Rebel Demon King

Chapter 867 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (13)

Chapter 867 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (13)

(Happy Tanabata to everyone)

"I'll call you right away."

Jing Quan hung up the phone quickly, and Jing Quan's bright bald head reflecting the sunlight disappeared instantly on the computer screen, leaving only the SKYPE interface and the background picture of the snow-capped Alps.

At this time, Jing Xing's legs were still tied to the chair and he couldn't move freely. Holding the laptop, he half-turned his body and looked at Cheng Mo beside him. With a difficult emotion on his face, he said in a low voice: "Wait Wait."

Cheng Mo gave a faint "hmm", took out his mobile phone calmly, pretended to be reading some news, in fact he quickly opened Skyscanner ("sky scanner" Europa's popular ticket purchase software) After inquiring about the air ticket, and silently glanced at it, Cheng Mo put the phone back into his trouser pocket.

Neither of them spoke, Cheng Mo was thinking, while Jing Xing sat on the chair and stared at the computer screen with lowered eyes, like a stock trader in despair. Stock K-line chart, now you only have to wait for the stock in your hand to fall below the profit and loss line, and you will be forcibly liquidated.

What awaits him may be the "rooftop". This feeling of life and death in the hands of others is a great torment.Even though the temperature in the room was only about seven or eight degrees, Jing Xing, who was only wearing pajamas, was sweating profusely.

The joy of obtaining Ouroboros from Xiyuanji Benimaru a few days ago has disappeared without a trace, leaving only the fear of dying, like a sharp knife against his throat.

The atmosphere was cold and suffocating.

The computer in his hand weighed heavily on his lap, like a ticking time bomb that would explode at any moment.However, what flashed through Jing Xing's mind at this moment were all inexplicable things, revolving in his mind like a revolving lantern.

He remembered that when he was in elementary school, he was proud of his brother who was a gangster. No one in their town knew that his brother was a gangster, and he also used his brother's notoriety to cause trouble everywhere. Anyone who is not pleasing to the eye will be punished. The students dare not speak out when they are angry. When they see him, they will walk around from a distance.

This gave Jing Xing, who likes to watch "Young and Dangerous", a great pleasure. The more others were afraid of him, the more arrogant and domineering he became, and he even formed a small gang called "Nan Xing".Because he doesn't like Hongxing's Chen Haonan and the pheasant in "Young and Dangerous", but Dongxing's crow, he thinks Chen Haonan is like a softie, how can there be a boy with a literary face who is mixed with society?He couldn't even keep his own woman stammering, and was shot to death by the crow, so of course Dongxing Crow has the aura of a big brother.

In fact, everyone likes Brother Haonan, but the reason he likes the crow is that he thinks his elder brother Jingquan and the crow look a bit alike, not only do they look alike, but they both like to hold a watermelon knife.

Until he opened two heads with a brick, the eldest brother helped him carry it off, and ran to Xiangjiang with his uncle.Jing Xing's good days in the town are coming to an end. A child without a big brother can only be educated to be a pig if he continues to be arrogant. Those who were bullied by him just punished him at first, but later found no one to help him, so they started beating him , He limped and bruised his hand and wrote to his brother with snot and tears, asking when he would come back and help him teach those bastards who bullied him.

After posting the letter, he fantasizes every day that his brother is like Sun Wukong who is stepping on auspicious clouds, snatching the golden cudgel from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, beating those bastards who are ruthless and begging for mercy on their knees.And he is the little Ma brother from Yushu Linfeng, holding a 92-type pistol in his hand, pointing at those bastards who beat him, and said viciously: "I have been waiting for three years, just to wait for an opportunity, I want to fight for it, no To prove that I am great, I want to tell you that what I lost must be taken back!"

When he goes to school every day, he spreads everywhere that his brother will be back soon, and he will definitely help him find his place again. However, the reality is a bolt from the blue. When he received a letter from his brother, his brother told him to study hard, not to be a "crow" and to be a "crow". Jiang Tiansheng", and told him that "a man's dignity must be won by himself".

Jing Xing was in a trance, and began to recall the plot about Jiang Tiansheng in "Young and Dangerous". He remembered that this most educated brother Hong Xing seemed to have lived three movies, and was finally given to him by Dongxing's crow when he was traveling in the Netherlands. Hacked.
A mess of memories filled Jing Xing's head. He found that his brain was completely out of his control, and he had no way to figure out how to escape from death. He hadn't accepted his fate, but his brain had already accepted his fate. He gave up resistance and went with the flow.

A faint despair was devouring his soul, the thing he regretted most now was activating Ouroboros, he felt that the watch named Ouroboros that he had not activated might still have a chance of survival.

Regret wrapped around his body like a thorn, getting tighter and tighter, piercing his blood dripping with pain.Until the call popped up on the computer screen again, Jing Xing seemed to have grasped the straw, and began to manipulate the white mouse arrow with trembling hands, and clicked to answer.

This mood seems to have returned to many years ago when he dropped the letter into the high mailbox at the gate of the post office.

This time, Jing Quan did not use the video call, but only chose the voice call. There was only Jing Quan's profile picture on the screen, and there was a vertical poem written in a wild grass brush in the white circle: "Don't lie down on the road when the tiger is lying down, and the dragon will also go to heaven when it is sleepy."

"Let Cheng Mo talk to me."

Jingquan’s voice came from the built-in speaker of the notebook. Cheng Mo felt that Jingquan’s voice was completely different from that of Penglai Island. He clearly remembered that Jingquan spoke very boldly when he was in Penglai Island, with a kind of uniqueness unique to Jianghu people. wild and rough.However, Jing Quan's voice at this time is still the same as before, but the tone is a little soft and feminine, as if he was a different person.

Cheng Mo recalled the glimpse of Jing Quan when he connected to the video call just now. It seems that Jing Quan’s appearance has changed a lot. It turns out that his jaw is very wide. This is a typical appearance of people in southern Hunan who like to chew betel nuts. The jaw is full of strong bites. Now his chin is much sharper. Even though he deliberately grew a beard, he can still see that he has become younger.Cheng Mo didn't see any signs of surgery on Jing Quan's face. He guessed that the reason why Jing Quan was able to come back from the dead might be some kind of miracle, similar to the miracle of "God gene".

Cheng Mo was very curious about what Jing Quan experienced.

Jing Xing timidly looked back at Cheng Mo, Cheng Mo stretched out his hand expressionlessly, Jing Xing lifted up the laptop and handed it to Cheng Mo.

"Boss Jing, I didn't expect us to meet again." Cheng Mo's tone was very indifferent, as if he didn't realize that Jing Quan calling his name directly was a threat, as if it wasn't him who stabbed Jing Quan to death with a table leg. Same.

"I'm different. I always dream of you in my dreams."

Jing Quan's voice was calmer than Cheng Mo imagined, there was no anger and hatred in the radio waves, only cruelty and meanness, like a turbulent undercurrent under the ice.

Cheng Mo deliberately walked a little bit in front of Jing Xing, so that Jing Xing could see the computer screen, he held the computer, and said coldly to the screen: "Thank you for thinking about me like this, but now your brother is here My hand, I think the first thing you should think of is your brother. You should know that he is waiting for your rescue."

"Lin Zhinuo! How can you just disappear like this for no reason! Do you know how bad I have been living for so many days? Every day, I call you a bastard in my heart, curse you to die quickly, and then drink it at night. Wine will call your name again! You are really a shameless bastard, do you know that, I felt very happy when I was kidnapped! Because only in this way can I see you, the one who suffered a thousand dollars! You say you Why do you do this to me!"

There is no doubt that Gao Yuemei's voice came from the speaker at this time. Judging from her flying emotions, she did not look like a meat ticket controlled by Jingquan at all. Her excited and high-pitched voice completely dissipated the cold and dangerous atmosphere in the whole room .

Cheng Mo was really surprised that Gao Yuemei was in such a state, which caught him off guard, and he was stunned for a while before whispering: "Miss Gao, please calm down, your situation is not very good now, you You shouldn't be so excited."

"How can I not be excited! Do you know how long I have been waiting for this call? Two years! Two full years, if it wasn't for Brother Quan, I might have been in this life."

"Xiaomei, tell him that as long as he releases my brother and returns me an Ouroboros and 50 billion US dollars, I will act as if nothing happened." Jingquan whispered from the other end of the computer. .

"Five billion U.S. dollars? Brother Quan, do you have a fever? How could Lin Zhinuo have five billion U.S. dollars? If he really wanted so much money, would he still work hard to be the head of a liar?"

"No no, Xiaomei, he is not the leader, he lied to you, and believe me, he is very rich, at least 300 to [-] billion, and he stole it from me! He almost killed me at that time! If you don’t believe me, ask him, if he didn’t harm me, how could I be reduced to where I am today.”

"Lin Zhinuo! You stole Brother Quan's money? Oh! My God, how could you do such a thing! No matter how poor you are, you can't do illegal things! You want money and the two of us slowly Earn, although it is impossible to have so much money at once, I promise to give you the life you want! Hurry up and return the money to Brother Quan"

Gao Yuemei's voice was urgent and sincere, which made Cheng Mo dizzy. No matter how smart he was, he never expected that a police movie would turn into a comedy movie. He stroked his forehead and said, "Miss Gao, let me tell you the truth. Speak! I am an agent"

"Why do you call me Miss Gao!? Do you think I'm just an insignificant stranger! Even in this situation, you are so indifferent to me! Are you really going to break my heart?"

Gao Yuemei's voice was crying, but Cheng Mo couldn't laugh or cry: "I"

"Okay. Xiaomei, don't be so excited. Calm down and let me talk to him." There was a moment of arguing and friction from snatching the phone, and then Jing Quan's voice filled the entire speaker, "Lin Zhinuo, I No matter who you work for, what is your real identity, now all I want is money, Ouroboros and my brother, if you give it to me, let him go, if you don't, I won't make you feel better, I know you I know your uncle and aunt’s fruit shop, and I know that your younger brother is in the third year of high school!” After a pause, Jing Quan said in a very low voice: “I also know that your female teacher is teaching in Sichuan Province! "

The anger in Cheng Mo's heart was like boiling magma, but his mind became more and more calm. He turned his head to look at Jing Xing, and said lightly: "Your brother is also in my hands, don't you think about it?" Is his safety in danger?"

"Of course! Of course I care about my brother's safety, so you must ensure his safety. Otherwise"

"Jing Quan, do you know that when it comes to doing bad things, how can you compare yourself to professionals like us? As I said just now, I am a secret agent, and I am a civil servant affiliated to the violent state agency. You Do you know that you are not challenging me now, but a country!"

"I said that I don't care who you work for, who you are, I have been in the underworld for so many years, am I afraid of the police? Are you kidding me?"

Cheng Mo sneered, "You're not afraid, isn't your wife and son who lives at 5177 Sidley Street, South Burnaby, Vancouver, Canada?" After unlocking his mobile phone with fingerprints, he clicked on Plague, took a look, and then said to Jing Quan: "Now your wife is driving a Volvo with the license plate 299NKP and taking your son to the supermarket. You don't need to care about your brother, but you can care about you family?"

Jing Quan's breath became quicker, but his breathing sound was not like that of a human being, it was like an animal panting violently when being chased, with a kind of all-or-nothing bravery.

Cheng Mo didn't want to force Jing Quan to death, he resorted to his trump card, and said indifferently: "Don't think I don't know where you are, you are at Berlin Tegel Airport now, and you will take the [-]:[-] Air France plane to come Paris. Really don’t fight against the violent organization, especially since we are still the violent organization of the Chosen One, don’t fight to your death.”

In fact, Tai Chi Dragon is not so powerful. The location of Jing Quan was found out so quickly. The reason why Cheng Mo knew that Jing Quan was at Berlin Tegel Airport was because only Berlin Tegel Airport in the world would release endlessly. The red card version of the Berliner Philharmoniker "Beethoven Symphony", knowing which airport Jing Quan is at, it is easy to guess which flight Jing Quan took. At this time, the only suitable flight is Air France.

As for Jingquan's family address, this is what Bai Xiuxiu gave him in the information.

Cheng Mo accurately stated Jing Quan's location and flight number, causing Jing Quan on the other side to stop breathing, and then the contact was cut off. Cheng Mo knew that Jing Quan was afraid that someone would come and arrest him, so he went to observe the situation.

Jing Xing, who was sitting on the chair at the moment, looked at Cheng Mo with horror on his face, trembling like sifting chaff, and the wrought-iron chair rubbing against the floor tiles made a harsh and sharp sound.

Cheng Mo smiled at Jing Xing, and said nonchalantly: "I don't think your brother cares much about your safety, although he keeps saying he does, but I think you know that if he must choose, you Certainly not as important as his wife and son, or even money."

Jing Xing felt that Cheng Mo in front of him was a devil, and he had completely guessed the fear deep in his heart.

"Let's try it if you don't believe me." Cheng Mo said with a smile, he inserted his phone into his trouser pocket, and then waved his hand, a crescent-like blue electric light pierced the air, directly cutting off Jing Xing's right arm down.

Jing Xing let out a miserable howl, kicked the floor hard, and the whole person fell to the ground together with the chair. Blood gushed out from the severed arm, and Jing Xing, who was howling continuously, soon lay in a pool of blood.

Cheng Mo stood aside, watching Jing Xing with a blank expression as he wept bitterly and blocked the wriggling wound with his hands. No matter how hard he tried, blood would always leak from his fingers, as if he couldn't close it. Live faucet.Cheng Mo said coldly: "You shouldn't enter the inner world, at least you can still be a human being in the outer world, but in the inner world, the food you keep in captivity is food, you know? It's not even prey. "

"Let me go. Please. Let me go." Jing Xing struggled and lay down in a pool of blood, begging.

Cheng Mo squatted down, and the icy cold popped out from his fingertips, which instantly froze Jing Xing's wound. Then he put the laptop in his hand on the floor, pushed it lightly, and brought it to Jing Xing, saying: "This It depends on how your brother chooses. If he really cares about you, you will not only have a chance to sew your hands, but also live, if he doesn't care about you"

Tremblingly, Jing Xing picked up his broken right hand and put it beside him. He lay on the floor, tremblingly raised his bloody left hand, one by one sticky drops of blood randomly sprinkled on the silver notebook On the next day, he choked up and called Jing Quan again with a video call. This time, Jing Quan did not refuse the video call, but chose to connect.

The moment the video was connected, the tearful Jing Xing shouted hoarsely: "Brother, save me. Brother. Help me."

"Dunzi, what's wrong?" Jing Quan shouted angrily, "What did he do to you?"

"He cut off my hand. He cut off my right hand." Jing Xingsheng burst into tears.

"Dunzi, don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!" Jing Quan in the video was indifferent and ferocious, he roared viciously, "CNM! Dog X, what do you want!" Jing Quan took out a pistol from his arms and pointed at it. Gao Yuemei's forehead, "Hurry up and send my brother to the hospital, or I will kill her."

Gao Yuemei in the video was a little dazed, as if she didn't know what was going on.

"Kill her? If you kill her, you won't have any chips to exchange." Cheng Mo sneered, he knew that Jing Quan couldn't choose to hurt Gao Yuemei immediately, because he didn't have any more chips in his hand.

But he has.

Cheng Mo didn't mean to stand in the pool of blood, but built a shallow ice wall on the floor to prevent the bright red blood from flowing in his direction, Cheng Mo raised his voice and said, "To be honest, if it wasn't for me If you don't want Xiyuanji Benimaru's trick to succeed, you two will be dead long ago."

Jing Quan's cold face on the screen is like a wild beast that chooses people and devours them.

"Just now. Your wife brought your son home. They bought a lot of things in the supermarket, salmon, broccoli, steak, yogurt, coke, potato chips, corn chips, remote control cars, oh! By the way, your wife I also bought you shaving cream and facial cleanser.”

"What do you want?" Jing Quan's voice softened.

"To me, you are just bugs, and it doesn't matter whether I kill you or not." Cheng Mo paused for a moment, the laptop computer in the pool of blood flew up, rotated 180 degrees in the air and aimed the camera at him , "Don't be arrogant and think that you are qualified to be my enemy, you are just ants, and you are not worthy of being my enemy. Now I don't mind giving you a chance, but you must not think that Gao Yuemei's life was exchanged, It's because you are more or less useful."

 (Yesterday, someone mentioned zoos in this chapter. I am not optimistic about the zoo industry, because zoos have low returns on investment and are a completely unprofitable industry. In foreign countries, they also rely on the investment of the state and charities to maintain them. In the case that everything in China is focused on money, no one is willing to invest in zoos. Everyone rushes to build amusement parks, because amusement parks have low investment and high returns, but zoos and amusement parks are completely different things. Amusement parks It is pure play, while the zoo is an interactive experience that entertains and educates, so that children and adults can have a deeper understanding of the relationship between man and nature, and at the same time protect some animals)
(End of this chapter)

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