Rebel Demon King

489. Description

Regarding the previous chapter "The Reptiles of Eden", please contact the second volume Chapter 11 "Mysteries of Sumer" and "Freemasonry" to read.

I won't spoil the specifics.

Although the positioning of this book is soft science fiction, it has an extremely solid theoretical foundation. Although some theories are currently unprovable or unfalsifiable hypotheses, such hypotheses are not based on imagination, but are proved by historical relics. Logical reasoning, many theories are put forward by scientists, which may be absurd in the eyes of ordinary people, but the facts often prove that scientists are right.

Therefore, every piece of popular science in this article is related to the underlying logic of this book, which cannot be ignored. In fact, apart from love and growth, this book should be a science fiction novel of suspense and conspiracy theory like "The Da Vinci Code", um !I won't explain any more in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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