Rebel Demon King

Chapter 310 The King's Feast (2)

Chapter 310 The King's Feast (2)

(Thanks to "Kuras" for the reward)

When we look back at history now, we always have some illusions, thinking that some things are bound to happen. However, when you go into the details, you will find that in history, at many key points, there will always be some unimaginable plots that make this The logical trajectory is thwarted from being real, making an incredible development history.Whether the facts we see now are real facts or modified facts, no one can say for sure—except "God". ——Cheng Yongze, "The Origin of Human Beings"


The craziness of the clown Sith made all the people on the two trains unable to stand up. Even those who had good self-restraint and relatively calm looked at the two people in the center with incredible eyes.

He actually replaced himself. Regardless of whether the clown Sith's move is true or not, it is an opportunity worth trying. After all, everyone knows that whether the clown Sith is trustworthy is a matter of mood. Doing the least possible thing when possible, that's always been the style of the Sith the Clown.

Therefore, it is difficult for people to judge what the final result will be.

But, it's worth a try, isn't it?

What is more important than survival?
So someone spoke first, a fair-skinned Tianzhu man with a high caste at first glance was raising the clown, he stood up, and said loudly in a slightly curry-scented Tianzhu accent: "Hey! If you can defeat the clown, I am willing to give you [-] million US dollars. I am Gavin Bhatti Mittal, the youngest son of Suni Bhatty Mittal, the largest telecommunications service provider in Tianzhu, and I will never break my word!"

Cheng Mo turned to look at the Tianzhu man and didn't speak.

The clown Sith also took a look at the Tianzhu man, and laughed again, "Look, am I right? Morality is just a cliché on paper. I just need to poke them lightly, and they will be broken." !" He waved his hands, then put them down again, and patted the seam of his trousers, "What morality! Rules! They are all made of paper cages, and most people are firmly trapped in them from birth. Like the meaty cows, they are kept in small cages from birth so that they can provide the best beef for humans."

The clown Sith bent his body, pinched his fingers, and said angrily to Cheng Mo: "It will never leave the cage again in its life, it will never have the opportunity to play with other calves, and it will even be deprived of the opportunity to walk; It's all about keeping its muscles from getting tougher. The softer the muscles, the more tender and juicy the steak. So the first time the calf had the chance to walk, stretch, and meet other calves, It's on the way to the slaughterhouse. In terms of evolution, cows may be the most successful animals that ever lived. But at the same time, they're also the most miserable animals on Earth."

"Silent, do you know? The animal populations that exist in this world today are all obedient to humans, and those who disobey are either locked in cages or extinct! Those obedient populations must not only obey, It is also necessary to grow according to the preferences of human beings. If the growth is not enough to please human beings, it will also be extinct! This is the same in the evolution of human beings themselves. If you can adapt to society, you will survive, if you cannot, you will be killed. Weed out. As for who decides whether you adapt to society or not, it is sitting around you now. There are more than 70 billion people in the world, these sanctimonious hypocrites, all exist to support them. The vast majority of ordinary people are just produced. Parts, no thinking, can't think. They are those imprisoned calves. Ordinary people think that laws and morals exist to protect them, but they don't know that those things are only for the interests of the rulers. The truth of this world is still The weak prey on the strong, the strong are still respected, and the victor is still king."

"Now, you will have the opportunity to become a real strong man, not those captive animals. Come! Join the greatest cause of human liberation. Come! Let us break this shackle together! Come! Come! Come! Kill All the people facing you, defeat me! You will have countless money and despise all violence." The clown Sith cried out in a low voice, his body trembling.

The sound of raising money was heard again, "If you can defeat this demon, I am willing to give you [-] million US dollars. My name is Muhammad Wadri, and I am the third richest man in Saudi Arabia." Another man wearing a turban He stood up and said loudly to Cheng Mo.

Then someone stood up and announced his name, and added money, "I'll add [-] million here."

"Add [-] million."

Compared with where the clown Sith bought his life, [-] million US dollars is really not too cheap, as for those innocent people?
Who cares?

In a short while, the accumulated US$37 billion is enough to become a big man on the Forbes rich list.

"Hey! Don't hesitate, beat him, the people here are the most elite people in this world, you saved our lives, you can get more than just money. Our contribution to this world is much greater than those insignificant people Without them, there would be no impact on the world, but without us, countless industries would fall into chaos, countless ordinary people would lose their jobs, and countless charities would have no financial resources to help those poor women and children. How to choose at this time still needs to be considered Is it?" A white man stood up and shouted at Cheng Mo.

Sentence after sentence echoed in Cheng Mo's ear, as if Tang Seng was chanting a mantra.

Cheng Mo remained expressionless, he stretched out his hand and ate another chess piece of Sith the Clown, which represented Ivan.
The clown Sith laughed strangely, he knew that this person had something to do with Cheng Mo, he waved his hand, and Ivan slid off the chair, began to roll and howl in pain.

Nicholas next to Ivan had a pale face. He knelt on the floor, holding Ivan in the cold wind and sunshine of Siberia, and shouted loudly: "Ivan, Ivan!"

Ivan didn't answer, his nostrils, ears, and mouth were bleeding. Nicholas knelt and crawled to Cheng Mo's legs. The 1.8-meter-high man kissed Cheng Mo's shoes, and he cried bitterly: "Cheng, Don't be like this, don't be like this, save him, don't let him die, can you change it back? Please!"

Cheng Mo said softly, "Nicholas, the appearance of a Christian is not perfect. God never requires us to be magnanimous, nor does he require us to be holy. Each of us has sins in our lives. This sin cannot be corrected until death. We can only pray for it." God forgives the cross through the cross. The gospel on the cross breaks the ethical order of mankind, just like God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. This is a test of 'faith'. Can you understand? The reason why we are not free is because Our goals are not long-term enough. Each of us wants to be a perfect person. Even if we cannot achieve it, we have to pretend to work hard to achieve it. Even if we cannot achieve it ourselves, we will ask others to do it. But in this world , apart from God, where is there a perfect person? What’s more, God can’t save everyone.”

"Sorry, Nicholas, I'm just an ordinary person, I can't save everyone, I can only choose what I think is important"

Cheng Mo let Nicholas's tears wet his pants, he thought to himself: "Each of us is our own shackles, each of us is our own grave, freedom is not something that the weak can obtain."

Hearing Cheng Mo's words, Nicholas cried even more sadly.

The clown Sith shook his head, and said to Cheng Mo: "Just to remind you, now your friend who fell on the ground has been poisoned by arsenic, he will have violent convulsions, convulsions, vomiting and incontinence, plus Visual disturbance. This painful process will last for about four hours, I think it would be more enjoyable if you shot him!"

Cheng Mo was silent for a while, and said to Nicholas: "Kill him, it's better for him. Nicholas, killing people. Sometimes it's to save people. If we can't pass the ethical test, we will never be able to appreciate God's sacrifice. How great is his only begotten Son, Jesus."

Nicholas cried and crawled back to Ivan, who was lying on the ground and was still rolling. He pointed the gun at Ivan's temple, but he couldn't do it for a long time.

No one cares about the life and death of the two gangsters, those who understand Russian started cheering, and then everyone clapped their hands and clapped their crowns to celebrate, they thought Cheng Mo chose them, they thought Cheng Mo would defeat the clown Sith, they thought they able to be saved.

With the sound of Nicholas' gunshot, Cheng Mo once again killed his own chess and fell into a situation of forced draw.

The people around were a little stunned, but they comforted themselves that maybe Cheng Mo just wanted to consume more of the clown Sith's vitality.

Then the situation on the chessboard became more and more intense, and the battle became more and more complicated. Both sides spent a lot of time, and both sides also appeared imprecise moves.

In order to keep Xie Minyun's queen, Cheng Mo missed several opportunities to take advantage, which made the people around feel sorry and angry, so some people started to yell.

"Are you fucking crazy? Are you a fucking idiot? Do you think Sith the Clown will let you go if you make a draw? Dream!!!"

"If you continue like this, you will let the whole car accompany you to the funeral!"

"We will continue to add money to you, female stars all over the world, you can choose whoever you like! I promise to send her to your bed, and kill all of us for such a girl? Don't be so irrational ! There are over 100 of us here! Everyone has family and kids!"

"You are called Cheng, right? I have a very good relationship with your high-level Huaxia! Believe me, it is not correct for you to do this. You will only kill us all by playing chess. You can't save her. You are a smart person , you have to think rationally, you can only save the largest number of groups by defeating the clown, this is not a difficult question to choose!"

"Yes! You are still so hypocritical at this time! What's more, that blonde girl of yours is already stupid! What's the point of saving her for a few minutes?"

All kinds of voices on the field became louder and louder. Hundreds of people began to surround Cheng Mo and loudly persuade him to give up the draw and directly checkmate the clown Sith. They wished that they could replace Cheng Mo on the field.

Faced with such a situation, the clown Sith became more and more excited, his body was trembling in the wind, as if he was on the verge of orgasm.

Cheng Mo's face was stern, and he was unmoved by all kinds of temptations and persuasion around him. When there were fewer and fewer pieces on the chessboard, Cheng Mo seized the opportunity and tried to turn the battle into a post-elephant endgame.

The situation is about to enter a balance from a disadvantage, but at this moment, Cheng Mo will face the most difficult decision he has made so far. He must eat the pawn representing Mrs. Evans, and he must cruelly take away the parents of the little loli Rebecca
Cheng Mo picked up the chess piece in his hand and put it down again. He lowered his head and said to the clown Sith, "I want to say a few words to Mrs. Evans."

"Of course, I wouldn't be so unreasonable." The clown Sith said with a light smile.

Cheng Mo turned around and walked towards Mrs. Evans. Her spirit had already collapsed. She was holding her husband's body with one hand, and the other was embracing little Lolita, muttering something. Cheng Mo looked at Mrs. Evans. She didn't speak to Rebecca, who had countless tears on her cheeks, for a long time.

Not far away came the happy nursery rhyme of the clown Sith: "Little cabin in the wood, (a cabin in the forest)
Little man by the window stood, (a thin man stood by the window)
Little rabbit shopping by, (little rabbit jumping over)

Knocking at the door. (Knocking at the door)

"Help me! Help me, sir!" he said, (Help me! Help me, sir! He said)
"Fore the farmer bops my head." (Before the farmer bops my head.)
"Come on in, the little man cried." (Come on in, the little man cried)

"Warm up by the fire." (Warm up by the fire.)
Cheng Mo said lightly: "Give Rebecca to me, and I will let her live."

Hearing these words, Mrs. Evans, with a haggard face, regained a gleam in her eyes. She turned her head to look at Cheng Mo this time, and said weakly, "Really? Will you really protect her?"

"I will." There was no smile on Cheng Mo's face, only the coldness like ice.

Evans looked gently at Rebecca, who was tired and closed her eyes from crying, gently stroked her hair, and then hugged her very reluctantly and handed her to Cheng Mo. She said with great difficulty: "Thank you You, do! We should have listened to you and got out of the car earlier. But now it is too late, I just beg you to save her and give her to my mother."

Cheng Mo took Rebecca, and she twisted her body in his arms. To Cheng Mo, who was powerless, Rebecca was a little heavy, but he hugged little Loli very tightly. .

Mrs. Evans took off her bag and hung it on Little Lolita. "My mobile phone and Evans' mobile phone are both in the bag, and there are my parents' contact numbers in it. If" Mrs. Evans cried , Tears flowed down from her eye sockets like a burst embankment, but she tightly covered her mouth, trying not to let herself make a sound, so as not to wake up the sleeping little Lolita.

Rebecca seemed to realize something, and whispered softly in her mouth: "Mom! Dad!"

Mrs. Evans stroked her daughter's hair lightly again, "If this child is lucky enough to survive, please send her back to my parents! Please!"

Cheng Mo nodded, "I will."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked to Xie Minyun's side. The place beside her that belonged to him was still vacant. Cheng Mo put the sleeping little Lolita on the sofa stool, and let her lean on it without feeling or consciousness. on Xie Minyun's body.

Then he whispered to Vodianova and Cao Yiwei in an orderly tone: "The chess game is about to end, protect them both later."

(End of this chapter)

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