Rebel Demon King

Chapter 295 The Deadly Game of the Death Train (4)

Chapter 295 The Deadly Game of the Death Train (4)

(Third update, owed 14, ask for a ticket)
Sure enough, it obeyed Murphy's Law.

Something went wrong with Xie Minyun, not because there was anything wrong with Xie Minyun's performance, but because her beauty got into trouble again, even though she had darkened her face with a powder puff as Cheng Mo ordered, and cut a piece herself The rustic Qi Liuhai also tried his best not to stand upright, but the light of some girls who are too perfect is too difficult to cover up.

Even if Xie Minyun was sitting on the lower bunk with a hunched body and a very low profile, a group of Russian gangsters were commenting on her, and some obscenities suddenly came out of the mouths of these unqualified hooligans.

Cheng Mo hid behind, feeling that something was wrong, he had already seen the anger in Xie Minyun's eyebrows, he had no doubt that if Xie Minyun had a grenade in his hand, he would throw it towards the crowd without hesitation.

The gangsters just talked about it, and they didn't dare to take any practical actions, but the leaders in charge of leading the team didn't have to worry about it. The gangster Lazarev who quarreled with Nicholas just now was still being questioned by KGB agents. So he took the initiative to go forward and participated in the review of Maria Sharapova played by Xie Minyun, "Hey! Girl! Be honest, you work in that nightclub in Moscow? Tell me, I will definitely take care of you Business."

As soon as this sentence was uttered, Cheng Mo couldn't help lamenting: "It's over, beautiful women are really a disaster!"

Xie Minyun also knew that she couldn't get mad at this time, so she said in Russian with a cold face: "Get out." This was already her lowest level of resistance. In fact, it wasn't that she didn't want to scold more fiercely, but her level of Russian swearing was really bad. , but what's more, if she wants to change the location, she must kick the crotch of this short-necked bastard to let him know that some women can't be flirted with.

Lazarev didn't care about Xie Minyun's violence, and smiled, "It will be very dangerous for you to disrespect me like this!"

"I'll say it again, get the hell out of here." Surrounded by a group of gangsters, Xie Minyun didn't even know what it meant to be afraid. She looked at Lazarev coldly, with contempt and disgust written all over her face.

The expressions are very clear, this is because there is no advantage of using a human face cast. There is no expression on the face cast on the face. It can be confused on TV, but it is easy to distinguish in reality, so Jin Enna used artificial The skin is used to change the local contour, which basically has no effect on the expression.

"It's really exciting." Lazarev licked his lips, "It seems that I have to give you an education class alone."

Seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, Cheng Mo had no choice but to push Nicholas and let him go up to make a rescue.

Nicholas was ready a long time ago, turned his head and smiled ambiguously at Cheng Mo, pushed through the crowd vigorously, squeezed into the private room, and grabbed Lazarev's arm, "I said Lazarev, you know Varu How did Yev die? It was because of molesting a woman. Although I don’t mind collecting another corpse for you, don’t affect the progress of the review.”

At this time, the carrier on the side, a member of Napoleon VII, suddenly asked Xie Minyun: "Did you just dye your hair?"

"Oops!" Cheng Mo's heart was hanging in his throat. This is really a secret. He ignored that there is a carrier among the reviewers, and he can smell the little bit of phenylenediamine left. At this moment, he is holding the AK47 The right palm of the handle is full of sweat.

The Evans family didn't know that Jin Enna was dead, and now this is Xie Minyun, so the expression is quite normal.

Fortunately, Xie Minyun was very calm, she nodded, "I just finished auditioning for a movie in Moscow, in which I was required to play a nobleman, and of course I had to dye my hair to match my identity."

The carrier looked Xie Minyun up and down, and continued to ask: "Why did you take the train back to Chita alone?"

Hearing this question, Xie Minyun suddenly exploded. She stood up from the bed and yelled loudly at the group of people standing in the private room: "Why! Why!?? I've had enough! My bastard man Not to mention eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, the leather company I opened went bankrupt! I owed 3.5 million yuan and ran away with my sister. I have nothing now! I still owe a huge loan, if it wasn’t listed as dishonest by the bank List, limit high consumption, you think I want to take this shit train? You think I want to take this shit train and be insulted by you bastards?"

Xie Minyun asked hysterically with a cold face, her tone was not angry and prestige, it would definitely not work for her to play other roles, but it is still very appropriate to ask her to play such a role that is a bit domineering, savage and willful, and can explode regardless of the occasion .

If Cheng Mo didn't know Xie Minyun's real identity, he would definitely be deceived.Xie Minyun is also a person who understands micro-expressions now, so her expressions and tone are very well done. Unexpectedly, Xie Minyun still has a little bit of acting talent.

Napoleon VII's subordinates were also a little confused. He didn't expect such a big reaction from the beautiful Russian girl in front of him, but from the performance point of view, it was perfect, and it was absolutely impossible to have anything to do with Shirkov, so he didn't continue to ask questions.

The silence of Napoleon VII's people also misunderstood the KGB. He felt that the woman in front of him seemed to have nothing to doubt, so he took the lead and walked out of the private room. As for what Lazarev was going to do, he had no control over it.

Then the carrier also turned around and walked out of the private room. He glanced at Lazarev and said lightly, "It's better to avoid causing trouble and to be able to distinguish between the primary and the secondary."

Lazarev cursed in a low voice, looked at Xie Minyun, then at Nicholas who was sneering at him, and walked out of the private room somewhat resentfully.

Nicholas waited for everyone to leave before leaving last, and closed the private room door.

Seeing that Xie Minyun was out of danger, Cheng Mo took the time to observe if there were any suspicious people watching around, but he looked around, but unfortunately found nothing.

Next is private room No. 13-16, without Shirkov, and private room No. 17-20, still no. All the way down to the last room of Cheng Mo in No. [-] car, there is no trace of clues.

When he was about to pass the junction of carriages 9 and 10, Nicholas patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder and asked, "Success, didn't you say that Shirkov must be near carriage 9? Now you have found him." nothing?"

Cheng Mo frowned and shook his head. He still believed in his own judgment, but there was indeed no Shirkov along the way, which made him wonder whether Shirkov was hiding among these gangsters. But thinking about it carefully, it's still unlikely. If there was a gangster to cooperate, Shirkov would not be so passive.

And the reason why he was able to hide in was because he was definitely not Shirkov. If he were Shirkov, he would be sold in minutes.

If Shirkov is not a fool, it is impossible for him to trust the gangsters and thus throw himself into the trap.

At the end of the carriage is the conductor's lounge. When passing through the narrow single room, a tall red-haired conductor opened the door and stood at the entrance of the lounge. The person in charge of the investigation just asked a few words casually and made a mistake. I saw that she did not omit any omissions in her answer, and did not ask her in detail what she meant.

Cheng Mo looked up at the train conductor. She was quite tall, wearing flat black leather shoes, silk stockings and a Russian Railways uniform. Her pupils were blue and she was passable, but her face was slightly round and not sharp enough, but Now Cheng Mo knows that the face shape can be changed.

The conductor's height and pupil color match, Cheng Mo narrowed his eyes, trying to see the conductor's hands, but both of her hands were hidden behind the door, and Cheng Mo couldn't see them.

At this time, Cheng Mo's mind was running fast, thinking: What if Jin Enna killed the conductor in order to cover up the identity of the conductor?Seems like a reasonable explanation.And it will be very convenient for the conductor to contact anyone in the carriage, which is really an excellent way to hide his identity.

The only thing that needs to be known now is whether the conductor is left-handed. If she is, then there is no doubt that she is Shirkov.

Cheng Mo carefully observed the woman standing by the door, the more she thought about it, the more suspicious she became.

Cheng Mo's heart beat a little faster, and he thought he had reached the edge of the answer.

At this time, the train has just arrived in Irkutsk, and through the window, I can see the majestic railway station in Irkutsk in the distance. K20 did not drive towards the station without accident, but walked on A fork in the road, running towards another northerly direction.

At this time, the sun just revealed an orange arc on the horizon, with a warm light on the horizon, and the unparalleled beauty of the Central Siberian Plateau was exposed to everyone's vision.

Despite being close to the city, this vast wilderness still maintains its ancient original appearance, and there is no trace of human beings.The vast and rugged mountains, endless green coniferous forests, countless flowing water and canyons make people who drive in it feel like they are on an unknown planet.

No one paid much attention to this magnificent scene, they just subconsciously looked at the place where the sun rose.

Cheng Mo looked at the sunlight coming in from the car window, as if he felt the beauty of gold shining in front of his eyes!

Without warning, the radio in the train started to sound. After a burst of electric current, inexplicable music sounded. First, there was a fast piano sound, like the hurried footsteps at midnight, followed by rushing drums and faint cymbals. , the crisp sound is like continuous raindrops, and then it cuts into the tearing tone produced by the painful friction between the bow and the strings.

This eerie music is like a divine call, no, it should be the whisper of the devil, but it is disguised as a holy one.

Everyone stopped in the sudden music, listened carefully, and then looked at each other.

Accompanied by the music, a hoarse and torn English chant sounded:
"In the spring of [-], Pasternak to Tsvetaeva
How hastily we were orphans.Marina,

This is the last time I call your name.

Snow falls on my rusty trachea and lungs,

Speak: tonight my voice is a stopped train,
Your name is the long border of Russia.

I imagine our meeting behind a grand death
The spear of the rose pierced his great heart;

On the spring night of [-], we met at the frontier

so missed

This world roaring towards the end.

And tonight, you're dance music and the world is wrong.

Lilies bloom when the New Year's bell strikes

—who by his death announced the end of the century,

rather than our awkward existence.

Why should I be silent with you?

When the waltz starts, I'm taking the curtain call.

Because tonight, you are spinning and I am lost. "

When you switch partners, I'll be in the message book of the world
Erase my name.

Marina, the Ball at the Frontier
Stop, the heavy snow falls to our respective lonely fates.

I sang of the cold spring,

I sang about our ruins

...and then I will be silent again. "

The voice on the radio disappeared for a while, and when the music gradually died down, the weird voice sounded again: "Hey! Friends! Good morning, a piece of "Pasternak to Tsvetaye Baby" to everyone on this train, I think on this morning, on this bright and clear morning, I should introduce myself grandly to everyone, maybe some people have heard my name, don't be surprised Cheers; maybe some of you haven't heard my name, that's okay, I think you'll remember my name!"

"My name is Sith - Sith the Clown! Welcome to my party!"

(End of this chapter)

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