Rebel Demon King

Chapter 894 7 Crimes - Judgment Day (9)

Chapter 894 Seven Sins - Judgment Day (9)

The cold wind howled on the treetops, the howling of snow wolves came from a distance, and the forest at midnight was filled with a dangerous atmosphere. The Lord Leohard shuddered, and followed Cheng Mo step by step to a place far away from the camp and himself. He didn't dare to ask Cheng Mo where he was going, until Cheng Mo stopped, and he couldn't wait to ask: "Master Angel, what do you want?"

Cheng Mo turned to look at Leohard, and said in a deep voice: "Before you set off, I told you to bring as many people as possible, now tell me how many trustworthy people do you have in the team?"

Leohard did not dare to look at Cheng Mo wearing a beak mask. He was inexplicably afraid of Cheng Mo's eyes behind the red crystals. He remembered the myth of Medusa, and somehow felt that the eyes behind the crystals were also Can petrify people.Leohard lowered his head, and whispered as if he was listening to Cheng Mo's teachings: "Except for Priest Frank and his dozen or so men, the other more than 100 soldiers are all from me, and most of them are under my fief. Knights and their entourage, I specially chose reliable ones when I came” (Europa’s “knights” are not equal to “cavalry”, and the number of knights in the entire Middle Ages was not large)
Cheng Mo nodded, and asked lightly, "Does Priest Frank know anyone from Gisfield Abbey?"

Logically speaking, Cheng Mo should have asked the Lord Leohard these questions long ago, but before Leohard did not save Anna, Cheng Mo did not trust the Lord Leohard, so he left some important questions to After he finished observing, he felt that Leohard could basically trust him before asking.

"I'm sure I don't know. Gisfield Abbey is built on a cliff, and the monks living there are all ascetic monks. They listen to the Creator's revelation on the cliff all year round, study the Bible, and neither go down the mountain nor accept outsiders. Unless there is an order from His Excellency the Pope. I guess even the Lord Bishop has never been to Gisfield Abbey." Lord Leohard said firmly.

This situation is much better than what Cheng Mo expected, and it is more conducive to the implementation of Cheng Mo's plan. Now we can see if we can find a suitable person to carry out the task.As far as Cheng Mo knows, only after joining the team that accepts the quest can they be seen and touched by Asgardian NPCs. In fact, real witches do exist, but they are not concentrated in Christian Field, but hidden in a barren place outside the city, it is difficult to catch 666, so the "angels" accepted the bishop's suggestion kindly, let the NPCs solve the number problem by themselves, and "the angels" "As long as you collect enough witch spirits to start the summoning ceremony, you can go to Gisfield Abbey.

Cheng Mo is the opposite of "angels", he has not tested whether he can be seen by NPCs after accepting the task, he pondered for a moment and said: "Can you see me?" Cheng Mo chose to put it away The bird beak doctor suit.

Lord Leohard raised his head and was startled when he saw Cheng Mo's handsome face and black hair. It was the first time he saw a person with black hair and black pupils, and it was also the first time he saw a man so beautiful that he doubted his life. He also saw some other "angels" near Priest Frank's tent, but they looked a bit like himself, and the "Master Michael" in front of him was not a species at all, and was more exquisite than a work of art. The presence.

He believed more and more that Cheng Mo was not a human being, a god or a demon. He secretly glanced at Cheng Mo's sharp and cold pupils, and immediately looked away. He really didn't have the courage to look at Cheng Mo. To be honest, he believed it even more. Cheng Mo is a devil from hell.But now, is there any way for him to turn back?He lowered his head and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said in a low voice, "Yes, my lord, I can see you."

Cheng Mo sensed Leohard's uneasiness, and he said lightly: "Leohard, you have nothing to hesitate, if I were a devil, if I tricked you into doing something betrayal, the Creator would not be angry with you Family, but." Cheng Mo changed his tone and said coldly, "I will."

"My lord!" Leohard knelt down and prostrated himself at Cheng Mo's feet.

"Don't worry so much, I just want to tell you that the Creator doesn't care about you ants like humans at all, just like you don't care whether the ants in your yard are loyal to you" he said in a low voice, "but I do care .So for your own and your family's life, as well as your bright future and unparalleled authority. Work hard!"

Leohard's palms were sweating. He felt that he was facing a powerful and majestic force, and he was completely unable to resist. He whispered: "Master Angel, I swear, I am absolutely loyal to you."

"The oath is irrelevant." Cheng Mo said, "You prepare a team of reliable people, and hurry to Gisfield Abbey. I will wait for them there."

"Okay, my lord Angel!"

"You can go back."

"Yes, Lord Angel!"

"Remember to protect Anna."

Leohard replied "Okay" again, and suddenly there was no trace of Cheng Mo in front of him. He subconsciously drew the cross on his chest, and said in a low voice, "May the Creator bless you!" After a while, he smiled wryly and said to himself, "Maybe I should change my mouth and say Lord Michael bless you in the future?"

"Or maybe Lucifer?"

No one answered him, only the icy wind was blowing through the forest, Leohard felt the chill hit his face, the strange thing is that when Lord Angel was there just now, he didn’t feel this way at all, his whole body was warm, Leohard Shivering, he wrapped his cloak tightly, turned around and walked towards the camp.

"There's no turning back." He whispered.



The heavy snow blocked the No. [-] highway from Berlin to Frankfurt. The clown Sith dressed as Santa Claus came out of the motel room. A gust of cold air blew his white beard hanging from his chin. Grabbing the red bag containing the presents, holding down the white beard plastered on his face with one hand, he whispered, "This is really a nice day."

He walked down the hallway toward the front desk of the motel, entered the warm room, and waved to the fat red woman standing in the brown wooden counter who was eating French fries and fried chicken while watching a soap opera: " Hey! Good morning, beautiful lady!"

The fat woman turned her head to look at the mixture of Santa Claus and the clown, recognized him as the weird guy who came to stay yesterday, immediately refocused her eyes on the TV, and said in a vague voice: "32 Euros, sir, you left the key here. You can go!"

The clown Sith took out the house key from his coat pocket and put it on the counter, then put down the red cloth bag, pressed his hands on the counter and said, "Do you have snow chains here? I drive a BMW with rear drive, so there are no snow chains." Can't get on the road!"

"No!" The fat woman said coldly without looking back while she focused on watching TV.

"Oh! That's really bad. If I knew I should have grabbed a four-wheel drive Audi yesterday, I'm damned." The clown Sith showed an annoyed expression, but the fat woman ignored him at all, and didn't even care what he said. What, the clown Sith seemed a little angry, he said dissatisfiedly, "Hey! Ma'am, I'm talking to you, it's really impolite of you!"

The fat woman raised her head, looked at the clown Sith again, and said impatiently: "I said, we don't have snow chains here, maybe you should go to the nearby auto repair shop to check!"

"No, no ma'am, shouldn't the point be 'I should have grabbed a four-wheel-drive Audi yesterday'? Are you so focused on the TV that you don't get the humor in my sentence?" The clown waved his hands, Unbelievable to say.

"Hahaha!" The fat woman smirked loudly, shaking her cheeks and the fat on her body, and then said with a straight face, "It's not funny at all. I don't care if you grab an Audi or a Mercedes. I just want you to go now , and then watch my TV series with peace of mind."

Hearing the fat woman say "it's not funny", the clown Sith's smiling face became calm. He glanced at the picture on the TV expressionlessly, then turned his head and said, "Does it look good?"

The fat woman immediately felt this strong change in tone. The dry heating seemed to make the atmosphere hotter. She put away her impatience a little and said, "What's good or not?"

"I mean TV series!" The clown Sith stared into the fat woman's eyes, stood upright and remained motionless.

At this time, there happened to be a funny scene on the TV. The heroine contacted a PAO friend and was hit by the hero. The famous scene made the fat woman laugh while grabbing French fries.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Clown Sith said coldly, looking at the TV screen.

The fat woman put down the french fries in her hand. This weird man made her feel a little uncomfortable. She softened her tone and said, "It's okay!"

"What is your name?"

"What. You mean this TV series?"


""Siebel and Max"." The fat woman raised her hands and shook her head, "No, no, sir, maybe my tone just now was not very good, I apologize for what I just said. I hope you understand, I did not mean anything malicious. "

"Is it delicious?" Clown Sith completely ignored the fat woman's apology, and asked inexplicably.

"French fries and fried chicken? It's okay, just eat a little while watching TV, it's hard to say whether it's delicious or not."

"You are so fat, and you still eat so much?" Clown Sith said with a smile.

Hearing what the clown Sith said, the fat woman stood up abruptly, and she said angrily, "Sir, I warn you to be polite! If you have any complaints about me, you can complain to me, but you are not allowed to say that I am fat! "

"It's just a joke, why are you so serious?"

"A joke? This joke is not funny at all!"

"Then what do you think I should say to make it more funny?" The clown Sith asked seriously.

The fat woman was stunned, she felt that the man in front of her was crazy, she said loudly: "I don't care about your jokes, please get out now!"

Clown Sith didn't move, he glanced at the fried chicken and chips, then at the fat woman, and said, "Do you think I'm telling the truth and pointing out the fact that you're 'fat', so you don't think it's funny ?”

"What do you want to say? It's none of your business whether I'm fat or not!?"

"If this is the case, you think fat is not beautiful, fat is an ugly thing, why did you not respond when I called you 'beautiful lady' at first, logically speaking, you should think it is funny what!"

"No, no, what are you talking about? I don't understand, anyway, can you please stop disturbing me!"

"I was talking to you about 'humor', don't you get it? I don't think you're a particularly humorous person. You know? You have to have a sense of humor, a real sense of humor, not soap operas A sense of humor that makes you laugh out loud at some poop jokes!" The clown Sith raised his finger and pointed at the fat woman, and said angrily, "The TV series you watch are not humorous at all, they are too vulgar and disgusting!"

Seeing the angry face of the clown Sith, the fat woman was a little scared. She reached out and grabbed the phone, and said timidly, "What do you want?"

"You just eat this junk food and watch these junk TV shows every day?" Clown Sith asked.

The fat woman didn't speak, she looked at Sith the clown and shook her head in fear.

"Eating 'okay' junk food, watching 'okay' TV, is this your 'okay' life?"

"If you don't leave, I'll call the police now!" The fat woman raised her phone.

"Have you lived near here since you were a child? Haven't been out much since then? You don't know how big the world is, and how deep the ocean is? You should go out more often and see the outside world, even if you are locked in a cage Live calf, it should also go outside to eat different grasses, and try what the food tastes other than the feed."

"Yes, I was born in a small place, but I have been to Berlin, and I have also been to Paris! I don't think I need to go to other places. Is there a better place in the world than our Europa?" Fat The woman didn't call immediately, but replied involuntarily.

"Are you married? Do you have any children?" Sith the Clown asked again.

"Married, but divorced now."

"Do you have any children?"


"Why not, is it because you don't want it because of security measures, or because you or your husband have infertility problems?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Because this is very important. If you don't have children because you don't think you are qualified to be a parent, you are still saved. If you didn't have children because you couldn't have children." The clown Sith raised his hand and touched his chin. After thinking for a while, I said, "It can be regarded as a salvation, but if you haven't had time to give birth, I think it's better for you not to give birth."

"Regardless of whether I will give birth or not, I have no plans to give birth!"

"Oh! This answer is awesome!" The clown Sith laughed. He lifted the red cloth bag under his feet to the counter, and then patted it. "Come on, it's time to choose a gift!"

"What gift?" The fat woman looked at the scarlet cloth bag, then at the smiling clown Sith, put down the phone, and asked in doubt.

The clown Sith turned around in front of the fat woman and said with a smile, "Do you need to ask? Of course it's a Christmas present! In front of you is a Christmas present delivery man!"

The fat woman shook her head quickly: "No, no need, I don't need your gift, as long as you leave quickly!"

The clown Sith put away his smile again, looked at the fat woman, and said coldly: "No, you must."

"Why? Why should I ask for your gift?"

"Because it's fate." The clown Sith laughed again, the blood red mouth and white cracked paint showed a smile like a grimace outside a foggy window in the middle of the night, and then he asked, "You know I Why would I stay at your motel?"

The fat woman was frightened, she subconsciously shook her head and said, "I don't know!"

"I was born in East Germany on April 1979, 4. It has been 4 years since now. Do you know how much I have experienced in these 41 years? The fall of the Berlin Wall, the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the war in Afghanistan, the Iraqi war, the eastward expansion of the European Union, the nine One by one, the attack, the color revolution. To be honest, I was lucky to live for 41 years. Of course, the so-called luck is also fate. Can you imagine? I set off from the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin yesterday to send a painting to a painter who was painting there. I bought a gift, then grabbed a BMW on the road, and headed towards Frankfurt along Highway 41. Originally, I planned to go directly to Frankfurt, but there was a sudden blizzard, and the car didn’t have any gas. Stay here. If I snatched a four-wheel drive Audi, I can go directly to Frankfurt. If it has more gas, I will continue to drive a little bit. What's more, it seems that before arriving in Frankfurt, there are only you A motel, right? You see, I actually have no choice but to live here with you, isn’t it fate? So you don’t have a choice either, you have to accept the gift from the Creator!” The clown paused for a moment , staring at the fat woman and said, "It's now."

For some reason, the fat woman felt that she had no way to refute the clown's words. She looked down at the red cloth bag, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked, "What gift is inside?"

The clown Sith shrugged his shoulders and said: "Probably. It's more exciting than the Europa Millions (European lottery). If you win the lottery, maybe you can have everything. If you don't win the lucky prize, maybe something bad will happen. Just like fate, just like when you walk on the road, you may find a wallet with a lot of money, or you may be hit by a car, who can say what fate is? Really. Anyway, This is your chance to change your destiny."

The fat woman murmured, "A chance to change fate?"

"Yes! A chance to change fate." Clown Sith patted the red cloth bag and said firmly.

"Okay! Then I'll see what is the chance to change my fate." The fat woman swallowed her saliva again and put her hand into the red cloth bag. She groped a few times and took out a square box from it. The box is wrapped in blue cellophane, which also has countless pink skulls.

Clown Sith smiled. He shook his head, looked at the blue box and said, "You're lucky! You can take it apart and have a look."

"Really?" The fat woman looked at the blue gift box, then at Sith the Clown, "Open it now?"

"It's okay, take it apart now." The clown Sith left the counter a little and said in a low voice.

The fat woman carefully untied the ribbon tied on the gift box, and then opened the gift box
At this moment, the gift box made an explosion sound of "Boom!", which startled the fat woman. She shook her fat and quickly squatted and hid under the counter.

Colorful confetti flew all over the sky, and at the same time a wooden clown head popped out of the gift box, shaking in the air, the clown Sith hugged his belly and laughed "haha", he said while laughing: "Don't be nervous, it's just It's a 'surprise box'."

The fat woman stood up tremblingly from under the counter. She leaned on the counter and stared at the head of the clown who was still dangling in the air like a tumbler. change destiny?"

The clown Sith smiled. He walked to the counter again, picked up his red cloth bag full of gifts and carried it on his shoulders, and said, "Of course, it changed your destiny, but you don't know it."

The fat woman picked up the gift box, frowned and looked at the rough clown head with some disgust.

"Keep it safe, I carved it with my own hands!" The clown Sith turned and walked towards the door. When he grabbed the doorknob, he turned his head and winked at the fat woman, "Trust me, this is definitely your best A Christmas present!"

(End of this chapter)

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