Rebel Demon King

Chapter 294 The Deadly Game of the Death Train (3)

Chapter 294 The Deadly Game of the Death Train (3)

(Thanks to "archurking" for the 10 rewards, two-in-one update, there will be a bigger update in [-] minutes, and the number of words will be supplemented. This time it is really a big climax!)
Although it is only four o'clock in the morning Moscow time, the skyline has already begun to turn white. Russia's borders are too long. When Lake Baikal enters the dawn, Moscow's nightlife has just reached its peak.

The K20 train runs east along the lush coniferous forest, and the second round of large-scale investigation officially begins, focusing on Asians.

Cheng Mo wore a slightly loose camouflage uniform and followed Nicholas, walking at the end of the team. It was easier than he and Nicholas imagined to sneak into the team.

After all, gangsters are not state violence agencies. The organization is not strict, and the communication is not smooth and timely. The train is still composed of several gangsters. Vigilant, but suspicious of each other, entering a chaotic state of mutual distrust.

In addition, the members of the Wolf Gang, including the death of Valuev, are the most suspected skinheads. Originally, the Wolf Gang and the skinheads were at odds with each other because of the territory. As long as Valuev met together, he would never stop talking.When Valuev died in the No. 16 carriage, the first ones to arrive were Nicholas from the Wild Wolf Gang and the skinheads, which made the skinheads even more suspicious.

Later, when Nicholas was questioned by a group of people, Nicholas followed what Lin Zhinuo taught him and pretended to be ignorant. In a word, he said that the members of the Wild Wolf Gang would die as soon as they passed by, and they were all knocked out by the mysterious man .

Such a bizarre and incomplete statement sounds like an excuse, which makes other gangs almost convinced that the skinheads are secretly playing tricks, but it was the Wild Wolf Gang that was wiped out, and other gangs don’t need them to help uphold justice. They wished that the conflict between the skinheads and the wolf gang would become more severe, so no one said anything, they just secretly guarded against the unruly skinheads, and also strengthened their defenses against other gangs.

Therefore, at this time, the entire K20 train barely maintains a fragile balance. If it were not for the fear that the struggle between the gangs would cause riots on the entire train and make the entire operation go to waste, these gangsters would have fought each other long ago.

The infighting between gangsters is a great benefit for Cheng Mo, but it is not enough. Assuming that the second round of investigation still follows the rules of the first round of investigation, a gang can only send one person to follow, and multiple gangs are strictly prohibited. In order to avoid competition when someone is found, the possibility of Cheng Mo wanting to sneak into the team is much lower.

But before the second round of investigation started, Yevgeny, at the instigation of Nicholas, made a suggestion that the three major gangs in Moscow should have the right to send more people. At this time, the Wild Wolf Gang has actually lost the qualification to compete and was excluded. , On K20, there are only three members left in the entire Wild Wolf Gang.

Therefore, Yevgeny suggested that the three largest gangs on the train, the Tomahawk Gang, the Skinheads, and the Tariel Gang, could send more people to the investigation team to guard against passengers who were troubled by the train. Beat up.

Seeing that the skinheads did not hesitate to offend other small gangs and the Wild Wolf Gang took the initiative to break the balance, the Tomahawk Gang and the Tariel Gang naturally would not object to such a thing that was obviously beneficial to them, and neither made a sound, while the other small gangs saw The skinheads could even wipe out the Wild Wolf Gang, so they didn't dare to speak out against them, and they would be wiped out by the group of lunatics led by Yevgeny.

In the end, the three major gangs can send four people to each of the two review teams. Now it is too easy for Cheng Mo to get in. No one cares about the addition of a little guy who can only hold a gun and has no right to speak. Well, no one else dares to tell skinheads what to do.

Cheng Mo, wearing a hat, was sandwiched between Nicholas and Ivan. The team of almost twenty people was too huge. No one noticed that an Asian was mixed among a group of Russians. Everyone was staring at the KGB agent at the front. , looking forward to what clues he can find out.

No one knows that the person who has the most clues is Cheng Mo who is at the end. At present, only he knows that Shirkov is a master of women's clothing; only he knows that Shirkov is near the No. Far; maybe only he knows that Shirkov is left-handed, and Shirkov's pupils are very likely to be blue.

Cheng Mo believes that as long as he is given a chance to see Shirkov, he will definitely recognize Shirkov.

The front of the line has already entered the No. [-] car, and the inspection of the first room is about to start, but many people are still crowded at the junction of the cars.

"I don't know why, but my hands are already sweating nervously, just like the first time I hit someone with a billiard stick when I was in junior high school. At that time, I didn't join the skinheads, but I worshiped a skinhead's billiards master As a billiards master, my master lost to another group of billiards masters that night. They made a trap for my master to play. First, I lost several rounds to my master, and then played a big one in the last hand, pretending Confused by losing, he pushed all his own women to the top. My master thought he had the chance to win, but in the end he lost in a mess. So he was not reconciled and he relied on the number of people, so he fought with the other party. Although it was not my first time This is the first fight, but it is the first time to see a dead person." Nicholas recalled the past with Cheng Mo in a low voice, and he didn't know why he said this to this boy, maybe the boy in front of him had a calming temperament.

It's a pity that he turned his head and saw that expressionless face, as if he had no interest in what he said at all.

Nicholas thought he had said something wrong, he recalled it carefully, shrugged his shoulders as if he had suddenly realized, looked back at Cheng Mo and said with a smile: "Cheng, I didn't mean that, I didn't think you put My own woman was pushed up. To be honest, you are really enviable. I really don’t know how you met such a beautiful girl? You are also devoted to you. When she carried you behind her back yesterday, she didn’t complain. , she was obviously very tired, but she kept clenching her teeth and persisted, never letting go of her hand. Let me tell you, you can tell from her expression that she cares about you very much, there are not many good girls like you now."

"Mr. Nicholas, I think you should focus on finding Shirkov. The matter of an Asian is not your concern." Cheng Mo couldn't help interrupting Nicholas' sincere praise in a cold voice.

Seeing that Chengmo mentioned the word "Asian", Nicholas quickly explained: "Cheng, I think you have misunderstood me. In fact, I have no prejudice against other ethnic groups. The reason why I joined the skinhead party is because my master is Skinheads, and at that time the government actually supported skinheads. What did I know when I was young? Naturally, give me food, and I will join whoever can protect me. So don’t misunderstand that I am a racist After finishing speaking, Nicholas made a cross on his chest again, "Everyone is the father's people. How long has it been since I went to church? After I got off the bus, I will definitely go to the church to worship, and I will go to the priest to confess and hope that God the Father forgive my sins."

Cheng Mo was a little speechless. These people had no sense of crisis. They didn't realize how unsafe they were, although they knew more than ordinary people.But the real rulers of this car haven't made a sound yet. Those rulers are watching coldly from high places, and when the dust settles, they will jump out to reap the results.

Even if there is no Chosen One, between gangsters, gangsters and ordinary passengers, as long as a gun goes off, it will be a catastrophe. Everyone in it knows that Shirkov can be found whether they can find it or not. For them It's all a disaster, but these people seem to be blinded, they can't see anything, and they are reluctant to give up the plan for a long time. Not only do they not stop the loss as soon as possible, but they also hope to gain something.

This made Cheng Mo have to sigh: Human greed has really changed for thousands of years, and it is in line with Kahneman's law of risk as always (Note 1).

Because they are at the end of the line, at the moment they are still next to the unrecognizable box in the 8th car, the blood left on the ground and some garbage left after the explosion have not been cleaned up, and it is not known where the conductors are hiding. .

Behind them at the city gate were noisy passengers, those who had no intention of sleeping stretched out their heads to look at the group of them, and some even threw an empty mineral water bottle and hit them on the back.

Seeing that the team is stuck here and not moving, Cheng Mo said to Nicholas: "We have to go ahead and have a look."

Nicholas said that there is no problem, stretched out his hand to push away the people in front of him, and said loudly: "Hey! Hey! You little bastards, either move forward quickly, or give way quickly."

The people standing in front looked back and saw that it was Nicholas, a skinhead. They turned their bodies away one after another. Cheng Mo lowered his hat a little, held the muzzle of the AK47 up on his cheek, and followed Nicholas with his head down. behind.

The eyes of everyone subconsciously avoided the muzzle of the gun, so Cheng Mo followed Nicholas and squeezed to the front without any danger.But it still didn't help in the No. [-] car. The corridor was too narrow, there were too many people at the door, and they were all a group of big men with guns. It was an impossible task to approach by force.

Nicholas watched a group of reckless men crowding the door, touched his bald head and said, "This is not easy!"

Cheng Mo also felt that this kind of situation was inappropriate to approach, so he hesitated for a while and had to settle for the next best thing, "It's okay, I'll just go in and have a look after the experts have finished their investigation."

"Just take a look?" Nicholas asked suspiciously.

Cheng Mo nodded and said, "It should be almost there!"

Nicholas shook his head and said, "It's almost impossible. Since two eyes are not enough, you have to go ahead no matter what." He turned around and snapped his fingers at Ivan, and said, "Hey! My little Ivan, let Cheng see and see The prestige of our skinheads!"

Ivan, who is also bald, put on a camouflage field cap in order to cooperate with Cheng Mott, like an ostrich egg with a small milk pot in the basket. He grinned, raised the AK47 and moved towards the side window glass without warning. Shots were fired, the sound of violent gunshots and glass cracking startled a group of people in the corridor, and all the people in the corridor suddenly panicked and squatted down
Except for the four of them skinheads.

Nicholas said loudly amidst the appalling gunshots: "Are you f*cking crowded together to peek at the woman taking a bath? Stand apart from me, and be careful not to be killed by the uncle's bullets."

Only then did the people in the corridor realize that someone was not attacking, but someone was pretending to be B, and they all looked up at the only four people who were still standing.

Nicholas calmly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Ivan heard the string song and knew the elegance, stopped shooting, and immediately stretched out the red barrel to light the cigarette for Nicholas. Nicholas took a puff very coolly. , he lifted his foot and walked past the squatting crowd, leading Cheng Mo towards the door of private rooms 1-4.

However, the Russians still followed suit, shrinking back one after another, letting Nicholas and his party pass by.

Cheng Mo was a little speechless, it was too shameful, no wonder the Kuaishou earthy video was full of gangsters pretending to be B, it turned out that they were really good at pretending to be B, and integrated B into their lives.

A middle-level leader of the Tomahawk gang poked his head out from the private room, and said with a sneer: "I thought who was so powerful, it turned out to be the big star Nicholas." Amrov Nicholas and Hollywood star Nicolas Cage did He looks a little bit like Nicolas Cage with a bald head, short face and low profile, so people who know him jokingly call him a "big star", saying that he can only put on a show, what do you really want him to do? , is not very capable, in fact, it is a kind of irony.

But Nicholas is not disgusted with this nickname. In order to attract attention, he deliberately mocked and smiled: "Lazarev, I haven't settled the bill with you at the Sequoia Nightclub last time. Don't wait until you get off the train. Let's go, let's have a good drink!"

Lazarev looked at Nicholas's inverted triangular eyes, and said not to be outdone, "Get off the train? I hope you still survive to get off the train!"

"Me? Of course I will die, but you, the scenery of Siberia is so beautiful, it is suitable to be your cemetery. You go down so that you can be with Valuev."

"I didn't expect Valuev to be killed by you. Principal Pamoshev will definitely not let you go!" Lazarev said with a sneer.

Nicholas smiled and said, "Don't plant it on me"

While Nicholas was helping to divert his attention, Cheng Mo looked into the private room. He carefully observed the KGB interrogating a Russian. First of all, he used the obvious identification method. One of the characteristics of left-handers is that the left and right hands are unbalanced. There will be slight color differences, the thickness of the arms will be different, and the calluses of the two hands will also be different.Of course, this characteristic needs to be analyzed in conjunction with specific occupational characteristics. For example, golf gloves are worn on the left hand, and if left-handed, it is on the right hand. Generally, the left arm of a chef is more developed than the right arm, and the opposite is true for left-handed people.

It is obvious that the four people in this room can be excluded. Cheng Mo feels a little regretful, but the No. own judgment.

However, the next boxes No. 5-8 are not available either.

You don't even need to look at boxes 9-12, which is Evans' box.

But when the big troops moved to this box, Cheng Mo was the most nervous. If Xie Minyun revealed his secrets, then he just had to force Nicholas to join him in setting off a riot on the entire train ahead of time. Although he is a selfish person He is an activist, but it does not mean that there is no bottom line, and he can sacrifice unrelated people, but for those who have helped him sincerely, Cheng Mo still repays his kindness.

 Kahneman's Law of Risk: It was proposed by American economists Kahneman (Daniel Kahneman) and Tversky (Tversky), which means that ordinary people always avoid risks as much as possible when faced with gains, and when faced with losses And the irrational psychological factors that like to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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