Rebel Demon King

Chapter 859 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (5)

Chapter 859 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (5)

"It was these three days that made me have an inexplicable affection for Huaxia people. There is no doubt that he is the most knowledgeable, serious, hardworking and polite person I have ever met. The winter of 12 was very cold. Before that Christmas It has been snowing in Paris, but every day before the warehouse opened, he waited at the gate, wearing a brown woolen scarf, holding a plastic bag in one hand, which contained a cut baguette, and a thermos bottle in the other. With hot water, and a bag that can be folded into a stool, my God, it really takes a little effort to move so many things from the [-]th district where he lives to our [-]th district. I really didn’t expect a person who bought books so generously, Life is so frugal." The old man looked at Cheng Mo, who was wearing a famous brand, and smiled, "It seems that your family's life has been greatly improved now."

"Yes." Cheng Mo nodded sadly, but the price of this change is too heavy, "It's an earth-shaking change."

"It should be. People like him only think about whether they want to be successful or not," the old man sighed. "Your father is really a very good person. Every morning when he comes in, he will help me clean up first, wipe the table, the bookshelf, and the partition. Then after helping me organize the books in order, I sat in the corner and started reading. Since he left, my books have never been so organized. Is he also like this at home?"

"No, he hardly organizes the books he has read at home. In fact, the books he has read once will be shelved, because he does not need to read them a second time, unless there are very few very important and very difficult books." Cheng Mo Pause, "For example, like "Das Kapital."

"Ah! "Das Kapital". I once turned a few pages tentatively, and then read decades of occultism to ease it." The old man "haha" smiled, "Even "Das Kapital" can be chewed into , No wonder your father reads books so fast. In fact, he finished reading the "Book of the Law" in less than a few hours, and has been reading other books since then. The key point is that he also took detailed notes. I read his notes, and the angle of thinking was very novel, which made me very curious about the book he was writing, so I asked him what book he was writing, and he told me that he was studying the origin of human beings. I laughed happily at the time. Even though I am a mystic, I think there is nothing to study about the origin of human beings. "Evolution" has a complete chain of evidence. Even if I am a devout Christian, I really don’t want to admit it, but I also It must be said that my ancestors were Homo sapiens from Africa, so I questioned that he chose a wrong direction."

The old man took a puff of smoke, and the curling smoke looked extremely thin under the dim light. Through the smoke, an indescribable expression appeared on the old man's face, his lips were drawn tightly, but the corners of his mouth were slightly turned up. Alice.His eyes are not facing Cheng Mo or Xie Minyun, but watching the rising smoke ring through thick lenses, as if he is passing through the lens of time, observing the smoke and dust of history.

"Your father shook his head and said to me: I have no objection to what you said, but 'Homo sapiens' is called 'Homo sapiens' because they have wisdom, and I just want to find out how 'wisdom' came about , and the development process of human intelligence. At present, the only thing that "Theory of Evolution" cannot explain clearly is the evolution of the human brain. You must know what the ancestor of our human beings was called the ancient ape." The old man frowned and fell into thinking.

"Australopithecus afarensis (Note 1), the earliest fossil of Australopithecus discovered by humans so far, Lucy lived three to four million years ago, and her body structure is between modern humans and animals." Xie Minyun said.

"Yes, the pelvis and femur of this Australopithecus are similar to ours, so they can walk upright like humans. But they have one important difference from humans: the brain of A. None." Then Cheng Mo added.

"That's right, that's what your father said. He said that the brain of our modern humans is not only huge, but also the most complex organ in the animal kingdom. It can even be said to be the 'most complex object in the universe' known to mankind. Such an object It requires extremely high energy consumption, which can be said to be a luxury that the ancient apes could not afford. According to the principle of "Evolution", in order to survive, the ancient apes should evolve stronger limbs in a difficult living environment instead of using energy No matter from which point of view it is better to use energy to develop a strong body than to develop a brain, so the evolution direction of all animals is normal , so none of them produced intelligence, only human beings chose an evolutionary path that violated the "Theory of Evolution"

The old man picked up a beautifully carved hollow brass box from the table. He opened the box and took out an ivory pressing rod that looked like a tooth. He carefully adjusted the tobacco in the bowl before continuing: "I I used to like occultism only because occultism was incredible enough, but what your father said completely subverted my cognition. He believed that human beings did not choose the direction of evolution independently, just like us now, the progress of biological science, let us Being able to change DNA to make oneself stronger and smarter, and the advancement of physical science, allowing us humans to combine with machines and computers, all these have given human beings infinite possibilities. What he said was very important to me at the time. I asked him what it was that interfered with our evolutionary direction. He said that he had only found some clues and did not have sufficient evidence. Then he said jokingly: maybe an angel , maybe the devil. Connecting the occult with the origin of human beings, I also said that he wasted his talent."

Cheng Mo's heart was turned upside down, he looked at Xie Minyun, and it happened that Xie Minyun was also looking at him at this time, and there were different degrees of surprise and doubt in the eyes of the two of them.

Almost all Chosen Ones have a question in their minds - where does the Chosen One system come from.

The answer given by the round table council, the controller of the other world, comes from the holy ark given by God. Human beings are guided by God. However, the holy ark is not in the hands of the Vatican, but in the hands of the Americans. The veracity of this answer is highly doubted.Cheng Yongze's research questions are not only of great significance to human beings, but also seem to directly point to the core of the system's doubts.

"By the way, has your father's book been published?" The old man's question broke Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun's contemplation. Sorry"

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "He has passed away."

This short sentence is like a mantra, instantly disintegrating the surrounding reality, and opening the door to another time and space, and the old man who looks like a hermit in front of him, with a half-light expression, seems to be trying to enter that door. The gate of time and space.

Cheng Mo also feels that he is in the vortex of time and space. Although his father is no longer there, he seems to be the god who controls fate, standing on top of time and space, overlooking himself step by step towards a huge mystery.

After a long time, the old man said in a deeper voice: "It's really regrettable." He stopped smoking, put the pipe on the shelf, took off his reading glasses and wiped them with a glasses cloth, "Sorry, I asked a question Questions that shouldn't be asked, and it's an irreparable loss to humanity."

"It's okay, old man. Fortunately, his book has been finished, but there is no way to publish it." Cheng Mo whispered.

"There is no way to publish it?" The old man looked back at Aleister Crowley, who was stuck behind his back, and sighed, "Subversive books are always banned. I don't know if this is your father's honor or not. the misfortune of mankind"

"I think it's both." Cheng Mo said.

The old man smiled, took out the scarlet "The Book Of The Law" from the drawer, put it on the table and stared at it for a while, then looked up at Cheng Mo and said, "Actually, after your father said goodbye to me, At that time, I decided to sell the book to him. At that time, I gave him a very cheap price, only [-] euros. He hesitated for a long time. I knew he really wanted to buy it, but finally gave up. I was very surprised and asked He said why, he said that he still needs more money. I said, don’t you know that if you buy it for [-] euros today, you can sell it for [-] or even [-] euros tomorrow? He said he knew, but because If so, you can’t ask for it.” The old man put the book in front of Cheng Mo and said with a smile, “Now I will also give you [-] Euros, and I believe you will treat it well.”

Cheng Mo was a little surprised, and he was taken aback for a moment before asking: "Really?"

"Of course. However, I only accept cash"

"It's okay, I'll go get it now." Cheng Mo said quickly.

"There is no need to be in such a hurry. My place closes at five o'clock in the afternoon. You still have a long time to go around. Don't worry! I won't change my mind. I will definitely keep this book of "The Book Of The Law" for you. "

"Thank you, old sir, but I'll be right back, and I won't keep you waiting too long." After finishing speaking, Mo pulled Xie Minyun and walked quickly towards the door of the warehouse.

"I didn't expect such an adventure." Xie Minyun sighed as he walked.

Thinking of what happened to Qin Shiling, Cheng Mo shook his head and said, "No, it's not surprising at all."

"Don't you think it's all a coincidence?"

Cheng Mo struggled for a moment, and then replied: "I'm not sure, but one thing I find very strange, our family does not have the two books that the old man said, I think if my father bought those two books and went home, he would definitely will tell me."

"Why is that? Judging from the old gentleman's expression, he doesn't look like a liar."

"I don't think he is too, but where did those two books go?"

"Isn't that. Dad. Dad's cause of death is not that simple?" When Xie Minyun said "Dad", there was a faint flush on her cheeks. Although she knew that the current situation was inappropriate, she still couldn't help it Some shy.

"I don't know, but Uncle Li told me not to delve into this matter." Cheng Mo said softly.

"I think Uncle Li must have a reason for saying this. Maybe it's because he's being investigated and it's inconvenient to disclose the information to you, so don't worry too much."

"Do you think I look anxious?" Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at Xie Minyun, "Anyway, my dad would be surprised if he knew that I married you so early." Cheng Mo said with a wry smile: " I have never done anything in my life that can surpass him, except that I found a wife who must be better than his wife." "Dad may not think so."

"No, my dad will definitely like you."

Xie Minyun smiled. At this time, the two of them just walked out of the somewhat dark warehouse and came to the road. The sunlight shining through the bare branches was very dazzling. The long street not far away was still crowded with people. Boren happened to be walking towards the warehouse. Just as they passed by Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, two black shadows suddenly appeared in the crowd of colorful people, and they rushed towards Xie Minyun from the side. , one reached out to grab the leather satchel on her waist, and the other reached out to grab the Hermes paper bag she was carrying.
Although their movements were very fast, they were still a bit slow for Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun.Xie Minyun was not willing to hit the two black men with a more convenient crystal ball, but grabbed Cheng Mo's arm with one hand, raised his long legs in jeans, and kicked them horizontally with lightning-like taekwondo, directly hitting their chests, knocking them down. Two tall black men kicked back into the crowd and collapsed to the ground.

The originally dense flow of people spread out in all directions, and the screams rang out.Not far away, the policeman wearing a tall cylinder hat seemed to notice the situation here, and immediately rushed in this direction.Seeing the robbing black man howling and rolling on the ground, some people applauded, some took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and some shouted at Xie Minyun: "Chinese kgongfu", although Xie Minyun obviously used the kicks in Taekwondo.

Seeing the police approaching, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun stood in place without moving. Xie Minyun said in a low voice: "Last time I heard Uncle Hu said that the embassy car he was riding in was robbed when the French police cleared the way. I thought it was just a A joke. I didn’t expect them to dare to rob in front of the police.”

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "I just heard Napoleon VII say that he was robbed when he went to the street with his bodyguards yesterday. I didn't expect to see it today."

At this time, two policemen had rushed over, one of them was shorter to look at the black man who fell on the ground, and the other one was taller and went straight to Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, and asked in fluent English, "What happened just now?"

Xie Minyun glanced at the two black men who fell on the ground and replied in English: "The two of them wanted to grab my things just now, but I kicked them down."

The tall policeman glanced at Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun and said, "Please show your passports."

Xie Minyun handed the Hermes paper bag to Cheng Mo, then took out the passports of two people from the bag he was carrying and handed them to the tall policeman. The tall policeman took the passports, opened them and compared the photos of the two people, and then He returned the passport to Xie Minyun, shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's normal, you Huaxia people like to carry cash, so robbers like to rob you Huaxia people"

Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo didn't speak.

The tall policeman turned his head to look at his companion behind him and said loudly, "Hey! Maher, handcuff them both and take them to the police station."

"Run!" Cheng Mo yelled, dragged Xie Minyun and ran towards the crowded main road of the flea market.

 (Note 1: Australopithecus afarensis, also known as Australopithecus afarensis or Australopithecus afarensis, is an extinct human family that lived 390-290 million years ago. It is related to the younger Australopithecus afarensis Australopithecus is also slender. Studies have found that A. afarensis is the ancestor of Australopithecus and Homo.)
(End of this chapter)

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