Rebel Demon King

Chapter 868 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (14)

Chapter 868 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (14)

(There are minor adjustments in the previous chapter)
"Nicholas. Come in."

"Yes! My lord envoy!" Nicholas' bell-like response sounded outside the door, and then the light green door was pushed open. Squeezed in with the doorknob.He just glanced at Jing Xing, who was lying in a pool of blood and still whimpering softly, without taking a second look, he immediately stood respectfully behind Cheng Mo's right.

Don't look at the casual chat between Nicholas and Xie Minyun just now, that's because Nicholas didn't know Xie Minyun's identity, and at K20 he also felt that Xie Minyun was an overly kind girl, so he chatted with Xie Minyun so relaxedly.

But for Cheng Mo, Nicholas is in awe from the bottom of his heart.

Cheng Mo's coldness and calmness may not be clear to others, but Nicholas is definitely deeply engraved in his heart.

In particular, the scene where Cheng Mo smashed the glass with the butt of his gun and persuaded a British guy to jump off the train would come to Nicholas' mind from time to time, making Nicholas sometimes suspect that Cheng Mo was the messenger of Satan.

Occasionally Nicholas would repent when he had such a thought, and he would tell himself that the clown is the real Satan, and that silence is the angel who redeems mortals.If it wasn't for Cheng Mo, neither Rebecca nor he could have been saved, they would have died on the K20 long ago, besides, Cheng Mo treats him well now, not to mention his salary is enough, and he hasn't been asked to do bad things. For Nicholas, who is skilled, Cheng Mo is not only the boss, but the master.

Cheng Mo turned to look at Nicholas and said solemnly, "Kneel down."

Cheng Mo knew that orthodox actually did not practice kneeling, but bowed at most, to show that human beings are the sharers of God's eternal glory.He asked Nicholas to kneel without saying anything, in order to test Nicholas' obedience to him.

Nicholas did not disappoint Cheng Mo, he knelt down on his knees without any hesitation, propped his hands on the floor, and kowtowed to Cheng Mo, his bald head almost touched Cheng Mo's toes.

Cheng Mo solemnly whispered: "Although your performance is not perfect, but for the sake of your diligence, I am willing to be baptized for you. Nicholas, you are willing to accept my guidance."

When the magic stick Cheng Mo came online, Nicholas trembled unceasingly. He fell at Cheng Mo's feet, just as expressed in the most solemn etiquette in the Middle Ages, bowed his head and kissed the toe of Cheng Mo's right foot, and then Nicholas bowed his head and said reverently: "I am very willing, my lord envoy."

"Now I am baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." Cheng Mo said as he waved his right index finger, forming a circle of crystal clear water vapor in the air, and then he dipped his index finger into the swirling water.

Hearing Cheng Mo's voice, Nicholas raised his head consciously, and watched Cheng Mo draw a crystal water circle in the air. Nicholas was so excited that he couldn't help himself, his lips kept moving and he kept saying prayers silently in his heart.

Cheng Mo drew a cross on Nicholas' forehead with his index finger dipped in water, and said in a low voice, "On behalf of God, I will wash away your original and real sins. From now on, every move you take will have a new look, glory In the name of Christ, Amen!"

Nicholas kowtowed again, drew the cross on his chest after straightening up, and said in a low voice, "My soul rests on you, I pray for your protection, and follow your guidance, Amen."

Cheng Mo didn't ask Nicholas to get up, but took out an Ouroboros from his pocket, handed it to Nicholas and said, "Now I share God's grace with you, this watch is called Ouroboros, it is the watch of the Holy The holy object produced in the ark, after you activate it, you can gain the power from God. I hope you will strengthen your heart, believe in Christ and receive the Holy Eucharist after its nature has changed, so that you can save yourself from the fallen and perishing world. The sanctified redemption of humanity enables you to live a life more like the Lord."

Jing Xing, who was in a pool of blood, trembled and looked at Cheng Mo with incredible eyes. He couldn't believe that Cheng Mo, a big fool, would pretend to be a magic stick and give a piece of valuable Ouroboros to a stupid-looking Stupid Russian.

Nicholas looked at Ouroboros in Cheng Mo's hand, and asked in a daze: "My lord envoy, what you said is too obscure, I don't quite understand what you mean?"

"Simply put, this watch can give you god-like power"


Cheng Mo simply told Nicholas how to use Ouroboros, and the excited Nicholas was sent to the hospital.The reason why Cheng Mo gave Nicholas an Ouroboros in front of Jing Xing was to convince Jing Xing that he would not necessarily kill him for a piece of Ouroboros.

Of course, giving Nicholas Uroboros was not a temporary idea, but something that had been thought of long ago.When he arrived in Europa, Cheng Mo was overwhelmed with various things, but he didn't have a reliable helper, and he had to do almost everything by himself. Even if he had 24 hours of use, Cheng Mo was a little overwhelmed.In addition, what he needs now is not only money, but also a large number of contribution points. It is too difficult to accumulate contribution points by himself, which gave Cheng Mo the idea of ​​establishing his own organization.

Although Nicholas is not smart enough and his education cannot keep up, he is more honest.This kind of person is often the person the leader likes, who is not a threat to himself, and is obedient enough.For a person like Cheng Mo who has no deep roots, giving him Ouroboros will not earn much, but it is a safe enough choice.

Cheng Mo is not from Moji, so he made a decision and gave it directly to Nicholas Ouroboros.

It's just that the matter between Gao Yuemei and Jing Quan caused Cheng Mo a little headache. Now Jing Quan dare not meet Cheng Mo, nor dare to let Gao Yuemei go. .

One is that Jing Quan was very kind to Gao Yuemei, not only did not hurt her, but also gave her full freedom, but this silly girl didn't run away in order to see herself; the other was that Jing Quan's wives were all in his hands .As for the uncle's family and Mr. Shen in China, Cheng Mo is not worried. Jing Quan, who has lost the two major powers of the Black Death and Gao Yun, is not a threat at all.

As for how to deal with Jing Quan, Cheng Mo already had a plan in mind, and when Jing Xing's operation failed and his broken right hand couldn't be connected, he would find a way to use Jing Xing to kill Jing Quan.With the foreshadowing just now and his grasp of people's hearts, Cheng Mo felt that this matter was not too difficult.

It's just that when he saw the sunlight pouring on Xie Minyun's face through the car window, Cheng Mo felt a little guilty that what he did did not meet Xie Minyun's expectations.

Cheng Mo walked slowly through the narrow street and got on the BMW X5. Xie Minyun asked, "Can we go?"

"Yeah!" Cheng Mo nodded, sat on the seat and fastened his seat belt.

"I'll teach you how to drive when I go back, so hurry up and get a driver's license for you." Xie Minyun said when he pressed the start button.

"Actually, I can also take a taxi myself." Cheng Mo whispered.

Xie Minyun gave Cheng Mo a sidelong glance, and said lightly: "Please tell me what you think in the future, don't beat around the bush."

"What's wrong with me?"

"I don't dislike you." Xie Minyun lightly stepped on the accelerator, and the BMW X5 began to slide in the bright sunshine, "I just think that we can drive far away in the future."

"Oh!" Cheng Mo pushed down his glasses, thinking that he still had to solve the hidden danger of Jingquan as soon as possible. After the matter of Europa was over, he would tell Bai Xiuxiu that he had entered the management of the Black Death, and he would be able to completely clean up .Next, he will be a good person honestly, marry Xie Minyun and have children, and contribute his own strength to the society.

Regarding the "Book of the Law", even "The Origin of Man" and the cause of his father's death, Cheng Mo decided to put it aside for the time being. He felt that his failure to get the "Book of the Law" was a revelation.He knew that his father only wanted his own happiness, and he would not want him to avenge blood.

Cheng Mo turned his head and looked at the St. Martin River beside him. The cars and the sparkling water drove side by side. Several ships were breaking through the blue river and heading towards the Seine. In the golden halo, the yachts were well-dressed. The men and women singing and dancing with each other are a scene of prosperity and peace.

Cheng Mo thought to himself: the human brain always tends to do things that make oneself relax, which even he cannot avoid.

Therefore, the life of human beings is actually a life of fighting with oneself, which is really not wrong.

After a while, the BMW X5 turned onto the Avenue Jeanne d'Arc. At this time, the street was full of vehicles, and many people were taking pictures with their mobile phones with their windows open. The banks of the Seine were full of white people walking towards the Arc de Triomphe in silence. Soldiers with guns and live ammunition on their sides held up transparent explosion-proof shields and stood ready.

"Why are you taking a walk in the street again?" Cheng Mo asked to himself.

"Isn't it common for capitalist countries to go for a walk on the street? Especially France. It's nothing strange." The BMW X5 was stuck in the middle of the car river and couldn't move. Xie Minyun turned his head and looked at the flow of people walking silently, arm in arm, on the side of the road.

Cheng Mo shook his head and said in a low voice, "This time it seems to be different. The crowd seems to be mainly white and young people, and they are holding a portrait of Le Pen."

Xie Minyun frowned looking at the smiling blond Le Pen poster. This woman who claims to be the representative of French temperament is a candidate for the extreme right-wing organization National Front. Philosophy - emphasizing Brexit and curbing immigration, this is her less extreme speech, all in all, Le Pen is a racist through and through.

At this time, young people holding posters and slogans on a blue background filed past the BMW X5. The posters were all portraits of Le Pen, and the slogans were printed with rows of bold words "The youth with Marine" Together).

The whole team was silent, moving forward silently, but it gave people a feeling of majesty.

When a group of five men wearing the French national flag passed by, they knocked on the window on Xie Minyun's side. Xie Minyun rolled down the window. The other party was slightly surprised to see an Asian face, but did not speak. I just handed in a flyer, which also had a portrait of Le Pen printed on it. The wind blew the flyer, making the words written on it like shouts intermittent.

Xie Minyun unfolded the leaflet and saw clearly the words on it: Stop Civil War! 100% "National Front"! 0% immigration!For Asians like Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo, this line of writing seems to have suddenly emerged from a dull daylight, and the pen is written quickly and sharply.

"It's not against you, we're just targeting refugees and illegal immigrants." The blond with flat hair noticed Xie Minyun's conflicting eyes and said in a low voice.

Xie Minyun raised his head and glanced at the young man. He was wearing a thick dark padded jacket. His nose and eye sockets were red from the December wind, "As long as you are a legitimate Frenchman, we will also protect you, so please support us." The two houses of Congress impeached XXX." Seeing Xie Minyun's expressionless face, the young man smiled and said, "I won't bother you."

The young man continued to walk forward with leaflets, smiling and handing out leaflets to everyone in each car, with a friendly attitude, and it was completely impossible to see that he was a supporter of the extreme right.

Xie Minyun closed the window, glanced at Cheng Mo on Twitter with his mobile phone and said: "There was a riot in Stuttgart, Germany. Refugees from Syria killed the Germans who took them in with long knives in the street, and many people died. There is also a little girl. There was only one similar thing happened last year, but there were many incidents at the same time today. It was a premeditated terrorist attack. Before the attack, they also made a lot of extreme remarks on social media, The German side is also in a mess. Now they are busy deleting posts to calm the situation."

"Extremists are only a small number of people, and they shouldn't be like this. This is really bad. I hope Germany can handle it properly." Xie Minyun said with a deep sigh.

Cheng Mo watched the turbulent flow of people marching towards the Arc de Triomphe, and Cheng Mo remembered the cover photo of the pictorial he bought - the S35 heavy tank driving through the Avenue Jeanne d'Arc, which was very similar to the scene at the moment.The Frenchman was holding hands, shoulder to shoulder, not saying a word, only the rumbling footsteps sounded like a torrent, and he seemed to see people going to war.

Cheng Mo is keenly aware that at this moment, in the depths of everyone's heart, there is a pleasure of destruction before the doomsday comes.


Christmas is getting closer, but Europa is becoming more and more unsettled. Demonstrations are everywhere, and conflicts are breaking out everywhere.Paris is especially bad. Not only are there constant wars on TV, but the streets and alleys are also full of people from different camps. Gates to prevent rioters from looting.

Cheng Mo hid in his room and studied the three books he got from the Wangfumen Book Market for a few days. The contents in them, especially the black magic in "Satan Black Book", made Cheng Mo have to think of the book he met on Mount Penglai. Because there is a chapter in it that introduces how to summon "Paimon", the utensils, magic circle and rituals to be used are exactly the same as what Cheng Mo saw in Lutai.

Cheng Mo didn't think that those who could enter the Lutai would be fools, so it was intriguing why they held the ceremony of summoning Paimon.And Cheng Mo found very interesting passages in the "Geneva Bible". For example, in chapter 17, it mentioned how to enjoy God's divinity (divine nature) and allow mortals to be sanctified (Deification).
Although the writing is vague, it makes people have to think of Uroboros or even God Gene.And there's something in "Satan's Black Book" that makes Cheng Mo feel like it's teaching people how to summon a carrier without using ouroboros.

The more Cheng Mo researched, the more he felt that these two books were closely related to the carrier, but there was no clue about another ancient book written in characters he could not understand. Cheng Mo showed it to Xie Minyun, and Xie Minyun also said that he did not know what the language was. I can only find a language expert for research when I return to my country.

Two days later, Bai Xiuxiu asked Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun to pack up their things. They will go to Christian Field to meet up with the main force, and prepare to enter the "Land of Asgard Ruins" to compete for the "Singer's Horn"
(End of this chapter)

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