Rebel Demon King

Chapter 474 The cruelty of language

Chapter 474 The cruelty of language

(Thank you "sp55aa", "令は変形じゃない", "Psychopath 9527" for the rewards, three-in-one update)

Tang Shuisheng frowned and pressed the phone in his hand, stood up from his desk, moved the chair with one hand, and walked towards Shen Youyi.

The slightly noisy office suddenly fell silent. The teachers who were whispering stopped talking, and the teachers who were immersed in correcting homework or preparing lessons also felt strange and raised their heads.

The autumn sun cast brilliant light on the homework and test papers through the blinds, Tang Shuisheng's footsteps resounded in the silent air, until they stopped abruptly beside Shen Youyi.He looked down and saw Shen Youyi lying on the desk with his head buried in his arms as if he was resting. Tang Shuisheng frowned even more. He bent his fingers and knocked on Shen Youyi's desk with his knuckles, shouting in a stern tone : "Xiao Shen."

When Shen Youyi heard someone calling her, she raised her head in a daze. She first looked to the right, but she didn't see anyone, and then turned to the left, only to find Tang Shuisheng standing with her hands behind her back. Only then did Shen Youyi remember that she was in the office Here, maybe she just slept for a while, her mind is not clear yet, she has not remembered that she is at the cusp of public opinion.

Shen Youyi cheered up and asked Tang Shuisheng, "Is Director Tang doing anything?"

Tang Shuisheng was even more annoyed when he saw Shen Youyi's leisurely and nonchalant appearance, and he said earnestly, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen! Are you still unclear about the current situation?"

Shen Youyi froze for a moment, frowned and began to recall, then remembered that someone on the Internet seemed to have put her together with a student in a Changya school uniform, and accused her of being too close to the student. Before she entered the office just now, she heard The teachers were talking about it, and she was in a bad mood at the time, and then Cheng Mo seemed to have said something to him, and she couldn't remember anything after that.

Could it be that he lost his memory for a short time just now?Shen Youyi guessed that she had entered the office by herself, was too tired to correct the homework, and then fell asleep on the table for a while. She had no time to think about it, and quickly explained: "Those photos are PS, I don't know how to ride a motorcycle at all."

Shen Youyi hesitated when she said the latter sentence "I don't know how to ride a motorcycle at all". She remembered the black motorcycle, which she seemed to have seen in the underground parking lot of her apartment building.

Tang Shuisheng said with a serious face: "Now it's not about the photos! A friend from the education bureau of mine called just now and said that your matter has become known all over the Internet, and it's even trending on Weibo. Not only that, but someone wrote a report letter and sent it to the Education Bureau together with the photos. This matter has aroused great attention from the Education Bureau. They decided to send an investigation team to our school this afternoon to visit Mr. Shen. You are in a bit of trouble now."

As soon as Tang Shuisheng's words fell, the whole office fell into a deeper silence, and then there were various sounds of unlocking mobile phones. Several teachers took out their mobile phones and opened Weibo, but in a short while, a female teacher called Said: "It seems to be! The entry of the most beautiful teacher-teacher-student relationship is on the hot search"

Although the tone was restrained as much as possible, there was still a bit of schadenfreude.

"No way? Isn't this spreading too fast? Is someone targeting Mr. Shen?"

"Hey! Hey! I seem to have 'PS' the picture of Mrs. Shen hugging the students wearing our school uniform." The first female teacher who spoke made a fuss and said "PS" with an emphasis on her tone.

So all the teachers stopped what they were doing, took out their mobile phones and began to browse. The expressions of the female teachers were often more exciting, while the male teachers looked at Shen Youyi with sympathy and pity.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, it is definitely not a good thing for Shen Youyi if the Education Bureau intervenes in such a big incident. This is basically treating Shen Youyi as a suspect. If you change to an ordinary teacher with no background, your teaching career will definitely end here, but Teacher Shen’s family still has some energy in Changya, so it is definitely impossible for Shen Youyi to be expelled of.

It's just that it is inevitable for the Shen family to become a talking point. As for how much the Shen family's reputation will be affected, it depends on the investigation results of the Education Bureau.
Shen Youyi did not expect such a big commotion, and even alarmed the Education Bureau, and said in astonishment: "How could it be? This is completely non-existent!"

As the person in charge of the second grade of high school, Tang Shuisheng is more or less responsible. At this moment, he only has the irritability of being dragged down by Shen Youyi, and he is not in the mood to read a joke. He knocked on the table again and criticized in a leadership tone: " Regardless of whether the matter is true or false, you have to think about how to face the investigation team of the Education Bureau. I think your top priority now is to report to the principal as soon as possible, and find your father to see if there is any relationship. Public opinion is suppressed, and if this continues, even if there is nothing wrong, there will be trouble."

Shen Youyi also became nervous, she frantically looked for her mobile phone, at this time she actually forgot where she put the mobile phone just now.

Tang Shuisheng looked at Shen Youyi's innocent face, and felt that he couldn't push too hard. After all, the Shen family still had some status in the education field, so he changed his tone and said earnestly, "I'm talking about Xiao Shen! You usually It’s just too inattentive. I reminded you when you entered the school to keep a distance from the students. You are still too young. You must not be soft-hearted when you treat students, especially when you are young and beautiful. You are more sensitive in this regard. Personality, when you meet some students who lack love in the family, you will have big troubles. They will wrap around you tightly like tree vines tightly around the trunk, making you unable to breathe. Sometimes your original intention is Okay, but it gave the wrong signal to the students. Boys at this age are just when the hormones are strong, and they will have unrealistic ideas. Not long ago, two male students had a fight over a female teacher , Did one of them stab the other to death? Of course, I know Xiao Shen, your family is very strict and it is impossible for such a thing to happen, but you should also pay attention to it."

Tang Shuisheng's earnest and sincere teachings seemed to come from nine days away. Shen Youyi had no time to listen to it. She felt that her mood had reached the bottom. She turned her head and glanced at the white wall on the side of the office where her grandfather was hanging The strong and powerful calligraphy I wrote: "teacher's dignity", I couldn't help but began to wonder if I was really unsuitable to be a teacher
Shen Youyi didn't know how to argue with Tang Shuisheng, so she could only remain silent, and some teachers' comments made her blush and her brain was about to explode. She could fully imagine what kind of foul language would appear on the Internet.

All of a sudden, a male teacher who was combing his hair partly stood up, and said solemnly: "Mr. Shen, do you dare to swear that none of these photos are of you, are they all photoshopped?"

Shen Youyi, who was feeling infinitely wronged with his head down, looked at the male teacher who seemed to have been shocked by a thunderstorm in the entire office, and asked in surprise, "Mr. Huang, what do you mean by that?"

"A blogger analyzed it, and there is no trace of PS in the photos, and now there are not only photos, but also videos on the Internet. Now you know why the trouble is so big, right? Because these evidences are solid." Shen Youyi called Mr. Huang Partially male, it was Huang Ren'an who had an affair with another teacher in the musical instrument room just now.

"No way!" Shen Youyi said in a hurried tone.

"Impossible? It's impossible for the video to be fake, right? If you continue to deny it now, it will only make the school more and more passive." Huang Ren'an raised his voice and reprimanded with an expression of anger and regret.

For Huang Ren'an, he finally had the opportunity to take revenge. Shen Youyi's father, Shen Ping, did protect him back then, and he was indeed kind to him. However, to Huang Ren'an, that kindness was just a memory of humiliation, and he could never forget himself. The appearance of kneeling in front of Shen Ping and weeping bitterly was one of the things he least wanted to think of.

However, the thing that made him hate Shen Ping even more was that Shen Ping would add salt to his wounds later, and use him as the prototype to write about that unbearable past. It was like mounting him on a pillar of shame. He could have forgotten about Luo Jiayi who committed suicide and lived a good life.

But the book called "Secret Tunnel" reminded him all the time that his past stains and pains made him restless, and now he can finally return these to Shen Ping.

The office became noisy in an instant, and the teachers were a little annoyed, all looking at Shen Youyi with incredulous eyes.

Although Tang Shuisheng spoke badly and had this rhythm at the beginning, he didn't really think that Shen Youyi was a teacher who would have a teacher-student relationship. He turned to Huang Ren'an, "Mr. Huang, don't just believe what you say on the Internet."

Huang Ren'an held up his mobile phone and said, "It's okay for one person to say that, but many people left messages saying that it must not be PS. Besides, how do you explain the video of Mr. Shen riding a motorcycle to pick up students?"

After a pause, Huang Ren'an clicked on the video and said with a sneer, "I don't think a man and a woman who are extremely close will ride a motorcycle together in this posture, right?"

Shen Youyi squinted his eyes at the mobile phone held by the biased man. In the video, a woman in a tight black leather jacket straddled a motorcycle and threw her helmet away. A boy in a long elegant school uniform was beaten in the face. Mosaic, can not see the face.But that woman did look exactly the same as her, not only the face, but also the figure, Shen Youyi was shocked, she couldn't believe that there would be two people so similar in the world.

All the teachers whispered together.

"That's right! The video shouldn't be fake, right? This woman and Mr. Shen are really carved out of the same mold!"

"Ms. Shen doesn't have a twin sister or younger sister, does she?"

"How is it possible! Teacher Shen is an only child"

"It's really Mr. Shen? Why are you so careless! You are still hugging the students. If this is the case, it is a bit hard to explain!!"

"If the video and photos are real, even if there is no teacher-student relationship, the problem is still very serious! This obviously exceeds the boundary between teacher and student. It doesn't look like Mr. Shen is such a careless person!"

"Maybe she really likes her students?"

"That's not me. That's not me" Shen Youyi shouted in her heart, but she didn't open her mouth to say that she dared to swear. The surrounding discussions made her feel confused, and her face was filled with a guilty conscience that forced herself to be calm.And the reason why she didn't open her mouth with guilt was because she knew the boy's shoes and trousers. The shoes were small white leather shoes that Cheng Mo often wore. Not the same, she knew that she sewed the bottom of the trousers.
Shen Youyi felt like she was going to collapse, she didn't know what happened at all, which made her wish she could ask Cheng Mo now.

Seeing Shen Youyi's expression with a trace of panic, everyone in the office felt that things were slipping towards the most bizarre abyss, and many people became excited, thinking that there were melons to eat.Although Shen Youyi's true teacher-student relationship with students will have some bad influence on Changya, but this kind of influence is still very limited. Compared with this limited influence, most people look forward to seeing a bloody drama.

Tang Shuisheng didn't know much about things on the Internet, but he was good at observing words and expressions. Seeing Shen Youyi's dull expression, he didn't refute at all, and his face became serious, "Mr. Shen, what's going on? This is not a joke. , you really need to explain it well! If you can't give a reasonable explanation, no one can save you. And you will harm the school and your family. Your grandfather and your father are both famous in the education field. If you do something like this, where will they put their faces?"

Shen Youyi's face was pale, she sat on the chair and didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing that Shen Youyi didn't speak, Huang Ren'an became even more certain that this video might be true. He shook his head and pretended to be very sad and said, "Mr. Shen! Your grandfather and father are both seniors in the education field, and their style of work has always been very decent. Rigorous, how can you do such a disgraceful thing?"

Huang Ren'an is Shen Ping's student. Some teachers know it and some don't. After all, Shen Ping has been away from Changya for a long time, but Tang Shuisheng knows it well. He never interacts with his 'mentor' Shen Ping.

Seeing that Huang Ren'an jumped out on his own initiative, with a heartbroken look, he believed that Shen Youyi must have really done such a thing that violated the teacher's morality, and shook his head and said in a heavy tone: "Mr. Shen! How can you be right, teacher?" These two words! I will call the principal right now, and you should be prepared to suspend your duties! Class (9) will be handed over to Mr. Huang first."

Shen Youyi smiled wryly, the matter was really strange, she felt that she had fallen into a trap that made her unable to move at all, and the other party's goal seemed to be to ruin her reputation, but now she couldn't explain it.
Tang Shuisheng took out his mobile phone from his trousers pocket and dialed the number of Principal Wu Lei. He thought that Principal Wu would be furious, so Tang Shuisheng pressed the hands-free button, and when the phone was connected, Principal Wu's voice came , Tang Shuisheng hurriedly said respectfully and cautiously: "Principal, something very serious has happened now"

"What serious matter?" Principal Wu on the other end of the phone asked very calmly as if he didn't know about Shen Youyi yet.

Tang Shuisheng felt a little strange. People from the Education Bureau would definitely notify Principal Wu, but this was not the time to think. Tang Shuisheng swallowed his saliva and said, "That's right, that Shen Youyi, Teacher Shen"

Before Tang Shuisheng could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by Principal Wu, "Oh! Oh! What happened to Mr. Shen! Someone on the Internet posted false news, forged photos and videos, and drew maps on the blackboard and the walls of the teaching building. What about Mr. Shen? The student who committed the crime has surrendered himself. Now everything has come to light. I just called Xinglang Weibo and asked them to delete the post and refute the rumors as soon as possible."

"Surrendered yourself?" Tang Shuisheng was a little suspicious, and he immediately said: "The Education Bureau also said that it would send an investigation team over."

"I won't come anymore. The official website and Weibo of the Education Bureau will immediately speak out for Mr. Shen, so as to set the record straight."

Tang Shuisheng was tongue-tied, the reversal came too fast and he was too caught off guard, he was dazed for a while before he realized it, and quickly said to the phone: "That's great, the principal handled things very neatly, without any delay. Don’t drag your feet.”

"For an excellent teacher like Mr. Shen, our school must pay attention to protecting it, and we must not let these rumors hurt the hearts of educators! Our school is still not working well. You and I say sorry to Mr. Shen, the school I didn't respond immediately, and I have wronged Teacher Shen, and I will personally apologize to Teacher Shen later."

A group of teachers in the office were a little stunned. Although Principal Wu looked chubby, chubby, smiling and very talkative, he was actually a very cautious and flexible person who was good at making peace with others, but he handled this matter too vigorously and resolutely. It's not like President Wu's handwriting at all.

There is no doubt that someone stood up for Shen Youyi, otherwise the Education Bureau would not be able to backtrack so quickly, and Principal Wu would not have to say "sorry" to Teacher Shen. One can imagine how powerful the energy behind Shen Youyi is.

Huang Ren'an knew that it was absolutely impossible to be the old principal or Shen Ping. The members of the Shen family were all fake and noble. They were only well-known in the education system, but they didn't actually have much influence.A public incident like Shen Youyi's that caused quite a stir on the Internet is definitely not something that the old principal or Shen Ping can settle so easily.

Huang Ren'an's heart trembled, and he felt that he was a little too impatient. He smiled mischievously, and sat back in his seat pretending to be nonchalant, as if nothing had happened.

Tang Shuisheng was not as clear as Huang Ren'an thought, but he felt that the influence of the Shen family was quite large, and he had been relying too much on his elders in front of Shen Youyi, so he had to be more careful in the future.

As for the others, they were also a little confused. The rhythm of thunder and rain did not meet their expectations. Just now they were gloating at Shen Youyi's misfortune. Before they had time to continue beating the dog in the water, the plot took a turn for the worse, and Shen Youyi became innocent all at once. ?

Intrigues are more or less inevitable in the workplace. Being able to teach in Changya, a high-welfare school, does not only require teaching skills. Who doesn’t have a little narrow-mindedness and workplace survival skills?
Teachers with slightly older qualifications can more or less feel the energy behind Shen Youyi. It seems that Shen Youyi is not someone who can be easily offended, but how dare you take back what you just said?

Since it couldn't be taken back, it could only be remedied immediately, so everyone clamored.

"I knew someone must have framed Mr. Shen! Otherwise, how could things have exploded?"

"That's right! People on the Internet now like to bring rhythm, listening to the wind is rain. Teacher Shen has always paid attention to this aspect. How could such a thing happen?"

"Xiao Li! You can have some fun! It's not impossible to fake the video now. Those so-called experts on the Internet are all watching the fun and it's not a big deal."

However, Shen Youyi's reaction was completely different from what other people thought. There was no joy of being wronged. Instead, she stared blankly at Tang Shuisheng's mobile phone. When she actually heard President Wu's words, she was even more unconvinced about that. Was it her? Seeing that Tang Shuisheng hadn't hung up the phone yet, she jumped up from her chair and asked unconsciously, "Who surrendered?"

Principal Wu on the other side of the phone didn't hear Shen Youyi's inquiry, and continued: "The last class at noon is over, don't dismiss school, and gather the students in the auditorium for a meeting. Handling of students committing crimes”


At noon, for the first time, Changya did not dismiss school immediately. Instead, the head teachers of each class personally went down to each class and brought the students to the school auditorium.

This sudden change caused the students to complain, but apart from complaining about the school meeting during lunch, everyone was talking more about Mr. Shen.

Although Mr. Shen's affairs have been hotly searched and the video can't be found on the Internet, the appearance of Mr. Shen riding a motorcycle in a one-piece leather jacket has long been deeply engraved in the minds of many Changya students, and even became a mobile phone. wallpaper.

There are not a few students who Changya likes Shen Youyi. This kind of liking is similar to liking female stars, and it is completely different from liking Xie Minyun. Xie Minyun is elusive, but boys are eager to be her boyfriend ; and because of Shen Youyi's status as a "teacher", boys dare not blaspheme. This kind of liking is hoping to find a girl who is similar to Shen Youyi.
As for girls, the feeling is more complicated. Some like it, some don’t like it, and some hate it. Those who like it all think that Shen Youyi’s lectures are good. The reasons for dislike are various, such as big breasts!The voice is too gentle, it feels a bit pretentious!It's so fake to smile!
But no matter what, Shen Youyi is definitely the most popular teacher in Changya, and now there is an incredible scandal about a teacher-student relationship with Mr. Shen, and it seems that the evidence is convincing, which makes the boys and girls in the whole school explode.

At this moment, the auditorium is as noisy as a vegetable market, and the three words "Mr. Shen" will be heard from time to time in the noisy voice. The girls feel that it is unreasonable. The plot of the female teacher and the male student is too crazy, and there is no way to accept it. .

As for the boys, they are not as disgusted as the girls, and the discussions are a bit dirty.But no matter boys or girls, they are guessing who is the lucky one who can hug Teacher Shen and be hugged by Teacher Shen
All in all, no matter what everyone thinks or discusses, Teacher Shen's image has plummeted.
(End of this chapter)

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