Rebel Demon King

Chapter 279 Death Train (15)

Chapter 279 Death Train (15)

(Because it is a two-in-one update, it took a long time to write, and I owe eighteen more, please recommend a monthly ticket, please subscribe!)
It was four past ten in the morning Moscow time.

This is the darkest moment of the day and the closest to the light. K20 is running towards the east of the sunrise. Although it is fast enough, it cannot really bring the train closer to the light.

In the No. 20 carriage of K18, after Morris hung up the call, he said to Napoleon VII: "Your Highness, all the information has been entered into the computer and sent to the headquarters in France. The information will be checked immediately."

Napoleon VII was checking the situation in the train through the hidden camera on his subordinates. He just nodded slightly when he heard Morris' report. He didn't go out in person because he didn't want to have a deeper relationship with the Russian underworld. As for why this time When I came to Russia, I didn’t go to the Russian government because the relationship between the European nobles and the Russian government has always been bad. The reason is naturally that the Bolsheviks secretly executed the last Tsar Nicholas II’s family.

This is the bloodiest massacre in European history. The execution of the whole family without any public trial shocked the whole of Europe. For the European nobles who have countless blood ties, this is tantamount to blood feud .

Therefore, Napoleon VII would rather find people from the Russian gangsters than Russian officials.

Standing behind Napoleon VII holding the seven-star scepter, Morris glanced at the video. The scene on the train was a bit chaotic, so he asked, "Your Highness, who do you think killed the conductor? It would be Silko. Husband and Cao county agents?"

"Although there is such a possibility, I think it is more like the method of the Russian gangsters. Cao County agents generally prefer to use poison instead of explosions. Besides, killing the train conductor has no obvious benefits for Shirkov to escape from Russia."

"But why did the Russian gangsters kill the train conductor? Is this beneficial to them?" Morris was not good at thinking about these complicated intrigue issues, so he asked in confusion.

Morris doesn't look smart, but he is a rare fighting genius. Although the fighting skills, group damage and destructive power are far inferior to other skills, they are still very strong alone.

In the past, Bruce Lee relied on his extraordinary fighting talent to win consecutive battles in the arena solo row and hit the top [-] in the sky list. Many people even believed that he could become the first person in history to win the challenge with his fighting skills. A person with the qualifications of a god general, unfortunately, because his tricks are so unique, he was easily recognized by others, so he was assassinated at home and became experience points. Even his son Li Guohao did not escape the assassination. destiny.

"It's hard to say. In fact, the death of the train conductor is really strange. Maybe he had a grudge against someone long ago and was killed by someone, maybe it was really a coincidence. Many things have coincidences, but we When I saw the process of pursuing the results, I found that all of this is as inevitable as fate, and history is created in this way." Napoleon VII said with a sigh.

Morris did not expect that the always wise Prince Napoleon would just give an ambiguous answer. He thought His Royal Highness must have seen through who killed the conductor. He didn't know that no one in this car cared about the conductor. Life and death, no one cares who killed him, everyone only cares about where Shirkov is hiding.

"His Royal Highness, assuming that the conductor of the train was killed by a special agent from Cao County, would it be possible to find Shirkov after knowing the other party's motive for the murder?"

Napoleon VII shook his head, "Finding a breakthrough from the death of the train conductor is only a possible direction, and a simple, rude and unreasonable search, forcing the other party to respond, is a simple way that will definitely be useful. It is self-evident how to choose

"Then you think these Russian gangsters can find Shirkov?"

"It's much more hopeful than the conventional way." Napoleon VII frowned when he saw the video showing Russian gangsters tampering with ordinary passengers and even deliberately humiliating them, and said into the microphone: "Galbien, what are you calling Don't go too far with these gangsters!"

"Okay, Your Royal Highness." Galbien, the curly-haired carrier, replied immediately.

Napoleon VII knew that he could not stop the gangsters from going too far, but he did not release this uncontrollable beast, so he didn't feel too much guilt, he just restrained the beast's behavior with the utmost benevolence.

As most nobles do, they can be expected to make some superficial devotion to charity, but they can never be expected to empathize with the common people when they are in trouble.

Napoleon VII turned his head to look at the dark night outside the window, and said in his heart: "One cannot reach the dawn except by the road through the night."

At this moment, for Cheng Mo, there are still 10 minutes before dawn, but this is an extremely difficult and long 10 minutes, and 10 minutes is enough for many things to happen.

Assuming that Valuev was not specially notified by the former KGB agent to come to the NO.16 compartment, then there is a high chance that Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo will be seen by Napoleon VII and give Xie Minyun a helping hand. Napoleon VII is Absolutely not stingy, even Cheng Mo can activate the carrier.

Unfortunately, as Napoleon VII said, "Many things happen by chance", so Cheng Mo must face this fateful scene.

Facing the brutal interrogation of Valuev.

In rooms 41-42, the lights are bright, and outside the windows is the fast-moving darkness. The glass reflects the profiles of two people, Cheng Mo and Valuev’s. As for Xie Minyun, he is standing on the bed with his hands behind his back against the corner of the carriage. .

Xie Minyun could occasionally see the bright red signal lights outside the window flashing past Valuev's pale side face, and when that mass of red just appeared on his long and deep scar, it looked like blood stains wiped away by hands .

This scene made Xie Minyun feel piercingly cold. She regretted not listening to Cheng Mo and got off in Yekaterinburg, and she was glad that she did not leave Cheng Mo alone on the K20. She didn't know that she was being embraced by Valuev How does Cheng Mo feel, but she knows that if it is her, she would rather die.

Cheng Mo was far more calm and composed than Xie Minyun had imagined. Even if the people arranged by Li Jiting were indifferent, Cheng Mo knew that he only had to persist for 10 to [-] minutes. At that time, Valuev was just a poor flea.

He began to count down in his heart, preparing to ring Valueev's death knell. "The villain dies because of talking too much" is really an unbreakable truth.

But there is no male protagonist who can win so easily, not in novels, not to mention in reality, in fact, many male protagonists died so tragically in reality that people in later generations have to make movies to remember him, such as*** , such as ****, such as Lu Luxiu, such as Kaneki Ken, such as Ito Makoto
"Hey! Don't talk about the trip anymore, let's talk about something else, something I don't know?" Valuev shrugged Cheng Mo's shoulders, and then pretended to be relaxed.

"You don't.know.things.things?" Cheng Mo pretended to be afraid of stuttering responses in a low voice. He was guessing why the other party came, and the reason for the Evans family was the biggest, so he When thinking about how to make the answering process longer, pretending to stutter is a good choice.

"Yes, something I didn't know!"

"I don' " Cheng Mo continued to pretend to be stupid.

Valuev grabbed Cheng Mo's hair, pulled his drooping head up, then took out a switchblade from his waist, pressed lightly, and a cold light flashed across Cheng Mo's eyes. The blade stuck to Cheng Mo's cheek, "Baby! This is my hint."

Cheng Mo seemed to be really frightened, and said in extreme horror: "Right. No. Sorry! I. Don't. Should. Should. Go to the club. Club. Watch. Undress. Dance. That. Yes. Don't. People. Take. Me. Go."

Valuev interrupted Cheng Mo, and said impatiently: "I said don't talk about travel anymore, talk about this train. And I hate stuttering, so you'd better speak quickly if it wasn't for me If you can't read English, I'll cut off your tongue right now, so you can only talk to me with your hands!"

Cheng Mo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "I didn't do anything after I got on the train. I went to the dining car for two. Tw. meals. I was in Yekaterinburg. Because of the long parking time, I went down and bought one by one. doll."

Xie Minyun, who was standing in the corner, never expected such a situation to happen, her mind went blank.
Seeing that Valuev didn't speak, Cheng Mo continued: "When I was eating in the dining car, I met an American family who also went to China, so I chatted with them. We talked about China tourism."

Valuev squeezed Cheng Mo's chin, and smashed his head on the blue wooden wall of the private room. There was a heavy "boom" in the narrow private room, and then Valuev swiftly pressed the dagger against it. With Cheng Mo's face stuck on the wall, the sharp dagger cut through the white and transparent skin under Cheng Mo's ears, leaving a light bloodstain.

Valuev watched the bright red blood seep out of the scratch, and said expressionlessly: "It's another trip, this damn trip." He grabbed Cheng Mo's throat, stared into Cheng Mo's eyes and said coldly : "You may not have such good luck next time, so children, you have to say the key point, how do you know that there are more people from the Wolf Gang on the bus? Why did you tell them to get off in Yekaterinburg, but you didn't get off the bus yourself of"

Cheng Mo didn't feel pain at the moment when the blade brushed his cheek, even now he still didn't feel pain, because his brain was running fast, thinking about other things, and he couldn't receive the signal of pain at all.

But Xie Minyun, whose brain was in a panic, was awakened by fright. She didn't expect that the policeman in front of her would be so vicious. Seeing that Cheng Mo almost cut off half of his ear with a knife, Xie Minyun was furious. She completely forgot the danger, and didn't care about the other party The real policeman or the fake policeman raised his foot and kicked Valuev on the back, kicked him away from Cheng Mo's side, kicked him off the bed, and fell on the opposite Cheng Mo's bed.

Valuev did not expect Xie Minyun to fight back at all, and was kicked off the bed unexpectedly, but this little injury to him could only make him more excited. He stood up quickly, turned around and looked at Xie Minyun licking He licked his lips and showed a piercing smile, "It seems that you are lying! You are definitely not ordinary friends." Valuev twirled the pocket knife, and said softly to Xie Minyun: "So, baby, you have to accept punishment Oh!"

In Xie Minyun's view, Valuev's interrogation has completely exceeded the limit, and she has already grasped the truth, so she does not need to be afraid of Valuev at all, so she said coldly: "He has a heart disease, don't scare him like this." He... Besides, you have no right to abuse lynching!"

"Really? Then what should I do? You mean, if I let him go, I should do something to you?" Valuev looked up and down Xie Minyun, who was standing on the bed condescendingly, with an ambiguous tone Said.

Xie Minyun pulled out the fruit knife on his back, held it in front of his chest, and threatened: "What do you want to do? I warn you, don't even try to touch me."

Valuev looked at Xie Minyun's hard and beautiful face, exuding a charming holy light, and said with a sinister smile: "Oh! Baby, put down the knife quickly, don't hurt yourself, my punishment for you is not so cruel , I won't scratch your pretty face, don't worry, I promise to love you very much!"

Seeing that Valuev shifted his target to Xie Minyun, Cheng Mo sighed in his heart, thinking that she shouldn't be troublesome, as long as he let him delay for more than ten minutes, everything would be easy to talk about, but now Xie Minyun actually sacrificed himself for him. Putting it in a dangerous situation, even if this kind of behavior is stupid, Cheng Mo can't just sit idly by, he said: "The reason why I know about the Wild Wolf Gang is because I heard from a friend that the members of the Wild Wolf Gang like to hang on their shoulders." A dagger is tattooed on it, which means that they have killed people, and the blood drops on the tip of the dagger represent how many people they have killed. Vince's American."

Valuev turned his head slightly to look at Cheng Mo, smiled, put away the folding knife, then took off the camouflage uniform and threw it on Cheng Mo's bed, revealing the white vest and two colorful flower arms inside, Suddenly a black dagger pierced his neck, and then he tore his vest, and said with a smile, "Is this the tattoo?"

Both Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo saw that there were more than ten drops of red blood under the black dagger tattooed on the shoulder, flowing over Valuev's high shoulder blades and his strong chest muscles. It hangs down to Valuev's six-pack abs. Both of them are a little shocked. Killing more than a dozen people can be called a murderous maniac.

Valuev was even happier because of the terrified expressions of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun. He spread his hands and looked at Xie Minyun and said lightly: "Baby, you have to put down your knife, take off your clothes, and let me check if you have any scars on you." For other weapons, of course, by the way, we need to check if you are Chu, if you are, it means that you are not cheating me. I will take back the punishment for you." Valuev smiled cruelly at Cheng Mo, Then he looked at Xie Minyun who was trembling all over and said, "Otherwise, I will break your little lover's delicate neck."

Xie Minyun's face had turned pale at this time. She never thought that she would fall into such a dangerous situation. Her brain fell into a blank again. In her panic, she subconsciously remembered what Cheng Mo said, "I am Napoleon Friend of the Prince, I order you to leave now."

Valuev froze for a moment, but he was not Gregory, and he had no idea what Prince Napoleon represented. He just obeyed the boss's order and gave the nobleman who had given money a little bit of noodles. Valuev said with a "haha" smile: "This is Russia, not France. Not to mention Napoleon VII, even if Napoleon I came, I would bury him in the Siberian wasteland."

After a pause, Valuev reached out to take the knife in Xie Minyun's hand, "Baby, you have no choice"

Naturally, Xie Minyun wouldn't give it up. With a quick wave, he directly cut the tip of Valuev's middle finger and ring finger, and immediately bright red blood oozed out, spreading a thread on the edge of the bed and the floor.

Valuev put his finger into his mouth and sucked it. Looking at Xie Minyun's sweaty face, he smiled and said, "What do you mean? Are you forcing me? I'll cut off your little lover's ear right now." , let you understand who you are against!"

After speaking, Valuev took out his folding knife from his pocket again and pointed it at Cheng Mo. At this time, Cheng Mo said in Chinese as if frightened: "Xie Minyun, quickly put down the safety measures. Don't make any mistakes. Life is coming!"

Xie Minyun suddenly heard Cheng Mo's strange words, hesitated for a moment, and immediately remembered what Li Jiting said to Cheng Mo when he said goodbye. She thought it was just a disgusting joke, but now it seems that she may have misunderstood, but Should I believe Cheng Mo?But don't believe that you can survive?

Xie Minyun hesitated.

Seeing this, Cheng Mo immediately said in English: "Put down the knife, put down the knife, please save me!"

Valuev looked at Cheng Mo, and saw that he seemed to be begging Xie Minyun, so the smile on his face was even stronger. He enjoyed the scene very much, "Look...your little lover is begging you, you Do you have the heart to watch him struggle to die in front of you?"

Xie Minyun held the knife in both hands and held it in front of her chest. The salty sweat made her eyes a little uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to reach out to wipe it. Her hair was already completely wet, sticking to her cheeks in strands. It added a delicate and pitiful feeling to her slightly stern face, and her moist skin was even more radiant under the fluorescent lamp.

She rolled her eyes a little, and glanced at Cheng Mo. At this moment, the eyes of the two met in the air for a moment. Cheng Mo's eyes were not as nervous as she thought. His eyes were so calm that Xie Minyun was a little surprised. Cheng Mo Mo's excessive calm made Xie Minyun's heartbeat that was about to burst a little calmer.

"Maybe I should believe him!" Xie Minyun thought carefully again.

Cheng Mo begged again in English: "Senior sister, I beg you, please put down the knife."

Xie Minyun bit her lip, determined to put all her eggs in one basket and believe in Cheng Mo, so she lowered her hand and dropped the knife at Valuev's feet.

Valuev kicked the fruit knife under the bed. Seeing that Xie Minyun seemed to give up resistance, he turned his head to look at Cheng Mo with a cruel smile and said, "Go away, keep your eyes open, and let me teach you next." , how to be a real man"

After finishing speaking, he untied his belt and was about to take off his pants. The main reason was that the opposite side was two young men who didn't know much about the world, and Cheng Mo was too thin and weak, so Valueev had no defense at all. Heart.

Xie Minyun's heart was already in her throat, she folded her hands on her chest, trembling all over, staring closely at Cheng Mo, expecting a miracle to happen.

Cheng Mo tremblingly got up from Xie Minyun's bed with his head lowered, and then passed behind Valuev. At this moment, he took out a small Taurus curve pistol from his pocket and pointed it at Valuev. Looking at the husband's broad tattooed back, he calmly opened the safety, loaded it, then pulled the trigger, and fired three shots in a row. In an instant, the strong Valuev fell to his knees on the ground.

The subtle flame flickered at the muzzle of the gun, and the sound of the gun sang a sharp melody amidst the sonorous tones of the speeding train. The sky outside the window was also a little pale, as if dawn was coming soon.

At this time, loud inquiries in Russian sounded outside the door, followed by a hasty knock on the door.

Cheng Mo counted down in his heart, there were still four minutes and 25 seconds before his carrier was activated
(End of this chapter)

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