Rebel Demon King

Chapter 488 Frankenstein

Chapter 488 Frankenstein


The band in the cafeteria of All Souls College is playing brisk jazz. The name of the song is "(back home again in) indiana", and the players are also a group of students in Oxford black robes. back home again in) indiana" is the song played at the end of each formal dinner at All Souls College, but although it is the same song, the arrangement is improvised every time, so the charm is different.

At this moment, the clear saxophone and the naughty piano danced an emotional jazz piece, and many drunken gentlemen and ladies in evening gowns danced tango and classical jazz between the dining tables.

Britain is the birthplace of social dance and international dance. The earliest dance association organization recognized in the world today, the Royal Society of Teachers of Dance, was established in London in 1904. For nobles, dancing is a compulsory course, so almost everyone Can perform all kinds of dance well.

William Perry Cavendish and Gwen Seymour also stood up, preparing to end this rather pleasant banquet together with the others in the singing and dancing.

"Zhenzhen, Chris's drinking capacity is so bad, have you not woken up yet? This is the last dance, there is no chance if you don't dance!" William, who was blushing, had more obvious freckles on his cheeks, looking Something like Eddie Redmayne with little freckles.

Of course, Feng Zhenzhen also wanted to dance with Yan Funing, but Yan Funing had been lying on the table for more than an hour without moving, and it seemed that there was no sign of waking up, Feng Zhenzhen couldn't bear to disturb Yan Funing's sound sleep, After hesitating for a while, he watched William and Gwen respond: "It's okay, you guys dance! Anyway, I don't know how to dance very much."

William shrugged his shoulders, "Oh! Alright! If I had known I wouldn't have drunk him so much just now, you would have missed such a good opportunity to communicate with Chris."

Feng Zhenzhen liked Yan Funing, Gwen and William knew it well, and this was also the reason she used to impress Gwen to persuade William to help, "Not at all, on the contrary, I have to thank you for helping me so much, let Chris and I feel it The formal dinner of All Souls College, without your help, it might be difficult for the two of us to have such an opportunity."

"Don't be so polite, you and Wenger are good friends, and I have always admired Chris' thesis, which can be regarded as our mutual completion. Let alone, I went dancing with Gwen. However, you have to take Chris Reese was woken up, otherwise I would have to ask the security to carry him out later. I'm really sorry, our college does not allow overnight stays, otherwise it doesn't matter if you let Chris sleep in the cafeteria all night!" William used Said in a joking tone.

"Oh! How could Chris sleep in the cafeteria on such a beautiful night?" Gwen Seymour covered her mouth and winked at Feng Zhenzhen.

Feng Zhenzhen spread her hands, pretending to be helpless and said, "I'll wake him up."

Gwen and William wanted to smile, clasped their hands together, and walked towards the middle of the cafeteria. The table where the tutors had been sitting in the middle had been removed, so the middle was very spacious. At this moment, a group of elegantly dressed people were blurring the lights Dancing with the slightly drunk alcohol, the lively scene and the serious dress created a subtle sense of conflict, but it didn't violate the harmony, and it looked very relaxing accompanied by jazz.

Feng Zhenzhen looked away from Gwen's beautiful back, and pushed Yan Funing, but Yan Funing did not respond, she lowered her head and whispered softly in Yan Funing's ear, "Yan Funing, wake up, the party is coming to an end."

However, Yan Funing didn't move, and Feng Zhenzhen didn't think it was strange. Yan Funing began to whisper to him, "If he is drunk, squeeze him hard, and he will wake up as soon as he feels pain. The general method is that you can't get rid of it." Wake him up."

It seemed that the situation was indeed the case, Feng Zhenzhen didn't think too much, reached out and pinched Yan Funing's arm, because he was distressed, he didn't dare to use much force, but it seemed to have no effect.Maybe it's because she didn't feel anything through the clothes, Feng Zhenzhen thought so, so she stepped up her strength, but to her surprise, Yan Funing didn't raise her head blankly as she thought, and remained lying on the table motionless .

Feng Zhenzhen tried to pinch her arm with the same strength, and she almost cried out in pain, which made Feng Zhenzhen feel a little strange, she quickly poked Yan Funing's waist forcefully, even if she was drunk, facing Such a strong stimulus will give her a little reaction, but the bad thing is that Yan Funing seems to have lost the ability to sense external stimuli.

Feng Zhenzhen immediately became nervous, and hastily stretched her hand under Yan Funing's face buried in the crook of his arm. She was relieved when she found that he was still breathing, and the breath was still very stable. Whether the situation needs to be sent to the hospital for an injection or not is also difficult for Feng Zhenzhen to judge. After all, she has never encountered such a situation, so she can only ask William for help. At least William is often drunk, so he must know how to deal with it.

Feng Zhenzhen looked up at the center of the cafeteria. At this time, the music had come to an end. Everyone stood in place and applauded the band. Feng Zhenzhen quickly waved at Gwen and William, and whispered: "Gwen! William!"

William immediately turned his head and pushed Gwen, so the two walked towards Feng Zhenzhen, and Gwen asked, "Zhenzhen, what happened?"

Feng Zhenzhen said with a wry smile: "It seems that I have encountered the same situation as you, no matter how I try to mess with Chris, I can't wake him up."

"No way! I remember he didn't drink a lot! The four of us only drank five bottles in total, and most of them were drunk by William," Gwen said in surprise.

"That's right! He usually drinks well, but today he might be in a bad state!" Feng Zhenzhen said.

"I'm very experienced in dealing with this kind of situation, let me take a look." William said to Feng Zhenzhen with a smile, but his smile was not as natural as before, and his eyes were all focused on Yan Funing.


The time is pushed back a little, at 2018:10 pm on October 26, 12.

For the vast majority of people, this is an ordinary weekend Friday, whether it is watching soap operas at home, playing games in Internet cafes, or going to electronic music parties or flirting with girls in bars, it is just an extremely ordinary day.

Even the inner world is the same, it will not be much different from the watch world, the Chosen Ones can live as they please, for those who have already obtained Ouroboros, they don't care if the Uroboros is stopped, In fact, the vast majority of chosen people think that this is still a good thing.

Almost all Chosen Ones feel that such a powerful ability should be restricted to a few people.However, the suspension of the distribution of Ouroboros has caused two trends of thought among the Chosen Ones.Some people think that they should come to the stage and officially lead the progress of mankind; while some people think that it is best to follow the current model. When a group beyond human imagination appears, it will definitely cause panic in the human group, and it will be more serious. It is not conducive to the secret manipulation of human evolution by the chosen ones.

No matter what the chosen one thinks, it is essentially for the interests of the chosen one, so this is not an essential difference, but the "God gene" is different, and it may destroy the current world system.

So now the whole world is revolving around the "God Gene", not Ouroboros, which has been fired at a sky-high price on the dark web.

Yan Funing was the one who couldn't help himself in this huge vortex.

When he woke up again, he was already naked and fixed on a cold operating table in the shape of a large character. Above his head were several shadowless lamps like lotus pods hanging from a white spider-shaped suspender. A white light bulb like a lotus seed illuminated his eyes white.

Yan Funing tried to struggle for a while, a current immediately passed from the lock that fixed his limbs, and four huge currents converged to the center of his body. With the sensitivity of the carrier, Yan Funing could even calculate the current density vector. People must have turned into coke at this moment, but for the carrier, the current of tens of thousands of volts is still within the range of tolerance.

But the taste is quite indescribable, as if there is a hot red iron juice flowing in his blood vessels, the more resistance there is, the more obvious the heart-piercing burning sensation, muscles, bones And those nerves twitched accordingly. At this moment, Yan Funing felt that there were four huge magnetic fields pressing towards his heart and brain from all around. At this moment, he could no longer perceive any other sensations. He just kept trembling and felt extremely dizzy. dizzy.
In spite of the pain, Yan Funing remained silent, clenched his trembling teeth forcibly, and directed his thoughts to other directions to relieve the pain. Then he thought of the Thunder King Yang Yongxin, and felt that this bastard could actually treat such a cruel man. Linking the "punishment" with treatment, he is really a scum that deserves to be cut to pieces, but first he has to cut that bastard Hugh Gerald Grosvenor to pieces
The electric shock is just a moment, even though this moment is so long, Yan Funing, who was relieved, closed his eyes and thought about how to take off the shielding ring quietly to complete the comeback.

But the worst thing is that at this moment he felt someone touching his left hand, stroking his ring finger with the Ouroboros ring and the shielding ring. Hugh Gerald Grosvenor.

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor hastily withdrew his right hand, with an expression of indescribable embarrassment, as if he was a little embarrassed to face him, but his eyes were full of enthusiasm and determination.

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor and Yan Funing looked at each other, as if thinking of something, he quickly picked up the folder with a blue cover under the armpit of his left hand, opened it, and put it in the middle of the folder pen began to write.

After a while, he held up the file folder, facing Yan Funing with the written page.

Yan Funing could see what Hugh Gerald Grosvenor wrote without turning his head. After reading the line with no expression on his face, he finally realized what a weird scientist he had met.

"I know you have the props to shield the contact between the carrier and the quantum satellite, but you can rest assured that I am not interested in physics research, so I did not take off your props, I have no malice towards you, please rest assured I don't care who sent you, I don't care about it, the only thing I hope is that you can cooperate with my research."

Enduring the remaining pain in his body, Yan Funing turned his face to Hugh Gerald Grosvenor who was standing by the operating table, and said softly, pretending to be calm: "If you want to use the carrier for experiments, you can use your own Yes? Why me?"

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor put the folder back, held it in front of his chest, and started writing quickly again. After a while, he showed the folder to Yan Funing again.

"When I was engaged in scientific research, I had to spend the most time communicating with the World Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology and the British Bioethics Committee to understand the philosophical roots of their opposition to DNA recombination, and try to compare their opinions with mine. Find a compromise between them. Finally, I realized that there could be no compromise, and as the hope of reaching an agreement was dashed, our mutual disrespect and antipathy grew stronger. There are actually so many countries in the world secretly experimenting with limits, and never had any immediate public harm issues, I don't know what they're insisting on, maybe they're adamant that humans can't be gods, and don't want to waste time discussing broader philosophical issues .”

"So I secretly experimented with my own carrier, but the genes extracted from the carrier can only exist for twelve hours at most, even knocking these gene pieces into human genes or animal genes is meaningless, Before it has any effect, it has disappeared. Everyone should be clear about this, so the stuff you call God's gene is extremely precious. In fact, I have mastered part of the God's gene in long-term research. Secret, and found the Black Death, I hope they will provide me with some human embryos for research, in return, I will share the research results with the Black Death, I did not expect that the Black Death not only provided me with human embryos, but also provided Give me some shadows of the plague. But the bad thing is that my behavior was quickly discovered by the academy"

"So now I have been deprived of the right to use Ouroboros by the academy, and I have been restricted from leaving the academy. If it weren't for the fact that I am Prince George's godfather and have a lot of connections with the royal family, and my academic ability is too outstanding, they would still Need my research, guess I'm a corpse by now. I've actually been hoping someone would find me, preferably someone from the bubonic plague, but it looks like you're not, but I don't care who you are, Now you are the only one who can safely enter here and cooperate with my research. Of course, as a reward, I will not only give you money, but also share the scientific research results with you."

Yan Funing was a little dazed, he turned his gaze to Hugh Gerald Grosvenor, his fair face was covered with sweat, his expression was very cautious, pleading and nervous, he didn't look like someone who had the upper hand at all ,

On the surface, Hugh Gerald Grosvenor belonged to the typical scientific madman. His body was thin, his skin was pale, and he looked thoughtful due to malnutrition, but his eyes shone like stars.Yan Funing also knows a lot of people like Hugh Gerald Grosvenor. They only like to use microscopes to study the world, and they have been lurking in the laboratory for a long time. Except for sleeping and eating, all their time is spent on experiments Room, the only pursuit is to understand the truth of how the world works.

For them, apart from the gift of truth, everything else is meaningless. Things that can cause adrenaline rush, such as love, money, and honor, are just clouds to them. The meaning of life is only to reach the peak of science. where.

Yan Funing didn't know whether this matter was a big benefit or a big harm to him, and he couldn't be sure whether Hugh Gerald Grosvenor could be trusted, but it was always right to agree first, but just agreed like this , it seems a little too unreserved.

So he narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "Can't you talk? Do you have to use paper to write?"

Yan Funing's tone seemed to be that he was the one with the upper hand, but Hugh Gerald Grosvenor didn't mind this, and he didn't speak, but just lowered his head and started writing again.

After more than ten seconds, he held the folder in front of Yan Funing, "I stutter a bit, and I hate talking to others, so please don't force me on this."

"Then let's see how far your research has progressed? What do I need to do with you?" Yan Funing asked.

"If we gain a better understanding of how the underlying sensory nerves exchange data with the brain, it will be possible for us to artificially simulate experiences of all kinds. This possibility puts all of our experience in the realm of possibility. But we The current neurology is still in its infancy, and the reliability of our human body's sensations is still lacking in guarantees. Whether it is vision, touch or taste, it is easy to be deceived, but the function of the carrier is much stronger in this respect. I am currently The direction of research is how to strengthen human genes."

When Yan Funing read this passage, he realized that his carrier should be cut off from his body, which means that even if Feng Zhenzhen wanted to wake him up, he wouldn't be able to feel it. Assuming that William knew that he was also the chosen one, This is even worse.

Yan Funing suppressed the anxiety in his heart, pretending to be very calm and asked: "What time is it?"

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor took back the folder, and showed Yan Funing the Casio electronic watch on his wrist, which showed "8:35:57", and Yan Funing asked, "When does the dinner party in your college usually end?" ?”

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor wrote "8:30" and showed it to Yan Funing. Yan Funing sneered: "If you want me to cooperate with your research for a long time, you must let me return to the original body now, or else If I was found drunk at a dinner party, I would definitely be suspicious."

When Hugh Gerald Grosvenor heard Yan Funing's words, he became a little tangled up, with a painful expression on his face, as if he had a hard time deciding whether to let Yan Funing go or not.

Yan Funing knew that he couldn't procrastinate, so he pretended to be indifferent and said: "Don't worry! Since I came to you, I am naturally interested in you and your research, and I will definitely come here again, not to mention the carrier being researched, and the It’s not that I’m being studied, so what do I have to be afraid of?”

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor picked up the folder again and began to write quickly. Although Yan Funing was annoyed that this weirdo didn't speak at such a critical moment to save time, he could only pretend to be calm and read. With Hugh Gerald Grosvenor writing in a folder.

Soon Hugh Gerald Grosvenor held up the folder in front of Yan Funing, "No, the process of being researched is actually very painful, so I'm a little afraid that you won't be able to bear it."

"The electric shock just now was nothing more than pediatrics. I can't bear any pain." The damage tolerance of the carrier is many times higher than that of the main body. Even if it was the electric shock just now, Yan Funing didn't think it was a big deal, so he really I don't feel like I have anything to be afraid of.

Hugh Gerald Grosvenor did not continue to pick up the folder to write, but turned around and picked up a crystal syringe from a row of syringe racks on the side table, which contained a cloudy red The liquid was boiling, and he didn't care whether Yan Funing agreed or disagreed, so he stabbed the needle directly towards Yan Funing's heart.
(End of this chapter)

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