Rebel Demon King

Chapter 309 Chess Players and Chess Players

Chapter 309 Chess Players and Chess Players

(Thanks for the reward of "Yin Shuan", I made up for one update owed yesterday, and there are two more updates today, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommended ticket)

The howling of the wind in the carriage could not conceal the joy of the Chosen Ones, many of them even started blatant and low-pitched discussions in order to stimulate the clown Sith.

"Huaxia people? It's an incredible reversal." The handsome young man who was lifted from his seat by Sith the clown said softly while looking at Cheng Mo who stood alone.

Sitting next to the handsome young man, splitting his head after losing, the older man squinted his eyes, sighed and replied: "This is the most exciting chess game I have ever seen, it can be compared to 'a wonderful player from ancient to modern times', even if it is 'because' The blood-vomiting game' (Note 1), can't compare to this chess game that calculates people's hearts!"

The handsome young man looked at Cheng Mo with burning eyes and said, "Not only is he good at planning, but he is also calm and cold-blooded. I guess he must be very strong in Go. I really hope to play against him one day."

"I don't know if he is the Chosen One. If such a child is the Chosen One, he will become a great weapon in the future. If he is a Tai Chi Dragon, I still hope he loses." Squinting his eyes and curling his mouth, he said lightly. His expression was not as tense as the others, as if he was not afraid of Sith the Clown.

"I think he can make peace." Although he said "I think", there was firmness in the handsome boy's tone.

He narrowed his eyes and chuckled, "Why don't we both take a gamble? I bet it won't end in a draw."

"What are you gambling?"

"Just bet on a meal, but with your sister."

The handsome young man rolled his eyes, "Mr. Yuan, if you bet on this, it won't be a matter of a meal!"


Compared to the surprise and overjoy of other people, Napoleon VII was shocked by the amazing reversal of the situation before him. He was different from others. He had seen the last game between Cheng Mo and the clown Sith, and only He understands that this game of chess is actually a continuation of the previous game.

Compared with the last game of chess, which only had to withstand the test of human nature, then this game of chess will not only test human nature, but will and chess strength.

You must know that after the exchange of chess pieces, all the initiative must be in the hands of the clown Sith. It is simply impossible for Cheng Mo to force the clown Sith to eat all the pieces representing the members of the Teutonic 88 Knights. Task.

Simply put, it is difficult to win a game of chess, but is it not easy to lose?

What the clown Sith wants to see is Cheng Mo destroying humanity, in order to survive and defeat him.

So what the clown Sith has to do is not to eat Cheng Mo's chess pieces, and step by step use various methods to induce Cheng Mo to eat all the chess pieces representing innocent people and people Cheng Mo knows.

For the clown Sith who has no burden, this difficulty is really very low. As long as Cheng Mo's mentality is a little relaxed and the clown Sith can take advantage of it, then everything will be over.

First, the clown Sith himself is not on the chessboard, he just loses his life if he loses;

Second, the members of the Teutonic 88 Knights are all carriers. Although the cost of killing the carrier is not small, it is not a serious injury. You only need to spend money to buy jobs and lose some experience points.Therefore, the biggest problem for the clown Sith is that the bodies of the members of the Teutonic 88 Knights should not be nearby, so it is certain that they will not be able to catch the train in a short time.

Third, Cheng Mo is not only a chess player, but also a chess piece. If he loses, he will die.
In fact, Napoleon VII was not so optimistic about Cheng Mo, even though Cheng Mo started talking to him in private, but at that time he thought what Cheng Mo said was a fantasy, even though he agreed to Cheng Mo's conditions.

But that was not out of trust, but for Napoleon VII, as long as Cheng Mo could delay enough time, it would be enough to impress him. He never thought that Cheng Mo could do this.

Standing beside Napoleon VII, Morris was a little confused because he didn't understand chess, and asked, "Your Highness, what's the matter? What does it mean to force a draw?"

"Forcing a draw is a rule in chess. This is more complicated. It is considered a draw when neither side can mate, such as a single knight and a single king against a single king, a single bishop and a single king against a single king; If you have not been checked, but you have no other pieces to move or cannot move except to push the king to death, it is a draw; if one side keeps repeating the check, but the opponent cannot get rid of it, or is unwilling to get rid of it, it is a draw; When a situation occurs repeatedly three times, it is a draw; the other is rare...that is, in 50 consecutive rounds, neither side has any pieces captured, and all pawns have not moved, it is also a draw.”

"At the beginning of the game, the intentions of both sides were very clear. The clown Sith wanted to eat as few of Cheng Mo's pawns as possible, and Cheng Mo would use the situation and language to force Cheng Mo to eat his own pawns. Cheng Mo To make use of the "draw" rule to force the clown Sith to eat his pieces, the first silent piece is eaten, that is to use the rule of "draw" as a "draw" rule to force The clown Sith made the first move. This is actually not difficult and easy to do. We can only delay the time. Then, as the number of pieces on the chessboard gradually decreases, Cheng Mo has to eat the opponent's pieces for his own safety, and the situation begins to change. Leaning on the Clown Sith"

"For Cheng Mo, if he wants to keep enough chess pieces on the chessboard to maintain a balance with the clown Sith, he must ensure that he will not be checkmate, and he must make a layout so that all his pieces are trapped to force a draw. This possibility It's too low or I didn't expect that he could do it." Napoleon VII said leisurely.

"Then this is a good thing! But why do I hear your tone is a bit dignified? Is it because you are afraid of the clown Sith playing tricks?" Morris asked with some doubts.

Napoleon VII didn't answer, he just looked at Cheng Mo and Sith the clown standing between the two carriages, and shook his head inexplicably.

Morris did not continue to ask. In fact, Napoleon VII's solemn tone was not because of Sith the clown, but because he thought that assuming all this was within Cheng Mo's calculations, it meant that he chose to play "chess" in the last game. "During this game, Cheng Mo was plotting against Sith the Clown.

Only chess has such a wonderful compulsion and rules. In addition, he not only sacrificed more pieces, causing the clown Sith to miscalculate his chess strength, but also showed his concern for human life, misleading the clown Sith, maybe Cheng Mo not only He doesn't care about the lives of those innocent people, not even the life of his little girlfriend.

All of this is likely to be shown to Sith the Clown, just to dig a hole
If this is the case, then the little boy in front of him is simply a monster.

Napoleon VII remembered it again, and Cheng Mo said to him lightly: "I can predict what he will do next."

Suddenly, Napoleon VII felt that the boy was a monster enough to rival the clown.

real monster.

Because only monsters can match monsters.

Compared to Clown Sith and Cheng Mo, he is just a warrior with a sword and shield
Just as Napoleon VII's thoughts were drifting, the clown Sith, who was the focus of everyone, finally woke up from the freeze, but he didn't fly into a rage like others thought, but laughed again inexplicably.

This time he laughed even more exaggeratedly, his posture was leaning back and forth, his laughter was intermittent, it felt like his brain was trembling, and he was about to die. The others were completely frightened by the neurotic laugh of the clown Sith, they stopped talking, and they all said nothing He looked at him furiously.

After a long time, the clown Sith stopped his exaggerated laugh. He looked at Cheng Mo and said tremblingly: "silent, you really surprised me. I haven't felt this exciting for a long time! The first time I felt so exciting was when my alcoholic father stabbed me in the mouth with a dagger. The first time I was so close to death. In addition to the fear, I also tasted the extreme feeling of the body facing death and the brain's excitement orgasm. A surge of excitatory neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine increases, and it's almost suffocating."

"Today, I feel that I seem to be able to find that feeling again. Silent, let's bet bigger and more exciting." After a pause, the clown Sith looked at Cheng Mo and said enthusiastically: "Now I change KING Be myself, if you win this game, then you will be able to kill me I have to tell you, kill me, you will not only get untold money, but also gain power like me. You will be Heroes of the world."

The clown Sith stretched out his hand and ate the horse in front of Queen Cheng Mo, then looked at Cheng Mo with a half-smile expression and said: "The prize is so rich. So now do you want to draw?"

 Note 1——In 1831, Jowa, the head of Honinbo, one of the four major chess schools in Japan, became a celebrity.Celebrities at that time not only enjoyed various privileges and generous state salaries, but all promotions of chess players above [-]th Dan required his approval, and their power was very powerful, equivalent to the leader of the chess world.Because he was dissatisfied with Zhanghe, Huanan Yinshuo, the head of the Inoue family, another famous chess school in Japan, set up a trap and asked a court official to preside over it, and let his secret disciple Chixing Yinche and Zhanghe. In the next game of chess, if Zhang He loses, Huan'an can justifiably drive Zhang He from the throne of celebrity.

  Chi Xing Inche was recognized as the star of hope in the chess world at that time, with extraordinary talents.On the first day of the game, 59 moves were played. Facing the leader of the largest Japanese Go school at that time, Incher's game not only did not lose the wind at all, but also took advantage of it.But Jiang was still old and hot. He continued to play the next day. Zhang He's strength began to show, and he played three good moves of 68, 70 and 80 in a row. It was the 70th move and was praised by chess players as "a wonderful hand that is incomparable in ancient and modern times".As soon as the three-handed chess came out, Inche's chess was no good. Although Inche tried his best, the gap was still getting bigger and bigger. Inche's face also turned blue until it turned black.At move 246, Inche felt a heat in his throat, and a mouthful of blood sprayed onto the chessboard, and fell into Yinshuo's arms in Huanan. He died shortly after returning home.This game was later called the "Inche Hematemesis Game".

(End of this chapter)

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