."

Cheng Mo has never encountered a difficult choice, he is always very good at multiple choice questions.

However, at this second, he was like a child who couldn't find the right answer.

"Am I worthy?" Cheng Mo asked in a low voice.

"Of course." The female snail replied as a matter of course.

Cheng Mo raised his head, as if he had caught the clue of the problem, he opened his eyes wide and asked involuntarily, "Why?"

"Because you are both in the S-level protection sequence, judging from the overall score of the newcomers, the two of you are also very close. In fact, your score is higher than that of Xie Minyun. From the data point of view, there is no doubt that the two of you are a good match. It’s just that student Cheng Mo’s moral index is low, so you have to work hard in this regard!”

"Morality is the rules that people choose to follow based on their interests. In your system, 'morality' is just a quantifiable index, so do you think there is such a hypocritical thing as 'morality'?"

"Student Cheng Mo, even if 'morality' is hypocritical, morality exists as a matter of course. And lofty morality also exists, at least it exists in Chief Xie Minyun. Although her ideal of 'changing the world' sounds a bit unrealistic, But she has been working silently, such as continuously donating to build schools in rural areas in China and other impoverished areas around the world. No one knows about this, and she never said it, but all the subsidies and Not a single cent of the bonus has been saved, and all of it has been used to donate to the construction of Hope Primary School. This is not a small amount, and perhaps money is not too much for her. What is commendable is that she always takes time to visit her On-the-spot inspection of the donated school, she is very sincere in her investment in this area. She does not just donate the money, but will review the whereabouts of the money one by one to ensure that her efforts are not in vain, and continue to pay attention The state of the school."

"From the poorest Congo to the most chaotic Syria, there are schools donated by Xie Minyun. In order not to be deceived, she will plan the inspection route during the journey to the 'Land of the Relics' and take all her rest time , unannounced visits to those remote and dangerous places. Some places are in good condition, some places are in bad condition, such as in Syria, because of the war, the organization there has been completely out of order, and the money she donated has been embezzled. , the school she built was nothing more than a few broken thatched houses, so she stayed in that place where there was no bathing water, and personally led the builders to build a beautiful brick primary school. However, the refugees didn't appreciate it at all and scolded her for not It's a waste of money, it's better to divide the money for the school, or give them food, because the refugees don't even have food. Seeing her build the school by herself, they scolded her for showing off, and called her fake kindness. Faced with scolding her Silently posted money for the school to provide free food. As a result, there were not many children. The refugees all went to school to eat, and the expenditure was seriously exceeded. Everyone regarded the school as a lamb to be slaughtered. It was still difficult for Xie Minyun Please. She still didn't give up. She studied the problems faced by the refugees. It took a long time to think about it. It attracted the assistance of Huaxia enterprises and established many refugee camps. Not only that, she also worked one by one. Let them send those boys and girls to school for charity Few people can bear this kind of thing, but she patiently dealt with all the situations. All in all, she is the Madonna in the eyes of modern people, although the word "Mother" is now It is somewhat derogatory on the Internet, but a saint like her who can be matched with words such as trust and entrustment in the classical sense is almost extinct today."

"Has she done so many things?" Cheng Mo was a little surprised.

"Do you really understand her?" Nüwa asked, "Actually, you don't understand me either, so you just concluded that my 'moral judgment' is a digital conclusion based on your feeling."

Cheng Mo was silent for a while and said, "Isn't it?"

"It's just that the reference value of this data is the sacrifice that the person being assessed is willing to pay for the principle. According to my statistics, the less resources a person has, the easier it is to stick to the principle, just like the lower the position, the less likely it is to be corrupt. Similarly, they tend to overestimate their own moral index, so students are often the most moral people. They are not deeply involved in the world, and they do not have any resources. It is very easy for them to be moral. But for Xie Minyun and For a person like you, it is very difficult to stick to the moral bottom line in your heart. For example, just now Xie Minyun decided to leave the contemporary society. There are exquisite egoists like you all over the street. Most people put their own interests first, although they behave very well. Looks like a man of quality, but actually just looks on at the misfortune of others, an idealist like Xie Minyun is really rare.”

"So. I'm really good for her?" Cheng Mo understands that what Nuwa is talking about is reality, and it's a common problem among people in modern society. It seems that everyone is polite and moral, but in fact everyone is extremely indifferent, and there is only cheap pity for the weak. Sincerely helping, he is also such a person, but Xie Minyun is not.

"According to the concept of Chinese people being well-matched, it is certainly not a good match. From the point of view of modern people's free love, you are a good match. You are a good match in terms of various indicators, but you are still not a good match in terms of morality. In short, this is not exact. answer.” After a short pause, Nuwa said again, “Student Cheng Mo, I don’t quite understand why you are struggling with this question. According to your human theory, don’t you just need to be in love? I think Chief Xie Minyun still loves you very much.” of."

"How do you know?" Cheng Mo asked suspiciously.

"Because this Brabus and I are extremely powerful escape tools, she left it to you without any hesitation."

Cheng Mo pursed his lips tightly and looked at the driver's seat where Xie Minyun was sitting just now. Her figure appeared in Cheng Mo's mind again. Cheng Mo felt that he did not follow the principle of "equivalent exchange" at all, because Xie Minyun She paid too much, he shouldn't enjoy it with such peace of mind.Cheng Mo's mind is a little messy, and his chaotic thoughts are like a ball of wool that has been cut to pieces, with countless thread ends blooming.

He remembered the first pair of high-end headphones in his life, which were the "Sony" headphone monitors that his father bought for him from the "Sakura Electronics Store" when he was on a business trip to Tokyo. world of music.Since then he has become a staunch "Sony Dafa is good" loyal supporter.For this reason, he specially bought a Sony 3th Anniversary Edition MD from the Internet, which was completely eliminated by MP[-], but Cheng Mo thought it was very commemorative, and bought one as a collection at home.

What else?By the way, there is also an "iPhone" generation mobile phone. At that time, everyone was using Nokia and Samsung. Only he firmly believed that the "iPhone" was an epoch-making product, but after Jobs passed away, he was no longer optimistic about Apple.Really bad!How could a great man like Jobs die so easily?

It seems normal too.

Isn't father also a great scholar?Just like that, he disappeared into this world without a sound.

Every minute on the earth, 106 people die and 259 newborns are born. We don't see death, so we think it is infinitely far away from us, but it is everywhere, within your reach.

Cheng Mo sighed softly, and he thought again: If he was given another chance to choose, should he sell Ouroboros, get another heart, live an ordinary life, or activate it.
"This question is really boring." Cheng Mo thought to himself, he looked at the monitor again, and asked softly, "Nu Wa, where are we?"

"It is 45 kilometers from Lens and 71 kilometers from Zenner."

After thinking for a while, Cheng Mo said in a deep voice, "Stop the car, and then fire the laser cannon at the sky with full energy."

"Student Cheng Mo, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Cheng Mo took a deep breath and said, "I know."

"Student Cheng Mo, I have to ask you again, are you sure you want to do this?"

Cheng Mo took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and he flipped through the photo of him and Xie Minyun in the coffee shop in Rome. Xie Minyun was leaning on his shoulder, behind him was the tall red brick wall and the two plants An Italian cypress that I planted myself, whispered, "I'm sure."

Wind noise and engine whine gradually subsided.

A blue beam of light shot up from the roof of Brabus' car, illuminating the entire dark snow field.



The battle on the other side of the coniferous forest continued, and the flames of the Mi Army camp reflected the outline of the city of Lens lurking in the darkness in the distance.

The Tai Chi Dragon students hiding in the coniferous forest are ready to go. They cannot activate the carrier temporarily, but they are fully armed. Some of the old students are wearing Tai Chi Dragon's special full-armor exoskeleton, while some new students are wearing Tai Chi Dragon. Semi-armored exoskeleton.Relatively speaking, the full-armored exoskeleton has a higher safety factor, but it is also more difficult to operate. Because new students have not learned how to operate a full-armored exoskeleton, they can only wear a simple half-armored exoskeleton.

Hundreds of people stood silently in the forest, the white mist flickered, and the rapid beating of the heart and the sound of breathing made the air flow in the forest turbulent.

Only Xie Minyun, who was standing at the front, didn't wear any equipment, but wore a headset on her ear. She raised her hand to check the time and said, "Everyone, check your equipment again, including guns, bullets, batteries, and straps. "

"A group is ready."

"The second group is ready."

"The three groups are ready."

"Again, our goal is not only to capture the opponent's vehicle, but also to destroy the opponent's mobile power to the greatest extent, especially the drone library. When driving, you must especially observe the fuel level, and don't drive out to find the fuel. not much."


Xie Minyun looked around and said in a low voice: "If a classmate is killed nearby, the person next to him will take off his Ouroboros and badge immediately."


The answer this time was a bit heavy, but it was heavy and plain. It was only a few hours, and everyone answered indifferently as if they had seen through life and death.

Xie Minyun has no intention of appeasing them, she knows how feeble the power of language is at this time, those inspiring words in war movies can only have power under certain circumstances.

time to give people hope.

What they lack now is not hope, but confidence.

"Let's go." Xie Minyun just said two words firmly, and took the lead towards the defense line of the Mi army.

(End of this chapter)

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