Rebel Demon King

Chapter 858 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (4)

Chapter 858 Asgard and the Book of Wisdom (4)

(Thanks to "Flying de Wings 2018", "150313210606764" for the [-] starting point rewards, thanks to "liuyeung", "Youquan Juqing", "Bai lyi", "Xia Wei'an First Priest", "Famhaut " rewards)

At the same time, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun's eyes were attracted by the scarlet-covered book on the table. It was hard to describe how red it was, it was not like the color dyed by paint, and it was different from the spraying of modern machines. It is the white silk satin dyed red by the blood that has just splashed out of the blood vessels, and against the warm yellow light, the red color seems to be flowing.The flowing red is nailed to the thick cover by four golden Bana flowers, and the title "The Book of the Law" in the middle has a strange texture, which seems to be formed by applying golden wax paint on it.

Among other things, there is Aleister Crowley's name on the bottom of the cover, along with a black stamp of "A.'.A.'."

Even though Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun didn't know too much about occultism, they knew that this was the famous forbidden book—"The Book of Law" written by Aleister Crowley.According to Aleister Crowley himself, this book was not written by him, but was taught to him in Cairo in 1904 by an esoteric leader known as "Aiwass".

The whole process of dictation took three hours, starting at 1:1 noon and ending at [-]:[-] p.m. every day. The process lasted for three days. One god communicated with him every day. These three gods were: Nut and Hadi Te and La-Hul-Kote (Note [-]).

Therefore, the book "Book of the Law" is also divided into three chapters. According to legend, the content of this book is to reveal the new laws for mankind to enter a new era. The "banned book" that "will change the fate of religion for thousands of years" was completely banned.

Cheng Mo has also read the English document of "Book of Law" on the Internet, but he is not sure of the authenticity of the document.However, when Cheng Mo saw the physical version of "Book of Law" at first sight, he intuitively told him that this was the original version.

A logical person like Cheng Mo never believes in intuition, but this time he just thinks it is.

It's not because of the four bright golden Bana flowers, it's not because of the smooth writing of wax paint, it's not because of the yellowed parchment inside the book, and it's not because of the blood-like red.It's a strange feeling, not a thrilling feeling. It doesn't feel scary at all, but full of vitality, making people feel that there is a beating heart hidden in the book.

There was silence in the air for a while, Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun glanced at each other, and asked in unison, "How much is this book?"

The old man tapped the pipe in his hand unhurriedly, and said with a smile: "Young man, you are only just getting into occultism, there is no need to pursue such profound things, buy some introductory books first! "

After finishing speaking, the old man casually pointed to the pile of books that Cheng Mo had just stopped by, and said lightly: "There is Agrippa's "Three Books of Mystic Philosophy" in it. After reading this book, I have a general understanding of occultism." .If your interest is Nordic spells, you can read "Galdrabok" by Ni Rune, and for Kabbalah, you can find "Secret Kabbalah" by Ms. Fussen or "777" by Silver Star Society. For alchemy, "Niko Ra's Will" can be used to understand the structure of alchemy, but this book can't delve into the details. There is a "Pikachix" in celestial magic. After reading this book, you can probably understand the practice and process of celestial magic. Demonology and the enslavement of demons is of course Solomon's Key and Solomon's Little Key."

After a pause, the old man blinked at Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, and said: "Of course, if you are only interested in Crowley, you can read "Magic Theory and Practice". To be honest, I never recommend that you just get into the occult. I want to understand and understand Crowley's system, but many young people start to understand occultism from Crowley. They think he is evil enough and always associate him with Satanism and black magic, but I can't help it. No, that's kind of a misunderstanding."

"Sir, we are not as ignorant of mysticism as you said. Although I used to think that atheism and materialism were above everything else, the more I got in touch with this world, the more narrow my views became, just like in my country. , has a comprehensive and firm materialism that is extremely rare in the world, and there are still some things that cannot be explained by materialism (science)." Cheng Mo walked back to the desk from the messy pile of books next to the bookshelf.

The old man interrupted Cheng Mo, and said with a smile: "You are from China! Isn't it?"

Cheng Mo nodded: "That's right, but even though China is the largest and firmest atheist country, it actually has mystical things like 'Tao', 'Feng Shui', 'Alchemy' and so on. In fact, when I was young , I feel that these are things that smart people use to fool ordinary people, but now I understand that these are actually a perspective provided by philosophical mysticism to understand the world. This world is not just the material world, but material science. The world is only a part of reality, and this concept is probably a dimension when explained scientifically. Those angels and demons do not exist, but they may exist in another dimension, or on another planet.”

"Young?" The old man smiled happily. He began to scoop the shredded tobacco into the pipe with a small spoon on the table, but his hands were a little trembling and he was not steady. A lot of shredded tobacco was spilled on the edge of the bowl and on the table. Xie Minyun said in a low voice: "Mr., if you don't mind, I can pack the tobacco leaves for you."

The old man raised his head and asked with a smile, "Can you?"

"I used to help my grandpa load it when I was a child, and I also learned the 'Frank Method' (a method of filling a pipe) later. If you haven't tried the Frank method, you can try it."

"Thank you then." The old man smiled, first poured out all the shredded tobacco in his meerschaum pipe, and then handed it to Xie Minyun.

Xie Minyun took the dragon-claw style pipe and praised again: "It's so beautiful."

The old man shook his head and said with a serious face: "With a girl like you present, nothing has the right to use the word 'beautiful'!"

Xie Minyun turned to look at Cheng Mo and said: "Did you hear that, this is the correct way to praise others, from now on! If you tell other girls that you are like a black hole, you can see if the other party scolds you or not. "

Cheng Mo pushed his glasses, and said with some embarrassment: "That can only mean that they don't understand and should learn more about astronomy."

"Yo?" Xie Minyun picked up the pipe knife and said while correcting the pipe, "You mean you are really going to tell others?"

Cheng Mo shook his head quickly, then immediately changed the subject and said to the wrinkled old man who was smiling: "Old man, look, I still know something about occultism!"

The old man smiled "haha" and said: "Your interpretation is good, but Crowley is definitely not someone who can be studied in depth if you have a materialistic worldview. Indeed, he is a person of great research value. The exploration of X and drugs is worthy of recognition, but it does not mean that we can imitate him at will. In fact, we" the old man coughed twice before continuing, "anyone who studies the occult will criticize his character and habits .But Crowley is dead, and only his writings survive for our evaluation, and these works have become more accessible to the public than they were in his lifetime. There is no doubt that he has a great interest in art, literature, Religious, philosophical influences, even the biggest critics have to admit. However, it is not appropriate to contact Crowley prematurely. Especially those who believe in an all-good god, the existence of this god must depend on an all-evil to the superstitious, ignorant, lazy, childish, unbalanced, mentally deficient, paranoid, weak; to anyone who for any reason is unable or unwilling to take responsibility for his actions, live responsible , the soul is responsible."

Just as Cheng Mo was about to speak, the old man picked up the red "Book of Law", then put it in the drawer, and said in his hoarse voice as if singing magic, "For these people, Aleister C. Lawley is definitely an extremely dangerous man."

"As long as you ask for a price, it doesn't matter how much." Cheng Mo decided to come up with the most direct method.

The old man shook his head and said lightly: "It's not about money, this book is not for sale."

"Everything has a price, and the price doesn't have to be money, it can also be some other equivalent exchange." If the old man still doesn't sell, even the price, Cheng Mo is determined to give up, after all, Christian Field's The Land of Relics will not have anything to do with Crowley, and the "Book of Law" is not a book that must be studied. The reason why he wants to buy it is because Crowley is a figure that cannot be avoided in occultism. It is also an authority on the study of "Solomon's Key" and "Solomon's Little Key", which is mentioned in "Solomon's Key" by the master creator.

Hearing Cheng Mo's words, the old man shifted his eyes from Xie Minyun who was loading the shredded tobacco to Cheng Mo's face. He stared at Cheng Mo for a long time before he said: "I once heard a Chinese person say this to me. He also wants to buy the Book of the Law."

Cheng Mo trembled all over, and quickly asked: "Is he about 1.8 meters tall, with oily hair, deep eyelids, high nose, thin lips, in short, he is very handsome."

Xie Minyun stopped loading the shredded tobacco, and turned to look at Cheng Mo.

The old man opened his cloudy eyes, opened his mouth and spread his hands at the same time, and said with a look of surprise: "Is it possible that you know each other?"

Cheng Mo took out his mobile phone from his pocket, he clicked on the photo album, quickly found the photo he had taken of his father's photo, handed the mobile phone to the old man, and asked eagerly, "Is it him?"

The old man took the phone, stared at the color screen for a while, and immediately said: "Yes! It's him. Although my memory is not very good now, I can still remember him because he is very tall. Like Zun Long, the Chinese star who played "The Last Emperor"" The old man stared at the phone for a while before returning the phone to Cheng Mo, "He is the best-looking man I have ever seen, even better than Alain Delon Charming. What is his relationship to you?"

Cheng Mo answered in a low voice while taking the phone: "He is my father."

"Oh!" The old man exclaimed, "That's really... the guidance of the gods. It's really incredible."

"I think so too." Cheng Mo said with a foul breath, "Old man, can you tell me what he told you?"

"Of course." The old man shrugged his shoulders. He took the pipe Xie Minyun sent over, lit it and took a big puff. "I can't refuse just because of the skill of packing shredded tobacco."

Cheng Mo didn't speak but just stared at the old man, Xie Minyun leaned towards Cheng Mo and took his hand.

There was a look of reminiscence on the wrinkled face of the old man, and after a while he said: "About 12 years ago, I remember that day, it was also December, but it was December On the 12st, I remember it very clearly, because that day was the end of the Mayan calendar, and many newspapers were saying that the lie of the end of the world was completely bankrupt. Seven years ago, my body was much better than it is now. At that time, I was only 21 years old and weighed less There are one hundred and thirty, and I can still walk from home to Wangvemen every day, but now I can only use my electric four-wheeler.”

"It seems to be a bit far away. I remember that it was in the morning, and the weather was a bit cloudy. I was reading the newspaper. The newspaper said that today, viewed from the earth, the back of the sun is exactly in the direction of the center of the Milky Way. What is there at the center of the Milky Way? What? This matter was not clear in the 90s. Only at the beginning of the 21st century, through the Hubble Space Telescope, it was confirmed that there is a black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and its mass is 400 million solar masses.”

"It doesn't seem to matter. Anyway, I'm just sitting here reading newspapers. Your father was choosing books in front of my bookcase. He took two pictorials. They were also pictorials from World War II. I remember very clearly that there was one. The cover is Stalingrad in 1942. Countless shell trails are flying in the sky. One is a pictorial after the fall of Paris. The cover of the pictorial is a little boy saluting. I bid 40 euros for two copies. He and I After haggling for a long time, I finally gave him ten euros less, but he didn’t have that much cash on him, and I didn’t have a POS machine here, so your father took out kroner and asked me if I would accept it. I really wanted to agree to him, but I was too old. I was too lazy to go to the bank, so I refused and he left. I thought he gave up, so I didn’t care, but I didn’t expect that he came again that afternoon, bringing thirty euros in cash.”

"I was sorting out the books at the time and asked him to find the books he needed in the pile of books. He looked and read until it was almost dark. I asked him, it seems that you like these old books describing wars. He told me that he is an anthropologist, and studying these books is just studying history and human beings. I am still very interested in his profession, so I started talking to him. To be honest, your father is the most knowledgeable person I have ever met , I benefited a lot from talking with him. I remember very clearly that we discussed the war and the situation in Europe. At that time, I thought everything was fine and the future of France was bright. Then he said that the war is not far away. , although you feel that the war is far away in Paris, it is actually at your doorstep. He asserted that Syria would become a difficult problem that the Middle East and Europe could not solve. I did not believe that, and then said that Europa is safe and Paris is very Be safe, there will be no third world war. Your father said, that’s not necessarily the case. Soon the United States, Britain, and Russia will all participate in the Syrian war. If the European Union and China also participate, it will be a world war.”

The old man stopped, took another deep puff of his cigarette, and said in a low voice: "The words he said eight years ago have almost been realized one by one. If I didn't know that he is an anthropologist, I would definitely think he is an anthropologist." prophet"

"But you haven't said what relationship my father has with the Book of the Law?"

"I had a good chat with your father, so I showed him all the books I was proud of. He was shocked and asked the prices of several books, one of which was "The Book of the Law". Collection, not for sale, and then he said the same thing as you said just now. After being rejected by me, he asked me if I could lend him a look, because he is writing a book, "Book of Law" His book also has reference value. Normally, I would not agree to this request, but I agreed to lend it to your father. Of course, he can only come to me to read, so he came to me for three days in a row. "

 Thelema drew its main gods and goddesses from the ancient Egyptian religion.The supreme god in Thelemanian cosmology is the goddess Nuit.She is represented by the figure of a woman, the night sky arched above the earth.She is conceived as the "Great Mother", the ultimate source of all things.The second main divinity of Thelema was the deity Hadit, who was conceived as an infinitesimal point, the complement and consort of Nut.Hadid symbolizes manifestation, motivation and time.In the Book of the Law he is also described as "the fire that burns in every heart and is at the center of every star".The third divinity in Thelemanian cosmology is Ra-Hoor-Khuit, one of the manifestations of Horus.He is symbolized by a man holding a scepter, with the head of an eagle and sitting on a throne, and is related to the "sun" and the masculine energy in Thelema Magick.Other divinities in Thelemaic cosmology are Hoor-paar-kraat (or Harpocrates) - gods of silence and inner strength, brother or feminine of Ra-hul-kraat Aspects; Babalon, the goddess of all pleasures, known as "virgin x whore"; and Therion, the name of the beast that Babalon rides, representing an instinctual power and beast within man, and Crowley also often refers to himself as Master Therion.

(End of this chapter)

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