Rebel Demon King

Chapter 674 Farewell to the Classroom (1)

Chapter 674 Farewell to the Classroom (1)

(Thanks to ".yi~" for the red envelope, thanks to "I have a treasure in my heart" for the two rewards, thanks to "sp55aa" boss, "God of Thunder", "Sledgehammer on the head" and "Three No Detectives" My rewards, four-in-one update of [-] words, ask for a monthly pass)

That night, Cheng Mo looked at the whole page of his name and was silent for a long time, then went back to the living room and watched Shen Daoyi hugging his body and fell asleep peacefully until it was dusk.

The summer morning comes early, at five o'clock the sky has turned white, Cheng Mo saw Shen Youyi move, she got up a little bit to support her cheeks, with the faint morning light outside the window, she lowered her head and stared at his body in her arms, Except for brushing his messy hair with his hands, Shen Youyi didn't do anything, just looked at him quietly with a smile, and occasionally let out a foolish smile, as if thinking of something to be happy about .

But Shen Youyi didn't notice Cheng Mo who was sitting in the shadows, and had to change someone else to sit in Cheng Mo's position. Seeing such a scene, no matter how beautiful Shen Daoyi was, he might feel a little strange, but Cheng Mo just shook in disappointment. Shaking his head, he teleported to the kitchen and started to help Shen Daoyi and himself make breakfast.

Shen Youyi still didn't come out, which made Cheng Mo's heart a little heavier. He believed that Shen Youyi would definitely come out, but the later he came out, the deeper the connection between Shen Daoyi and the world would be. At that time, Shen Youyi might become the sub-personality.Cheng Mo didn't want Shen Daoyi to disappear completely, but he also didn't want Shen Daoyi to become the protagonist. He hoped that Shen Youyi could return to the state before he wanted to cure her.

Even though Sister Nan likes him so much, deep down in Cheng Mo's heart, she still prefers the quiet, elegant, timeless Shen Youyi.

He likes Shen Youyi's smile.

Although both Shen Daoyi and Shen Youyi have a slight dimple when they smile, the meanings of their smiles are completely different. Lin Xiao cursive script round fan, self-picking broken flowers and putting them in a clean bottle" poetic.

And Shen Daoyi's smile was scorching hot, a smile that would make people blush to the point where they couldn't look directly at it.

Cheng Mo opened the refrigerator, and there were all kinds of food, condiments, yogurt and fruits neatly stacked inside. Cheng Mo took four eggs from the egg shelf, and searched the refrigerator again, only to find that there were almost all eggs in the refrigerator. It was something she liked to eat, Cheng Mo opened the freezer on the lower floor again, turbot fish, beef, chicken breast, yuan scallops, shrimps... They were also things she liked to eat, although Shen Youyi never asked, but she had completely remembered Live to your own taste
Cheng Mo actually hates the kitchen very much. He doesn't like the strong smell of oily smoke when Chinese people cook. He remembers that when he came home from school when he was a child, there would always be that smell that made him uncomfortable in the corridors of the stairwell, especially when other children were upstairs. Cheng Mo hated the smell more and more when their mother stood by the kitchen window and shouted "So-and-so, go home for dinner" while playing football.

But in Shen Youyi's house, he never disliked entering the kitchen. He was willing to help Shen Youyi chop vegetables, help Shen Youyi wash the dishes, and even stand beside Shen Youyi and watch her fry fish, smelling the originally disgusting smell full of fireworks.

He thought that was very good, the soothing music sounded in the living room, he helped cut the onion and peel the garlic, and listened to Shen Youyi talking about literature with him in a gentle voice, they talked about Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Dazai Osamu, discussing death in Japanese literature They will also gossip about the family, the teacher will talk about her grandmother, an old woman with bound feet, although she is not educated like her grandmother, but she has extraordinary wisdom; they will also talk about school affairs, the teacher always Is full of curiosity about his life, now that I think about it, maybe it’s not curiosity, but care
An inexplicable warmth nourished Cheng Mo like a warm current. It was not until the refrigerator door was closed for a long time that it made a beeping sound, and Cheng Mo came back to his senses. He hurriedly took whole wheat bread and canned tuna out of the refrigerator, planning to cook sandwich.

After working for about 10 minutes, after making breakfast, Cheng Mo returned to his body. When he returned, he found that he was sweating all over, and his whole body was sticky and uncomfortable. The narrow sofa is also like a steamer.

When Shen Dao saw Cheng Mo opened his eyes, he restrained the smile hanging on his face, and said with some disappointment: "It seems useless to be drunk?"

Cheng Mo didn't break free from Shen Daoyi's embrace immediately, he chose to continue to endure the double torment and stayed in Shen Daoyi's embrace, "I know, we are thinking of other ways."

Shen Dao hesitated for a moment and said, "Actually, I think there is a way to try."

"What method?" Cheng Mo asked unhurriedly.

"I don't think it is necessary for me to have emotional fluctuations. It might be okay to let Xiaoxi suffer strong fluctuations."

Cheng Mo looked at Shen Daoyi silently, Shen Dao paused and continued: "Actually, when we kissed on the Ferris wheel the night before yesterday, I could clearly feel a kind of emotional fluctuation. This kind of fluctuation is very vague, as if hidden in the depths of my mind, but I'm sure it's not my own."


Shen Dao nodded a little, "But if we do that later, we won't have this feeling." After a pause, Shen Dao squeezed Cheng Mo and hugged Cheng Mo tightly, and said in a low voice, "I think maybe we will."

Cheng Mo interrupted Shen Daoyi, and said with a straight face: "Sister Nan, don't joke around at this time."

"I'm not joking." Shen Daoyi looked up at Cheng a little bit and said sincerely.

Cheng Mo observed Shen Daoyi's micro-expression, he was indeed not lying, so he could only sigh, "I'm waiting. I really have no choice but to talk about it."

Shen Dao nodded his head and gave a "hmm", then stared at Cheng Mo intently, without any intention of getting up.

Cheng Mo felt hot all over, and couldn't bear it no matter whether it was mentally or physically, so he said, "Sister Nan, it's time to get up and eat."

"Oh!" Shen Daoyi yelled, quickly pulled out his arms around Cheng Mo's neck, and sat up from the sofa, "I haven't made you breakfast yet! Wait a minute."

Cheng Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and took the opportunity to sit up, "Miss Nan, go wash your face and brush your teeth! I've already made breakfast."

"When did you do it?" Shen Daoyi asked suspiciously.

"Well! I made it with a carrier." Cheng Mo said.

Shen Dao nodded, and said with a smile: "It seems that that thing is still useful!"

Shen Daoyi has always been unwilling to admit that the "carrier" is a "super human", and generally calls the carrier that thing. She has no interest in some of the powerful abilities of the carrier. She just thought it was fun to do free fall from the sky that night. Let Cheng Mo take her to experience it a few more times.

Cheng Mo didn't care what Shen Dao called the carrier, he stood up and said, "Sister Nan, I'll take the food back to eat, I have to take a shower first, I'm sweating a lot, I'm really uncomfortable."

Shen Daoyi also stood up, and said with a charming smile, "You can wash here! I can rub your back for you."

Cheng Mo shook his head, "There is no change of clothes here." After finishing speaking, Mo didn't care about Shen Dao pouted to express his displeasure, and returned to the base with the prepared sandwiches, oatmeal and yogurt.This day was Shen Daoyi's class instead of Shen Youyi's, and it was the same for the next two days.

On July [-]st, the fifth day after Shen Youyi disappeared, Cheng Mo filled out his application on the Internet early in the morning. He chose Tsinghua University's Department of Astronomy, a department that couldn't be more popular, and he hadn't checked the obedience to the adjustment yet. .In fact, many schools contacted him during this period, besides Peking University, there were also some well-known universities in Xiangjiang, but Cheng Mo refused.

The graduation ceremony held on July [-]st is also a Changya tradition. Cheng Mo put on his school uniform, and when he walked to the door, he glanced at the cat's eyes as usual, and saw two tall men wearing sunglasses and black special service uniforms standing at the door like javelins , although it was morning, the sunlight dazzled the entire corridor, and two men who appeared suddenly stood in the light, making Cheng Mo have to raise his guard, but immediately Cheng Mo saw the other party wearing Tai Chi on his chest. Dragon logo, so open the door with confidence.

If the people of Taijilong wanted to mess with him, they would definitely not wait at the door, they would have subdued him with a carrier. Although Cheng Mo didn't like this feeling of being slaughtered, there was nothing he could do about it. His strength was far from being comparable to that of the state machine. confrontation.

Cheng Mo opened the door, pretended to be indifferent, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

The man standing on the left asked, "Are you Cheng Mo?"

Cheng Mo replied: "Yes."

"Please show me your ID."

Cheng Mo took out the card bag from his pocket, took out his ID card from the card bag and handed it to the man who spoke, the man took Cheng Mo's ID card and checked it, returned the ID card to Cheng Mo, and said: "It's ok .”

Another person handed Cheng Mo a kraft paper bag under his arm, but Cheng Mo didn't take it and asked instead, "What is this?"

The man who checked Cheng Mo's ID card didn't expect Cheng Mo to ask a question, he was slightly taken aback, and then said: "Admission letter."

Of course Cheng Mo knew that it was Taijilong's admission letter, and said flatly, "I'm sorry, I've already filled out my volunteer application, and I don't plan to accept admission from other schools."

The other party frowned, and said coldly: "We are only responsible for delivery, we don't care if you accept it or not."

"Now it's your delivery, take the things back." Cheng Mo also responded in a cold tone. If it was Bai Xiuxiu who came to send him the admission notice, he might still consider it, but it was two insignificant people who came. people.

Cheng Mo felt that Bai Xiuxiu should let Feng Luwan come over anyway, and he had to call him anyway, but there was nothing, now Cheng Mo didn't want to accept it at all, and Cheng Mo didn't know why it was related to Bai Xiuxiu , he will be easily angry.

The two people in special service uniforms had obviously never encountered such a situation, looked at Cheng Mo with some surprise and said, "Have you thought it through?"

Cheng Mo said without hesitation: "Take it back."

The two looked at each other, and the man who checked Cheng Mo's ID card said "wait a moment", then turned to make a phone call, and said to Cheng Mo after 2 minutes: "Excuse me." After speaking, he left directly.

Cheng Mo watched the two black super special police officers of Tai Chi Dragon leave, and took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket. He was waiting for the phone to ring, but unfortunately things did not go as he wished, his mobile phone was always lying quietly in the palm of his hand, even Not a single spam message.

"It's just an unimportant pawn, what do you expect?" Cheng Mo whispered to himself, and after finishing speaking, he put his phone back in his trouser pocket, closed the door, and walked towards the elevator, passing by Shen Youyi's house. At that time, Cheng Mo subconsciously glanced at the door. Cheng Mo was thinking that Sister Nan should have gone to work at this time, but he saw the door was opened, and Shen Daoyi came out of the room in jeans and a T-shirt. She is so beautiful that she looks like the leading lady from an idol drama.

Shen Daoyi still had bread in his mouth, seeing Cheng Mo standing at the door, he immediately said excitedly: "Darling, are you waiting for me?"

Cheng Mo quickly caught the bread that fell from Shen Daoyi's mouth, handed it to Shen Daoyi and said, "You are already late at this point."

Shen Daoyi bent down a little, picked up the bread from Cheng Mo's hand like a cat, and said vaguely: "Anyway, I don't have any class, so what are you doing so early?"

Cheng Mo shook his head and walked forward. Shen Dao quickly chased after him, and asked cautiously, "Are you angry?"

Cheng Mo glanced at Shen Daoyi and said lightly, "No."

Shen Daoyi took a bite of the bread, and said while eating: "Obviously there is, cheapskate!" Shen Daoyi threw the two bites of bread into the trash can, took out a tissue from his bag, wiped his hands, and put his arms around his arms. Cheng Mo asked: "Why are you so angry! I'll change it, don't you like being late? I promise I won't be late again tomorrow."

Cheng Mo didn't answer, and didn't say until the elevator was about to arrive, "Sister Nan, you said you kept a distance from me outside."

Shen Dao snorted, and let go of Cheng Mo's hand.

At this time, the elevator door just arrived, and there was no one in it. When Cheng Mo walked into the elevator, he looked at Shen Daoyi and said, "Sister Nan, Sister Xi will not dress like you when she goes to school, she always wears more serious clothes." .”

"I know, but the weather is so hot, it's too uncomfortable to wear like her, and I did it on purpose." Shen Daoyi said.

"on purpose?"

"You don't know how hateful that old witch, Teacher Huang is! She picks on Director Tang every day, and she likes to talk in a weird way." Shen Daoyi said through gritted teeth.

"What's going on?" Cheng Mo asked.

"Isn't it just for bonuses? The school will award bonuses to teachers at the graduation ceremony today. Director Tang told me two days ago that you won two champions this time. According to the school's regulations, you can get two champions with a bonus of 30 yuan. One is assigned to you by me, and the other is half for Teacher Huang, and the teachers in the other nine classes will share equally. How could I agree? Obviously one belongs to Xiaoxi and the other belongs to me, so I immediately said it was silent. Give it all to me, you didn't see how ugly Director Tang and Teacher Huang's faces suddenly changed, and Director Tang earnestly talked a lot of nonsense with me, saying that after all, the rule is that the head teacher gets the bonus, what and what."

At this time, the elevator arrived at the underground parking lot. As soon as Shen Dao got out of the elevator, he continued, "How could I admit it? He immediately turned back and said that Mr. Huang had only been your class teacher for a month, and he didn't help you at all. When you were slandered by the Internet and some reporters, did you come out and say a word for you? To be honest, if they want to treat you sincerely, I can’t agree, but they didn’t do anything, and they stick to it when they see the benefits Come up, I'm really shameless, I'm not Xiaoxi, I won't be used to this group of pious villains! I want to dress sexy and beautiful to piss off these old people!"

Cheng Mo was silent in his heart, and from Shen Daoyi's tone, he could tell that she hadn't had a good time in school these past few days, and he thought it was true, Shen Youyi was careful in school so no one would offend him, and even behaved a little bit like a bun, which made everyone feel uncomfortable. Jealousy and criticism.How could it be possible for Shen Daoyi's jealous personality not to conflict with those old fried dough stick teachers in the school?

Cheng Mo didn't think there was anything wrong with Shen Daoyi's handling, but Shen Youyi would definitely not conflict with Director Tang and Teacher Huang, so he would give up the money if he gave it up.This made Cheng Mo realize that Shen Daoyi's own style is getting stronger and stronger, and his imprint on this world is getting deeper and deeper. He must quickly summon Shen Youyi from his deep sleep.

"Sister Nan, let me handle this matter! Don't argue with them."

Shen Daoyi stopped in front of Mini, turned around and kissed Cheng Mo's face, and said happily: "I knew Xiao Momo was the best!"


In order to avoid suspicion, Cheng Mo got out of the car before arriving at school, and watched the mini drive towards the school, Cheng Mo thought: "Could it be true that we can only try according to Sister Nan's method?"

Cheng Mo is a bit overwhelmed, but the matter is urgent and he has no choice.Going to the hospital can't solve any problems. There is no medicine to cure the dual personality, and the doctor can only counsel it. It is a good thing for the doctor that Shen Youyi can't come out now. They don't care which personality controls the body, as long as it is controlled by one personality. The body will do.

Now everything can only depend on him, Cheng Mo felt the pressure suddenly increased. He never felt such a heavy responsibility when he brushed the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang that time. The stimulation was strong enough to wake Shen Youyi up.Cheng Mo thought hard, and couldn't help but think of the pictures that Shen Daoyi once drew on the blackboard
When he walked to the school gate, Cheng Mo looked up and saw two huge balloons. The same banner was hung on the two balloons, which read "Congratulations to Cheng Mo from our school for becoming the first double champion in arts and sciences in the country", Cheng Mo He didn't look too much, and followed the scattered crowd towards the auditorium with the pointing eyes.

Before reaching the auditorium, Cheng Mo received a call from Fu Yuanzhuo, asking him if he had arrived at school, Cheng Mo replied that he would be there soon, Fu Yuanzhuo said he was waiting for him at the entrance of the auditorium and hung up.

Walking to the parking lot in front of the auditorium, Cheng Mo saw Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong standing on the steps. The students were walking up the terrazzo steps in twos and threes. Fu Yuanzhuo had a black and white school uniform pinned to his chest. Alternate badges, the edge of the badge is a dragon that is devouring itself. This badge is slightly different from the one seen on the two black super special policemen just this morning, but it is undoubtedly the badge of Tai Chi Dragon. When Cheng Mo was a freshman in high school I saw it on Du Leng.Cheng Mo squinted his eyes, he didn't expect that Fu Yuanzhuo really entered the Tai Chi Dragon.

Fu Yuanzhuo waved to him excitedly, before Cheng Mo approached, he asked loudly: "Cheng Mo, did you volunteer?"

Cheng Mo nodded.

"Where? Tsinghua University?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked, holding Cheng Mo's arm.

Cheng Mo let out a "hmm", and Fu Yuanzhuo laughed "haha", "Then we are alumni again! I was also admitted early today!"

Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and said sincerely, "Then congratulations!"

Fu Yuanzhuo touched his round inch, and said seriously: "Cheng Mo, I must thank you for my achievements today. Don't worry, I, Fu Yuanzhuo, am definitely not an ungrateful person. I know that making money is important to you." It's not difficult to say, but if something happens to you in the future, no matter what it is, I, Fu Yuanzhuo, promise to go through fire or water!"

Cheng Mo said calmly, "Are you serious?"

Fu Yuanzhuo said seriously: "Of course I'm serious."

"Then I will remember." Cheng Mo said.

Yan Yitong on the side said: "It's not normal for the side effect to be happy today, it's completely like a baboon, dancing and singing all the way here, really."

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled hesitantly, "Hey hey", "I, Fu Yuanzhuo, can solemnly announce today that the current me, Sissi, will ignore me, and the future me will not be someone that Sissy can climb up to!"

Yan Yitong sneered, "Little brother, you are so inflated after taking the Tsinghua University exam? Is it possible that other people's Oxford is worse than your Tsinghua University?"

Fu Yuanzhuo yelled strangely: "What do you mean you will be inflated after taking the Tsinghua University exam? There are two top students of Tsinghua University here! You will be beaten for saying that!"

Yan Yitong said with a displeased face: "Okay! Tsinghua University is amazing!"

Fu Yuanzhuo patted Yan Yitong's shoulder "hehe" and said with a smile: "The Agricultural University is not far away, we can still get together from time to time! Besides, Tongtong, if you go to the Agricultural University, you must be the school beauty! No one can compete with you! "

"Go away! Who wants to be the campus belle of the Agricultural University? Miss Ben is a super invincible and cute girl in the universe. I'm not interested in just being the campus belle of the Agricultural University!"

"Okay! Whatever you say is what you say. In short, we have to celebrate today, and call Song Xizhe later!" Fu Yuanzhuo said.

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment and said, "I may not have time tonight, let's try another day!"

Fu Yuanzhuo asked suspiciously: "What have you been up to lately? You can't come out even if you're asked to come out. Do you have something to do every day? We made an appointment to go to Disney on the [-]th. I really don't have time next month."

Cheng Mo decided not to release the pigeons of Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong this time, and took a few days to consolidate their friendship, and said, "It's okay to go for two or three days, but not for too long."

Fu Yuanzhuo scolded: "Isn't three days too little?"

However, Yan Yitong pulled Fu Yuanzhuo and said to Cheng Mo with a smile on his face: "Three days is three days, wait until you post your ID number to the group, and let the local tyrants pay for the air tickets and hotels."

Fu Yuanzhuo said with a resentful face: "When you feel that someone is useless, it is a side effect. When you think that someone is useful, a local tyrant pays! Oh! This is a woman, do you want to be so realistic?"

"Oh! If you can make your starting point work, it means I can value you. If you still beep, I won't ask Sissy!"

"What? Is Qianqian back?" Fu Yuanzhuo's face immediately changed.

Yan Yitong sneered: "Yo? Who said just now that you can't be climbed?"

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled flatteringly at Yan Yitong: "It's really bloated, it's really bloated, I'm going to review myself."

Yan Yitong said triumphantly: "Look at your performance! Sissy is only coming back in a few days. I ask her to go to Disney, and she will definitely not refuse."

Fu Yuanzhuo immediately grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and said nervously: "Boss! What should I do? What attitude should I use to face her?"

Seeing Fu Yuanzhuo's anxious look, Cheng Mo shook his head and said angrily: "Licking a dog will not end well."


The graduation ceremony of Changya is a unified process. First, the final exam results of senior one and senior two are announced, and then the results of Changya’s college entrance examination are reported. When Principal Wu Lei mentioned on stage that Cheng Mo won the double champion At that moment, the entire auditorium erupted in deafening applause.

Yan Yitong, who was sitting next to Cheng Mo, whispered regretfully, "It's a pity that Sima Qianshu didn't come!"

After reporting the results of the college entrance examination, Principal Wu Lei awarded Cheng Mo a scholarship and asked him to speak a few words as the representative of the college entrance examination. Cheng Mo took the microphone and said lightly: "Thank you, Shen Youyi." On the stage, such a short speech caused an uproar among the teachers and students in the school.
In the end, when Wu Lei handed out bonuses to outstanding teachers, he gave Shen Daoyi all the 30 champion bonuses, which made Tang Shuisheng and Huang Huiping's faces green.When the youthful and beautiful Shen Dao, who was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, was flirtatious and pure, came to the stage, applause and screams resounded throughout the auditorium.

Shen Daoyi smiled and took the certificate and check from Principal Wu Lei. She also held the microphone and said only one sentence: "Thank you Momo."

As soon as the sweet tone of "Little Momo" was uttered, the entire auditorium became agitated. The teachers looked at each other, and the students began to boo. Fortunately, Principal Wu Lei immediately picked up the microphone and forced the auditorium to quiet down, controlling the situation. .

Standing under the stage, Cheng Mo broke out in a cold sweat in Xia Tian, ​​afraid that something like "Cheng Mo, I love you" would suddenly come out of Shen Daoyi's mouth, Shen Daoyi might not be able to do it.At this time, Cheng Mo made up his mind not to procrastinate any longer, and must solve Shen Youyi's problem immediately, otherwise something big would happen sooner or later.

After the graduation ceremony, it was time to take pictures. The group photo was taken a long time ago. Cheng Mo was not interested in taking pictures with other students and teachers, so he found an opportunity to leave directly, and sent a message to Shen Daoyi, saying that he would wait for her at home. There are arrangements for the evening.


In the evening, when Shen Dao came back from work, Cheng Mo had already prepared dinner, and the ingredients were all ready-made. After the two of them had eaten, Shen Dao asked: "Xiao Momo said that there is an arrangement for the evening, what is the arrangement?"

Cheng Mo said, "Let's go to school tonight."

Shen Daoyi fastened the apron, and asked suspiciously while cleaning up the dishes: "Go to school?"

"Well, let's go to school and redraw those paintings, and see if this can stimulate Sister Xi." Cheng Mo said.

"Good idea, and I thought of a better idea!" Shen Daoyi said with a sly smile at Cheng Mo.

"What idea?" Cheng Mo asked.

"You'll know later." Shen Daoyi made a fool of himself.

"Then we'll go there later, wait in your dormitory first, and then go to the classroom at ten o'clock." Cheng Mo said.

Shen Dao nodded, the two of them washed the dishes together, Cheng Mo went back to the base to take a shower, changed into clean clothes and went out, but ended up waiting at Shen Youyi's house for more than half an hour, Shen Dao just Come out of the room.

"Does it look good?" Shen Daoyi, who had put on light makeup and changed into an office worker's professional attire, turned around in front of Cheng Mo and asked.

"When you go to work during the day, you still hate wearing professional clothes. Why do you change them at night?"

"I bought it secretly in the afternoon, and I asked you if it looks good, and if you like it?"

Cheng Mo took a look at Shen Daoyi. The white shirt was tucked into a dark gray hip-wrapping skirt, and the waistline and hipline were wrapped in an exquisite curve. The so-called S-shaped figure could not be interpreted more perfectly by Shen Youyi.It's fine if it's just a good figure. Shen Daoyi is different from ordinary beauties in that she not only wears business clothes beautifully, but also wears them extraordinarily solemnly, giving people a sense of exquisite seriousness, especially when she puts on light makeup , with her hair neatly coiled behind her head, revealing her fair neck with long sleeves, echoing her long legs in black silk, making one not want to look away for a moment.

Shen Youyi also wears business attire, but Shen Youyi always deliberately buys clothes and skirts two sizes too large. Even so, Shen Youyi looks good in business attire, but it's not as shocking as a perfect fit.

"It can't be better." Cheng Mo had to admit.

As soon as Shen Dao mentioned her small satchel on the sofa, he smiled charmingly and said, "Then let's go."

Cheng Mo got up and went to the entrance to put on shoes, Shen Daoyi also came over, shook his long legs in stockings in front of Cheng Mo's eyes and said, "Cheng Mo, help me put on my shoes, I'm not easy to bend over."

The black stockings glowed with fluffy deep purple light under the light, and there was an indescribable temptation in the coldness. Cheng Mo picked up Shen Youyi's black leather shoes without saying a word, and carefully put them on for Shen Daoyi. Shen Youyi's The shape of the feet is beautiful, not too big or too small, the arc where it should be is very full, the place where it should be round is round, and the place where it should be straight is straight, it is so beautiful.

Relying on strong willpower, Cheng Mo put on Shen Daoyi's two shoes, and went out with Shen Daoyi, then the two of them went down to the parking lot and drove in the direction of Changya after leaving the apartment. At that time, Shen Daoyi suddenly stopped the car, and Cheng Mo asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Dao pulled the handbrake, and said in a low voice: "There is still one necessity that I haven't bought."

"What necessities?"

Shen Dao got out of the car, waved to Cheng Mo and said, "You accompany me."

Cheng Mo let out an "oh" and walked towards the convenience store by the side of the road with Shen Daoyi. Shen Daoyi first bought water and drinks, and then bought a bunch of messy snacks. At that time, Shen Daoyi pretended to be smooth, and took a box with red packaging on the shelf in front of the counter.

Standing aside, Cheng Mo didn't pay attention to Shen Daoyi's actions, when he heard the salesperson auntie say with a smile: "This Okamoto 001 is a bit expensive, but everyone says it's easy to use! It's just that the number is relatively small."

Only then did the first brother in love know what Shen Daoyi was talking about, and when he was in a daze, Shen Daoyi turned his head and asked, "Husband?"

(End of this chapter)

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