Rebel Demon King

Chapter 832 Sunny Otaku (2)

Chapter 832 Sunny Otaku (2)

The winter sunshine in Athens is pleasant, but Cheng Mo, who was only wearing a coat and a T-shirt, still felt a little bit of coolness. He dragged his suitcase and walked across the gravel road, followed the map to find the ATM , took a few euros and took a taxi straight to Athens International Airport.

The city center is about 35 kilometers away from the airport, and it takes about four to 10 minutes to drive, which is enough time for the silent activation carrier to go to the southern coast of Athens in the Alimos district, dig out the Black Death mobile phone buried there and the Uranus that originally belonged to Floran. Lopolos.

Cheng Mo thought for a moment, unzipped his coat, looked at the Tai Chi Dragon badge on his chest, and finally gave up on this idea.Although there is no way for the Tai Chi Dragon Badge to record the whereabouts of the carrier, it must be able to detect that you have activated the carrier, not to mention that your shielding ring has been taken away. The activated carrier is like the moon in the dark night, which is a bit dangerous.

Anyway, Cheng Mo is not in a hurry, and the buried place is not only dug deep, but also hidden, so it is impossible to be found, so Cheng Mo gave up this idea and planned to find a suitable time to come over, or ask Nicholas to come to Athens to help Pick.

In any case, the "Gate of Hell" incident in Greece has come to an end, and the ending is not perfect. Xiyuan Temple Hongwan made a blood profit, Cheng Mo made a small profit, Tai Chi Dragon did not lose, only Floran and the chosen one's homeland and freedom The Front has become a scapegoat, and this result is completely acceptable to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo was able to pass Tai Chi Dragon's review this time without any risk. In addition to Chen Fang's testimony, it is estimated that a large part of the reason is that Tai Chi Dragon has already recovered the lost Uroboros, and the four students who died made Tai Chi It is actually a good thing for Taijilong that the dragon can stand on the moral high ground to encircle and suppress the Homeland of the Chosen One and the Freedom Front.

This is also the reason why Taijilong will go to Spain for the next stop.

There is no doubt that the world of Spain is about to set off a bloodbath.It's just that Cheng Mo has been excluded and can't participate at all.

Cheng Mo regrets not being able to fish in troubled waters. Regarding his own future, it is still shrouded in a fog, and he can't see the direction at all. I can't predict where I will go.

Leaving aside his own future, the general situation is also in chaos.The whole of Europa is already a mess, and the largest powder keg in the world seems to be in a state of igniting once again.Especially in the inner world, all the major organizations of the chosen ones gather here, and they will all go to Christian Field in the end. Regardless of the grievances between Stargate and Taijilong, the usual open and secret struggles between other organizations are already obvious. All in one place, there will definitely be trouble, the only problem is the size of the matter.
Of course, these are not things that Cheng Mo can worry about. For Cheng Mo, the most urgent task is how to make Xie Minyun not angry with him. The battle between the chosen organizations is far less important than "Xie Minyun is angry".

Cheng Mo was also very surprised that he would have such a mood. He turned his head and watched the scenery passing by outside the car window, thinking: In the final analysis, it was the conflict caused by the disagreement between himself and Xie Minyun.But finding out the crux of the problem is useless. A girl's heart is not an exercise, and rational thinking may not be able to solve it well.

Cheng Mo knew this very well, but he didn't know the crux of the problem, and he also knew the general idea of ​​solving the problem, but he still didn't know how to do it.

However, the convenience of the Internet age is that it doesn’t matter if you have a question. You can always find the answer by taking out your mobile phone and searching. Although it may not be the correct answer, it is always a reference object.

Cheng Mo followed the principle of "ask Google for foreign affairs, and Baidu for internal affairs", took out his mobile phone, opened Baidu, and searched for "how to coax a girlfriend when she is angry". Fortunately, this entry was not used by unscrupulous advertisers. Occupied, Cheng Mo glanced at it, the first one was "How to coax my girlfriend when she is angry?"Summary of three classic methods, the third one is very practical"; the second one is "Dry goods: how to coax your girlfriend when she is angry"; the third one is "My girlfriend is angry and I don't know how to coax her? This method is quick to learn Get Up", seems to be full of useful information.

Cheng Mo clicked on the first article and took a quick look. The three methods summarized in this article are "giving gifts", "speaking nice words" and "doing it directly". Cheng Mo saw the last most practical "hands-on I was taken aback, and after looking at it, I realized that it was forcibly hugging or kissing the other party.

Even if Cheng Mo is well versed in "Psychology", he only understands the logic behind the general behavior of the public. The psychological game between lovers is completely a blind spot of his knowledge. He never thought that one day he would fall in love, let alone I became married at the age of 19.
Cheng Mo browsed Baidu for a while and found that most of the content was repetitive. It can be summed up as "Girlfriend is angry, one pulls, two pulls, and three strong kisses. Daughter-in-law gets angry, cooks, delivers bags, and kneels durians." In a word, love What women in the middle of the world need is a sense of security like a domineering president, and what married women need is visible sincerity.

This can make Cheng Mo a bit big-headed, but he and Xie Minyun are neither, and Xie Minyun is not an ordinary girl, she should not be able to follow ordinary routines, and Cheng Mo has seen a lot of experience saying that "girlfriend is angry Just type an X (PAO) and it will be fine.” This made Cheng Mo seriously doubt Baidu’s reliability.In a dilemma, Cheng Mo could only send a message to ask Fu Yuanzhuo.Cheng Mo knew that Fu Yuanzhuo seemed to be a love expert, but he was actually a top-notch senior backup, but no matter how Fu Yuanzhuo's experience in licking people was extremely rich, asking him must be more reliable than asking Baidu.

So Cheng Mo, who would never seek advice from others, started the first time in his life.Cheng Mo closed the webpage, clicked on WeChat, and sent a message to Fu Yuanzhuo, "Do you have time to answer one of my questions?"

Fu Yuanzhuo returned very quickly, first he made a terrified expression, and then said: "Fuck! The sun is coming out from the west? There is still something you need to ask me? I feel very panic!!!!"

Threesomes must have my teacher, Cheng Mo didn't feel embarrassed, and asked directly: "My girlfriend is angry, how can I make her happy?"

"Girlfriend????? What girlfriend? I warn you not to make friends out of nothing!"

"You know what I mean, but the senior is angry with me and I don't know how to make her happy."

"Isn't senior sister your wife?"

"Yes, but I often have no way to integrate this setting in my mind."

"Hey! I think you have a problem with your thinking! Senior sister is such a good girl, you can make her angry!?" Then Fu Yuanzhuo seemed to remember something, and asked impatiently: "That's right! Cai Shufeng said What's the matter with you being an inner ghost? Why did Chen Fang come back to life?"

"The inner ghost is a misunderstanding. As for how Chen Fang came back to life, it's a long story, and I can't tell you in detail for the time being." Cheng Mo released the call button, and immediately added, "What's involved here There are too many things. Anyway, you should be careful, no matter where you go, especially in Spain, you must stay in the hotel and not go out."

"Who would dare to run around after such a big incident! In a hotel, people would not dare to leave the room easily. Fortunately, the murderer caught him. I knew you must have been misunderstood." Fu Yuanzhuo Changshu He took a breath, paused, and asked again: "By the way, do you know what happened at the ruins of the Acropolis the day before yesterday?"

"do not know."

"Huh? Senior sister didn't tell you? Cai Shufeng kept calling you an insider in front of other people, so I couldn't help but go up and have a fight with him."

"Senior sister didn't talk about it, but Cai Shufeng. Can you beat him?"

"You have to fight if you can't fight! Who told him to lead you!"

"It's not necessary, you can do as he says, and it doesn't matter. On the contrary, you told you when you played "League of Legends" that it is more important to make up for damage than to kill people. Now you are in a bad situation in Taijilong. It's a big disadvantage, and if you go up to fight someone recklessly, isn't that looking for abuse? In this way, other people's evaluation of you will be even lower!"

"Hey! That's not necessarily the case, I have a power leveling person."

"Power leveling? Are you saying that senior sister helped you? According to her personality, she shouldn't be able to make a move!"

"I didn't shoot directly, but the senior sister directly helped me unlock the mood bar, and also told me how to slap Cai Shufeng in the face. It's a pity that you were not at the scene. I don't know how wonderful Cai Shufeng's expression was after I slapped him! Wow! Everyone was stunned at the time! I have never had such a good time, let me tell you, this is definitely the highlight moment in my life. It’s like meeting a pretentious king in ranking, and then I beat him to death Fuck it, I feel like I’m telling you that this is not over yet. When we were fighting Athena, the senior sister asked us if we wanted to break the speed record of Athena. Of course we said yes, so the senior sister asked who would be willing to bear the most important Cai Shufeng, who was slapped in the face by me just now, immediately jumped out to prove himself. At first, I thought that the senior would definitely choose someone else and would not give Cai Shufeng this chance to perform, but the senior chose Cai Shufeng." Fu Yuan Zhuo asked excitedly, "Can you guess what happened next?"

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said, "The difficulty of conquering the ruins of the Acropolis lies with Athena in the Parthenon, and Athena, as the goddess of wisdom, is the most intelligent among all the ultimate bosses. Maybe other bosses will be defeated. Routine to pull hatred, but Athena certainly can't, so there is no doubt that this is a complete set, I guess Cai Shufeng probably hung up several times."

"Fuck! You are indeed a couple, you really have a good understanding!" After sighing, Fu Yuanzhuo began to talk about how embarrassing Cai Shufeng was at that time, but in order to maintain his demeanor and face, he had to continue to buy jobs. All in all, this time Cai Shufeng was disgraced.

Cheng Mo didn't have much interest in this, and before Fu Yuanzhuo finished sharing, he took a break and said, "It's not the key to Cai Shufeng, the key is that I've made my senior sister angry now, how should I stop her from living?" Angry at me?"

"Why did you make senior sister unhappy? Is the problem serious?"

"Maybe she has concealed some things and said something she shouldn't have said?" After answering this sentence, Cheng Mo thought for a while and said helplessly: "As for whether it is serious or not, I can't measure it without a serious standard. Ah! Even if there is a way to measure it, I still have a way to enter the heart of the senior sister to measure it. But we can measure whether it is serious or not from a side angle, and see how other girls treat their boyfriends when they are angry. severity, but the problem is that I lack data samples."

"My brother, are you still looking for case comparisons? Then, do you want to change your girlfriend to do the experiment?"

"This. The time and conditions may not allow it."

"You are not allowed to be a big-headed ghost! You said that when you are smart, everyone can see through it. Why are you stupid at this time?"

""Psychology" is not omnipotent! Besides, senior is not an ordinary girl."

"Ah? Not an ordinary girl, she is also a girl! As long as it is a girl, no matter why she is angry, you first go up and admit your mistakes sincerely, and then tell her how you will make up for the harm you caused her, 'Bao' Zhi Have you heard of all kinds of diseases? Hermes and Chanel are going to die."

"Senior doesn't do much shopping, and doesn't like to buy luxury goods, especially bags."

"Even if my senior doesn't like 'bags', there is always something I like, right?"

"I like it. Apart from liking me. I probably like reading and studying. I can't write a paper to make her happy, right? By the way, I also like Go, but now she ignores me, and I can't play Go with her!"

"Fuck! I'm really convinced of you two. Can you have a bit of a vulgar hobby? The key to this matter is attitude. Don't worry about whether you can match what you like. You have to show the attitude of admitting your mistakes. You are still here. Thinking of countermeasures, I guess senior sister is not just ignoring you, right?"

"Well. She took a taxi by herself and went to the airport."

"You didn't stop it?"

"I know her well, can't she stop what she has decided?"

"My brother!! If I were a senior, I would tell you 'break up' on the spot. No! It should be a divorce"

"Is it so serious?" Cheng Mo didn't understand, hesitated for a while and said, "It shouldn't be so!"

"Why not! Let me tell you, based on my many years of experience, when a girl tells you to break up when she is arguing, she doesn't have to take it seriously, but she should pay attention to it. It means that she is very angry. But if nothing happens, Tell you to break up with you all of a sudden, or don't say anything, just disappear suddenly like this, and don't contact you, then I really want to break up with you."

Cheng Mo thought that Fu Yuanzhuo's understanding of this point is still very deep, but the situation of Fu Yuanzhuo and Feng Qianqian is completely different from that of him and Xie Minyun!But Xie Minyun should be really angry.Cheng Mo has a big head, and sometimes vulgar women are better, because they can still deal with it. Women like Xie Minyun who are very principled and have an overly righteous view are the worst to deal with.

"Has senior sister contacted you now?"


"Then have you sent her a message?"


"Brother! I advise you to dig a hole and bury yourself. You are trying to die!"

"Don't talk sarcastic, give me some countermeasures for reference."

"Send flowers! I think you should hurry up and buy a large bouquet of flowers for senior sister and then make a sincere apology, so that senior sister will forgive you."

"Send flowers?" Cheng Mo thought of his eloquent explanation of the meaning of "flowers" to Bai Xiuxiu on his birthday night, as well as the history of human "send flowers". He felt very strange. When he faced Bai Xiuxiu, he could Unleash the strange thoughts in his head as he likes, and he can say some things that he would not normally say and do some things that he would not normally do in order to please Bai Xiuxiu.But when facing Xie Minyun, he always carefully maintained his pride.

"Don't think that flowers are worthless. Sending flowers is meaningless. That's a typical straight man's thinking! Let me tell you that no matter what woman, whether she likes flowers or not, as long as she is not allergic to hay fever, you Sending flowers will definitely make her happy. Because sending flowers is not only sending her a bouquet of flowers, but also conveying an attitude to the public, which can greatly satisfy women's vanity. This is also because of the "psychology" you taught me, myself figured it out"

"Thank you, I understand."

"Cheng Mo, you really need to be nicer to senior sister. You really don't know how much senior sister cares about you. She also specifically told me to go out with you more, saying that you are not relaxed at all, and you are still trapped in a heart attack and have not left. Come out. Later, I said something very literary. At that time, the setting sun was shining on the hall, and the senior sister said softly, "This is the sun at dusk, but we regard it as the dawn of dawn." Wow! That scene is not only beautiful but also very touching. I Although I don't know what it means, but from her tone, I can tell that she cares and worries about you very much. You have to cherish such a good girl as Senior Sister! Otherwise, it is really unreasonable!"

Of course Cheng Mo knew that this sentence came from Hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris", "This is the sun at dusk, but we regard it as the dawn of dawn." confused.And "Notre Dame de Paris" shows the good and evil in this chaotic era. Hugo's greatness lies in revealing the cruelty of the world. Goodness is not necessarily from the beginning to the end, nor is it a disguise. It has nothing to do with the outside, in fact, even if every mortal has no behavior that can be called a crime, he must have his own selfish desires, and there are unknown "seven sins".

Xie Minyun knew himself better than Cheng Mo imagined, which made Cheng Mo's mood more complicated. He didn't reply to Yuanzhuo's news, so he turned to the column of Xie Minyun on WeChat and took a look. He was still a little wolf wearing goggles Zabiwaka, he tentatively clicked on Xie Minyun's profile picture, and discovered that Xie Minyun, who never posted on Moments, actually posted on Moments.

It's just that this circle of friends was posted on October [-]th. There is no picture of her in the circle of friends, but there is a huge star candy, a pair of snowmen with very artistic shapes, a pair of shadows holding hands, and a sentence.

"When you need to make a crucial decision at an important point in your life, you don't need to understand too deep a philosophy of life, you don't need to strictly distinguish the boundaries between impulse and passion, and you don't need to calculate what you might get What’s lost. Instead, ask your heart if you don’t regret it.”


Cheng Mo rushed to the airport with a bouquet of roses in his hands. It was normal to bring flowers when picking up the plane, but it was a bit abrupt to bring flowers on the plane. Therefore, when Cheng Mo picked up the ticket, he received a lot of scrutiny. During the security check, the airport staff reminded him that he could buy a special cardboard box for flowers and check it in, so that he would not feel uncomfortable sitting on the plane with flowers, and asked him if he needed to quit to handle such business.

Cheng Mo shook his head with a slightly embarrassed expression, and went straight to the boarding gate with flowers in his hands.To be honest, he also felt that it was a bit stupid for him to pass the security check with a rose in his arms, but he also thought that maybe "being stupid" is the sign of a man falling in love. He understands this, and Xie Minyun must understand it too.

So Cheng Mo, who felt that he was doing something stupid, went through the crowded Athens International Airport without hesitation, but he did not see Xie Minyun at the boarding gate. Cheng Mo guessed that Xie Minyun might have gone to the VIP lounge, even though Xie Minyun bought the first-class cabin The ticket also doesn't like sitting in the VIP room, but Cheng Mo didn't see Xie Minyun in the VIP room.

This is why Cheng Mo has a big head, and after looking around in the airport, he still couldn't find Xie Minyun. Cheng Mo, who was a little worried, could only call Xie Minyun.
(End of this chapter)

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