Rebel Demon King

Chapter 473 You don’t need flowers all over your head to complement this young and urgent scene (1)

Chapter 473 You don’t need flowers all over your head to complement this young and urgent scene (1)

[Quick Scene: The galloping sunlight.Also refers to the rush of time.See "Jijing Withering Years", "Jijing Liunian".BGM of this chapter - "first love" guitar solo: Oshio コータロー]

(Thanks to "Surreal Game Prey" for the reward)


In the musical instrument room of the office building, a thin and immature boy in a white shirt embraces a dignified and charming woman in gray professional attire. They hug each other in the air like water, and a beam of sunlight comes in from the window. The two were shrouded in thin light, surrounded by inexplicable darkness, making them seem to be slowly sinking into the deep sea
"It's too late, I can't stop now!"

Shen Daoyi's decisive words did not make Cheng Mo back down. For Cheng Mo now, no matter what Shen Daoyi did, it was just a small problem.The difficulty lies in how to untie the knot in Shen Daoyi's heart and let her give up her self-destructive revenge plan.

At least now is a good start, Shen Daoyi didn't continue to struggle in his embrace, but let him hold him with his hands down, Cheng Mo said softly: "Teacher, I know you are very regretful, regretting that you were not able to be brave at that time." One point, stand firmly on your friend's side; you also regret that you believed your father so easily; you regret even more, regret not telling the truth afterwards. But don't forget, you were just a child at that time, even if you If you want to do something for your friends, you actually lack this ability. It’s just to add some psychological comfort to yourself. You want to nail yourself to the stigma of "teacher-student love" to complete the school and your father. And revenge on yourself. If this really brings you peace of mind, I won't stop you. But can you really?"

"Why not? You don't try your best to dissuade me because you are afraid that things will involve you, right? Don't worry, I promise you nothing will happen to you." Shen Daoyi said coldly.

Cheng Mo supported Shen Daoyi's arm with both hands, and pushed her away slightly. He looked into Shen Daoyi's eyes and said softly: "On the contrary, I'm not afraid that things will involve me at all. Falling in love with someone like Teacher It’s not ashamed at all, it’s something that many people are envious of, isn’t it too late?”

"Isn't that something that I'm very proud of?"

"I know that many people have opinions on the relationship between teachers and students, and feel that it violates morality. For example, the scandals between teachers and students in major colleges and universities continue to break out, and many colleges and universities have issued a teacher-student agreement to prohibit teacher-student romance. But The logic here is that the relationship between teachers and students is the soil for rent-seeking rights. The rights between teachers and students are unequal. Teachers can decide students' grades, graduate studies and even whether they can graduate. Students use teachers to achieve passing exams, The purpose of maintaining graduate school and graduating is also true in reverse, and there is also the possibility that teachers use their power to coerce students."

"However, what should be prohibited is the improper abuse of power by teachers, or focus on reforming the scoring mechanism of colleges and universities, rather than blocking the choice of love between teachers and students. There is nothing wrong with teacher-student love itself."

"In fact, there are many examples of teacher-student love in the world! For example, Lu Xun and Xu Guangping; such as Yu Qiuyu and Ma Lan; Xu Beihong and Liao Jingwen; Shen Congwen and Zhang Zhaohe; Wen Tingyun and Yu Xuanji. Isn't that what it is?"

"Looking at a younger age, the reason for the teacher-student relationship is that the students are immature, attracted by the aura of the teacher, and mistake worship for love. But what I mean by teacher-student relationship is that both parties are adults. People, able to think independently. Suppose a student is under 14 years old, it is an infringement of a minor, which is illegal, and it cannot be called a teacher-student relationship. Under this premise, love arising from admiration and attraction cannot Is it called love? It’s a natural law to love an excellent opposite sex. I just don’t like naive little girls of the same age, but I like mature, knowledgeable, elegant and dignified teachers. What’s the problem?”

"What's more, the age difference between me and the teacher is not too big, the hobbies are similar, and the three views are consistent. Because of love, is it a mistake? Teacher and student are just two identities. Love has nothing to do with identities, right?

"Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the relationship between teachers and students. What is wrong is the system and this society. If our society is not too distorted, I don't think your friend Luo Jiayi will end up like this. It is true that Teacher Huang is wrong! You Your father is also at fault! But what is wrong with you? What's more, in such a social environment, people will instinctively choose to protect themselves, and it is not correct for you to attribute all such mistakes to individuals. What do you think? "

Cheng Mo analyzed each word slowly with Shen Daoyi. At this moment, he and Shen Daoyi switched positions, as if Cheng Mo was the teacher and Shen Daoyi was the student.

Speaking of talking, Cheng Mo is definitely at the level of the strongest king. After a long speech, Shen Daoyi was really shaken, and her expression also became hesitant, like a child who has lost his way, after a long time , Shen Daoyi let out a breath, tried to persuade himself with a firm tone and said slowly: "I know that what I do will not have any impact on this society, maybe I am just a stone thrown into the sea, causing a stir. A small wave will disappear, but I still hope to help Jiayi get justice and be responsible for my own cowardice.”

Hearing that Shen Daoyi was no longer distinguishing her from Shen Youyi, Cheng Mo breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that Teacher Shen's subconscious was accepting the reality, and he raised the corners of his mouth with a faint smile and said, "Teacher, do you think revenge is courage?" , but actually it’s not, it takes more courage to work hard to take on the burden of changing the world. Do you know why I like you?”

"Why?" Shen Daoyi lowered his head involuntarily, his voice was as soft as a feather falling downward.

"I used to be an autistic patient who lacked love. I longed for love but was afraid of being hurt. It was your selflessness that made me feel the warmth of the world. I like you touching my hair, hugging me, and looking at you My eyes are full of admiration. There is no mother and no childhood in my memory. It was a very regrettable thing, but I am very glad to have met such a warm teacher as you. In my memory, our time together is like a black night sky. Venus, you took me to the supermarket to buy things, shared your dinner with me, told me about your dream of becoming a reasoning writer, took me to cut my hair and recommended healing books to me. These simple things changed me. Let me see the stars in my gloomy life. Ruining a teacher like you is equivalent to ruining countless students who may be reborn because of your warmth, is it really worth it?"

Shen Daoyi was silent, she closed her eyes, her eyelids and eyelashes trembled slightly in the turbid air, after a while she sighed, "'s really too late, I've already sent the report letter to the Education Committee, and at the same time There are a lot of real hammer videos posted on Weibo. Teacher, I will soon lose my reputation, but it’s okay, I don’t mind, maybe I can go to remote mountainous areas to teach you, and I have gained a lot. Before that, I have been Wearing down my life, wearing down myself, I actually thought about stopping my journey of life, but I was a little unwilling. I know that revenge is meaningless, but I don’t know why I can’t stop it. Maybe I can hurt myself by hurting myself. Others, use this to find a psychological balance. For me, all of this is retribution, and it’s okay to say a curse, after all, my father and I are both wrong."

After a pause, Shen Daoyi continued: "Cheng Mo, thank you, I shouldn't have dragged you in. You don't need to post the video about Huang Ren'an. I'll post it myself! It's just that it lacks some persuasiveness."

"Teacher, we are coming to the last game of 'big adventure', but we are no more than rock-paper-scissors, let's make a bet, if I can stop things completely and leave you unaffected, you don't continue your plan , don’t destroy yourself, and protect your original innocence and kindness, okay?” Cheng Mo let go of Teacher Shen’s hand and said calmly.

Shen Dao raised her head and looked at Cheng Mo, her expression hesitated, she knew that Cheng Mo was just a child of an ordinary family, and his father was gone, and his mother also left him and ran away, why was he so sure of himself Can it be done?Even if he can ask Fu Yuanzhuo or Xie Minyun to help, it is still impossible to completely eliminate the matter. If there is no accident in her plan, the news of this matter has spread unstoppably now.

After all, the most beautiful teacher seduces students, this explosive news is still topical.
So she shook her head, "Impossible."

"Because it's impossible, I bet with you. I just want to know if the teacher has the courage to face the next life?"

"Okay, I'll bet with you."

"Then let's pull the hook." Cheng Mo said.

Shen Dao stretched out his hand with a smile, "pull the hook."

The hands of the two people were hooked together in the misty light, and their expressions were relaxed as if they had emerged from the deep sea and hugged the lifebuoy, but they probably didn't know who saved whom.

After Cheng Mo and Shen Daoyi left the musical instrument room, Cheng Mo hid in the bamboo forest on campus, and called Bai Xiuxiu directly, asking her to help deal with the news about Shen Daoyi's teacher-student relationship on the Internet. Of course, the report from the Education Committee Xinhe liquidated Huang Ren'an, and these two matters were also handed over to Bai Xiuxiu.

With such ready-made and easy-to-use resources, Cheng Mo didn't feel that he was bothering the other party at all, so he took it for granted.

However, Bai Xiuxiu was a little annoyed. Hearing Wan Mo's request, Bai Xiuxiu said coldly on the other end of the phone: "Just because of your attitude of fishing for three days and posting on the net for two days, you still instruct me to do this or that? Cheng Mo, Are you still living in a dream?"

"After finishing this matter, I'll put everything down and concentrate on making love to your sister-in-law." Cheng Mo was not afraid of Bai Xiuxiu through the phone.

"Really? Then how do you plan to deal with this matter?" Bai Xiuxiu's cold voice had already penetrated the phone, and was about to puncture Cheng Mo's eardrums.

Cheng Mo couldn't help shivering. He didn't hide it, and there was nothing to hide. Bai Xiuxiu would know sooner or later, so he told his plan on the phone.

Bai Xiuxiu finished listening to Cheng Mo's plan without saying a word, and her tone eased, "It seems that you are not such a heartless person. I hope you will not treat Xiaomei badly, Xiaomei is also a person who treats you sincerely. .”

"I never thought of hurting a college doctor." When he spoke, Cheng Mo sighed helplessly in his heart. A person who didn't believe in love now wants to use love to influence others. A self-proclaimed exquisite egoist, It's really a big joke to do things that harm oneself and benefit others now.

Cheng Mo felt that it was a pity that he had not been able to become a three-good student, a moral model, and an activist who was about to leave school.He hung up the phone, looked up at the teaching building with blue sky and white clouds, and suddenly felt that this lifeless concrete building was full of life.

Cheng Mo walked towards the teaching building along the cobblestone path. The sound of the teacher reciting "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin" loudly in the classroom was getting closer and closer. Cheng Mo walked around the teaching building for a small half circle, and finally stood by the office building. He stopped at the entrance, and the whistle sounded on the playground in the distance. It was a pity that he was able to exercise, and he hadn't had time to play football or basketball.

The camphor tree not far away has no cicadas singing. Although the sun is still there, the summer has slipped through the gaps in the leaves. The orange stems and milan in the flower bed have long been replaced by chrysanthemums, swaying in the wind.

Once, the world in school was like a boring recurring dream day after day. The teenagers in it still felt that the future was far away and shapeless, the world was pure and beautiful, and parting was just an insignificant worry.

Cheng Mo felt that he would become sentimental now. He looked up at the classroom of Class 9 (Senior Grade [-]), and through the window, he could clearly see Yan Yitong reading a book with her chin resting on her chin. My seat was vacant, and then Fu Yuanzhuo, that kid didn't miss out in class, and was still reading seriously. No wonder his recent study progress is so obvious.

Cheng Mo smiled, turned around and walked into the office building. He had to go to Principal Wu Lei and surrender himself.

(There is one more chapter in this volume, and tomorrow will be a new volume.)
(End of this chapter)

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