Rebel Demon King

Chapter 895 7 Crimes - Judgment Day (10)

Chapter 895 Seven Sins - Judgment Day (10)

(Cheng Mo's picture has been uploaded to the "Character Atlas", but it has not been approved yet. I will tell you when it is approved, and I will trouble everyone to be more careful.)


Christian Field, the residence of Tai Chi Dragon Twin Towers.

Cheng Mo sat up from the bed, dressed and got out of bed, picked up the glasses on the bedside table and put them on.At this time, there was no one in the room, not only Bai Xiuxiu was not there, but even Xie Minyun was not there, which made Cheng Mo slightly surprised.Because of Chen Fang's potential threat, Cheng Mo asked Bai Xiuxiu to find a reason to transfer himself from the original dormitory, and hid in the double room between Xie Minyun and Bai Xiuxiu, which he thought was the safest.

Bai Xiuxiu seldom appeared in the room these days, and even if she did, she chose the time when Cheng Mo entered Asgard.Cheng Mo glanced at Bai Xiuxiu's bed. Although it was neatly folded, as if it hadn't been moved, the angle of the box under the bed was slightly different from yesterday's, and there was a touch of powder and grease in front of the makeup mirror. With the smell of perfume, Cheng Mo knew that Bai Xiuxiu was in the room in the morning.

Cheng Mo didn't know whether Bai Xiuxiu avoided him deliberately, but he guessed that it was true that Bai Xiuxiu was busy, and she also had intentions of avoiding him deliberately.Cheng Mo put on his shoes and walked to the desk by the window. Usually, Xie Minyun was studying by the desk at this time. She rarely left the room, either reading or meditating, but she was not here today. This was Cheng Mo's strange reason.

He walked to the window behind the desk, opened the curtains and looked out, the sky was gloomy, fine snowflakes were flying, the whole Christianfield became a snow country, and the steeple eaves were covered with white snow.Although he was wearing the constant temperature Tai Chi Dragon uniform and stayed in a room with heating, Cheng Mo felt the icy chill.He stood in front of the window and looked at the courtyard belonging to the sun kamikaze. There was no one in it, only two rows of footprints split straight across the middle of the courtyard, like a mechanical painting.

Staring at the snow scene in silence for a moment, Cheng Mo lowered the curtains, took out the Black Death mobile phone from his pocket, opened the secret mailbox, and took a look. Xiyuanji Benimaru had already replied to his email, expressing his gratitude to Asgard in a tactful manner. He is not interested in the secrets hidden in De, and dare not cooperate with Cheng Mo and offend Xingmen.

The dark word 'dare' on the screen danced in Cheng Mo's pupils. He closed his eyes while holding up the phone, and went through all the conversations Xiyuanji Benimaru had had with him so far before replying to Xiyuanji. Enji Benimaru's mail.

"Hongwan-kun, let's not talk about what Asgard can gain, I just want to ask you, isn't it interesting to challenge the star gate?" Cheng Mo just typed this sentence and clicked send, and then he sent I was going to wash my face and brush my teeth, but I didn't expect that Benimaru Xienji replied to the letter as soon as I walked to the door of the bathroom.

Cheng Mo clicked to read the email, and saw Xiyuan Temple Benimaru wrote: "Mo-chan, you don't understand me well enough! Let me tell you, I have always wondered why I am so bored and bored, I used to blame it on my family and myself, but when I went for a physical examination later, I found that my brain was also different from that of ordinary people, and my brain’s amygdala, which controls fear, was slower than ordinary people.”

Cheng Mo had just finished reading this letter when he received the second letter.

"That is to say, I have to be stimulated much more than ordinary people to feel afraid. Only at this time will my adrenaline and dopamine be secreted sharply. Therefore, it's not that I can't feel fear, but that I need to be very extreme. I can only feel fear if it stimulates me. And I can only feel pleasure when I feel fear and overcome the thing that scares me."

"That's why I like the taste of walking a tightrope and facing death. It's so sweet that it tastes like poison. But I can only challenge the limit of survival. Only when I challenge the limit and break through the limit can I achieve the ultimate. Pleasure. Sending to death does not bring me any pleasant feeling. It is certainly interesting to challenge the star gate, but sending to death is not a fun thing. For now, before I become a god general, I will not have any interest in the star gate. Too many thoughts. Because that would be the same as sending you to your death."

After three letters, Xiyuanji Benimaru did not send any more.Cheng Mo thought for a while, went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet and started typing: "Benimaru-kun, I am similar to you in the matter of facing fear. But my fear stimulation point is not because of family, personality or anything. Other reasons, but because I have had a heart attack since I was a child. I have developed a cold heart in the struggle against death that may come at any time. I must keep my emotions from fluctuating violently, which led to me and It’s hard to be happy even if it’s the same.”

Cheng Mo clicked send, and then began to write the second letter.

"I used to think that I liked the sense of security, but as I entered the other world, I realized that what I really liked was not the sense of security, but the strong stimulation of walking on the tip of the knife, but I had never experienced this before. This feeling makes me mistakenly think that I like the sense of security. But I didn’t join Tai Chi Dragon because I like this kind of stimulation, nor did I try my best to fight against Stargate because I like these stimulations. For me, these are just Incidentally. I have researched the land of the ruins, and found that many contents are obvious, and I think you should know it too. But these contents are not allowed to be discussed. You said that your goal is to become a god general, so do you know that my goal is what?"

"What?" Xiyuanji Benimaru replied in seconds.

"I want to know who is the 'creator'! I want to know what is behind the Chosen One!" After Cheng Mo typed these two lines, his breathing became involuntarily rapid, and his fingers hovered over "send" After a while, Cheng Mo licked his dry lips and clicked send.

At this moment, Cheng Mo felt a little tight in his chest, and his whole body was cold, as if the cold wind from outside the window came through, blowing him like a leaf blowing in the wind.He knows what he is talking about, no one discusses this matter on the Chosen Forum, and in private, Tai Chi Dragon students can chat, but they can't ask and research. For any Uroboros owner, this It's a taboo subject.

It is extremely abnormal that such an important matter is not allowed to be discussed and studied. What is even more abnormal is that all the chosen ones remain silent in this huge fog that cannot be ignored or escaped.

Cheng Mo thought of his father who wrote "The Origin of Mankind", a powerful chosen one, who died so easily in an accident. His slightly confused eyes turned deep, gloomy, and stern.Cheng Mo gripped the phone tightly, he straightened his body, turned his head to look at the mirror in the bathroom, he looked at himself in the mirror, and wanted to know if this was his real wish, or just to deceive Xiyuanji Benimaru .

He stared into his eyes, and found that he had been restraining his heart to explore dangerous mysteries, and the reason why he restrained was because of desire.

Maybe it's because he's his father's son; maybe it's because he has a strong thirst for knowledge.

Cheng Mo felt that he was being led forward by an invisible destiny.

He was in a cold sweat, and at this moment the phone vibrated, Cheng Mo lowered his head, and saw that he had received a reply letter from Xiyuanji Benimaru, he opened the email, entered the password, and immediately saw the message from Xiyuanji Benimaru The body of the message.

"Extremely interesting!"

"Extremely interesting!"

"Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting Great!" "It's great!" "It's great!" "It's great!" "It's great!" "It's great!" "It's great!" "It's great!" "It's great !" "It's fun!" "It's fun!" "It's fun!" "It's fun!" "It's fun!" "It's fun!” "It's fun!” "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting!" "Very interesting Excellent!" "Excellent!" "Excellent!".
The whole screen was occupied by the black and bold "It's very interesting!" Cheng Mo seemed to see Xiyuanji Benimaru's unscrupulous and cold smile.

It felt like he was looking at himself in the mirror just now.


(BGM of this chapter——"T-KT" Sawano Hiroyuki)
"Didn't go downstairs to eat?" Xie Minyun said as he closed the door and walked into the room.

Sitting at the desk, Cheng Mo raised his head from the computer, looked at Xie Minyun, shook his head and said, "I don't really want to eat."

Xie Minyun came over, took out a piece of "Dove" chocolate from his pocket like a magic trick, put it on the table, and said nonchalantly: "Just now my uncle gave me two pieces, I ate one piece, and I kept one piece with you. After a pause, Xie Minyun looked at Cheng Mo's forehead and asked, "Why are you sweating? Is it hot?"

Cheng Mo didn't go to get the chocolate, but pushed away the computer chair and stood up. He went around the table and walked to Xie Minyun's side, and leaned his head slightly to sniff Xie Minyun's cheek.

Xie Minyun was taken aback by Cheng Mo's intrusion, thinking that he was about to kiss her, subconsciously raised her head back to dodge, blushing and said, "What are you doing?"

"You lied, you didn't eat chocolate just now, and you don't have the taste of chocolate between your lips and teeth." Cheng Mo stretched his arms around Xie Minyun's soft and slender waist and said.

"I didn't lie to you, is it necessary to lie to you for a piece of chocolate?" Xie Minyun said softly.

"Then let me taste it!?"

"Taste what?"

Cheng Mo didn't speak, but answered with firm actions.Originally, Cheng Mo thought that he would face Xie Minyun's ruthless rejection, but to Cheng Mo's surprise, Xie Minyun just dodged a little and didn't resist too much, so the sweetness of chocolate smelled in the room. (Some words are omitted below)
A newlywed couple tasted tenderness in the room for a while. Although they didn't really do anything, for Cheng Mo, such a reward was enough happiness.

Xie Minyun let go of his arms around Cheng Mo's neck, pushed Cheng Mo away a little bit, changed to holding Cheng Mo's hands to prevent him from moving, bit his lower lip, and asked in a low voice: "Asgard's mission How is it going?"

Cheng Mo said in a low voice: "At present, we can only say that there is hope, but the final result is hard to predict. It is really difficult for Xingmen to send two top [-] candidates."

"If you say there is hope, then it should mean that there is great hope. But my uncle's tone seems to have no hope at all?"

"Don't dare to say big words, lest you don't get it and let everyone down." Cheng Mo said lightly.

Xie Minyun lightly pecked Cheng Mo's cheek, and then said, "I believe you can do it."

"I hope!" Cheng Mo said, "It's just... that's what you said when you saw your uncle just now?"

Xie Minyun shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice, "There are other things."

Xie Minyun didn't tell Cheng Mo that Xie Guangling asked her to leave Christian Field today, let alone told Cheng Mo that she directly rejected Xie Guangling, and even quarreled with Xie Guangling because of this matter.

Xie Minyun didn't have any expression on his face, and he said it lightly, but now Cheng Mo knew Xie Minyun too well. He remembered the news he had just received from Xiyuan Temple Hongwan, saying that all members of Tai Chi Dragon were under the surveillance of Star Gate , he frowned and asked, "Did your uncle tell you to go?"

Xie Minyun opened his mouth in surprise, and immediately said in a low voice: "It is said that there are some problems in Russia and Germany, and the situation in Europe may deteriorate recently, so my uncle told me to go back to China first, but I don't want to specialize , did not agree."

Even if Xie Minyun didn't say anything, Cheng Mo knew that Xie Minyun didn't leave, and there must be his own reasons for it.Xie Guangling asked Xie Minyun to leave at this juncture. It must not be a trivial matter. In connection with Xie Guangling's speech yesterday, Cheng Mo immediately realized that Xie Guangling was preparing to leave Christian Field at any time. Cheng Mo became more and more uneasy, and he let go of Xie Minyun. "No, I think you should go too, Christian Field is in danger"

"Then I can't go anymore."

Xie Minyun's tone was indifferent, this is Cheng Mo's head, he knew that Xie Minyun was not a person who could be persuaded, he sighed, walked to the window, opened the curtain completely, the snow outside was still falling endlessly, There is no one on the street, it seems that this is a quiet, peaceful and pure world.

Xie Minyun walked up to Cheng Mo and said softly, "Don't be nervous. My uncle told me to leave just in case. Things are not as bad as in K20. Otherwise, what should we do with so many students? I think the organization is still With all considerations."

Cheng Mo didn't think so, he never believed in organizations, but right now he couldn't convince Xie Minyun, so he could only say noncommittal: "I hope!"

Xie Minyun felt that Cheng Mo was a little angry, obviously he didn't want her to stay here, but how could she leave Cheng Mo alone in Christian Field?

Xie Minyun is not a person who is good at expressing himself, so the two stood in front of the window and stared at the snow-white fairy-tale world outside the window. They didn't speak for a long time, until the sky darkened, and the lights in the room illuminated the glass, showing the two people. The shadow, the shadow becomes clear as the night falls, until the world is swallowed by darkness and the glass becomes a mirror.

Cheng Mo couldn't see the outside, and Cheng Mo didn't feel bored, because he could see Xie Minyun in the mirror, and he could see her beautiful eyes. What surprised Cheng Mo was that he couldn't see the snow through the window, but he could see the shining light from Xie Minyun. It's like seeing the reflection of snow in the eyes of a lake reflecting the sun.This scene is like a movie lens, the virtual image reflected by the mirror and the real thing behind the mirror are superimposed, flowing with the flow of snow.And Xie Minyun was also looking at himself in the mirror without blinking, his eyes were serious and sincere.Cheng Mo felt that his eyes had lost focus, and everything became unreal.

This is an indescribable beauty that makes Cheng Mo's heart tremble, especially when the lights shine on Xie Minyun's face, he feels that he and Xie Minyun are intertwined through the refracted sight, forming a river that transcends time and space , just like the Milky Way across the blue sky when the weather is fine.

Cheng Mo briefly forgot the imminent task and the unpredictable danger, and just looked at each other in the mirror with Xie Minyun, as if separated by a long and distant life.

Because of the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, the glass windows quickly condensed fine water vapor.

The mirror disappeared.

Xie Minyun raised his finger and wrote stroke by stroke on the window: "Stars! What made you pass through the dark and dark space, and projected into my eye sockets after a long distance of light years."

After writing this sentence, Xie Minyun grabbed Cheng Mo's hand and wrote under the glass with his fingers: "It's because I want to give you some light."

Cheng Mo smiled involuntarily, and said softly, "I'm not so artistic."

"This is what I wrote to you! Idiot. I am the starlight!"

"Really?" Cheng Mo asked.

Xie Minyun leaned on his shoulder, Cheng Mo held Xie Minyun's hand, and the two of them looked through the transparent words quietly watching Mu Xue drifting away in the confusing evening scene outside the window, as if they were watching a long movie. And boring literary film.


Cheng Mo arrived at the foot of Gisfield Monastery. He stood on a small hill and looked up at the monastery built on the top of the hill. This hill was not too high, and the entire hilltop was a castle-like monastery.The moonlight and starlight were all covered by dark clouds, only black crows hovering over the spire of the monastery like a whirlpool. From a sensory point of view, this place is not like a monastery, but like the castle of a vampire count, giving people a sense of depression and horror a feeling of.

"It looks easy to defend but hard to attack! But it's not a big problem for the Chosen One." A man in a Tai Chi Dragon uniform beside Cheng Mo said in Japanese.

"They only have two chosen ones." Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at the man beside him and replied in a low voice in Japanese.

Thirty people followed behind the man, all of them were Japanese kamikaze masters wearing Tai Chi Dragon uniforms, and behind Cheng Mo were more than a dozen NPC knights, plus the Sunflower flag and Tai Chi Dragon.

When the decisive battle was approaching, Cheng Mo finally united all those who could be united.
(End of this chapter)

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