Rebel Demon King

Chapter 916 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (23)

Chapter 916 Blood Blooms on the Road to the Throne (23)

Hearing Nuwa's words, Cheng Mo said: "I also belong to the S-level protection sequence? It seems a bit unscientific. Maybe it's because I was once sent to Penglai Island as an undercover agent. Sister Bai also said that my information belongs to the S-class confidentiality level, but should the confidentiality level and protection sequence be the same thing?"

Cheng Mo was puzzled, but now is not the time to ask about this matter, what is more important is how to persuade Xie Minyun not to insist on saving a group of new students led by Bai Xiuxiu, but it is definitely useless to say it directly, so Cheng Mo looked solemnly Said: "Belonging to the S-level protection sequence is not important. Anyway, no one can provide us with protection now. What is important now is the strength of the rice army in Lens, and the current situation of Instructor Bai. Accurate information, specific analysis of specific issues, and then decide on the next move. If we can help Shangbai instructors and the others, we must not use them as bait and just go by ourselves.”

It's not that Cheng Mo doesn't want to help Bai Xiuxiu and the others, but that all help should be based on rationality. If it's the gourd baby's rescue of grandpa, or the chance of a successful rescue is really low, and the two of them fled It is undoubtedly irrational to choose rescue in such a situation when the probability of survival is very high.

"Sacrifice" is morally laudable, but sacrifices of little value are stupid and pointless.

Xie Minyun glanced at Cheng Mo meaningfully, then she turned her head and looked at the continuous flames on the monitor, and said lightly: "Nuwa, I have the authority to decide how to act, so what to do is up to me. It needs to be reported truthfully.”

"Instructor Bai and his party originally consisted of 140 people. They were attacked by the enemy on E45. Four people died and 13 people were injured to varying degrees. However, because they did not encounter the powerful rice army, they arrived smoothly at around 10:[-] p.m. Flensburg, but instructor Bai felt that Flensburg's guards were too tight, so he decided to leave the convoy in Flensburg. They walked to Lens, and they crossed Flensburg and Lens just half an hour ago. The coniferous forest zone in between arrived near Flens. After resting for [-] minutes and waiting for Flensburg's convoy to start automatically, instructor Bai personally led several members who could activate the carrier to launch an attack, hoping to attract The Kaimi Army allowed the students lurking in the coniferous forest to successfully break through the line of defense. At present, the battle has just happened, and the students are still hiding in the coniferous forest. There have been no new casualties on the side of Instructor Bai."

Xie Minyun said without hesitation: "I have to join Instructor Bai's attack team, Cheng Xiaomo!"

Cheng Mo knew that Xie Minyun hoped that he would lead those new students to break through the defense. He didn't think that he would be able to play a big role in the past, so he immediately interrupted Xie Minyun to say her request, and said in a deep voice: "At present, their situation is not good. It's not bad." Then he turned his head to look at Xie Minyun and said seriously, "I don't think it's the best way to go directly to help. My carrier will not be activated until twelve o'clock in the evening, so I won't be of much use in the past. And you can only be a carrier in the past, so my suggestion is that the two of us pass through the defense line of the Mi Army first, hide our position, and on the premise of protecting our own safety, you activate the carrier and cooperate with Instructor Bai and the others at critical moments. , break through the defense line of the Mi army, and meet them." After a pause, Cheng Mo added, "I think this is the most sensible approach."

Xie Minyun didn't speak, but showed a thoughtful expression.

"I think student Cheng Mo's suggestion is feasible." Nuwa echoed unhurriedly, "If you join Instructor Bai and the others, even if you forcibly break through the defense line of the Mi army, there is no way to get rid of the pursuit of the Mi army. Separate If we leave, the worst case scenario will not be annihilation of the entire army."

Xie Minyun thought for a while, then turned his head and smiled softly at Cheng Mo and said softly, "I will send you through the defense line of the Mi Army according to your ideas."

Cheng Mo felt that his reasons were sufficient, but he didn't expect Xie Minyun to refuse, so he frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

"literal meaning."

"I'm asking you, send me through the defense line of the rice army and then what about you?" Cheng Mo said coldly, "You just stay here and live and die with them? Do you think this is a great and correct way? Do you know? Are you the only one who has God's gene? Do you know how important you are to the organization? I'm not stopping you from helping, but I hope you can protect yourself before helping. "

Xie Minyun lowered his eyes and said in a low voice with a little disappointment: "Cheng Xiaomo, I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to do, so I said I will send you there. But I also hope you can respect my decision. I am Tai Chi The members of the dragon, or even the leader, usually eat up so many resources from the organization, and in this case, I can't put my own interests first, so I have to bravely shoulder my responsibilities."

"I didn't prevent you from taking responsibility. What's wrong with taking responsibility when you pay attention to your own safety?" Cheng Moyu persuaded earnestly, "What's more, your significance to the organization is extraordinary, and what you do will only cause the organization to lose money." Bigger!"

Xie Minyun shook his head, and said in a low voice: "My DNA organization has been recorded long ago, and I don't really need me for the research on God's gene. For now, I am just an observation sample." Xie Minyun paused before continuing, "Cheng Xiaomo, I will escort you there now!"

Cheng Mo didn't speak, and looked at the chain of machine guns on the monitor that lit up the entire coniferous forest with a cold face, and lasers could occasionally be seen among them.

Xie Minyun didn't continue talking with Cheng Mo either, but turned to look at the snow-covered front windshield and said, "Nuwa, can you find a place with relatively weak defense?"

"Sir Xie Minyun, I'll try to find it." Nuwa replied.

Babus turned a corner and headed in the opposite direction from where the battle broke out, gradually moving away from the flaming coniferous forest over there.Nuwa lowered the engine and chose to drive at a speed of [-] yards. This made the Jutland peninsula winter evening extraordinarily quiet, and the carriage also seemed extraordinarily quiet, but this kind of quietness was not at all uncomfortable. Felt like I was sitting in a dank and dark room.

After walking for more than ten minutes, they arrived at another hilly area full of coniferous forests. The number of guards, the micro-drones can't observe in more detail."

"Okay! Here it is." Xie Minyun said.

"Any plans?" Nuwa asked.

"I'll go down here, find a hiding place, and then activate the carrier to escort you there, and help you intercept the enemy by the way." Xie Minyun held the doorknob and said, "Nuwa, Cheng Mo will be handed over to you, you follow his orders Command, take him to the port of St. Peter-Ording."

"Okay, Chief Xie Minyun, I will do my best, but without you, if Cheng Mo students can't activate the carrier, the chances of safely reaching St. Peter Ording Port are very low." Nuwa stopped the car while responding.

"I'll give you a ride, and I'll help you get rid of the pursuers." Xie Minyun opened the door and jumped out of the car.

The tree shadows outside were swaying in the blue sky, and the cold wind with snow was blowing in. Cheng Mo turned his head to look at Xie Minyun, and said expressionlessly: "Does it have to be like this?"

Xie Minyun held on to the car door, her long hair was blown by the wind, she stretched out her hand to stroke it, looked back at Cheng Mo and said softly: "Cheng Xiaomo, you have a singer's horn in your hand, the matter is very important, so I order you first past!

Seeing that Xie Minyun was still looking for a reason for himself, Cheng Mo felt that he didn't need this reason at all. He stared at Xie Minyun and said unreasonably: "I really don't understand your choice."

Xie Minyun didn't see it as Mo, and said calmly: "You should know why there are no ejection seats for the driver's seat on civil aviation aircraft."

Cheng Mo was silent for a while. Of course he knew that if the pilot of the plane could escape at any time, it would be easy to give up thinking and save the plane when encountering a dangerous situation, and choose to escape by himself.For Xie Minyun, there are indeed reasons for choosing a safe approach, but doing so violates her principles, and it is not what a moral person does.As a leader that Tai Chi Dragon focuses on training, she puts herself in a safe situation at this time, and not going through the difficulties with most people is a kind of betrayal.

Xie Minyun glanced at Cheng Mo again, and said softly: "Cheng Xiaomo, trust me, you go there first and wait for me in St. Peter Ording, and I will lead everyone to catch up with you soon."

Cheng Mo continued to be silent, and he fell into lengthy thinking.

But Xie Minyun didn't wait for Cheng Mo to figure it out, and whispered "I'm going to find a hiding place" before closing the car door.

"and many more."

"what happened?"

"I traded the 'Singer's Horn' to you, you take it, it will be useful to you." Cheng Mo said.

Xie Minyun shook his head and said: "My skills are already very good, there is no need."

"It is necessary, the 'Singer's Horn' has a 'Encouragement Halo', which can increase the combat power of thirty Chosen Ones by 20.00%. In addition, the 'Encouragement Halo' can be used in reverse, depriving the opponent of all gain effects, including the generals damage reduction buff."

"This is simply an artifact specially produced for the generals!" Xie Minyun said in astonishment.

"Hmm! It's exclusive to angels. It can be said to be an epic enhancement to the currently weakest angel-type Chosen One."

Hearing that it was still exclusive to the Angel department, Xie Minyun replied: "Okay, you trade it to me."

The two raised their hands to open the Chosen System, and completed the transaction after paying the high transaction fee. Xie Minyun said "wait for me" before turning and leaving.

Cheng Mo watched Xie Minyun close the car door, then turned his head to watch Xie Minyun drift away on the monitor, and said to Nuwa, "Nuwa, let's go."

"Let's go? Don't wait for Chief Xie Minyun?"

"No more." Cheng Mo said expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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