Rebel Demon King

Chapter 278 Death Train (14)

Chapter 278 Death Train (14)

(Two-in-one update, there will be another update around 3 pm)

However, at this point in time, no one thought that the situation would rapidly develop to an uncontrollable level, and all the condescending people thought that everything was within their control.

Whether it is Napoleon VII on K20, or Boris, the flag bearer of the sunflower flag nicknamed "Garden Master" in Moscow.

It seems that Li Jiting, who is on 240, also thinks so.

"Team leader, something happened on K20!" Yan Funing turned to call Li Jiting who seemed to be sleeping soundly on the bed.

Li Jiting didn't even raise his eyelids, he closed his eyes and asked, "What's the matter? Did you find Shirkov?"

"Not yet. Miss Xie Minyun, who you want us to monitor, is now in danger. According to the information sent back by the Qianlong Group [-], it should be a gangster disguised as a Russian policeman who suddenly inspected Miss Xie Minyun's box."

Li Jiting said "Oh!", and said without the slightest emotional fluctuation: "Tell the members of Qianlong Group [-] to stand still and find Shirkov as the top priority. Don't worry about Miss Xie Minyun and her little partner. They have their own responsibility." capacity."

"Obey!" Yan Funing quickly conveyed Li Jiting's words to the three members of Qianlong's second team. Janova.

After sending the message, Yan Funing saw that Cheng Mo had opened the door a crack, hesitated and asked: "Leader, then we don't do anything?"

"Turn off the surveillance, and then take a nap. When our 240 enters West Siberia, there will be a tough battle to fight." Li Jiting still did not open his eyes, lying on the bed and said.

"Don't worry about what happened on K20?" Yan Funing was very surprised.

Li Jiting curled his lips and smiled, "The other ethos of our Qianlong team is not good, only the unconditional trust in teammates is not bad. Some people criticize us for being too united, but how can a good team do without being united ? Xiaoyan, although you were temporarily recruited due to lack of manpower, I still hope that you can completely regard yourself as a member of Qianlong team and integrate into this group during my time under my command."

"Follow orders, team leader!"

"How many times have I said it, there is no need to be so rigid, Qianlong group is really casual"

"Okay, team leader!"

"Do you know why they didn't call me team leader?" Li Jiting didn't continue to doze off this time, but opened his eyes and sat up, looking at the long-haired man who was sleeping on the upper bunk and had entered the "sleep" mode, activating the carrier to perform tasks and a man with glasses.

"do not know!"

Li Jiting said with a smile: "Because they think it's too embarrassing to go out and call my team leader. You see, there are so many officials in the capital, and the ministers are not rare. Every time they go out, they call me the team leader. They think it makes them lose their status, so I would rather call me the boss, or at least the head will sound more imposing!"

Yan Funing also smiled, "I understand, boss"

Seeing that Yan Funing hadn't closed the computer, Li Jiting took out a pack of cigarettes from the bed and asked, "Do you mind?" Li Jiting knew that Yan Funing didn't smoke, so he didn't pass the cigarettes to Yan Funing.

Yan Funing shook his head, "I don't mind."

Li Jiting hesitated for a moment, but he pushed back the half-smoked cigarette, "Forget it, I don't want to smoke." Throwing the white and blue three-five back to the pillow, Li Jiting looked at Yan Funing again and said, "If you can't sleep, you can Let's talk, how is studying at Imperial College? What are your plans after graduation?"

"Study is just like that, as for graduation, I haven't thought about it yet!"

Li Jiting shook his head and said with a smile: "Be humble, be humble! I still know about your achievements." Then Li Jiting blinked and asked: "Are you interested in lurking in the UK and officially becoming a member of our Qianlong team?" a member of the

Hearing the invitation from Li Jiting, Yan Funing hesitated and said: "I want to go back to China even more. I promised my family members will not stay abroad."

Li Jiting didn't regret being rejected by Yan Funing, and said with a smile: "It's not bad to go back to China. The environment in China is good now, and there are many benefits. For the sake of the family, it is really much better to go back to China. Do you remember that you have a younger sister in your profile?"

Yan Funing smiled dotingly and nodded, "A little idiot."


At the same time, Cheng Mo on the K20 still doesn't know that he is facing the biggest test in his life. He doesn't know that the Qianlong team next to him won't help him, let alone that in Italy, After Li Jiting made a phone call with Wang Jinyan, the bodyguards protecting Xie Minyun had already withdrawn. What Li Jiting told him about Xie Minyun's bodyguards was a fiction.

In fact, at this moment, he has fallen into a situation of isolation and helplessness, and can only rely on himself.

Maybe there is also Xie Minyun who seems unreliable to him.

So, actually in the moment.

open the door?Do not open the door?
For Cheng Mo, it is a dilemma.

Originally, he shouldn't have fallen into such a dilemma, but Cheng Mo was induced by Li Jiting's wrong information and made a series of choices that are not considered correct at the moment. If he hadn't been misled by Li Jiting, he would have chosen Xie Minyun immediately. Go to Prince Napoleon for asylum. After all, face and finding Shirkov are trivial things compared to life.

It's just that there are no ifs in the world.

Therefore, he can only rush to the end in a narrow passage without many choices, no matter where the train of fate will go.

Right now, Cheng Mo doesn't fully understand his own situation, so he didn't close the door after seeing the members of the Wild Wolf Gang in camouflage uniforms, but opened the door after a little hesitation. In his opinion, he has a lot of cards , is not the time to turn up the cards.

Valuev, the Wolf of the Caucasus, who was standing at the door, hadn't waited for Cheng Mo to fully open the door. He reached out and grabbed the door frame the moment Cheng Mo removed the anti-theft chain, and pulled the door open. Cheng Mo's small arms and legs, naturally Valuev's opponent, who was not so strong and fierce, was caught off guard, and immediately retreated to Xie Minyun's bedside.

In order to dress up as a policeman, Valuev shaved off all the beard on his face, leaving only a blue chin and a scar from the root of his right ear to the corner of his mouth, which made his flat face look extraordinarily ferocious. Like other Russians, he has deep facial features, and he has Tatar blood, and his facial features are closer to those of Asians.

He pushed the door open, grabbed the door with one hand, first checked the unobstructed box from left to right, then fixed his eyes on Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun who were sitting on the bed, and finally fixed his eyes on one hand resting on the small table on Xie Minyun's body.

That gaze was so naked that it was frightening, not pure lust, but like a beast staring at the prey under its claws.

Valuev, who was holding the door frame, opened his mouth first, then smiled in satisfaction and surprise, and then he asked amiably in Russian English with tongue-rolling words, "Can you speak Russian?"

"No." Cheng Mo quickly shook his head and said no.

Xie Minyun also realized that something was wrong, and even remembered that Cheng Mo had told her to ask him to answer the questions, so she didn't make a sound.

Valuev looked at Xie Minyun again and asked gently: "Little girl! How about you? Can you speak Russian?"

Xie Minyun turned to look at Valuev, shaking his head expressionlessly.

After getting the answer, Valuev turned his head and smiled "haha" to the people behind him, and said in Russian: "It's really unexpected, two very cute little criminals let me play, just keep guard at the door."

People behind him all know Valuev's bad taste. Not only does he have a special hobby for how to torture people, but he also likes young Chu women very much. There is no special reason, he just likes to see unworldly people With a terrified look on his face, the terrified looks of the girls would make him very satisfied, otherwise he wouldn't have asked the Wolf School to practice with innocent people.

In Valuev's view, killing without hatred or reason can temper the heart of a killer.

Valuev walked into the private room, closed the door casually, and inserted the bolt behind him. In his eyes, this pair of poor boys and girls were like trembling rabbits huddled in a corner, waiting for him to ravage them.

He sat on Cheng Mo's bed with a smile on his face, and said gently to Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun in a coaxing tone: "Kids, don't be nervous, I'm just here to chat with you, don't be afraid. Tell me now , what are you two names, where are you from?"

"Cheng Mo, Huaxia." Cheng Mo pretended to be a little nervous and replied, he read a kind of suffocating viciousness from the seemingly kind eyes of the other party.

"Xie Minyun, Huaxia." Xie Minyun remained expressionless. Although she was not sure that the other party was a fake policeman, Cong Chengmo pretended not to know Russian, and the hideous man in front of her told the people behind them that they were "very cute little policemen." "Criminal", she knew that "something will happen" as Cheng Moru predicted, but Xie Minyun did not realize the seriousness like Cheng Mo, and she knew much less information than Cheng Mo.

"Tell me, what are you doing in Russia? Where are you going now?" Valuev asked with a smile.

"We came to Russia to travel. Because it is summer vacation, we plan to cross the Eurasian continent. The starting point is France." Cheng Mo seemed to be afraid of talking about the travel process with Valuev in detail. This kind of uncharacteristic Working tirelessly is naturally to delay time.

"In my opinion, Russia is equally great. Although people always say that Paris is the capital of art, I think Moscow also deserves this title. The entire Russian society advocates art, and every family and everyone loves art, which makes Russia People find confidence and dignity in an ordinary and difficult life. The Russian family's obsession with art is completely from the heart, and they have raised their artistic accomplishment to the height of the realm of life."

Cheng Mo racked his brains to sing praises to Russia, hoping to wait until 04:30, so that he could be confident. The people next door remained silent for a long time, making it difficult for Cheng Mo to judge what kind of accident would happen.

Just when Cheng Mo was eloquent, Valuev interrupted Cheng Mo's words: "Hey! You talk too much, let this little girl talk, I can't listen to you. "

Xie Minyun said lightly: "Just like what he said, we came to Russia for tourism, all the way from Paris to Moscow, and now we are taking the train from Moscow to the capital. I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing!"

"No, no, I don't want to hear you talk about this, I want to hear you talk about something else!"

"Other?" Xie Minyun frowned.

Valuev spread his hands, "Yes, let's talk about something else, such as what is the relationship between you and this Cheng beside you?"

Such questions are routine questions, so Xie Minyun responded: "Friend."

Valuev touched his chin, shook his head and asked, "Friend? Shouldn't it be an ordinary friend?"

Li Jiting is Cheng Mo's master, and they are together because of Li Jiting, and it has nothing to do with Cheng Mo being Cheng Mo, so Xie Minyun said categorically: "It's just ordinary friends. We only know each other when we are elders. Together."

"Huh? This really surprised me! I thought you guys were boyfriend and girlfriend!"

"How could I be boyfriend and girlfriend with him?" Xie Minyun said coldly, even at this time, she was still angry with silence.

"Really?" Valuev suddenly got up and sat between Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, then turned his head to look at Xie Minyun and said softly: "So, now I need you to prove that you have no special relationship with him?"

Valuev's unexpected move made Xie Minyun's hairs stand on end. For the first time, she felt that she was standing next to a terrible abyss, and if she was not careful, she would fall into the boundless and bottomless darkness In the midst of it, she quickly stood up from the bed in fright, leaned against the corner to suppress her fear, put her right hand behind her back, touched the knife pinned behind her, and asked as calmly as possible: "What are you going to do? Please stay away from me." point!"

Valuev raised his hands, shook his head and said, "Oh! Poor child, don't be afraid, I have no malicious intentions." Then he wrapped his arms around Cheng Mo with his right hand, rubbed Cheng Mo's hair and said, "You Look, what a kind person I am." Then he kissed Cheng Mo on the head, "I just need to know your real relationship! Next is the moment to test whether you are telling the truth. If you tell lies , so sorry, children, you have to accept my punishment."

Seeing that neither Cheng Mo nor Xie Minyun wept as he expected and asked: "If you tell the truth, will you let them go!"

One lowered his head so that he couldn't see his expression, and the other looked at himself as if he was an enemy although his body was trembling slightly. Valuev was a little disappointed. He looked at Cheng Mo, then at Xie Minyun, The smile on his face gradually dissipated, and he said word by word: "If you are telling the truth, I will reward you."

(End of this chapter)

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