Rebel Demon King

Chapter 673 That Spring, It Wasn't True Except The Flowers Bloomed (End)

Chapter 673 That Spring, It Wasn't True Except The Flowers Bloomed (End)
(Thanks to the "book friend 150528232634866" boss for the popularity, thanks to the "Start Le" boss for the two rewards, and thanks to "The Boat of Time" and "Seabirds and Fish Love" for the rewards, six in one super powerful one Thousands of thousands of characters burst to update, just ask for a monthly ticket)

The so-called "kiss" is like a bridge, which also plays a connecting role. A kiss is a bridge between two hearts, so that the other party can reach a place closer to themselves; it is like shaking hands, which is also establishing a connection. The relationship between two people is far less intimate than kissing. In fact, when friendship reaches a certain level, kissing each other is a pure friendship kiss, definitely not a "philosophical" kiss.

Therefore, it is not correct to simply regard "kissing" as an expression of love.

Just like Cheng Mo kissing Shen Daoyi, it's not the kind of pure love between a man and a woman.The emotional components mixed in it are extremely complicated, such as caring, pity, liking, respect, empathy, etc.
The only thing is that there is no desire.

Cheng Mo is not a person who is good at saying "love", he has always expressed it with actions, and he also knows that words at this moment are a little weak, nothing is as soothing as a kiss.

In fact, before this, Cheng Mo didn't expect things to develop into this way, but now Cheng Mo doesn't think it's unexpected. His attitude towards feelings has always been neither proactive nor resisting. Everything happens naturally. It just happened, there is no need to deliberately avoid it, and there is no need to be too cautious.

Love and marriage are not necessarily related. The essence of marriage is to conclude a contract and establish a stable social relationship so that one's genes can continue, and at the same time, one can better survive in this society.

Cheng Mo saw this very clearly.

Human beings chase after love because the feeling is so good.

The summer night in Star City is like a deep blue sea, where the trivial happiness of countless dark cities is accumulated. Lying on the bed with a mobile phone and reading a novel, there are two people standing in the middle of the ferris wheel car and kissing endlessly, even the time to breathe is not willing to waste
I don't know how long it took, maybe the Ferris wheel made another full turn.Cheng Mo opened his eyes and said softly, "Sister Nan, we have to go, it's getting late."

Shen Daoyi's fair face was flushed with her arms around Cheng Mo's neck. She opened her eyes and looked out the window, judging that the car hadn't turned to the top yet, and there was still a while before reaching the bottom, so she said "hmm". With a sound, he shyly buried his head on Cheng Mo's neck, and said in a low voice, "It's over, I feel like I've lost my face, how can I pretend to be a big sister in front of you in the future?"

Cheng Mo nodded, "It's quite embarrassing, I just kissed you comfortingly, but you just bit your mouth like a turtle."

"I hate it! Who is the tortoise, you are the tortoise? You are the one who kissed me, so you have the nerve to say so?" Hearing Cheng Mo laughing at her, Shen Dao's face was so hot that he could feel it, and she punched Cheng Mo. Mo's shoulder buried his head even deeper.

Cheng Mo said calmly: "You are older than me, you asked me to dance, and you cried like that to seduce me, of course a pure boy like me will be fooled."

"Are you still innocent? You are obviously a scumbag who likes to attract bees and butterflies. Let alone Xie Minyun, what kind of mediocre face is there? That mediocre face is Yan Yitong, right?. Now you have deceived me, and you have the nerve to say you Pure love?" Shen Dao said with gritted teeth, and couldn't help pinching Cheng Mo's arm again after finishing speaking.

Cheng Mo felt the pain in his arm and felt that Shen Daoyi had come out of his sorrow, so he stopped joking deliberately, but hugged Shen Daoyi tightly and whispered: "Okay! I'm a scumbag, I lied to Sister Nan, and all the responsibility lies with me."

When Cheng Mo said this, Shen Dao immediately let go of him and stopped pinching him, but said angrily: "Yes, it's all your fault!" After she finished speaking, she raised her head again and kissed Cheng Mo proactively, and the two of them fell in love. Tired of being together again, as if this night never ends.

When the Ferris wheel reached its peak, Shen Dao held Cheng Mo's cheeks, looked into his eyes with infinite affection and said: "I wish the Ferris wheel stopped here, I wish time stopped here."

At this moment, Cheng Mo saw the rain of cherry blossoms in Shen Daoyi's pupils, not only tenderness, but also sadness, which fell on Cheng Mo's heart one after another, gradually covering up this period of time.

"Sister Nan, remember what I told you this afternoon. Time has no direction. Maybe there are parallel worlds in this world?" Cheng Mo said with a serious expression. He had been thinking about whether to tell Shen about something this afternoon. Dao Yi, now he feels that he has to say something.

Shen Dao said with a smile: "Why did you mention this to me at this time? Could it be that you have traveled from a parallel world?"

Cheng Mo took a deep breath, "Sister Nan, I have actually faced the same problem as you."

Shen Daoyi thought that Cheng Mo would say that he was facing death due to a heart attack. She looked at Cheng Mo with pity, raised her hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead, "It's okay, it's all over, my little Mo Mo will live a hundred years"

Cheng Mo shook his head, and said lightly: "I also once wondered who was me."

"Huh?" Shen Daoyi looked at Cheng Mo in surprise, Cheng Mo's words sounded a little strange to her.

Cheng Mo suddenly changed the subject again: "Although I'm not strong enough to stop time, it's still easy to stop the Ferris wheel."

Shen Daoyi really didn't understand why Cheng Mo's words jumped like this, but her thinking was still following Cheng Mo, thinking that Cheng Mo was going to do some magic trick or tell some jokes, so she smiled and cooperated: "That's good! You let me Stop the ferris wheel!"

"Teacher, no matter what happens later, don't be surprised, and don't be afraid." Said Wanwanmo let go of Shen Daoyi's hand, sat on the sofa, and activated the carrier in the control room.

Shen Daoyi didn't understand what Cheng Mo said at all. She only saw Cheng Mo raised his wrist and closed his eyes. After a while, there was a "squeak" friction sound from the axle, and the Ferris wheel gradually slowed down. After a while, the car standing on the top swayed a little, and the Ferris wheel really stopped, putting them at the highest point.

As soon as Shen Dao turned her head to look out the window, the night and the overwhelming lights had completely stopped, as if time had also frozen at this moment, she opened her mouth slightly involuntarily, and immediately turned her head to look at Cheng Mo who was lying on the sofa, He asked incredulously, "How did you do that?"

However, Cheng Mo didn't answer her. Shen Daoyi bent down and gently pushed Cheng Mo down. Cheng Mo still didn't move. Even though Cheng Mo told her not to be afraid, Shen Daoyi was still frightened. He hurriedly went to check Cheng Mo's breath, and found that his breath was very steady, so he relaxed a little.

"Don't scare me! Cheng Mo!" Shen Daoyi possessed his body and pushed Cheng Mo a little harder, but Cheng Mo still didn't move at all. This made Shen Daoyi's uneasiness turn into anxiety, and he immediately turned around and put it on the sofa On the mobile phone, want to call the police.

At this moment, another voice sounded from behind her, "Sister Nan."

Shen Dao turned around subconsciously, and saw a familiar handsome face, but Shen Dao turned pale from being frightened as if seeing a ghost, and blurted out: "Lin Zhinuo"

Cheng Mo nodded. Just as he was about to explain, he saw Shen Dao looking out of the window, and then at the tightly closed cabin door. His body trembled slightly, and he quickly sat next to his body while grabbing the phone, blocking the door. He asked with a straight face in front of his body, "How did you get here? What are you going to do?"

Cheng Mo was a little moved. Standing at the door of the car, he saw Shen Daoyi still taking something out of his satchel, probably some kind of self-defense device, and said calmly: "Sister Nan, I said that no matter what happens, , don’t be surprised that I am Lin Zhinuo, but I am also Cheng Mo, that’s why I wonder which one is me.”

Shen Daoyi's movements froze for a moment. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Cheng Mo shaking her head in shock. Seeing that Cheng Mo didn't move, she closed her eyelids and said to herself, "I just have something to do." Dual personality, no schizophrenia, how can such unbelievable hallucinations come about, it's so funny!"

Shen Dao closed his eyes and laughed self-mockingly, then opened his eyes and saw Cheng Mo was still there, his expression became bewildered.

Cheng Mo said sincerely: "Sister Nan, I am really Cheng Mo. What you see in front of you is my carrier. In layman's terms, Lin Zhinuo is my avatar. Didn't you ever suspect that I have something to do with Lin Zhinuo? I I don't know why you are suspicious, but you must have discovered something, and now you should know the relationship between me and Lin Zhinuo!"

After a pause, Cheng Mo said: "I am Lin Zhinuo, Lin Zhinuo is me"

Shen Dao was taken aback for a moment, frowned and looked at him repeatedly, while Cheng Mo remained completely still and let Shen Dao observe.

After a while, Shen Dao covered his face with his hands, "Oh my God, what kind of plot is this? I know you are related, but this relationship is too outrageous, right? Let me be quiet and let me think about it. "

Cheng Mo nodded, and stood by the door of the car, not approaching Shen Daoyi.

After a while, Cheng Mo said again: "I know this is hard to accept, but I want to tell the teacher that the real world may not be what you imagined, and the magic of the universe is not what humans can explain at present. !"

"No, no, no! I have now accepted the fact that you are Lin Zhinuo. In retrospect, there are indeed many, many doubts. No wonder Gao Yuemei said that you are a good fortune teller, and you can calculate everything accurately; no wonder you even Xiaoxi's Hobbies and hobbies are so clear; no wonder you killed Liu Dongqiang, and helped her burn all the arrears of the contract, and your idea of ​​how to deal with it afterward was just right; no wonder you disappeared and Lin Zhinuo disappeared; no wonder you I don’t want to go to Xiaomei’s for a physical examination. It’s because of these things that I suspect that you and Lin Zhinuo are related. At that time, I thought it was too abnormal, but I couldn’t figure out what the relationship between you two is, but now you two are With one person, all doubts can be easily solved.”

After a short pause, Shen Daoyi continued: "What I can't accept now is that I actually fell in love with the same person as my best friend! My God! What kind of terrible plot is this?"

Cheng Mo thought: Women really pay different attention. If the teacher knows that I have also chased after my sister-in-law Bai Xiuxiu who is a college doctor, will he collapse?This kind of thought made Cheng Mo's heart tighten, and he couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "It wasn't my intention to deceive the college doctor, and I can't do anything about it, this is an order."

Shen Daoyi looked at Lin Zhinuo in front of him again, and said distressedly: "But how do you want me to face Xiaomei? And I can't accept you!!"

"Sister Nan, first of all, I should never appear in front of the college doctor again, you don't need to worry about it; secondly, this is the problem I said at the beginning, this is just my carrier, not me, the college doctor likes it It's just my carrier, not me, you don't need to mind at all! In fact, I was confused for a while, you may not understand that the carrier is not only handsome, but also a very powerful weapon. When I When you become a carrier, you will have a feeling that you are omnipotent and can even control the world. This feeling is very charming. It is easy for people to indulge in it, and many times you will even forget your original identity. Especially My own body still has heart disease, this huge gap made me hate to change back to myself, and even thought that it would be good if I completely turned into Lin Zhinuo.”

"But I understand that this me is not the real me. It is just a powerful tool. I can lose him but not myself. It is I who control him, not him who controls my emotions. In the illusion of not being able to, I will be swallowed by stronger desires. I must stick to my heart. I know that our two situations are not the same, but you can learn from it. I think even if Sister Xi knows your existence, you will not There is really no need to be afraid that it will disappear!"

"Oh! Then did you honestly tell me what you did with Gao Yuemei?" Shen Daoyi stood up and asked aggressively.

Cheng Mo was confused, didn't he use himself as an example to ask Shen Daoyi not to be afraid?Why did it become Shen Daoyi interrogating his relationship with Gao Yuemei?Cheng Mo said quickly: "This is not the point."

As soon as Shen Dao interrupted Cheng Mo, she stared at Cheng Mo coldly and said, "Why isn't that the point? It would be too abominable if you cheated on a woman with your avatar!"

Cheng Mo was a little speechless, "Does Sister Nan think I'm that kind of person? I slept in the same bed with you that night, and you're all like that. I can do something, didn't I do nothing?"

As soon as Shen Dao heard Cheng Mo say this, his face that had already returned to normal turned red again, and she said with a "hum", "You are honest."

Cheng Mo felt that he seemed to have done something wrong, and he said helplessly: "I really didn't do anything to the college doctor, I let you see Lin Zhinuo and you didn't feel that I was wrong in this respect, and I also wanted to Let me tell you, what I told you this afternoon is not consolation. Although it sounds crazy, the reality is that in the eyes of physicists, parallel spaces are entirely possible. In fact, there are more than one kind of parallel space. There are about nine types. For example, there are as many as 10 to the 500th power of high-dimensional space forms in string theory, which may produce the same number of multiverses, and the sum of all elementary particles in our universe is only 10 to the 90th power. .inflation parallel universe”

Cheng Mo roughly introduced eight theories of parallel universes, and finally talked about the most critical quantum parallel universe, "The ninth is the most mainstream quantum parallel universe at present. We often refer to a word 'Schrödinger's cat', I think This Mr. Shen must have heard of it. Although this experiment has flaws, it has popularized a concept called 'superposition state'." (About "Schrödinger's cat" most people know it, if you don't know it, you can Baidu it)
Cheng Mo and Shen Daoyi explained in detail the scientific principles of the quantum parallel universe, and explained why time has no direction, and it can even be said to be the scientific basis for why time does not exist. [Theoretical basis for the non-existence of time: Copenhagen theory, which was proposed by Einstein's colleague John Wheeler in 1979 and proved experimentally by Carroll O Alley of the University of Maryland in 1984 (electronic delay choice experiment)】

Although Shen Daoyi listened carefully and asked some questions, as a liberal arts student, he obviously still doesn't believe in such things as parallel spaces. As for "time does not exist", Cheng Moyi explained that Shen Daoyi can fully accept it. .

Cheng Mo also saw that Shen Dao didn't agree with the pair of parallel spaces, so he said, "Sister Nan, now I'll let you experience the magical power of quantum theory."

"The magical power of quantum theory?" Shen Daoyi asked suspiciously.

Cheng Mo nodded, "That's my ability to teleport here just now."

"How do you feel?" Shen Dao asked.

Cheng Mo stretched out his hand and said, "Come here, let me hold you"

"No, don't try to take advantage of me." Shen Daoyi said coldly. Her cold words were full of anger. The reason why she was so angry was that Shen Daoyi couldn't accept that Lin Zhinuo was still with Gao Yue in name. Beauty had this together.

"Didn't you hold her for so long just now?" Cheng Mo said inexplicably.

Shen Daoyi snorted: "Cheng Mo is Cheng Mo, you are you!"

"We are one."

"I don't think so, so don't touch me."

"Didn't you hug me last time at the hotel?"

"Last time I was forced to! Not today!" Shen Daoyi sneered.

Cheng Mo couldn't understand why Shen Daoyi treated him so badly, he was a little speechless, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Then let me hold your shoulder."

Shen Daoyi stared at Cheng Mo viciously and said, "I warn you not to make any foolish plans!"

"I'm really Cheng Mo." Cheng Mo stroked his forehead feeling helpless, he felt that Shen Daoyi hadn't accepted this fact at all,
Sure enough, Shen Dao replied: "I know, but I still can't accept it now, you have to give me some time to digest."

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay! Then do you want to feel teleportation?"

Shen Daoyi said without hesitation: "Yes, but you can only grab my shoulder, and you are not allowed to touch my other parts."

Cheng Mo nodded, and Shen Daoyi stood up from the sofa, walked in front of Cheng Mo, Cheng Mo put his hands on Shen Daoyi's shoulders, and said lightly, "Teacher, don't be afraid."

Shen Daoyi rolled his eyes and said: "Ghost." However, before the word "fear" was said, Shen Daoyi was speechless, because she found that she had appeared in a void, and the city was overwhelming. The lights in the house became extremely small, the orange street lights criss-crossed like lines of fire, the Xiangjiang River, which was invisible on the Ferris wheel, flowed under her feet, and the world that was so quiet just now became only the sound of violent wind.

She began to fall rapidly.

Shen Daoyi wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound, breathing became extremely difficult, the feeling of weightlessness made her feel that her body didn't exist at all, only the sound of the wind was ringing in her ears, Shen Daoyi forgot everything, only one thought in her mind : "It's over, it's over, this time it's dead."

Shen Daoyi tightly closed his eyes, and subconsciously hugged Cheng Mo who was right in front of her.

"Teacher, don't be afraid." Cheng Mo said loudly in Shen Daoyi's ear, he has long been used to this kind of free fall.

Hearing Cheng Mo's voice, Shen Daoyi opened his eyes and found that he had been hugged by Princess Cheng Mo in the air. At this moment, Shen Daoyi seemed to feel unprecedented freedom, fear turned into excitement, but this kind of The excitement only existed for a short dozen or 20 seconds. As the building under her feet became bigger and bigger, Cheng Mo seemed to have exerted some magical power, and the speed of her descent began to slow down. Soon she followed Cheng Mo and landed heavily on the ground. After falling to the ground, Shen Dao felt a sense of dizziness hit his head, and suddenly his head sank, and the liquid in his stomach surged up
Cheng Mo put Shen Daoyi down, and then asked with concern: "Can you stand firm?"

Shen Dao grabbed Cheng Mo's shoulder and shook it twice as if drunk, but soon she stood still, looked around, and there was a huge Ferris wheel standing silently beside her, the lights were still shining, but But it didn't rotate, and he just flew down from above, no, it was much higher than the sky, at this moment Shen Dao recalled that he had no fear, only the excitement of being able to fly freely.

But the excitement didn't last long, and soon another emotion took control of her. Shen Dao turned around and stared at Cheng Mo and asked, "What's going on?"

Cheng Mo said calmly: "I told you, this is a skill derived from quantum entanglement - teleportation."

Shen Daoyi sneered, "Is this what I'm talking about? I told you not to touch my other places!"

Cheng Mo thought dumbly: "Obviously you hugged me on your own initiative."

The more Shen Dao looked at the handsome "Lin Zhinuo", the more angry he became, and he slapped him with a slap, but the carrier's reaction was too fast, Cheng Mo jumped back lightly, and his body had already left Shen Dao. Far away, let Shen Dao wave it to nothing.

Cheng Mo didn't expect that Shen Dao would turn his back as soon as he said it, and said with some surprise: "Sister Nan, can't you? I just want to let you understand that this world is not what you imagined, and I don't mean to take advantage of you. "

Shen Daoyi gritted his teeth and said, "Can I not hit you? Thinking that you have seen me all the time, but you just said it today, I'm going to be so angry!" After watching it too, Shen Dao was so angry that he wanted to die.

Cheng Mo was speechless, he couldn't keep up with Shen Dao's bouncing thinking, and finally understood that the micro-expression is awesome and can't guess a woman's heart. Thinking that it was really rude last time, he could only say apologetically: " I'm sorry, Sister Nan, I really didn't mean it, and I didn't see anything."

Shen Daoyi sneered and said, "Didn't see anything???? I remember you recorded a video to threaten me? Even recorded the video, you still have the face to say you didn't see anything?"

Cheng Mo was silent, he began to regret why he had to reveal his identity, now he could only run away first, and quickly said: "I'll get my own body off first." After saying that, Mo Fei also ran away.

Shen Daoyi couldn't catch Cheng Mo's movements at all. When he saw Cheng Mo, he disappeared in front of his eyes for no reason. He rubbed his temples with both hands. Everything that happened today is too much information for her. She has not yet Can digest, at this time only feel brain pain.After rubbing his temples a few times, Shen Daoyi looked up at the Ferris wheel again, but it still didn't move.Then she turned her head and looked around. There was no one there, and it was very quiet. The control room was pitch black, and the elevator entrance was dark, with no light at all.

As soon as Shen Dao wondered if he had a dream, she raised her hand and slapped herself in the face, and there was a clear "slap" in the quiet air. As soon as Shen Dao felt the pain on his cheek, he heard Into Cheng Mo's voice, "Sister Nan, you are not dreaming."

As soon as Shen Dao turned his head, he saw Cheng Mo coming out from the side of the control room. Seeing that it was the same Cheng Mo, he immediately became embarrassed, and his fair cheeks were stained a little red.But another kind of emotion controlled her, making her involuntarily walk up to Cheng Mo, hugged him and said, "That's great, you are still my little Mo Mo, can you try not to become that annoying person in the future?" Lin Zhinuo, I don't like him."

Cheng Mo didn't expect Shen Daoyi to change his face so quickly. Just now he looked fierce when facing the carrier, but when he saw the main body, he immediately turned into a docile little cat. Cheng Mo didn't know what Shen Daoyi was thinking, he There is really no way to see through Shen Daoyi, the anger towards his carrier just now is true, and the tenderness towards himself now is also true.

Cheng Mo only felt that Shen Daoyi's hug made Cheng Mo a little suffocated. He patted Shen Daoyi's back and said softly, "Teacher, let's go! It's already four o'clock, it's getting late, and you have to go to work tomorrow."

Shen Daoyi gave an obedient "um" and let go of his embrace, but immediately held Cheng Mo's hand tightly, as if he was afraid that he would disappear.

The two walked towards the elevator, went downstairs smoothly, stopped the car at the side of the road and went back to the apartment building. Cheng Mo wanted to sit in the front, but Shen Daoyi dragged Cheng Mo to the back seat to sit with her.

Along the way, Shen Daoyi didn't even ask a single question about the carrier, but only asked about the relationship between "Lin Zhinuo and Gao Yuemei". Cheng Mo couldn't help feeling that he was really a shining pearl cast in the dark. In the eyes of Mr. Shen, the carrier Sadly, it became a tool for picking up girls.

But on the other hand, she feels relieved to think about Cheng Mo, because Shen Dao doesn't care about other things at all, she only cares about him, only cares that he is Cheng Mo, no matter how powerful the carrier is, she doesn't care about it, and even thinks that Cheng Mo doesn't want to have it Such a magical power is good.

There is no traffic jam in Star City at night, and the rental soon arrived at Hexi's apartment building. When leaving at the door of Teacher Shen's house, Shen Daoyi was still holding the doorknob, stretched out his slender legs, and licked his lower lip seductively: " Little Momo, do you want to sleep with the teacher tonight? The teacher will definitely teach you how to be a man!"

Cheng Mo said blankly: "No, I don't want Teacher Shen to collapse when he sees me tomorrow morning."

Shen Daoyi pursed his lips and let out a "hum", Cheng Mo ignored it, and just about to leave, Shen Daoyi grabbed his arm and pressed him against the door frame for a while to strengthen the kiss.

Cheng Mo couldn't bear to reject Shen Daoyi too much, so he had to be "ravaged" by Shen Daoyi for a while before returning to the base.

The next morning, Cheng Mo heard a knock on the door. Cheng Mo went to open the door suspiciously, but standing at the door was Teacher Shen in a professional suit, and there were faint dark circles around her eyes.

"Why didn't you turn it on?" Mr. Shen scolded.

Cheng Mo found out that it was Shen Daoyi as soon as he heard the tone, and said: "There are too many harassing calls, so I didn't turn on the phone."

Shen Daoyi grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and said, "The situation is a bit wrong today. I woke up this morning, but Xiao Xi didn't show up."

Seeing Shen Daoyi's puzzled expression, Cheng Mo pulled Shen Daoyi into the door, "What's going on?"

"Generally speaking, Xiaoxi will take over my body as long as I take a nap, but I woke up from five o'clock yesterday, and Xiaoxi still hasn't come out." Shen Daoyi said.

Cheng Mo frowned, and said lightly: "Miss Nan, don't be in a hurry, it's time to go to work soon, or you can ask for leave, continue to sleep for a while, and talk about it when you get better."

Shen Dao took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, "I have a meeting today, I'd better go to work!" After finishing speaking, Shen Dao turned around and went out. Just as she stepped out, she shrank back again and said to Cheng Mo, " Don't turn off your phone, I will contact you anytime."

"I'll give you another mobile phone number." Cheng Mo said.

Shen Daoyi let out a "hmm", and without thinking too much, he saved another phone number given by Cheng Mo, and his name was saved as Cheng Mo 2.After saving the number, Shen Dao kissed Cheng Mo and left in a hurry.

At noon, Shen Daoyi and Cheng Mo sent the first message, "It's really a bit wrong. I've slept in the office after the meeting and Xiaoxi hasn't come out yet. I've never been like this before."

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said: "Then don't go to class in the afternoon, go home and rest, get your sleep back first, and I'll go to the hospital in the afternoon to ask what's going on."

Shen Dao replied "Okay" and asked Cheng Mo if he wanted to bring him food. She was going to bring a boxed lunch back from outside.

Cheng Mo said no, at this moment he felt that the situation might be a bit serious, because he knew that Mr. Shen rarely ate outside boxed lunches, firstly, the oil and salt were too heavy and unhealthy; secondly, the taste was not as good as her own.

This shows that Shen Daoyi is building a more complete personality to completely separate himself from Shen Youyi.

After Shen Dao had a rest in the afternoon, Cheng Mo personally went to three mental hospitals in Star City to consult about "self-identification disorder".

Because there are quite few cases of this type, the doctors do not have much contact with them, and even if they do, the actual condition of each person is different, and the condition will be different. The doctors always persuade him to bring the patient for treatment, and even Hinting that Cheng Mo should not hide his illness from the doctor, it is obvious that the doctors think Cheng Mo is the patient.

After sorting out the consultation this afternoon, Cheng Mo confirmed some situations. In most cases, the main personality is the original personality and does not know the existence of any clone.Relatively speaking, it is very common for clones to understand the existence of multiple personalities.

And these personalities have a wide range of awareness of each other's existence, some are completely aware of it, and some are not at all.For example, Personality A knows everything that Personality B does, but Personality B doesn't know anything about A's actions, or even that A exists.This is the case with Mr. Shen.

Only personalities who know each other can share common memories, just like Shen Daoyi knows Shen Youyi, so Shen Daoyi knows Shen Youyi's memory, but Shen Youyi doesn't know Shen Daoyi, so she can't share Shen Daoyi's memory, only when they After knowing each other, we can share memories.

In addition, Cheng Mo also learned that there are often complex relationships between personalities, which eventually constitute a DID patient's personality system (HealthyPlace, NDKluft, 1996).Different personalities have to switch when they are in charge of the body alternately.This conversion is often triggered by the external environment, and the time required may be an instant, a few minutes, or several days.If the switching time is very short, the two personalities may not know each other, and DID patients will have obvious amnesia, not knowing why they are in this place, nor what they did just now.If the two personalities conflict during the switch, patients often exhibit borderline personality disorder-like behavior.

In multiple personality, the personality that the patient grows initially is called the original personality, and the main personality that controls the body for a long time is not necessarily the original personality is the main personality. If the sub-personality grows strong enough, it can replace the main personality, and even make the The main character disappeared.
Cheng Mo asked how the sub-personality grew and became stronger, and the doctor told him after paying expensive medical expenses that the more the sub-personality interacts with the outside world and the deeper the bond with the outside world, the stronger it can grow.

Only then did Cheng Mo realize that he was the key to making Shen Daoyi stronger.

Cheng Mo asked the doctor what to do when faced with this situation. The doctor told Cheng Mo that generally the treatment process includes three stages: stabilization, trauma coping, and integration.

Most people are only able to find ways to control their alternate personalities to what they consider healthy, which, if handled properly, can also help them cope with life's difficulties and traumatic memories, allowing them to live with multiple identities.

In fact, Teacher Shen was in this situation before that, Shen Daoyi came out to help Shen Youyi deal with the pain and danger, if Shen Daoyi's plan was not too extreme, they would be able to live a good life.

The appearance of Cheng Mo destroyed Shen Daoyi's plan, and also made the two personalities break away from a more peaceful mode of getting along.

Then the doctor regretfully told Cheng Mo that although many patients hope to integrate all the alternate personalities into a healthy personality, it is very, very difficult and almost impossible to succeed.

Hearing what the doctor said, Cheng Mo felt relieved, thinking that this was not bad.

Before leaving, the doctor told Cheng Mo that in a situation like what he said, the first thing to do is to stabilize the condition, which is to let one personality recognize the existence of another personality
Cheng Mo did the right thing, but Cheng Mo didn't know that because Shen Daoyi fell in love with him for a while, he developed a sense of mastery, which led to a sudden change in the situation. It is very likely that Shen Youyi, not Shen Dao, will disappear now. One, this also makes Cheng Mo's head big.

After returning to the base, Cheng Mo was quietly waiting for Teacher Shen to wake up. He hoped that Shen Youyi would be the dominant body this time, but to Cheng Mo's disappointment, he received a text message at eight o'clock, and it was still Shen Daoyi who woke up.
Cheng Mo walked out of the base and knocked on the door of Teacher Shen's house. Shen Daoyi, who was wearing pajamas, quickly opened the door with Cheng Mo.


Although Cheng Mo was a little worried, he was also agitated by the seduction of Shen Daoyi's outfit, and what Cheng Mo couldn't bear was that Shen Daoyi pounced on him as soon as he entered the door.

Although Cheng Mo's body had already had a strong reaction, he couldn't do anything. He didn't want Shen Daoyi's personality to become stronger and the oppressive Shen Youyi's personality to perish because of his actions.

Cheng Mo hugged Shen Daoyi to the sofa with a serious face, and noticed that the room was a bit messy. The clothes Mr. Shen wore yesterday were still thrown on the sofa indiscriminately. It was not as tidy as usual. Cheng Mo said sincerely: "Sister Nan, the situation is not very good now. We are not suitable for this. I have already asked the doctor this afternoon. The most urgent thing is that we must let Sister Xi show up and let her know your existence. Otherwise, the condition will worsen and it will be bad. If you are cured, you must go to the hospital, I don’t want you to go to a mental hospital.”

Cheng Mo didn't tell the real situation, didn't tell Shen Daoyi that Shen Youyi might even die, he was afraid that Shen Daoyi wouldn't cooperate with the treatment, but as soon as Cheng Mo said it, he knew it was bad, because he saw Shen Daoyi's eyes flickering After a while, the originally joyful and happy expression gradually cooled down.

Shen Dao, who was still hugging Cheng Mo's arm just now, curled up beside Cheng Mo like a cat, kept getting up, distanced himself from him, and said coldly: "You are afraid that I won't let Xiao Xi out, so you didn't tell the truth. Bar?"

Cheng Mo knew that he must not hesitate at this moment, let alone keep silent. This would only make the gap deeper and deeper, and he must be decisive when lying, so he quickly explained in a low voice: "Sister Nan, I'm really not afraid that you won't let Sister Xi come out. , I just don't want you to feel pressured by it."

Shen Dao sneered.

Cheng Mo turned around, sat horizontally on the sofa, turned Shen Daoyi's body around, grabbed her arm and faced him, he looked sincerely into Shen Daoyi's eyes and said, "Sister Nan, I really didn't mean to hide it. Yours, it’s pointless for me to hide it from you! Sooner or later, sister Xi will come out, right? Treatment is a long process, and you can’t control it all at once. Xi’s personality completely occupies the body, right?”

Shen Dao turned his head and did not meet Cheng Mo's eyes with a cold face.

Cheng Mo turned his head and said seriously: "And I also know that Sister Nan is not the kind of person who abandons Sister Xi. If you were that kind of person, you would have forgiven your father long ago, and you would have forgotten Luo Jiayi long ago, let alone He will treat me so well. If Sister Nan doesn't value feelings, she won't be Sister Nan."

As soon as Shen Dao heard what Cheng Mo said, his expression softened a little. Seeing this, Cheng Mo immediately moved forward, pulled Shen Dao into his arms, kissed Shen Dao's eyes lightly, and said in a low voice : "I asked the doctor this afternoon, you don't have to disappear, as long as you and Sister Xi understand each other and coordinate the way of switching personalities, you can coexist harmoniously. It's true that most patients with multiple personalities live like this of."

As Cheng Mo said, he raised his right hand, "Sister Nan, I swear, the doctor really said so, if I lie to you, I'll be right when I go out."

As soon as Shen Dao heard what Cheng Mo said, he immediately raised his hand to cover Cheng Mo's mouth, and said softly: "Don't say such unlucky words."

Cheng Mo was moved and ashamed in his heart, he took Shen Daoyi's hand away, and said with a pious face: "Sister Nan, it doesn't matter, I really hope that you and Sister Xi can be well, I I swear on my father's name! If I don't think so, we father and son will die in any parallel dimension, and we will never be reborn forever."

Seeing Cheng Mo's serious swearing, Shen Dao laughed, and stuck to Cheng Mo's body again, hugging Cheng Mo's neck and said: "If you want to never be reincarnated, I will follow you forever!"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "How is it possible? I didn't tell a lie, so I won't be reborn forever. I will live a good life with Sister Nan and Sister Xi."

Shen Dao smiled sweetly, then raised his head and kissed Cheng Mo, and the two were intimate for a while, before Cheng Mo said seriously: "Sister Nan, but I don't want Sister Xi to live in fear like you, we still have to hurry up." Let’s just sort this out.”

Shen Dao nodded, and said eagerly: "Then what should I do, I'm actually quite worried about Xiao Xi, but I really don't know how to get her out."

Cheng Mo embraced Wenxiang and Nephrite, but still felt a little uncomfortable, he pushed Shen Daoyi away a little bit, blushed, and said helplessly: "Sister Nan, you should change your clothes first, let's discuss it carefully! Otherwise, something will happen.”

Shen Daoyi smiled slyly and murmured: "An accident will happen! It doesn't matter, Sister Nan won't blame you."

Cheng Mo shook his head, "Sister Xi's consent must be obtained for this matter. If Sister Xi does not agree, I have no way to do anything to Sister Nan."

Shen Dao said with a smile: "Fool! Do you think that if Sister Xi doesn't like you, Sister Nan will like you? The two of us influence each other. Although it seems that our personalities and hobbies are opposite, in fact, these are all her thoughts. Things to do but not dare to do. Sing some vulgar songs, ... ride a motorcycle in a tight leather jacket, and take revenge on those who hurt Luo Jiayi."

After a pause, Shen Dao stroked Cheng Mo's cheek and said, "Including liking you, these are all her wishes!"

When Shen Daoyi said so, Cheng Mo vaguely felt why Shen Youyi didn't come out. It turned out that she was not happy when she appeared as Shen Daoyi.Negative emotions of guilt, repentance, pain, and revenge surround Shen Daoyi. Although these emotions are necessary, she will subconsciously reject them, so Shen Youyi's personality has always been strongly dominant.

But yesterday Shen Daoyi completely let go of the pain, and felt the sweetness of love, so Shen Daoyi's life has been happier since then.Especially if Shen Youyi also likes him, then as long as Shen Dao exists, he will be much happier.So why does Shen Youyi need to come out?

But knowing the reason is useless, how to get Shen Youyi to come out is the key.

Seeing that Cheng Mo didn't speak, Shen Dao put down his hand stroking Cheng Mo's cheek, and said angrily, "Do you think I'll still lie to you?"

Cheng Mo came back to his senses, looked at Shen Daoyi and said, "No. I know that Sister Xi likes me, but I think Sister Xi's liking for me is not necessarily the kind of liking that Sister Nan thinks."

Shen Daoyi smiled "hehe" and said, "Do you know her or I know her? How about you come into my room and have a look?"

"Look at what?"

Shen Dao stood up, grabbed Cheng Mo's hand and pulled him up from the sofa, and dragged Cheng Mo to the bedroom. The two of them walked to the door of the bedroom. When Shen Dao opened the door, Teacher Shen's bedroom was open. Exposure to Cheng Mo's sight.

Teacher Shen’s bedroom is very simple, with a white dresser and a desk, a laptop is placed on the desk, two white wardrobes, a gray double bed and a black carpet, and a row of books neatly stacked on the head of the desk , There is a huge oil painting on the head of the bed.

That painting is suddenly the back photo taken by Yang Caixuan. He and his teacher are walking side by side in Changya's campus, with green sycamore trees on both sides, and the sunlight shines on the two of them through the gaps in the leaves.

"I didn't draw this. If you don't believe me, you can see the signature below." Shen Daoyi said.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "That doesn't explain anything."

Seeing that Cheng Mo was still unwilling to admit it, Shen Daoyi sneered and said, "Ha ha! Then she will know me by then, and I will let her tell you herself!"

Of course Cheng Mo felt Shen Youyi's unique emotions, but he still hoped that this was not love. For Cheng Mo, the validity period of love is too short, and it is not as stable as family affection, so he shook his head and said: "Let's not discuss it for now." Well, when Sister Nan and Sister Xi are here, why can they easily switch you out?"

Shen Daoyi leaned against the door frame and said, "It's not easy. In fact, I only come out when she encounters danger and is stimulated."

"Does that mean that when sister Nan is stimulated, sister Xi will also come out?"

"The problem is that nothing can stimulate me! It's like doing a free fall in the sky yesterday and I didn't feel particularly scared, but rather excited."

Cheng Mo frowned and asked, "Isn't Sister Nan afraid of anything? Like mice, cockroaches, ghost films or something else?"

Shen Dao shook his head, "No. Xiaoxi is not afraid of these things, how could I be afraid?"

Cheng Mo thought for a while and said, "I asked the doctor today, and the doctor said that being drunk can also cause personality switching. Have you ever come out because of being drunk?"

Shen Dao recalled it with a serious expression and said: "Xiaoxi seems to have rarely been drunk, but you can try."

Cheng Mo said: "Then let's try it today, Sister Nan, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, I'll order some barbecue and then go down to buy some beer."

Shen Daoyi smiled "hee hee" and said, "I sent you a message just after waking up. Of course I didn't eat. I just happened to be a little hungry. I can eat very much. You can order more."

Cheng Mo said "Oh", and took out his mobile phone to place an order for takeaway, Shen Daoyi said again: "I'm too full of beer, you go down and buy a few bottles of Erguotou directly!"


Two and a half hours later, Cheng Mo activated the carrier before he passed out, incarnated as Lin Zhinuo, standing beside the drunk and unconscious himself and Shen Daoyi, Cheng Mo watched himself being embraced by Shen Daoyi, On the sofa, I couldn't see it, bent down and wanted to pull my body out of Shen Daoyi's arms, but Shen Daoyi hugged the body very tightly, Cheng Mo pulled twice, Shen Daoyi turned sideways Sitting down, he pressed his body against the back of the sofa, and then completely "protected" his body.

Cheng Mo had no choice but to go with Shen Dao, the night was long, and he didn't know when Shen Dao would wake up, or if he would switch to Shen Youyi, Cheng Mo could only find a book to pass the time, he went to the living room It occupied the bookshelf on the front wall, glanced over, and landed on the door of Teacher Shen's boudoir.

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards Teacher Shen's room, gently opened the door, there was no light in the bedroom, only the bright moonlight poured in from the window, the transparent window screen blown by the summer night wind floated, lightly Touching the light gray sheets.

Cheng Mo walked to Mr. Shen's bed. He stood in front of the painting and stared at it for a long time. The room was silent, only the faint scent of jasmine floating in the hot air. Cheng Mo walked slowly to the side of the painting. , I saw by the moonlight that there was indeed a line of scribbled signatures in the lower right corner. There was no doubt that this was Shen Youyi's name. Cheng Mo was very familiar with it.

He has also painted oil paintings by himself in the past two years, and his sense of touch as a carrier is particularly keen. He immediately felt that the canvas seemed a little too uneven. Cheng Mo raised a corner of the frame suspiciously, and stared at it. The back of the canvas is densely packed. There are countless petty lowercase letters written on it.

These words are not randomly painted on the back of the oil painting, but are neatly displayed on the canvas. The understatement is very neat, just like Buddhist scriptures, but it is extremely strange when viewed under the not very bright moonlight. Pale loneliness.

The reason why it is weird is because the entire page has no complicated meaning, in fact, there are only two words that are repeated over and over again.

Cheng Mo.

 I recommend "The Lord of the Secret Witches" by the real foolish old man. When the spiritual barrier that lasted for a hundred years was smashed by a mysterious meteor, the lost aura began to recover, and the mysterious side gradually recovered. Magic, witchcraft, curses, extraordinary creatures, mysterious legends, A demon god from a foreign land... The old order collapsed with a bang, but the new order was chaotic and confused.

  When this unprecedented change was approaching, Tang Qi woke up, and he found that he had turned into a low-grade pain devil and was hung on a cross... ps1: This article is similar to the background of modern America, with an urban mysterious side style


(End of this chapter)

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